THE DAILY NEWS GREAT SALT INLET IS A BOON TO GRAHAM ISLAND News Correspondent in Second Article Says a Settler on the Inlet Has a Free Marine Railway at His Command Twice a (Special Correspondence) Masset, Oct. ~Your pondent made several extended trips, from end of Graham Island to the other, looking over the wealth lying dormant both in the land and sea. The tialities of the Island cannot enumerated, in short articie; but the time is coming—and com- ing will regret their lack of interestin the natural resources within their reach The numerous small rivers, throughout the length and breadth of the Island, first engaged at- tention. Every few miles—it mat- tered not which way one went— rivers and streams flow to the ocean and down to the inlets. I was particularly struck with Masset Inlet. Cutting into the island, for forty miles, this stretch of water is navigable for large vessels and is sheltered from one end to the other. Entering the channel, where the shores are one mile apart, a boat strikes the tide, running six miles hour, in and out, twice each day. Fifteen miles from the entrance, l.- corres- one poten - be a soon—when thousands an Day—Lots of Game a large body of water is found, twenty miles in length. It the shores of this ‘‘salt lake’’ that the output of the coal mines, of the Yakoun River, will be shipped. It is no unusual thing for settler leave his home, twenty miles up the Inlec, and to reach Masset in a few hours. He returns home the next tide, making the forty-mile journey with little effort. The rivers several species on a to on are visited by the of salmon, found in our waters, and the lakes, at the head of the Yakoun and Ain rivers, are beautiful stretches, cov- ering many miles. Trout fishing is indulged in by the followers of Isaac Walton; one man cap- tured seventeen ‘beauties,’’ of four varieties, in a few hours. Geese and ducks are plentiful and the camping grounds ideal. The tourist will find a great deal to engage his time, when the Grand Trunk Pacific is completed, and the splendid scenery and sport- ing grounds of Queen Charlotte Islands are known. E> S.$. BANNOCKBURN | IS BACK AGAIN Fine Fests en fae kil Which Made Her Maiden Voyage to Rupert with Steel Has Had Vicissitudes. steamer Bannock- burn, Captain E. A. Dent, reached Vancouver the other day from Antwerp and London via Pacific Coast ports with 5000 barrels of cement for Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and 125 tons of girders. The Bannockburn docked at the The British Evans-Coleman wharf. She has had an eventful voyage. Soon after leaving Antwerp for this coast she was in collision in the English Channel, and was beached at Dover. She was repaired tem- porarily and steamed to London, where permanent repairs were ef- fected, and then proceeded on her voyage. At San Francisco and San Pedro she discharged cargo and was libeled for signees for damage to freight. Calls at Portland and _ Seattle were made before che came After will she con- here. discharging she “GAVE FIREMAN A BLACK EYE Second Engineer of the Vadso Fined $10 and Costs For striking a fireman on the face Second Engineer J. Hogan,of the S.S. Vadso, was today fined $10 and costs. He admitted strik- ing the blow but pleaded that dis- cipline demanded it. Evidence revealed most unruly state of affairs on the Vadso during Sep- tember. Fireman J. Gregg, of the Vadso, complained that Second Engineer < 1 steam | evidence John Hogan of the same beat had assaulted him doing actual physical harm, police one Magistrate McMullin presiding. Evidence was given by several witnesses to the effect that Gregg was hit at least twice while seated the forward hatch, by the second enginner who said he had been sent by the chief on the call of the purser to stop Gregg from| raising a row on deck. The purser, Ivan Sparrow, gave to the effect that the The case was a provincial on to Nanaimo to load a cargo of|complainer had been blaspheming | coal for San Francisco. She will | then return to Portland to load} lumber for Caicutta under charter } to Hind, Rolph & Co, NO COMPENSATION For Lot Owners on Second Ave- nue After Alteration of Grade | The Board of Public Works has | reported to the council that it| does not recommend that any| compensations be allowed to lot| owners in consideration of the| need for raising and _ lowering} buildings on Second avenue to | suit the change of grade. The] City Engineer had reported in favor of compensation being grant- ed, but after the Board of Works regards the dis- advantage to lot owners as smail compared to the advantages gained by the change of grade. consideration APPLICATION FOR CITY JOB John Brodie, Engineer, Has Also a Launch to Hire Out John Brodie application for the of the Morse Creek dam pumping plant. The same party offers the use of city for $300 per month. The first application was referred the water committee, the second went to the Board of Works for consideration port. made post engineer at a launch to the Lo and re- mas the Firemen Waterproof outfits for six fire- championship on the Paramatta men have been requisitioned by the fire chief and fire committee for the fire department. The requisition was passed last night. The outfits include rubber coats and helmets. and that the ship's crew was |; in such a state of disaffection that | the deckhands’ refuused to make the landing at Port Nelson and the quartermaster wouldn't take the | wheel. r Accused admitted that he had} hit complainer on the face twice | “Hit me,” wit- at complainer’s request. ‘I've Accused hit him. ‘‘Hit again,’’ and accused hit him again. i was just like a game off Black Jac Hogan was fined ten dollars and | the charge being of common assault. said complainer. got nesses.”’ me costs reduced |" to one A New Fish Market All the doctors are agreed that people do not eat enough fish. So the opening of a new fish market is of more than usual public interest. The newest fish market opened yesterday is the Dominion Fish Market at the| corner of Fulton and Sixth streets, | opposite the Rand Block. © All kinds of fish ,game, poultry and oysters will found there, as well as dairy products. Don’t forget to look out the | new fish market. FOR RENT.—Suite of ee three, or more, large well-| lighted office rooms over Wal-| laces'..-H. S. Wallace tf} | in season be for | Trout River on the west side of Lukelse Lake The se ata race fer the world’s river between Arnst was a hard one, according to the reports just to hand. Sixty sand people saw the contest and $3700 was taken in gate money. and Pearce | thou- For row boats and launches Telephone 820 green. Davis Boat House. , with a width of ten miles and about | 1S} | The lone at the bow for fire \4 | of SOERERPNTINT. “The BS | — ee ee ee eS ee ee — “= _ - a tyes eee News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertio —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKIN rl G OVER— Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. IIE as ssanarse.a1nsouci make eadiaetaacl ra ee | | Phone 150 For Rent | The Insurance People et ‘ire Furnished rooms with bat! Special rates by | oie the week. Talbot H. tf Marine | Neatly Furnished rooms, gentle preferred .— | Accident Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre tf | Greenwood, Alder | 173-tf Hot and cold water Nice Furnished Rooms, Block; Third Ave. For Rent—Furnished rooms Mrs with bath. Digby Rooms, 6th Ave. and Fulton | Street. tf | For Rent~Sons of England Hall, ©! 2 nd’Ave., for | Dances, Fraternal Societies als, € Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or p 186-tf | eee srs eas per ra LITTLE FIRE DAMAGE ing September McInnis has for total the Chief his Fire sented report that the property by fire the month was $150. has asked for two extra call mer the stormy row loss showing in city as season 18 to stop fires in their very start. RAISE. FOR MR. McNEIL By the motion passed in courcil Will Grade Lane been ot received the Secor.d et d petition has the Section No grading lane One between Third avenues ard Sixth Eighth streets. The go by da bor supervision. FINE SHIP FOR KING’S VOYAGE Ship ilahorstely Fitted Up to Take King George to India for Durbar. \Wainst ag in and work will on la under city Despite the depressing outlook by Norther the the durbar proceedins actively and the to caused drought in India imperial preparai ions for ere Me din. ’ the boat which is convey l is being prepared for the voyage. Medina will be the last luxury. All the }ments seiected for the pio ror to his Oriental subjects in ocean apart of the and queen will be urusually There be of saloons for the royal passengers, use | Icit g large. are to two sets weather ard the other amidships. Besides these om spet i >| the siloons :a for ol cori is be reserved to 1g ine I onal use e up] This | the despa ich boxes S pers or O1 er decks. will is for the private be dealt ge. Des- and official with pe.tches will be received every day far Suez, stretch LO pepers : } during tiie Voyi ard il except one, 2 s during the Ocean mass «cross the io Bombay there will of work pering for the evenis ashore. The ce vole dian be a to do in pre- suite in attendance will dis- the no little time ihe of thei pageantry LO cussion own pert in the , Which to many and in necessary rehearsals of dutic 1 will be novel. The new G.7T.?. News Stand ifor Lowney’s delicious Choco- lates, fresh frvm the factory. tf LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District-—District of Coast R nage V Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christi ison of | Towner, North Dakota, oceupation + .torney- | at-law, intend to a ply for ,, permianion to purchase the following deseri od Jan Commencing at a none ON asad abo’ t one and | one-half miles (1 1-2) northeast of ‘ue head of | and about 5 chains from the lake /ront, then ith 60 chains, thenes wert 80 chains, thence north $0 chains, thence east 80 chains to point DOLPH H. Dated June 80, aTTT Pub, July 26. STIANSON | Cowell, Agent Ch Fred &. Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Take notice that R. H. Stewart of Vancouver, - ©., o¢eupation truekman, intends to spp | jor permission to purchase the following deseribed | NGS: Cc om) ing at a post planted 40 chains south vl Preemption No. od and 62 chains east from the Naas River (5, W. ©.), thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains sat thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains south to th t of a ment Lo contain a oes aetee moore pe loss ae RICHARD HOWARD STEWART Dated Aug, 1911. q PL Bante es James T. Fullerton, Agent Only $150 Worth in Rupert Dur- | pre- September of for The chief about to begin, and it is necessary | last night the Superintendent of Public Works is to have an in- crease of salary from $150 to $200} per month. > | chains, the king] word | For Sale ee 2 Storey house, house- | For Sale— Chicken Ranch, A snap i | | hold goods. Near Prince Rupert f | taken atonce. Address Box 363. tf | wdigreed, grit- } Goddard 216-227 | For Sale—Irish Terrier dog pups, t ty, good companions, good Bros., 95 Water St., Vancouver. teem eens t i - Insurance OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. e write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. - { Wanted. — Cleaning and pressing, alterations | and repairing for men and women. Dressmaking | called for and delivered. Mrs Charles Percher, | 820 Third Ave. Phone 294 Red tf Wanted ‘. - | Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that I-wil! receive tenders for the land known as Lot 1105, Range 5, Coast District, Province of British Columbia. This is one of the choicest pieces of land lying along the Skeena river and contains about 155 acres. The land is crown granted, Tenders must be in before the fifth day of October, 1911. The highest or any tender not necessarily acdepted. For further particulars apply to the under- signed, . D. G. STEWART, Assignee of H. C, Breckenridge, Box 225, Prince Rupert, B.C. “Busiest Mant in Town" to Get ieiicabiicah ain “ ne Lost and Found ~~ | | FOUND—2 Small Keys. Inquire at News Office. | 225-t | Lost—Ladies’ watch in bracelet. turning to News office. CARTAGE and | LINDSAY'S “srorace™ G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, OFFICE~H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, | Reward by re- tf LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | | j Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 | Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Prince Rupert, occupation nurse, intends to apply for | po to purchase the following Geoertoed | fanc Commencing at a post planted at the North- | west corner 140 chains easterly (slightly north) from the northeast corner of Lot 1116 (Harvey | Survey) Coast District, Range V, thence 80 chains | east, thence 80 chains south, thence 40 chains jarones thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north to post of com- mencement containing 480 acres more or less. Dated June 14, 1911. SARAH E. ALTON } Pub. July 15. Fred Bohler, Agent | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 ‘Take notee that Linford Sewell Bell of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation locomotive engineer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north bank of the Zimogotitz Kiver about three (3) miles distant (upstream) in a westerly direction from the junction of the Little Zimogotitz River }and the main Zimogotitz River, thence north 40 | chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 thence east 40 chains to post of com- mencemen*. containing 160 acres more or less. Dated June 7,1911. LINFORD SEWALL BELL Pub. July 8. Geo. R. Putnam, Agent | Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena ‘Take notice that 1, Lemuel Freer of Vancouver, occupation broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following desribedr lands Commencing at a post planted on the shore | in a northerly direction from Port Nelson Cannery | marked L. F.’s 8. Corner, thenee 20 chains | north, thence 20 chains wes; thence 20 chains } south to shore line, thence along the shore to point of commencement, containing 40 acres more or less. Dated June 10, 1911 LEMUEL FREER Pub, July 8. J. M. Collison, Agent ' Skeena Land District——District of Coast Range V Take notice that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar | | Rapids, lowa, occupation lawyer, intends to |apply for permission to purehase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the southerly shore of Kutzymateen Inlet on the right bank of a small stream flowing into said Inlet just east }of Crow Lake. ‘Thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of {¢ row Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol-| lowing the shore lines of Crow Lake, the Inlet | to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the place of commencement, containing forhy acres more or leas. Located August 7 7, 19 Dated Aug. 9, 1911. JESSE M. Pub. Aug. 12. | | 11. TALLMAN Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that R. F. Miller of Tipton, Eng- | land,” oceupation farmer, intends to apply for | permission to purchase the following described | lands: Commencing at a post planted about 60 chains west from the N. W. Corner of Lot 4406, thenee | north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to the point of commencement containing eighty acres | Dated August 19, 1911. R. F. MILLER | Pub, Aug. 26, P, M. Miller, Agent | | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 \" ‘Take notice that I, Thomas MeClymont of | Prince pert, B. C., oecupation real estate | broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase | the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a psot planted at the 8. W. | One One more or less, if |'T'wo lots, FEED STORE We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart’s | olg Feed Store, Market Place PONY EXPRESS Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 30) NOTICE In the County Court of Atlin Holden at Prince Rupert in the Matter of the “Official Ad- ministrator’s Act”’ nc In the Matter of the Estate of Duran P. Latkovich deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, Judge Young, made the 81st day of August, 1911, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of the said Duran P, Latkovich deceased, and all pee having claims against the said Estate are to me on or before the 30th day of September, 1911, and all the parties indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED the 5th day of September, 1911. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Official Administrator. SILVERSIDES BROS. SIGN PAINTERS -Paperhangers INTERIOR DECORATORS P.O, BOX 120 Second Avenue, near McBride FOR SALE Block 22, Section 5, Seventh Price $800. $400 cash. Block 7, Section 6, Fourth Harbor View. Price $1350. Block 24, Section 8, Eleventh | Price $300 each. $650 cash. $25 per month. lot, Avenue, lot, Avenue, T'wo lots, Avenue. belance $ Two lots, Block 24, Section 8, Eleventh Avenue. Price $600 pair, one-half | cash. Block 61, Section 8, Kelliher Street. Price $175 each, $100 cash. ereby required to forward same properly verified | PHONE 156 GREEN | a tte a ne tert etn 7 soaay (= PRINTIN Is a Persistent “Influence” Exert H sj | ed in Your Behalf! | | eogoe Every bit of printing that goes out to sery: vou fn { Kind of an Impression,’ Poor printing will leave +) pression of its user as surely as would poor ot { | store or shop oroffice. ‘‘Good’’ printing will jeay } mind an impression wholly favorable of its use ; ] Even if but one in a thousand of these ‘*Impressio { the svales for business, for orders, for you ‘ Go | j / will have thus paid for itself | : pei { | FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SER TH) j Daily News Building PHONE 98 Third Avenue | EUR ia \e nh The Big Furniture Store Partial List of our New Wares In our Second Avenue store, which is one hundr jcarry Reed and Rattan goods, Arm Chairs, Rocker | Davenports and Bed Lounges. On our shelves you wil! fine |display of Hotel White Granite and Vitrified ware. | |ment we have everything to set up the finest Dining 17 \W dozen or more stock patterns in French and English ( sell them either by the piece or set. We have fancy B | dese riptions. We have twenty-five styles in Teapots {r | vidu: il hotel to the old fashioned Brown Betty, to hold a « We buy almost exclusively from Cassedy—five tim: any other As we buy these goods and Bar Glasses in fifty « lare sure of getting right prices. We stock perhaps a | Glasses. We carry a large stock of Cutlery including ‘‘'R { [In stone ware we have bean pots, butter croch }foot warmers. Enamel ware and kitchen ware « lin many styles and sizes. -OUR SIXTH STREET STORE... In this store we show broken lines of decor | very low prices to close, as we will not have any n a tew samples ot stoves Hert also show Linoleums in a variety wi of five patterns. As this stock was bought far bel we are selling them at a great reduction—30 cer : Here also you will find lamps in a variety too nur OUR SECOND FLOOR 50 x 100 ft. This large space we have filled to the roof wi kinds at our usual low prices. Here also we carry « and stoves. You will fin jo! crockery, glassware, tape dtry, beddis &, $2000 worth of curtains and all other curtain materials This, too, is the of the Dressers and all kinds of case goods | blanket pic ture | variety of carpets, and perhaps more than home famous Ostermoor Chiffoniers, Tron an d brass beds, fruit jars and flower p Framed mirrors, all sizes, in French, Britisi ( We also have a large stock of mirrorplate in Br plate which we frame to order, in sizes from 36 x 4s « the reason we call this a complete furnishing st« ll this endless variety at the Big stock the North re of goods Furni Second Ave and Sixth St. Phone 62 The Canadian General Electric (o., Limited | HEAD OF FICE: TORONTO FACTO! MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING ELECT kee Canada Foundry Co., Limited - Toronto, Ont. | AIR COMPRESSORS DREDGES T | BOILERS say. | GAS AND GASOLINE EN Bu iG ¥YRUS STEAM SHOV- | ““GINES : >UMPS | GAS PRODUCERS ' | oui FEED PUMPS | Hoists Fi | COC HILANE FEED WATER | LOCOMOTIVE a I ‘ | HEATERS MATHER & PLATT TUR cane RETE MIXERS | BINE PUMPS os Phone 2 R 4 Melatyre B /PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH *°"*™ "alte GRAHAM KEARNEY, AGEN’ paint pprprrrrrrs RENEPREREREPERRERER RRR EERE PPh ee The Graham Island Oil Fields, Limited CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 | | | | corner of pre-emption record 412, thence east 60 ee 2 ae 7 i ae chaius, thence south 40 chains, "thence west 80 } a lot, arom Lone on ., sont h We are offering for sale a very ebiins to shore of lake, thence folowing shore venue, rice $¢ One-nall cash, 7 25c per of lake in a nortberly direction to point of com | "wo lots, Block 88 Sect ion 8, Justin amount of shares of stock at 20 I ra pernent; eonsanlog, fa Seren, were yor lass... | Steen. Galan $500 pair $300 cash par value $1.00, These shares ar q Jated Sept. 5, 1911 THOMAS Met ONT| &* 2 ; T, Pe C ‘ z e . avkat | Pub. Sept. 9. Erenest Cole, Agent | One lot, Block 1, Section 8, next to quickly and will soon be off the mar! | * > \leve > ice $475 Skeena Land Distriet-—District of Coast Rauge 6 | corne r, Eleventh Avenue. Price $476, . up y ‘Take notice that E. H. G. Miller of Falmoush $300 cash, NCE { (} I I Eng., occupation surveyor, intends to apply fo | HOUSE FOR SALE THE MACK REALTY 4 pith % Fg ree oR eNnen ne IRON - Spanetes | Four-room house, plastered, >sizited, best 5 1c AGENTS ; Commencing at a post planted at the N. W. Cor- Rarpor bi in city, on Ambrose SELLING AGENTS ne ner of Lot 4406, thence west 80 chians, thence south | venue. "rice $1837. Cash 600, 44448 | 20 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 20 | balance $30 per month. $ 40h 464400 OOK O44 OE EEO es r chains to the point of commencement containing | . iy anes more or less. BH MILLEE } om i FOR aayet LA ' - ated August 15, 1911, . H. G. aR ices and stores on Second Avenue anc WATER NOTICE | Skee a Pub, Aug, 26. P.M. Miller, Agent | mirth Street. Prices $35 to $75 per | District of : Nich Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Queen Charlotte ; Mca pened scared Take notice that Wm. ? natie ecg ki te Jelands IEW PTE | Mhoaty furnished flat, four rooms end I, 8. Harrison of Prings Rupert, B. 1 broker Pa. wae Prince Rupe! spply f . P 7 B y » sy | give notice that on the fifteenth day o' ovember , f ter ) apl Rupert, oecupation saddier, intends to apply to the Bet, hot and, god wate ¥) x4 or nee foi, intend to apply to the Water Commissioner | locomotive firel follow Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a ulton and Sixth Avenue. Price | at his office in Prince Rupert, B, C., for licence permission to P Heenee to prospect, for goal, oil pad etroleum 98 | $50 per month. to take and use three cubic fect of water per second described land tl and under the following described lands on the from MeNeil River in Skeena District. ‘The water | GC et | Vest Coast of Graham Island: 16 i110 Lon FOR SALE latte be taken from the stream about four miles Commencing 4& J t y Commencing at a post planted three miles east | 9 ANC acres for garden trucking, at above ib unction with the Skema River and) north bank o! | d westel | of She portnense enenes..0 Gs, men Gate thease | Kitsumkalum. Price $65 per acre. is to be vsed on Lot 4405 for domestic and age) 1 ont two milk trea of th north chains, thenee eas' chains, thenee Te x : south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of 10- =~ re e ts gurde n trucking at Kit. | culture! purposes. SAMUEL HARRISON ly direction from ! the ma commencement. ; selas. neem Tease’ ‘Terms, Bape. 9, little Zim-o-got-1l¢ ! k WI AUSTIN M, BROWN, Locator | LASE ran TR 1OTICE f , I m rne . ® mn ty ” BR NOTICE yot-itz rly ; cort fepeted August 2065043. {Three lots on Third Avenue close to “ss eon Nichol: oe west 4 | business section, level, good lease, oe ale she ae ane Roper north 4 ¢ ch tine more oF 4 a , 3. Harrison of Prinee pe | 1) cha t Skeena Land District —District of Coast Kange vi LOTS IN NEW HAZELTON give notice tbat on the fifteenth day of So ee chains, thence s0U*" thet ee Take notice that he Peter Larsen of Towner, | $10 cash and $10 per month buys you a| i911, L intend to apply to the Water Commissioner to shore line of rive Orne li North Dakota, U. 8. farmer, intend to apply homesite. at his office in Prince Rupert, B. C., for a licence less to eA alo Me eae or permission to rents the following deseribed | to tuke and use two cubie feet of water per second | 40 chains more 0" cement’ | — from the West Fork of MeNeil River in Skeena | of yjyer to pos? ‘ 4 Commencing at a planted at the south. | - 4 t ; ona sare Si SohS an ah Be cet | Dine” ‘The water it be taken from the nel | taining 6) ACTS MON” Nic OLAON, thence west 40 chains, thenee north 80 chains, ° River and is to be used on Lot 4405 for domestic WM s Pt itman, 48 thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, rt ricultural purp: i i Pub July $5 Yoh. PEN LARSEN | JOFE er. t : PUPPOWAMUEL HARRISON July 17, 191) Pub July 25, 1911. Fred £, Cowell, Agent ° ’ * | sept. 9 Dated July 4'