If 2? y y y y S B y W I y SI SI SI SI SI SI SI H sr. SI Christmas FOOTWEAR . t Are Gifts That Really g Satisfy A Gift; of Daily totf lit Service . . . Sf IT y aw FURS FURS We have orders for Miuk, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your other furs at full-market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. 1rm jp, n nir - - - If there's a GIFT one appreciates more than anything else Third Avenue EARLIEST Mi See? the newTei 9 7 - with th iffG nulava watches e L4 7ST We try to show you the newest goods as soon as they come out xou ve no iaea now many corners of the world have to be searched to get together a stock like ours. We can't, of course, show everything in our windows, but this year our store is crowded with new gifts of every sort that a good jewelry store should have. We never had such a splendid Goods in the window this week, and the new A wonderful display of New Silverware in the show cases We think you must have seen our Bracelet display Lasi week. What did you think of it? Many new shapes and designs of Compacts and Cigarette Cases at prices all the way from , SlO to $13 JO Evening Bags are in style this year and we have a wide selection We have many little things U4t.iUl lAf UiCil SUU1 HO Ult I -1 1 nrl- I in. w sjrapes ui lie uhjim uiiu Collar Pins, Chain Brushes, Etc. Do You Want Your Wife, Mother, Sister or Lady Friend Look Like Cinderella This Christmas? to H I it's a filFT Ther" can wear! JT We are prepared Showing a bigger and better stock Why fa not make your choice here for any amount you wrsh to pay? $5$ Guess at the size we will change them after Christmas should they not suit. 5 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Phone 357 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAJIQUS EUSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 51 8 II til I 1 I fa ft5 m iylH 5TORE WITH THE CLOO We aie only too glad to show you. ft 1 No, of course you dont! Come to Darners and make a selection S from their fine display of Suitable Christmas Gifts tnd have her made ,Princess! m ' m Something for every occasion DEM ERS have it. j(K W W 2? Don't forget our Christmas Gift to you with purchases of jk S? $5.00 or more. $1 si 9 LOCAL NEWS Mr. andMfc. J. Krfetmareison of Osland will sail from here on the Cardena tonight for a trip to Van couver. 3. B. Menara of Digby Island sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Menara, who is a weil known pioneer, had planned going to Italy but, owing to unsettled conditions in that country at this time, will not make the trip Just now. A. W. Lundell of Vancouver, Conservative organizer, who has been on a trip through Omineea constituency in connection with the possibility of the party having a candidate in that riding at the forthcoming provincial by-election, sailed last night on the Prince George lor the south. Christmas Sale of fine Purs Sale lasting till Jan. 4th, 1936 Luido'i back aach carmaat oiUi their .- rpotio for fair oaallnj galnad vtt a period at 25 )Mri. IIIUITL COATS- I letci! atUd U Sagi;ra, TrUtmn and Uted coata; N tiny , Tiupr, Bron or Btart. rnaa MCSKRAT COATS U all aUfc. atylra a4 $ trlar; bnuliral fxrmnu. Tnm .k ... l ,. . BKCH SEALS e Smart, im.VTlriiijf. from I am at the OQ50 7P rrrr nart and (aarJonablr; T 1IIDS0. SEALS, Th aeaaLa'a amartMA a&d not taivrUfit cimwnta. Krtjra SQU1EIIEL (OATS He UlTt . . 1352S -s140i XAIAS SCCGESTIOA Oiu tnmrndoii atock at Tom, njkm, Oapn M MnfTa. Froa 3lM AS SPECIAL Sqakvtl Choarn . . . an apfns ctaI(rlft SQ95 U s35 Wt tpaclaliza In mall ordart. Just Itt u hara your height, aspreiimate weight and dreta (lie ... If pottible, a inapihot . . . a rough Idea at the type ot garment you with and the approximate priea you with ta pay. All thete erdcrt receive careful, perianal attention, enuring you of eatie-lactlon. Enquirlei Immediataly entwered. Highest market prices paid for all Raw Furs. Lando's 306 Granville Street Near C.P.R. Depot VANCOUVER, B. C. i '!. yy a mi REGAL SHOP taking orders for Gifts for the whole family. Also Cards, Toys, Books, Etc. Our Rear Store Bazaar is now open Inspection cordially invited Goods gladly reserved. DAILY NEWS OFFICERS INSTALLED! If. Airs. A. Guyan fa New Worthy Mis. tress Fr Coming Year A Dirge on Work (Blank Verse) Jonsider Homo Senilis' Song in search of work. 1U idle sons stand waiting -ike empty vessel tobe fll mth precidul, Mff-found loitf T , ... i-i' . . .. . auwvu wun iiie s irarau, helping wife, sighs and prays ?or more unit 1 rhe golden minafets of heaven, Once visioned o'er earth's horizon Are now transformed, into belching smofe-'tacks Which crown great mills Where work abounds. The shriek of factory whistle, Calling the elect to ecstatic toil, Falls In sad cadence on ears Attuned to clanking iron, Creating a chbrd of half-forgot Symphony music, his soul aspires. Oh gaze on this queer Homo A million years evolved, From the fists of Palaeozols, Yet must he perish For want of work. J. M. DUNN. SI SI SI The installation lot new officers kjl for the coming year of the Ladies' Orange Benevslent Association was g held in the Oddfellows HaH last & ,'vening. r The installing officers were Mrsr jf S. V. Cox and MrsV. Merlas;Thd ar . new officers are: 2? Worthy Mistress,' Mrs. A. Guj-an. Deputy Mistress, Mrs. A. McDon-! W aid. Chaplain. Mrs, J. O, Viereck. Recording Secretary. Mrs. H. B Eastman. Financial Secretary, Mrs. M. M, Lamb. Treasurer, Mrs. H. Killin. First Lecturer. Mrs. E. A. Evans. iSI si SI SI SI SI SI Second Lecturer, Mrs. James $ Krikevsky. uirecwr oi ceremonies, miss Hilda Beale. Inner Guard, Mrs. R. Geddes. Outer Guard, Mrs. George Howe. First Committee, Mrs. George Fowler. Second Committee. Mrs. ?fL . 9 v. SI SI SI SI Th? flIen s Store, Where Women Line to Shon Ti - : Gift Suggestions for Him Flannel Robes Silk fiowns Smoking Jackets House Jackets Dress Shirts Socks ?K initial 'Kerchiefs . Pajamas Hickok Relt-Sels ic Mufflers ir Neckwear Sweaters Suspender Sets jc Underwear Dress Jewelry ic Hosiery Hats Caps Slippers Linen 'Kerchiefs -fc Knitted Ties f. Cloves Spats Scarves Shoes THE GIFT SUPREME A "LONDONTOWN DRAPE" 'i j.1 i i 1 1 . Third Officer, Mrs. J. W. Moore- JM UI.ve someming pnicucillsomeining mat house Fourth Committee. -Mrs. Geddes sr. Guardian, Mrs. J. Murray. Captain of Drill Team. Mrs. S. V. Cox. Pianist, Miss Rose Smith. Trustees Mrs. H. B. Eastman, vfrs. J. G. Viereck and Mrs. S. V. Cex. Auditors, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. G. Howe and Mrs. G. Fowler. Press Correspondent, Mrs. E. A. Evans. Q tvaaa UC upJl CViUlCU. iliU UUy UUI C WllCil m they buy for themselves! And wise women ouy nere wnen iney ouy unis ior men : una W year we have excelled ourselves in the greatest assortment of Christmas Togs for S Men we have ever shown. We cordially in-kj? vite your inspection. A deposit will hold any i$ article until required. WALLACE'S Special Clearance of Ladies' Coats Here is an opportunity to give a really 'practical gift. Both fur-trimmed and tailored styles. Sizes from 14 to 42. Plaid Cloth Skirts In a nice range of colorings. Q-fl Qr Out they go at, each ...... Jersey and Knit Suits We have only a few left, some beautiful styles amongst them. Values to $14.50. To be cleared n ACT at Ladies' Felt Hats All colors. Clearing at each LAMBIE &. STONE $1.00 We are all ready for the big rush, our tables are loaded with the greatest variety of Xmas goods we have ever displayed. Come in and examine our selection at your leisure. You will be welcome and not pressed to purchase. PHONE 9 SEE OUR WINDOWS STYLE H. O'Brien of the Canadian National Steamships, who has been in ! Prince Rupert General Hospital j"ceivjng jtreatment- fpr butnSk tiled last night on the Prince icorge for his home in Vancouver. John L. Osborne of the-Canadian latfonal Railways telegraphic de-urtment, who has been relieving i:ie recently following his arrival m the interior, sailed last night QUALITY - SERVICE on the prince George for Vancouver whence he will proceed to Halifax to embark December 28 aboard, the steamer Duchess of Yurk for a visit in England. O. Bekman of Telkwa arrived in the city from the interior on last :iieht.'s t rain and sailed aboard the iinc" G -iii",. for a trip to ail aP All Coats to be Cleared at Cost Third & Fulton i: l! I I 5 6fi fa 9 I FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone f37 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zurftli Prupnetoi A IIOMK AWAY I ROM IIOMF.' lUlcs It.OU ap 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waver Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box W I I ra ! 1 aaf VaalaW v V 1 HI ' W Enjoy Carefree Ask us about: Car Heaters Windshield Defrosters Winter Lubricants Kaien Motors Limited rnrvnni.PT nr.AI.KRS $1 i Third Ave. Fnone 5! FURNITURE GIFTS SI Chesterfield Chairs from $25 j i Mirrors- Jfl from v Chesterfield Tables flC gfl Walnut QU Mackenzie's Furniture Phone 775 I