PAQKTWO DAILY NKW3 ffSHOS B B 1 P! r.. L. ... . For The Children Value! Quality! Durably! f$Take advantage ( thi sensational yalue. A savin r on every pair. iuit think'- Every pair Is made of fine quality leather which makes it suitable for any weather. BOULEVARD SHOES Sturdy School Oxfords for Boys and Girts. Heavy Krom-Retan Sole. Flexible bet tosgh. JACK AND JILL New shipment of Patent and Gun Metal Oxford and Straps just unpacked. Now is your chance to see them fitted. Of course you must Qot forget those shoe which you can see being fitted. Leave nothing unknown. Have them fitted with Jack and Jill. Thurston's Twice-as- Good Boots for Boys. None better! The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. TRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Edfaw SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid to advance X5.o By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line DAILY EDITION We are still Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations middle course is CANNOT t nvn Friday, Nov. 22. 193D TEXAS STATE Rev. L. C. Jensen Tells RoUrr Club Of His NatiTe Section of the Country With Its Varying Moods - According to Rev. L. C Jensen. 5 pastor oX St Paul's Lutheran Church, the state of Texas is a B huge, rich state where oranges and lemons grow, where beautiful jl flowers blown and make the warm jjjj air fragrant with semi -tropical odors. It is also a state of cotton- g fields supplying the country wit): " thirty percent of their raw cot tor H needs. Again it is a state of rolling P wheat fields where mile after mil-si of roiling gram waves in the sum-B raer breese&. Again Texas is a statr jj of rich oil fields where land at onr g time considered useless has reently g made fortunes for those who vents tured to bore. In some parts, too B particularly in the central part of the country, were picturesque mixed farms where happy settler; p lived. All this was told to tlv Phone 357 Prince Rupert Rotary Club at its a luncheon in the Commodore Cafe CMUtlMlMIMfBiB.MlTliniZCmTMIKimiKrmkminzuimTMzm yesterday. " -' In contrast with the attractive' features set out, Mr. Jenen told of the climate in the northern wheat -fields where in winter there seemed nothing between It and the North Pole but a barbed wire fence and that with the top wire down. In the j winter when the north winds blew. ' it was intensely cold. In spring1 came the period of dust storms; when the wind carried the fine dust ! across the country. It entered the houses and no place was safe from the Intrusion. Mr. Jensen said his J wife told him In the part of the 1.40 country where she lived one Sun-; J02 day last spring they saw what! .25 looked like a cloud rising. Soon the ' day became dark as night so that I In the house they could not even see the windows. The dirt drifted' along the fences like snow. Thenj came the downpourlng rain when tne "- rivers and anu creeks vrees were were swollen swollen. - "ui'u t. Dictatorships such as that of Hitler in Germany, Stalin These were- however, the unusual in, Russia and Mussolini in Italy cannot last very lone things i They were Dorh of the depression and have been kept so- nSSeJ?e' Mr Jcnsen 8sMd,hS iTby means of endless crimes. In GermanTwher'e the E5LfiiF mass of the people were opposed to the National Social- Quests were s. j. jabour and w ists, there is said to be a revulsion of opinion since the 0 Mia"dieton. spectacular rise of Der Feuhrer. Usually the end of such a man as Hitler is even more sudn than m0 a .r- and Mrs- RoiK Arthur power For those of us who live here in Canada U'der a SSSi'Saq more Stable form nf rrnvprnmfmr anrl i.n'tV. i:t,... .n . ".. n 0I1 , - o . uiiu niwi niuic uuciuj iv.J5 uy IC31UCHCC in Vancouver than in any other part of the world, it will be extremely or Victoria. interesting to watch the outcome of the movements in the ! 1 1 various countries. Greece and Austria seem to be return- " TIIT? Ka:mt?sTi ing to constitutional monarchy as a refuge from the fierce factions of the republic. No one can say what will happen in Italy after the holiday expedition to Ethiopia. Russia is developing steadily under Stalin who seems to be a wise ruler although an autocratic one and often cruel. The whole European situation is very interesting but with Britain and France using all their influence for peace there is little danger of a general outbreak of war THE MIDDLE ROUTE During the last election we often mentioned the desirability of taking the middle course which was that of Liberalism politically. Our position was challenged and a Hible quotation was flung at us which commenced "Be- i-tiuoc ljiuu wert nenner not nor cold. ' RUPERT BUTCHERS J07 Third Avenue Phone 21 Phone 21 Quality and Service Unsurpassed Saturday Specials NO. I STEEK BEEF T-Bone Roast convinced that in most walks of life the Prims Rib Roast per lb. the all-round student, the , one who excels physically men- Sirloln 11p tally and spiritually, Too much of a swing to the ",c physical Tfi "V flfistrnvs cnMrTnl rV' 7"r" Py"Vai Fot c tno Roast- UUMI o m imcucjes witn me ' mentality, Too much devotion to the mental side of education with Bon ner bkC lb neelect of the physical means an. unbalanced person. i per ib.' lakj the matter of business. Tho man who is too keen Freh Beef Llver on making money and not keen enough on giving service per ?b- : will very soon have no opportunity to make money or Pork w Rast give If a person is so keen on giving service S that hp netrlects to look after his own finances he goes PoVkChopsT out ot .business. It is fclie middle course that is the reallv - Pr lb- J Successful one. iPork Shoulder Roa; The same principle can be anplied to everv walk of life I " - " ' I he middle course is usually the most satisfactory. Veai Lg noas r per lb. w . - . j 4i4mf 44444lnm4t44. ,LoIn Roast Veal Best .Christmas Gift - . a season of the year when people are sel- of Si iorW.ChrfStma 6iaS t0 80 10 "en parts May we suggest that nothing Is so acceptable to a former resident of Prince Rupert or to one who has m!? l?terests ,n the c,ty or district, as a cojv artG8risBSitothe,n direct-at the specS $2.00 A YEAR wa,?wth,ey 8et approximately 300 reminders f of your thoughtfulness. ner lb. Shoulder Roast Veal J per lb. Veal Stew. 3 lbS j Fresh Killed. Fowl ' pe& lb Chicken Milk Fed li Pr lb. J'EGGS Brookfield cartoned large A grade, doz 3 doz 20c 15c . 18c 10c 8c 15c 25c 25c mc I Rupert I TODAY'S STOCKS (OourteRj B. D. iootiaioo Co. J Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .64. Brsflorne. 5.70. B. R. Consolidated, .03 B. R. 3(3 W -,08..; ; ; Caribou Quartz, 1.21. Dentonla. J25f r Duihwell, ' 034. Georgia River, .00. Oolconda, .11. Indian, .03 (ask). Mlnto, .08. Meridian Ntw, .14 (ask). Momlng Star, .032. National Silver, .02. Noble Five, .04 '2. Pend Oriille, .75. Porter Idaho, 04. Premier, Ml. Reno. 31. Silver Crest, .00. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .18. Wayside, !5'2. Waverly Tangier, .00 Y2. United Empire, .03 (ask) Glacier Creek, .01 (ask). Grange, .01 Vi. Toronto Central Patricia. 2.22. Chlbougamau, .152. . Lee Gold, .034. Oranada .22. Int. Nicktl, 39 65. h . Macassa, 2.76. Noranda 44.85. ' , Sherritt Goron, .06. Siscoe. 2,70. Ventures. ; 1 37. Lake Maron, .023;. , Teck Hushes. 4.45. : Sudbury Basin, 2.25, Smelters Gold. .05. Canadian Malartlc, .87. little Lnntt LaC 5.70. Astoria Rouyn. .02', . V RtadacoDi, .16. Made leaf, .05'. Pickle Crow. 3 41 McKenzie Red Lake, Ml. Gods I !:. 126 R"l I ai-p ookl Shore, .30. San Antonfa, 3.15. - I Aged Ashcroft 20c 18c 12ic 25c 23c 28c 35c $1.00 Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed GIVE US A TRIAL Man Succumb: Francis Webb Dies At Ae Years Was Majistrate Coroner For Years or 8i Anil ASHCROFT. Nov. 22; tancts! Webb, who for twenty years was! stipendiary magistrate and coroner here and who had lived in retire-' ment during recent years, Is dead at the age of eighty-seven, Last June he and Mrs. Webb had cele brated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary Deceased farmed on i the prairies in the- eighties and came to British rvinmhia in irq iHe was born in England and, in his' ! younger days, -served in the Im-i perlal Army There are two 3 'DEATH OF NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 22: Dr. Albert Bledsoe Dinwiddle, president of Tulane Uhivenity and on !.of the best known edusators of 'the United States, . died yjsterda7 n t louowing a neart attack. He was sixty-four years of age. 1 Born at Lexington, Kentucky, April 3, 1871. Dr Dlnwood'e wts educated at the University of Virginia and the University of Got-tlngen, receiving his L. L. D. from Southwestern- Presbyterian Uniyer, slty in 1911. He started his career as an educator by becoming -1 trachtni licentiate of the University of Virginia In 1888, later going to the University School of Charlottesville. V'xginia. as ah instructor. In turn he became principal of Greenwood (Virginia) 4-.ademy, first assistant of the University School. Richmond. Virginia, and professor of matheniat-' les at Southwestern Presbvt?rian ! University. He Joined the facnltv nf Tulane In 1906 as assistant pro-l lessor of applied mathematlM and 1 1 astronomy, becoming an associate ji professor in 1908, a professor In f' 1910, dean of the college of artsH. and sciences and director of thell Mammer school h? fame yeir and!' nldpnt In 1918. He wa nromln-ent in all eduatlonal affairs of thU ."itc nd was cast president of the Louisiana Council of Education. He is surv'vi rt, n vririr v. the former Caroline Arthur Rum-ncy of New Orleans, whom h" married In 1897 Yachting was hw principal recreation Also Beauty Rest Mattress bbbbbbbbbbI Peopl $42.50 Buy a Spring Filled Mattress For Christmas MACKENZIE FURNITURE "StorJ LTD. We Sell rjrl Headquarters for SUITCASES EDUCATOR ! President Of Tulane University Die At New Orleans Pack-Rite's CLUB BAGS Wardrobe and Steamer TRUNKS D. ELIO 1 You can buy with confidence as you are covered by Our Guarantee MERCHAlSinKt 1 SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED FURNITURE EXCHANGE f We Buy - ' - We Sell i I'lIONE: GREEN 121 REDUCED WINTER FARES $32 m-rrru.N To VANCOUVER MmU and !lr1b Inrludnt S. 5. PRINCE GE THURSDAY "Theft ratet fftttive to February 3 rturn limit Mr. h 31 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIP' CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean FaIN and way jmrts S3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE. Fridays. 10 p.m. To Vanctiuver lllrrct S.S. PRINCESS NORAH, Nov. 3rd. 21st. Der , r V " To KrirhikaH. Wran-ell. Iimran and Skarway-Si. PRINCESS NORAH. Nov. 17th. Dtc 1st WINTKR ROUND TRIP FA UK TO VA.VCOl "VF.K Tickets on cale Nov. 1st. 1035 to Feb. : J Jlmlt March 31st. 1930 For Information and reservations c alt ' 1 IV. I.. COATliS. Orncral Atcnl. I'rliu KiiP'rt- ,ft i i t ttgMaEMggggrBmgMB m mil l im Hill II I I I nr ; i ' UNION STEAMSHlj SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT jj2 Q0 FROM PORT SIMPSON RETUItN FETUR.V? KATES AH an-1 BerU Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermedial j Snccial pccial TickrU Tickets on on Male Hale Itr Between November 1st. 1st, 11)35 3 and " i 'L. 29th. 193C, inrlusive. C.ood to Return up lo Man" uiuiaren nan rare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver . . D.l" r ri n mi .li-. u AT A LA- Tuesday. 1:30 n.m. inurMi.- S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. .Monday, a-"1' Tickets and All Information from stf Prince Rupert Agent - R. M. SMITH or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S Thlrii nvr , Cardfna.