PAGE EDC fate I? B If a? if 8 5 JJJJJJ BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Real Values! DIAMONDS - WATCHES - JEWELRY SILVER WARE FLAT WARE - CLOCKS - TOILET SETS - HAND BAGS Evening Rags - Compacts WATERMAN and SHEAFFER Pens and Pencils Your name Engraved FREE Pipes and Men's Smoking Accessories Fine Assortment of Lamps and Shades IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE Ideal Home Gifts New Dinner Sets - Attractive Pottery - Sparkling Crystal Brass Ware - Baggage OPEN EVENINGS Max Heilbroner DAY Saturday and Monday DIAMOND SPECIALIST When Buying Coal Why Nol Purchase The Best? r6TJ tiourtOAlyctlll 'TL . 1 . .: 11 inti wm matte i ycur home complete s vn, w y gar ttfuw. fi51 - Phones Nanaimo Vancouver Island Coal Foothills Alherta Sootless Coal Hulklcy Valley Coal Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. G52 . - - 3 n IS 15 ft 15 15 ft $5 5 r5 s5 P IS 8 VANDERHOOF In the Bulkley Valley. Lake3 District and Vanderhoof agricultural districts 16,102 bushels of spring wheat were threshed during the past season as well as 415 bushels of winter wheat. 103,840 bushels of t oaU, 16556 bushels of barley. 98 1 bushels of peas, 150 bushels of rye and 577.020 pounds of grass seed, according to reports so far The Vanderhoof Conservative Association has indicated its intention of putting a candidate In the field for Omlneca constituency in the by-election to fill the seat in the Legislature made vacant by the DAILT KTKS Decease,, Rotary Club Is 1 Entertained By Visit to Germany Dr. 'eal Carter Tells of Trip He Made to Dresden in 19Z3, Returning in 1930 (''aris and an interesting trip home GIFT LINGERIE SPECIAL , We arc advertising just a fevv of the many Satin Satin Step-in Pontine Panties, tan tea wic and nn,1 ! !i i .. ... J Ladies' rose wnue, rrench lace trimmed G-fl AA Dollar Day lvU BRASSIER AND PANTIE SETS Crepe-de-Chine bias cut Brassier and Panties, assorted colors, French lace trimmed, hand finished. C a Dollar Day JUIM PRINCESS SLIPS Assorted colors, bias cut, French lace trimmed, suede crepe, beautifully i AA finished; Dollar Day t?AUU LADIES' SILK HOSE SPECIAL Full fashioned Ringless Sheer Chiffon Hose all the very newest shades, silk from top to toe, novelty lace top, reg. $1.50 pair, boxed individually. OA Dollar Day, pair KAYSER BRIEF PANTIES & BLOOMERS Strictly tailored garments, dull finished, crepe rayon, shades white and rose blush, all sizes. f AA Dollar Day, 2 pair for . ?XUv items on sale Dollar Davs. HunrlrPfls nf other useful gifts to choose from for the whole family. Drapery Fabrics 8 PIECES ENGLISH SHADOW CLOTH All new designs, 48 inches wide, fast colors, reversible. Q-fl Dollar Day, 2 yds, for tJ)J-UU ALL SILK CURTAIN NETS 36 Inches wide, all silk, assorted designs, honey shade, Extra Special AA Dollar Day, 4 yds, for JJUUU NOTTINGHAM NET CURTAINS In pairs Ecru or Ivory shade, full standard size, finished ready 4o hang Q-fl A A up; Dollar Day, pair tJH.VU 36-INCH PRINTED SATEEN Assorted designs, floral printed drapery sateens, fast colors. A Dollar Day, 4' yards for . $XUU -ompleted the trip which proved 'nioyabte "nd instructive and of real value In connection with his vork. ccent resignation of Mr. Justice A. VI. Manson. A.' W. Lundell. organizer of the Conservative party, has been a visitor in the riding during the last few days. Saturday and Monday FRASER and PAYNE The Last Dollar Days of the Season white; Dollar Day STEAMBOAT Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Weekly Prizes For IIi?h Srorrs -mA 4 - 4 A DAY Saturday a.nd Monday LADIES' SNUGS Waffel Knit t Snugs, Panties and Vests un coior, Angora wool mixture, ot-a, vest anu panties 2 garments for all $1.00 RAYON PIQUE PANTIES 1 anties and Bloomers, May-Belle quality, assorted colors, neatly trim- C-fl A A med ; Dollar Day, 2 pair for . vJLvl LADIES' BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS i ure Irish Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered, 3 hdkfs. Q-fl A A to the box; Dollar Day 4 boxes vJ-UU LADIES' BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS i ure Irish Linen, a better grade handkerchief, hand embroidered, 3 to C-f A A the box; Dollar Day, 3 boxes vJLvU MEN'S IRISH LINEN HDKFS. ull size, hemstitched, genuine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, very fine linen Q4 AA Dollar Day, 5 for J1.UU TEDDIES trepede-Chine French lace trimmed, bias .ui, tuiurs, lea rose and C-i A A ?JLUV 1 Junior Chamber ROUND BEND; Of Commerce On Late Will Rosen on Capitol Theatre Screen This Week-End 4 I'UONE 937 Interior Tour rjnohif and tears, comedv and The Junior Section of the Prince j near-tragedy follow each other In Rupert Chamber of Commerce, In I n ii ir lr cnnuiftfi and hrinir rtrama'u A.i.t.. u ji l.- i . 1 . ...... - i .. o IUI WCCtlJT UU1V UliUUClUb utk etc- and suspense to "Steamboat 'Round nlngt took a trip to Prince George. The roe Rotary Kotary club Club was was entertain- entertain- featuring the late will SDeakers of the evening T J ed for three quarters of an hour . f .K acr Ul . cvc,uns were J- whlrh to pUol RSerS- . Williams, whose subject was the yesterday veaterdav afternoon afternoon bv by a a verv very In- in- iTheatw week-end. Also In this functions of the Junior Chamber iuncuon ol inc Junior inamoer teresting account of visit made a : .., ,. nvM to Germany In 1929 br Dr. Keal P bb'n; or, ! of Commerce, and H. F. Pullen. who Leather Research as a student. He sights language. Dr. Carter found had no status in Germany .other ' great American ..... humorist. . spoJce spu.c on. behaW 0f the museum Carter, rilrevtnr of the F1hri ... Experimental Station. He went to T' "! !L "? !"pP" " aPPcal "r public support the Kaiser Wilhelm InsUtute for. .V111 active funcUonlng which ful and tender romance. .H,t ran,H,lShlrley' he anotner man 10 ! William, saxophonists; Miss Betty ' ?n? , W-Jeence. Rogers to hostile to the Hllson. S. J. Hunter and Miss Bea-manj. a per-, giri because of the trouble she hasUn,.. son was either BriUsh or American, ICan. hrnntrht brought " " tn to " McGuire. 1nfr But, Rut ti-Vien when the t.a ! in the trip was a visit he made at : ( ., . . . unnsimas witn some relatives by; marriage who lived at a village not ' far from Blngen on the Rhine Inj ccupied territory. About half the. people of the village turned out to neet him knd he saw a number of -ural' native customs which he' ould not have feen if he had rc-i mained In the- big cities. j Ont he way home Dr. Carter; stopped off in Switzerland to see 'he mountains and do a little -tllmbing. He failed to reach the -summit of the Matterhorn owing to ad up while he -a on the mountain. A week in j Is contemplated. Others contribut lived there at a nrivate home. . , . uig to the program, which was pre- spendlne his time at his work see- .MCUUire a nwW nePnew , sented during the trip to Prince " " i . .v... Ninirr. jnnnnv jannnm anri . i ' I . . ... Ih haH tr, anK,r K,fr th ,nM ! . . .T:' xiopnone soioisi. ana MISS .wn,ui00y is conaemnea uj nang. meir nuth Nelson niano soloist J Cltf- jand explain why he u-as there andjjpve for him draws them together! 0nf OUk? o the Junior how he obtained the money to in the fight to save him Thev y 8 trct i, Chamber Z. . J? of Commerce, presented tPon him thri , . mm mere. jKeep (money for an appeal and a great ! The speaker explained many oflthrill Is saved for the last s-hon . the customs in Dresden. He desrrib-! Roeprs' ri I j C - - b u v W 4A IAaif . ed the beautiful park and the race down to New Orleans as h jcastle where the Ro-al Saxon Jew- hurrying to save his nephew. els were kept in a vault. He was' In the supporting cast arc' Impressed by the different styles of ( Stepin Fetchlt. Eugene Pallette and architecture and the peculiar ceno-Bcrton Churchill assisting Rogers jtaphs which wye all larger at the; in his comedy characterizations of I tnn than at. thp Hnttam inrhlKi tViarn n . .. une oi me mieresung incidents Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE I'rnjirietor Hert Alorjan & Ilud Barrii Don't forget the number m JONES Family Market J Saturday Specials shoulder Roost of Vta. per lb. 1-Uone Roat of Btef per lb. Sirloin Tipper lb Rump Roast of Beef pvr lb. i'rune Rib Roast per lb. Pol Roast of Bef 6 lbs. ihort Ribs of Beef 3 lbs. umburger Steak 3 lbs 'Lmb Chops 3 lbs. Round Steak 3 lbs. Sirloin Steak 3 lbs x of Pork per lb Leg of Lamb per lb Shoulder Roast of Lamb 4 lbs. " Shoulder Roast of Pork per lb i PHONE 95. 10c ISc 15c 15c 15c 50c 25c 25c 50c 40c 50c 20c 20c 50c 15c SPECIAL WITH MEAT Side Bacon OCI ner lb f' per lb 8!nrSa?p" 70c SAVE BAKING TIME AND TROUBLE WITH THE emif ouaJzer METHOD ! Bake bread and cakes in half the time, with half of the work ue Quaker Flour and the Quaker Eaiy Method of Baking. Send coupon for FREE copy of thii booklet telling you how tn halt ivlfknnr 1r nallti(f - without letting. Thoutands of Wcitern Canadian houiewlve have found it perfect. his weekly tallc: . c announcer and jll lL charge of sound e!:. ana MLv, were piano acco- Valuible Baking Book FREE ThtQuikcrOatiComptnr.DcpC 52 OUMIOOO, TM.a .a mmiA I I 1.. -r1 - "A t . I Method ofEurBrtad Baling." I Nam , J AddrtH . , , , J T)taltt'$ Namt- r Pi GREATEST PICTURE! Tfw most iraporlanl event ot the new screen season! JUT FIO ROGERS ill- 1 'miimIIi ICN IUOCN VMAH f 01 iran lt IIIIIET Hill 1 COM vxm twm mm iiiciit A' 7 45 & 0 SPECIAL! Englishmen Fly Ovrr World s, Hubert Tfak "WINGS OVKR MT. EVEREST Heroic and H .. S' :y of the HousVv M! Ercrc:' Fli-. SiMv Svmnhonr and NtJ TONiraiT at i sTi rmv IHIWIWI I II II - i- OH VJa uoc only rnou m. n aWBHii D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE On our account of a larger demand for new goods, we are Inrreasinf line of new furniture, spare carpets, mats, cork bath nw' window shades, etc. PHONE: GKEEN 121