VinrnniA, Dec, 3: ( CP Police Magistrate Thomas 'McClymont w appointed by the provincial 6"uwneni yesieraay as a juust Rutwrt tlmn Vta Via? I --rur- r iii omul; iiiiiiu ac'iiiB in the capacity of a . Wtalle court Judae on special' slons as each individual! I Today's Weather I j 1 Terrace -Cloudy, calm, 36, ox- Heavy rain, calm, 33. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 32. Hazeltoiv -Cloudy, calm, 29. Smlthers- -Part cloudy, calm, mild. Brns Lake Fog, calm, 20. KING'S SISTER DIES w0rge. dipri oarlw Tnocrlaw fnllnw- lnS a swiftly critical ailment J'Wch developed only Sunday. Tlac ral will be held Saturday from widsor Castle, 4 tim KILLED INSTANTLY AS AS F.ritAiwt I'm........ . .- w V 1 t u V&KWIIGLMED BY SLIDE. iLUfc."" - ' m, w. WW JUT M, . k 1.0. tm - . 1 To Limit and Defences Built Up, 111 IW ' W.M in i w . 1 . m !-- K ELECTED kVJ LONDON, Dec. 3: (CP)-Great .Britain will firmly Hon. r. w, Kerr Majority of More support the League of Nations and strengthen its own de- recommended to the Imperial transAtlantlc airway confer ence the establishment of an air mall service between Canada and Ireland via New- foundland, usln? North Syd- nev. N.S.. as the Canadian ter- minus and Harbor Grace, Nfld., as an intermediate stop. The conference ended Monday night after approving unanl- mously the start of survey flights next year and an ex- perlmental air soon afterwards The Sr. Distinguished ence, attended by delegates of Canada, the United Kingdom. Irish Free State and New- foundland, decided that ex- perlmental flights should lead to the establishment of regular trans-Atlantic air mall and passenger service calling for a minimum schedule of two - flights each way every week. An official communique did not state definitely the route chosen. Resolution And paiities From Governments Sought By Vancouver federal governments, has been to ceived by City Commissioner VV- J-Alder of Prince Rupert. The Vancouver mayor, In his letter, urces the advisability of an LONDON rw 9. Pv-Prlncess' early conference of Canadian may. and one during tne ne Gloria, aend rt R.,t,r f Klmr ors oinr. nf Parliament ai ui-utwu. The Vancouver city councils resolution seeks, among other things, the completion of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Into the Peace River country as a part 6f the national railway system. , No action is being taken by the city commissioner. WOULD UNSEAT GERRY DUAVArvTrtt j .'1 ' . ' r vrr-rTIvm Dec. 3: "'(CPi muiu, rcuaaor, ucc. t vmiw- . - ,, Aa . 3' ICP)-a lanridiri. h,,riort npw nuo warranto proceedings de I h village of Merde Cocha signed to unseat O. O McGeer as pay. Killing Its fifty lnhabl- Member of Parliament tants in an intat j. or-Pnrrard have been ins J masS of rock covered an area tuted by William SImpklna who J ' two miles. challenges the authority of Judge , J. N. Ellis to declare Mcueer ; ted after a recount. ceremonies and show in connection with the opening of the House were curtailed to a minimum. Other policies laid down by the National government Included special attention to unimployment. especially In coal minim rea'on. unemployment insurance for farm workers and state ciiarantecs for railway development loans. It was announced that about $250,000,000 of a new loan announced today would be allotted to defence, . Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin told the House: "I am going to lose no chance for this country to. get peace Instead of war' - - - ' Churchmen Due Head of Oblate Fathers From Rome And Bishop of Mackenzie Coming The local parish of the Roman Catholic Church will receive distinguished ecclesiastical visitors at the end pf this week In the persons of Most Rev. T. Laboure O. M. I., Superior General of the Oblate Fathers with headquarters in Rome, and Bishop Breynett of the diocese 'of Mackenzie with headquarters at I Fort Smith who will be here in the ' miira nt a wptjrrr tnnr Thpv arp. 1 pff Ar RprPiVPn due 10 arrlve ln tne city Frldav aI liCllCl 1VCI.VIT1.U ternQon aboard tne steamer Prin- 1 cess Adelaide from Vancouver, Assistance For Muniri-1 malnlng over until Monday eve- nlng when they will proceed east by train visiting at Smlthers and iLejac enroute, A lengthy letter from Mayor G.' O. McGeer of Vancouver together pnefnLl0 RnVC with a resolution of tne Vancouver vuuoiuuiw City Council, the general intent c both, being a petition for greater aid for municipalities in a financial way from both provincial and Returns to Post Provincial Police Officer, Who Searched For Missing Couple; Back Himself District headquarters of the pro vincial bollce here have been ad PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VFCTORA, B.C. Today's father -Iff Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Ra. h High, .. 7:56 am. 19.5 a fln4 harnrnn. V. 20:26 pm. 17.4 j; sea cnoppy; Low .. 1:11 ajn. 6.4 temperature, . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CAPT. DAN MACKINNON Captain Donald MacKinnon, master of Caandlan National Steamship' coast vessels, has been awarded the Royai Canadian Humane Society certificate for the rescue from drowning of a ship's carpenter; at the Vancouver C. N. R.'tockj'.last July. He plunged, fully 'clothed, jnto the harbor and supported the carpenter, w"ho was knocked unconscious during his fall, until help was summoned. Captain MacKinnon has bean twenty years in the Canadian National .service. GORDON ON RAILWAYS Competition and Duplication Are "Utterly Unwarranted" Declares Sir Charles Gordon MONTREAL, Dec. 3. (CP) One of Canada's major problems is the railway situation and to remedy it an end should be made to the "utterly unwarranted" competition and duplication of services of the two main railways, Sir Charles Gordon, president of the Bank of Montreal, told the annual meeting jester-day. Sir Charles lauded the "apparent disposition" of those in public life to direct more attention to the mining industry of Canada. Prince of Wales' Bull Wins Prize At Chicago Show vised of the safe return to. Tele-j t ?raph Creek on Sunday of Con-; efnv.ia t v rtnvs after an absence, rmnAno. Dec. 3: At the live this afternoon on the Catalaor, overheated stovepipe ' ' damage. ..V Vancouver . . . did slight DEFIED TUT CURSE-DIES Mystery Surrounds Passing Of Dr. James II. Breasted, Noted Efptojollst Interesting Work w Was One Of Those Who Ditjr U'i Site of Ancient Armageddon NEW YORK, Dec. 3: (CP) Dr. "afes Henry Breasted, noted arch-ieolrs'st and head of the Orlen-aj Instituts of the University of ihicago, died In New York yester- ;ness. Breasted had Just recently returned from Egypt where he was vivid personalities of monarchy . law givers and military leaders, dead for centuries. Recognized as the leading Egypt-' ologist of the United States and, one of the foremost authorities in the world on ancient civilizations.' he also was a remarkably able or-1 ganlzer and administrator. It was under the euidance of! Professor Breasted that the Orien-' tal Museum and Institute of the I University of Chicago was made I the centre of research ln America in recovering the lost chapters of the world's history represented ln Egyptian, Hlttlte and other culture. 1 His interest in the past dated to the days of his boyhood in Rockford. ill., where he was born August 27, 1865, the son of Charlej and Harriet Garrison Breasted. As a boy he eagerly read available material on Egypt and was fired with a desire to add to the record. At Ancient Armageddon In his "The Conquest of ClyUV zatlon' he told of being present j at the site of ancient Armageddon where one of the University of Chicago expeditions was excavating that famed battlefield One o! the excavators dug out a block of stone bearing Egyptian helrogly-jphlcs, which when deciphered wa? I found to relate to" the conquests 1 of Shlsak, a Pharoah of the tenth century before Christ, j "Instantly," said Professor Breas-I ted, there rose 'before me the ' vision of a Sunday school ln a i little church on the far off prairie: I or Illinois, where nearly a century ago a group of village boys with' heads together over the bible were ' struggling with the difficult pro-1 per names of an old Hebrew! chronicle: . ,T a o trlA rWm' .-.I. rV,. n, 4V, Tv.tnftor,ol I , AnQ 11 itt CaITle vauiv ,w t0 PaSS uaoa ui bill; since wovcmuci n v.. OWJlB. U1 ...v. v.w.....-. ffth . . th,y the Stlklne River ln search of Mf. , Livestock Association Exposition R1l..' . . Mma and Mrs. Walter Simpson who since , here the Prince of Wales won first a alnst Jerusalemi an(J ne turned up safely at Wrangell. Con-J prize in the breeding Shorthorn di-1away the treasurcs or the house o( stable Boys mei ana tcmuucu ui. vision wnn a iwo-year oia pun Telegraph1 Creek with a search from the High River, Alta., ranch, party which had left the day before j - to look for him. He was noi aware, SIIVFU until he met the search party for himself that Mr., and Mrs. Simpson J : NEW YORK, Dec. 3: Bar .silver were safe. The officer reported a 1 Unchanged at 65c -on the rough trip, no details of which have so far been received here. local metal market today. , The fire ' department had a caJ F, A. Russell, who has been forjat 12:45 last nlsght to. the resl-years chief engineer of the light- 'dence of Matt Pederson, 1441 Se-VimisA tender Newlngton, sailed. cond Avenue, Westvlew, where an Jehovah; and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all the shields of goli that Solomon had, made.' " "It was with some emotion," he continued, "that one of these boya was reading the name of the old Egyptian conqueror who carried away Solomon's treasure from Jer at.. this -small Interest rate before being compelled to do so. mm TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. U, Jonnaton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. 20. Big Missouri, .60. Bralorne, 5.50. B. R. Cons., .03 B. R. X. Gold,. .09. Cariboo Quartz, 1.19. Dentonla, .36. Georgia River, .OO&.vf Golconda, -10 Vi- " Indian, .012. . . Mlnto, .07. Meridian New, !l0. Morning Star, .04:54. National Silver, .02 Vi. ' . Noble Five, .04. Pend Oreille, .82, . Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 1.76. Reno, .93. Silver Crest, .OOVi. , Salmon Gold, .07. ... Taylor Bridge, .17. Wayside, .15. Whitewater, .0534. ., Waverly Tangier, .00'. ' Toronto Central Patricia, 2.42. cfilbougamau, .14. Lee Gold, .03. Granada, .20. Inter. Nickel. 42.50. Macassa, 2.95. Sherrltt Gordon, 1,10. Noranda, 45.00. Siscoe, 2.61. .Ventures, 1.50. Lake Maron, .0224. Teck Hughes, 4.45. Sudbury Basin, 3.00. Smelter Gold, .05. Can. Malartlc, 1.10. . Little Long Lac, 5.65. Astoria Rouyn, .02',4. Stadacona, .16'i. Maple Leaf, .06. Pickle Crow, 3.38. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.16. God's Lake, 1.33. Sturgeon River, .61. Red Lake Gold-Shore, .38V2. San Antonio, 2.93. Shawkey, .62. East Malartlc,. .19. usalem nearly 3,000 years ago." i TTZ Many Honors ! VaiXCOUVer Wheat Prof. Breasted received an A. B.t VANCOUVER, Dec. 3: (CP) degree: from Northwestern College Wheat was quoted at 8540 on the of Naperville In 1888. studied b?-. local exchange yesterday, advanc- (Continued on page, three)1 ling to 86Ac today. ft. ft. ft. 15:24 p.m. 6.0 ft. !LXXIVN0 278 PRINCE .RUPERT, acj TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1935 priced cents GREA T BRITAIN ASSUMES iituiiis in mil iiiiiv ifi 1 1 ij nnrnrtn FIRM STAND FA VORABLE REFUNDING TERMS Baldwin Tells Parliament Today BraKry KmM House Opens Session Following General Election To Fight For cPace Instead of War Special Measures For Unemployment Planned itun rive Thousand m jence lorces, rarliament was informed today in the Retina Speech from the Throne formally opening Parliament fol- reoina, Dec. 3: (cp.-Hon. f. owing the recent general election. Lord Hailsham, Lord w Kerr, u''W iiiiiwaivi ut uoiuiai t - o r -o " . fnr if Prina in inn nv. til m:!r .. nmu-iaiiu urvi rf Tta' wrrnrv. innprrnnt'iiL. ri - m JAM T 1U BE TESTED : Alisli ForU Feel Tliat Prince Ru- pfft Rrcnfit.1 Unduly Under Cut in Halibut Duty "TtEATj Dec 3: The Juneau Oambfr of Commerce "will seek" to -t 'he validity of the change itt United States tariff whereby :ty on Canadian halibut en- H the United States is cut from h one cent per pound. Claim it:: that the change benefits Rupert unduly at the ex- atUbut Jill I .1 V I I I I 1 1 I I l.t --"J - Named Juvenile Court Judge; : : : . i,uc run&s aiiicr, rriiicess viciuna. 1. xx 44.x44.In viqw of the royal bereavement CANADA RECOMMENDS ATLANTIC AIR MAIL OTTAWA, -Dec. 3: (CP Canada, it has been announced Big Bond Issues Are Floated by Treasury At Record Low Rates British Government Able to Get Money at One Percent For First Time in History Indicates High Credit Enjoyed by Country LONDON, Dec, 3: (CP) The Treasury announced last night the issue of a 200,000,000 funding loan and a 100,000,000 bond issue. The funding loan, a two and a half percent issue, is offered at 961 and the bond issue, one day. Authorities maintained some percent, at 98. The former matures in 1956-61 and the lat- secrecy as to cause of death as ter m 1939-41. It was the first time-in the history of the they had concerning his strange Treasury that it was able to ar-' ange -a loan at a nominal rate of ri3 percent. The sum of 150,000,000 will be ?t?r lle tdisfJere" f "!e t0mb devoted to redeeming an issue of ux ivuijs x uiauMiaiiii;!! nn me wain of whish was engraved the word3: "Death shall come on swift wings to him that toucheth the tomb .of Pharoah." Breasted frequently rid- iculed this curse '.wo percent bonds maturing in 1935-33 which was made ln 1932. It is pointed to as a remarkable proof of the present cheapness of money and the high credit of the Years of research conducted and ""T"1 Treasury was directed by Dr.. Breasted made-, ' T. 7 , "UCCU1 wuu l SIX MILLION DOLLAR SMELTER ADDITION BY INTERNATIONAL NICKEL TORONTO, Dec. 3: (CP) Construction af a six million dollar addition to the smelter of the International Nickel ' Co. of Canada, at Copper.Cliff In Northern Ontario was -ah houhced yesterday" by Robert Stanley, president of the com- pany. The new plant will be completed ln about, a year. Well Known Coast Logger Succumbs Allison Ernest Peaseley Of Rivers Inlet Dies At Bella Bella At Age Of Seventy-Five BE7LLA BELLA, Dec. 3: Allison j Ernest Peaseley,, aged 75. who had resided in this province for thirty-five years, is dead here. He was well known as a logger in the Rivers Inlet area where he had lived for the past fifteen years. Trinidad is Hard Hit by Sanctions ; Has Been Enjoying Increasing Trade With Italy For Several Years PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad, Dec. 3: Trinidad will be placed at a slight disadvantage by sanctions t against Italy; The colony has en- . joyed a favorable balance of trade 'with the warring country sine i 1930, though imports dropped 'steadily ln the five-year period and exports were subject to violent fluctuation.