3 I I 3ttt an (Earite Fancy Christmas Wrappings, Seals, Tags, Ribbon, Cellophane Waterman's Pen and Pencil Gift Sets from $3.75 to $10.00 Other Sets from $1.00 up to $2.50 Boxed Card Assortment A few BOXES left 12 to 25 per box 25c up to $1.00 Individual Cards priced at 2 tor 5c. 5c 10c and 15c ARTISTIC GIFT CALENDARS beautifully designed and conveniently arranged. Come in and look them over there's no obligation to purchase. We print Greeting Cards in 6ur own Printing Plant and can execute your orders in a few hours. Rose,Cowan & LattaLtd. BESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET ENTRANCE. mi inn in n n iTTmrii im ni"w iwwibiwiph ji m FraSlO. IS I PraniSS. f T-- - For your best man friend! RACKING your brain for something to give your very best man friend some, thing that he really will appreciate? Take a tip from old Santa I Give him a Waterman's Patrician writing set the very finest writing instruments that human hands can produce. He will immediately recognize the Patrician's hand-crafted beauty and it will render him years and years cf perfect writing service. Come in and let us show you this Waterman's masterpiece. Made in six colors each with a matching pencil. Ormes Ltd TTfifi Pioneer Druqeyiats The Rexall Stor Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and liolfdays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. masEaBBsajmrssBBomannB' IS! U. 2? Gifts for the Young that will Delight pi C. C. M. JOYCYCLES 1 51 tstciidi Age 2V2 to 4 years jg.oo Age 3V2 to 5 years : $8.75 Age 4V2 to 6 years $9.25 C. C. M. BICYCLES, from $39 We also have a very nice stock pf Wagons, Doll Buggies, Rol ler Skates and many other items that are sure to please. A small deposit will hold any uem uu v;nristmas. GORDON'S HARDWARE K? Phone 311 Pocket Knives Dessert Knives I CHRISTMAS CUTLERY Razors Scissors Child's Sets Table Knives Mirror Finish Carvers, from $2.50 up THOMPSON HARDWARE m I Tn Sf 258 Third Avenue Phone i n Si I 1 fa LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be v&rm and eotnjorUole 67 riding In 32 Taxi it costs the same. i Mrs. & A. Corky of Pacific sallied last niht on the Prince Georxe for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. Amldon and child of Ere- !lyn arrived in the city from the interior on last night's train and j sailed aboard tee Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. tf. H. Willlscroft I iand daughters of Port Essington. who are at present to the city, will; sail tonight on the Cardena for a I trip to Vancouver. Soya Bean Bread . . Delicious for Toasting English Crumpets , MeatPies. Finest Pastry & Cakes Van's Bakery Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. See the nice undoes at the Dollar Store. tfi Yon can rent & ear at Walker's u low u $130 a day, pros 7c a mile. ! Just received shipment of Hlnton ; Prince Rpert Philharmonic S?-- coal. A very satisfactory coal focety Concert, Capitol Theatre. Sun all household purposes. Can supply I day night 9 o'clock Admission 07 iln any quantity from now on.jpn8iam 25. Doors open 8:45 pjn. : Phone 51. Hotel Central. 28S) '71 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Starr I O rant Cowtlale of the Canadian sailed last night on the Prince National Railways general office niRp fnr smu1 Ttipw arm crv.ru ! staff sailed last nlaht on th " I- k0 HOLIDAY SPECIALS At Bargain Prices. Get Your Needs While Our Stock is Complete LIBBY'S OLIVES Holiday Pack, per bottle S1UFFED OLIVES 11-oz. bottle SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES 7-oz. bottlp I LIBBY'S RIPE OUVES 9-oz. tin MIXED NUTS No peanuts Q ryn 2 lbs. WIV PEANUTS FYesh per lb. .. CALIFORNIA! WALNUTS Large budded, per lb. BRAZIL NUTS Large . 2 lbs. TABLE FIG8 8-oz. pkg. 2 for LAYER FIG- per lb. TABLE RAISINS 1-lb. box BUNK 1ST LEMONS per doz GRAPEFRUIT- -Large each 23c lie 25 c 37c 19c 19c i 25c 17c 5c MUSSALLEftTS iECONOMY STORE j 'Where Dollars llive More Cents" I P. O. Rot 575 Ph... IV TRAPPERS: If you want the highest price for your furs, send them In at once. I have orders for them and until those orders are filled can pay more than anyone else. After that the price will come down, G 0 L.D BLOOM The Old Reliable y if y y y 11 y y the winter in. the Muth and plan! Pnce George for a trip to Van-j$ going as far as California. ! courer. ' W y y V y .y Mr. and Mrs. George Little who' have been the guests of Mr andi Mrs. Ok)f Hanson sinrp Tiiesrfav ! fcj S. A. Benwell of the local Forest ' l? D HS nightS tram' Branch staff sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to.' w W. & ... ! three weeks' time, he will be ac- the Terrace "t!! fniprlAr '7' arrived lact ... in the nlcri' city "5 from "! 8 Elks' (Dance. .... .. . micinw m on last nisnu )mI. train1 comnaniea dv Mrs. wtim anri : infant daughter. Announcements , ,J ' where she was called recently on! it v t - ilMniint o f tl.A illnn.. w. f v. I viuuiuun Lgian, a. t o. l-, - - "urew ui uci izw ; . Christmas Tree. Dec. 21. Sons of Norway Xmas Moose Hall, December 26. Hogmanay Hall. Dance. Oddfellows' 8.. Wot and Miss M. West of and sailer! ahnarri tha eloo- i ?? I Prince George for Vancouver. ! y i Mrs. Ernest Anderson returned : fc-f w uie cuy on tne Prtnceas Adelaide jfctf this afternoon from VanomiYrtj ther. Mrs. Aldridge. if Tree, Ahx McDougalL civil enelneer .15? who is now engaged in ranching I ana prospecting in the Francois Lake district, sailed last nieht on ;the Prince "George for. a trip to New Year's Eve Novtlty Vancouver following a vUIt in the jCity. Nordkapp Xmas Tree. January 3 3IOOSE HALL MOOSE XOVELTY DANCE TO.VIGUT Admission 35c Everybody Welcome MOOSE CHRISTMAS TREE Sunday, Dec 22 The city, police court case in which Axei Enocksen is charging; Sam Olsen with assaulting him on i a boat on the local waterfront has! not been proceeded with owinsr tot per lb. Prime Rib per lb Pot Roasts per lb I Boll Beef ! per lb ; Sausage per lb Loin Veal per lb Shoulder Veal Roast per lb Veal Stew 3 lhs. 39C! Veal Chops-' 33c 19c per id. Liver, i lb. Bacon, Vi lb. Fresh Eggs I per doz ANNETTE'S Christmas Clock Sale Saturday, Dec. 14 from 9 till 11 6 Only Fur Trimmed Coats Re& .Mocassin Slippers and Ifcdronm values to $32.50, sizes from 14 to 44 Slippers Regular value t i Xmas Clock Sale Q4 O A A Xmas Clock Sale OA nn Special J-.Vy Special Ol.OQ 7 Only Untrimmed Tweed, Etc. Coats Hnnsettes, Night Dresses, Pajamas Reg. values to $19.50, sizes 14 to 20 Etc. All boxed in Xmas np ' Xmas Clock Sale Qff A A boxes; Xmas Clock Sale Special vwwv - -i. : Glove Sets Fascinating staves DRESSES Street and afternoon wth novelty gloves to niau-h in Dresses, from sizes 14 to 44, reg. firev' brown, blue, black. Qr value to $9.95. Xmas QQ AA all sizes; Xmas Clock Sale wt Clock Sale Special .... 9.U 1 Purses Novelty purses, brown. 22 Only Street Dresses In flat "i1 a"f black some with zipwrs crepes and wool crepes, sizes from ma.s Poc Sale Q 16 to 44, reg. value $4.95 Q Ak Sl)ec,al U0L Xmas Clock Sale Spec. X.1I Woollem IIcavy Bloomers and Shirts HOSE-Pure thread silk full-fash- lent 35C loned hose hiimeiu in crepe, semi-service and service, every pair perfect, all 2 1 Only Hou8cdrcsses-Size 14 to 5' sizes; Xmas Clock Sale 7ffp Xmas Clock Sale Hn Special trK Special '"t RUPERT BUTCHERS Olten leaving town aboard his boat! Phone 21 bsfore the summons was served. It 1 is possible the case may be dropped. ; sirloln TiP- Miss Mary Hipp of Terrace, who has been visiting for the past three Uys in the city, leave by this eve- ings train on her return to the Phone 2V . 18c- Headquarters u for 15c 10c "8c 12.VC 18c 12Ac 25c 20c 25c 30c FRESH KILLED BULKLEY VALLEY CHICKEN 9CT per lb. UO Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Birch Wood Cedar Wood Jackpine I LADIES' and h4 I CHILDREN'S ! WEAR Interior Ml Hipp greet friends over the air from tb radio station today Mrs J 1 Leod w.is -wgmx or: the air g Ladies will find latest styles in Dresses, Blouse? ?ft CoatS. Spnrvps Scarves, Vlnaa Hose and on1 T Lingerie .inrrorid ami m05' reasonable prices. Everj-thing for Baby and the Young Children eluding Boys' Suits up to six years. New goods arriving on every boat Novelties Suitable For Christmas Presents 1 Dry Goods & Novelty Shoj QUALITY rnlrPSrlft COMET BUTTER, :i lbs 8 VEAL PORK Rumps, lb 17c Butts, lb Boneless Roast, lb. . 18c Shoulders, lb J Breast, lb. 8c Pork Hocks, 2 lbsf Fruit Mince 9 Chopped Suet "J5 Meat, 2 lhs -4tH R, Ayrshire Bacon OOn Spreadeasy 1 5 lb Cheese, lb. BEEF Pork Tenders 28 Pot Roast, lb 10c lb - Brisket, lb 8c Eggs, A Grade 38 Prime Rib, lb, 15c Large, doz Wednesday. Order yours now.