KV I .... ft. ' TA$B TOUR ' . I 'JL -ft 7). n.-j. u If 'you Vlsh to swap a classified. m mm m m m m r m r IRRADIATED for 'Sunshine! iRRATEoAVitamin D n LMILKH G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable, Wants 5,000 Martin Pelts 10,000 Minks & Other Furs He Is in a position to pay the highest price going. Debts trappers owe him will not be collected until after next fishing season. RADIO CFPR Prince Rupert B.C. Power': 50 Watts Frequency: 580 Kilo-cycles. Schedule: 12 Noon Till 1 p.m. 6 to 7 p.m. Any special programs to be announced with the times over the station at the .regular broadcast. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phpne Blue 320 AAiiurvaL hockey LEAGUE STARTING York Americans and Chicago Black Hawks will meet tonight in the opening game of the XT lt. i . "auuai ttocicey League sea- 4 i CHICAGO. Nov 7" Mour A son. Other teams win swin. x mm acuon at the end of the ECONOMY SPECIALS Wc can supply you with all FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season, at reasonable prices FRESH PINEAPPLE 4Q( POMEGRANATES-- n large, each J.UC J FANCY PEARS n- . per doz ODKs TOKAY RED GRAPES ftff 2 IbS. , 4dC CALIFORNIA GRAPE-FRUIT, 4 for . BANANAS .f m per lb 11C CASABA MELON A J per lb XUU Vegetable Marrow, Squash, Celery, Cauliflower, Urusscl Sprouts, Cit-onn, Etc. at Reduced Prices Get your enxt box of Apples from us. wc nave a wide selection. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone U I , . . . t . . . - 1 I 1 HAVE- ALRE-ADY USED Badminton Club Commences Play Season Opened Last Night With Tournament, Winners in Which Were Mrs. Mitchell and W. Bryant The Prince Rupert Badminton Club opened the season with an American tournament last nisht. the theatre ticket prizes, donated by D. G. Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre, beinir won tav Mrs George Mitchell and Wizner Rrv. ant. There were about twentyeight persons present and refreshments were served. PREMIER IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. D n (CP) Premier W. L. Mactln,!. W Tl m . n.ing oi uanada arrivprf hra h,i ' WHO afternoon and was uivon - thusiastic welcome r? numtrer of high officials Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL llpl Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company .with, an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. DAILY NZTTS Over 2000 Tins of irradiated Carnation Milk 3 (7)NE year ago this month, the Dionne quintuplets received their first feeding of Carnation Milk. And Carnation is the only milk they have had since using over 2,000 tall tins. Bottle days are over, but these precious babies still get their Irradiated Carnation Milk. The day Carnation Milk first went into the babies' bottles, the combined weight of the five little girls was 54 pounds. Today it is over 103 pounds. All have teeth, wavy black hair, and large brown eyes, and they are the picture of health. All walk with a little guiding. They drink their Carnation Milk out of mugs, and eat it on their cereal. What a lesson for every mother in this story! Not only that Irradiated Carnation Milk is a safe, dependable, easily digested food for babies but the important fact that children should go on getting their Irradiated Carnation Milk with its extra supply of vitamin D after bottle days are over. Ask your doctor for a Carnation feeding formula for your baby. Write for two valuable free booklets "Contented Babies" and "100 Glorified Recipes". Address Carru. tion Co., Limited, Vancouver, B.C. 4 THE WORLD'S LARGEST-SELLING BRAND OF EVAPORATEOMILK Todays Stocks (OourUny 8. D Jomifilou Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .222. Big Missouri, .66. Bralorne, 5.40. B. R. Cons., .032. B. R. X., .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.10. Dentonla, .21. Dunwell, .04. Georgia River, .00. Golconda, .11. Grange, .02 (ask). Indian, .01. , Minto, .05. Meridian New, .20. Morning Star, .034. National Silver, .02 i2. ' Noble Five, .04 V2. Pend Oreille, .76. Porter Idaho. .05 '4. Premier, 1,80. Reno, .82. ' , Salmon Gold, .07 '2. Taylor Bridge, .17. Wayside, 15. Whitewater, .052 (ask). Waverly Tangier, .00 , United Empire. .042 (ask). Toronto Central Patricia, 2.18. Chibougamau, .15'2. Lee Gold, .0334. Oranada, .242. Inter. Nickel, 34.25. Macassa, 2.80. Noranda, 42.45. Sherrltt Gordon, .83. Siscoe, 2.80. Ventures, 1.23. Lake Maroh, .02. Teck Hughes, 4.35. Sudbury Basin, 2.15. Smelter Gold', .05. Can. Malartic, .68. Little Long Lac, 5.40. Astoria Roiiyn, .02&. Stadacona, .20. Maple Leaf, .07 y2. Pickle Crow, 3.25. McKenzle Red Lake, l.io Cod's. Lake.l.44. Sturgeon River, .58. , . -t Red Lake Gold Shored .41. San Antonio, 2.99. HOLDING UP DELEGATION Premier Pattullo Suggests That Conference on New Local Hos- I pital be Deferred At the suggestion of Premier T. O. Pattullo, the hospital board, at its regular monthly meeting last night, decided to defer the sending of a delegation consisting of Presl dent S. D. Macdonald and Vice President W. M. Brown to Victoria to press for financial support from the provincial government In the building of a new hospital here until after the forthcoming Do minion-provincial conference in Ottawa. It had been proposed that the delegation should meet the cabinet next week but a wire from Premier Pattullo Intimated that he would not be In Victoria then and ! advised that the delegation defer its visit until after the conference which has been set for the latter part of the month. The board considered it advisable to comply with the Premier's suggestion. There was some discussion as to whether It would be advisable to send the memorandum to Victoria prior to the delegation going or to reserve the memorandum to be presented by the delegation at the time of its visit. Decision on this point was finally left to the dele gation. MeanUme, such organizations as the Senior and Junior Chambers of Commerce, the Trades and Labor Council, Canadian Legion, Rotary and Gyro Clubs and Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, will be asked to endorse th new hospital project. Already the Prince Rupert Medical Association is behind the proposal. The suggestion is for a new 100-bed hospital on me present hospital site at an estimated cost of $300,000. The deferring of the departure of the delegation will not affect the attendance of the managing secretary, H. W. Birch, at the annual convention next week of the British Columbia, Hospitals Association convention In Victoria. Mr Birch will leave tomorrow night on the Cardena for the tend the convention as official delegate of the local! hospital. An agenda of the cbnvention wai received Jby the board at tilt nn.ut. meeting flnder .to fc.:;BIrch, Trains Expected To Be Running By First Next Week Although If. hat v.o heavilv in the lnwpr q.. since yesterday and the river Is rising again, local officials of the Canadian National Railways are not antieinntlno- ,., - a lurtner trouble with the line. Repair work ...6 wis rcceni nign water damage Is proceed in r n-oii u r ""-"i i- was j . . , -v. luuwu,jg( ana tne ex pectatlon still is that through train ..mjr ue resumea by the be ginning of next week. if I K9 KM HatiVt yoa noticed that yonr btppieit boon of tnr on itjt when yon feel your beit? Hire more of theie happy diyl. Yon and all your family. Goard health whilo yon hare it. Keep on the loony aide of life. The greateit enemy of health la common eonitipation. It may Mne Iom of appetite and energy. Certainly It kllli enthniialml Yet It ean he ianlihed by eating a aelielona eereaL t Laboratory tetta '-bnlk" ihow Kellogg'a All-Bun aoppliea and vita-mln B to relieve common eonitJ. ration. Alio Iron for the blood. .The "bnlk- In Aii.B.N J, nmh like that in leafy vegetables How tinch pleaianter to eat thlt dell, tloni ready-lo-eat cereal than to take patent medielnei. Two table-poonfnli dally are ninilly ,nffi. ent. Chronle eii with Mh ! W not rv Hed thlt way, yonr doctor. Made I by "Kellogg in London, Onu WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Bringing passengers, mall and freight, C. N. It. steamer Prince John, Capt. Dan McKinnon, ar- rived in port at 9:15 last night' from Vancouver via Queen Char-! lotte Islands and will be here until 10 o'clock Friday night when she ! win sail on her return south over the same route. No boats bein? in with xAh.c 1 O v i there was.no sale of halibut on the: locai mrt exchange this morning. The hnlihnt Knof -n,!,.-, ..wuv uvnv AMiiLrina icLurn- ed to DOrt last. Inohf nil.. u..t -ov m.vi liavuig delivered a catch of fish to Seattle. The Tahoma, although still Am-! . . Atn I 1 1 w..v.aii., cguicrea, is now beine treated bv the AmpriM ok.i . ..v... HUbliUU- ties as a CannHInn VDctal ' decision being made in the Alaska COUntS Of the intprnntlnnol .).... - nf IKa l ! v ure vessel. We sell circulation. We have It. Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Reserve your alley by phoning 658 All five pin games 12tic per line. M Thin-si av v LAST vii'VJ feature ft.l iZOtArrinv. W. C. FlPitvJ "The Man nr. a. I ATTltAf-rinv.. COLLKCE SCA.r I Arline Judge, k,m , I BAER - LOIS f'Kht Iicures 'At. 7:00 k i, Grotto fa 456 rropricton Bert Morgan & Bii Don't forr itheni 156 torp, A M; .R; j;l 'sailed yestert!-v s!ff. Prince George f i : a trl- ari. on oiitiuai bu. : RCA VICTOR See hear RCA Victor's great forward stride presented in Uicsc striking ucw Globe Trotter ww Come down to our store , and ask for a demonstration . . . Mt 1 ..ill flDu . . . youu not only lie aruazca uy mc -accuracy of tuning in foreign stations, American sli0 wave stations as well as the standard wave progra""1 hut you will he thrilled with tone of remark W clarity and rcaligni. There's a wido range of ioit to choose from ... at moderate prices 1 Remcm1 'Globe Trotters" arc math only by RCA Victor- TRADE-IN . . . Wo'H offer a generouJ allowance on your present e