paoz rots MUSSALLEM'S HAVE IT Everjthing You Require to Eat at Prices to Suit Your Purse. We deliver all orders over Jl.sO GIVE US A TRIAL Beeklst Honey 2V4 per tra Squirrel Brand Peanut Bulk. Please bring your containers, 2 lbs. lor Pride of Canada Maple Syrup, 2, per tin Lilly White Corn Syrup 2'vper tin Libbys Pork and Beans 2' (Jg oquab, wu - Bartlett Pears 2's per tin - - Aylmer Tomatoes Choice 2's, per tin Rollo Cream Health Oats per pkg. Shredded Wheat per pkg. r.. Dried Peaches Fsncy , 3 lbsi for .. - Lee and Pe'nins Sauce t Large bottle, each 37c Butter 22c 59c 20c 14c 9c 27c 10c 35c 66c Book jour orders with us for Apricots. The season is short. Other Fruits and Vegetables at , m reduced prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where , Dollars Bare More Cents' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 319 Third Avenue Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming Make arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties every Sunday. 75c. Fare, adults, $3.50; each additional adult, $1.50. Hotel. Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. There Is a Difference in MILK Prove It to yourself. Try Prince Rupert' Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving Newly weds Arrive I Here to Take Up ! Their Residence Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lawrence Pritchard, who were married on July 20 at Christ Church Cathedral In Vancouver by Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, arrived In the city on the Catala last evening from the ."south to reside at Surf Point mine. Mr. Pritchard is the only son of .Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritchard of this 'city. The bride Is the youngest i daughter of Mrs. D. Taylor and the late A. R. Allam of England. Abuse of Park Timber Causes Official Ban "Selective logging" for woodcutting purposes in the city park area west of McClymont Park has caused the city commissioner to order that all falling of timber must cease for tht time .being, a notice to this elect being published J elsewhere today. It is said that woodcutters have been selecting the very best timb t for this nur- I Evans, C. N. R.: Mr. and Mrs. S, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A DOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates 11.00 ua 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Tinimins Takes Patmore Mine Important Interests Instituting Program of Further Development at Dorreen The Timmins Interests have become Interested by option In the Patmore gold property on Fiddler Creek near Dorreer.. A small crew of men is being put to work under Lyman Hinton, whr leaves for the interior tonight, and the Intention is to later institute a program of diamond drilling with a view to further developing the property. Considerable work has already been done and some unusual surface showings of gold have been opened up although heavy overburden has made the work difficult A 12-foot vein runs over one-half an ounce in gold per ton. Thre are Iron and lead sulphides with small silver value. The original owners. William H. Patmore and Tom Scully, who k-sated the ground last summer, retain a substantial Interest In the property which aUraeted the Interest of a number of conipanier who were prepared to take it. the Timmins Interests offering the best deal. The property is Ira ted some six miles up Fiddler Creek from Dorreen station and at an elevation of Dose and cutting down forbidden about 2009 fen above the railway -trees, thus marring an area which itract I"1" 1 four miles of wa it Is hoped some day to develop ex-igon roaa as Iar as ine Knauss pro tensively as a park Hotel Arrivals Savoy J. H. Cochrane, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Leask, Metla-katla; I. Beck, Queen Charlotte; J. Ferguson, Lewis Island; P. RicketU, Carlisle Cannery; R. A. Todd, Van- milTPr- V n Klrfnner Unrrmfn- Mr. and Mrs. Kydd Anyox; E. M. Titnpc FVotMco A rm Mr on A life J s. . .t, tutu, B.4SU illiO. L. Pritchard, city. Royal J. A. Ducks, E. Jacobson and B. Astrom, Prince George; N. Mollne. L. Wester. Harold Child and L. H. perty with two miles of trail be yond. William Patmore is still prospecting in the vicinity and is to be .Hamilton Mrs. W. F. Ungerer rta" uk ears P1 McLeod. Nelson: E Mr,, nrt l . Amy. McBride; Mr and Mrs. M. B. Jorgensen and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mathlson and son Petersburg. Alaska; Eric W. Moren. McBride. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morgan, Queen Charlotte Islands: Mrs. A, Salter. California;, D. Critchley, In- having both legs, shoulder and Jaw broken In addition to Internal In-' Juries. Dean R. W. Brock and Pilot W. R. McClusky were killed almost outright in the crash and Mrs. Brock passed away early the following morning. David Sloan war managing-di rector of Pioneer Oold Mines of "TILLIE THE TOILER" HEIiE A vJIffcH HO COULD FOIS VOU, MR. MAC-J THAT BE DOUSAUL- i . y 'rr FfUDM? and for a prominent part In the deve'opment of the province's mining resources. He was also president of Wayside Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd.. and president of B. C. Nickel Mines Ltd.. besides holding lesser offices in other mining ventures. He resided at 4397 Belmont Avc- verness; A. Chishoim and G. Gil-if"' S SUrv,Ted by and three bert. Victoria; Dan OTlourke. Cal gary; Don Beaton. A. W. Hart and A'. B. Billings, Vancouver; W. H. Miller. Ottawa; Mias Born well and Miss Morrison, Long Beach; W. B. McDonald. Olympia. Wash.; Eleanor C. Walsh, Mrs. C. W. Van-pellL Francis Cameron and W. E. Psterson, Seattle. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 children. About two months ago Mr. Sloan was a passenger In an airplane which struck a tow rope In Coal Harbor and overturned, throwing the occupants Into the water. He escaped uninjured then. MR- ORME RETURNS C. H. Orme, Conservative candidate for Skeena In the forthcoming federal election, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from a preliminary campaign tour to various points between here and Endako. Mr. Orme reports having THE DAILY NEW 3 Mocij WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Joined this week by H. Agnew. an-'tag repaired. other graduate of the University of British Columbia in geology. DIES OF INJURIES 'Continued from Paae ! Nora Jane at Dry Dock For En tine Overhaul Prince George's New Whistle Another Seattle-Prince Rupert Yacht Rare .Mooted. T. A. Kelley Loftflng Co.'s service boat Nora Jane, Capt- VV. L. Dass, has been at the local dry dock for the past week undergoing engine overhaul and will remain there until Saturday. It is expected. The vessel recently burned out a beating and. while this was being remedied, it was decided to have a general overhaul-In port from 5 to 7 o'clock Saturday evening, C. N. R steamer Prince George. Capt. Edward Mabbs. on sailing from here for Vancouver, had a capacity passenger list. The vessel brought In 115 passengers from Anyox, the J ' Russell Hopton and Fred Kohler. large majority of whom continued The story is one of New York south, and quite a number of addi- sporting and night club life. Uonal passengers embarked at this Pure, hilarious entertainment Is port Including tourists who had ar- provided In "Ladies Should Listen" rived, from the east by rail. which deplete the complications - that a young man about town in The steamer Prince George, on Parts gets Into after acquiring an her calls here at the end of the option on a South Amartran nitrate week. cauMd some confusion ow- concession and too many lady lng to her changed and deeper friends Gary Grant has the prtn-whlsUe and. had it not been for final male role while Frances the following siren, the vessel's ap- Drake is pleasing as a telephone p roach w'ould not have been re- operator who tries to extricate him cognized. The ship is at present us- from his troubles. Charles Ray. lng a borrowed whistle obtained former silent picture star, essays a from another steamer In Vancou- film comeback as a doorman and. ver while the regular whistle is be- others in the east are Nydia West- Aboard the steamer Princess Louise; which was in port Satnr- COMEDIES FEATURED Times Square Lady" and "Ladies Should Listen' on Double Bill at Capitol Times Square Lady." a novel ro mantic comedy drama, and "Ladles Should Listen.' a fast comedy farce, comprise an entertaining double bill program being offered at the Capitol Theatre here the first of this week. The east of Times Square Lady- is largely composed of new stars who are rapidly gaining popularity. Robert Taylor and 'Virginia Bruce having the leading roles. Others taking part lnclud Pinky Tomlin, well known phonograph and radio entertainer, who strgs "The Object of My Affection'' and "What's the Reason I'm Not Pteasln' You? ". Helen Twelvetreea. Nat Pendleton. Raymond Hatton Jack LaRue. man. Edward Everett Herton and George Bar bier day afternoon southbound from:1 contained In a communication Skagway to Vancouver, were 191 lrora H4chard Proteose, chairman passengers of whom 16fl were round i01 IU"1 ntt loT U Seattle trippers returning south from Al-jYachl club- John Dbun of aska. Included In the tourists were Ith4 Mr froboese't letter an- the Buchanan boys and girls from a0" "t three perpetual chal the Eastern States who had been almost two weeks in the north. Seven persons disembarked here while seven went south from this port i disembarked here. George Bryant made a successful angling trip to Khtada Lake at the week-end. leaving Saturday evening and returning today. His party included H. 8. Gunning of Denver. Colorado, vho has been a lenge iropmea pw up m Prince Rupert In connection with the race were being returned heir in the event that another race might be held in which they would again go Into competition. Of course, Both- Returning south on the third ofto aloog; this line ran now be en-lour scheduled cruises to Alaska jtrtaned this year. this summer, C. N. R. steamer Prince Robert, Capt H. E. NeddenJ Returning south from a rgu-arrived lnport at 9-30 yesterday tari &chauW e t Skagway morning from the north and sailed I and oUlr Alaska pstaU with a at 3 am. for Vancouver. The vea-i1"' lut of paatecgen eocMlastBg sel had on board a capacity list of !mosUy of trip tours. C. N. 310 passengers including four who!" tmer Prt Kaperl, Capt Neil McLean, arrived la pott at 16 o'clock this morning from the north and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. Having on boa ra a large party of tourist passengers for Alaska. C. P visitor here for the past week and R- steamer Prince AHce. Capt. for whom the fishing trip was the I Clifford FenUm, arrived In port at crowning delight of a stay which 9 o'clock this morning from Van- was highly enjoyable. Mr. Gun-1 couver and sailed a couple of hours nlng, who leaves by this evening's ' later for Sicagway and other nor-traln on his return south, says he I them points whence she win re-Intends to return here as soon as I turn here Saturday afternoon possible, bringing members of his family and friends with him. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 8:30 last evening from the south and southbound. The vessel had 144 passengers on board of whom six disembarked here while went north aboard her from this' poet. . had a splendid reception and he Is sailed a couple of hours later for Sockeye fishing In the Brtla very optimistic as to the chances .Anyox. Stewart and other northern Coota and Fttahugh Sound district of his success at the polls. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss. Pr. Rupert 3 pjn. paims wnence snc will return here has ceased owing to the run hav-, tomorrow morning and sail 'at 1:30 lng petered out. it was rrportcd at p.m. for Vancouver and way points, the Dominion Fisheries elf lee this A good sized list or passengers in-: morning. Pinks am beifltag to eluded a number of round trippers, show up in the Bella DtJla area. IseJneboaU there getting about 1000 Granby Ca's service boat Granby .fish per day. A late sockeye run is arnvea in pon a: o'clock last . reported in Gardner Canal, the Tuesday Catala 1:30 pjn. night from Anyox. leaving at noon fish going to Butedale and Klemtu t"ua'-M' r- Auaiae....iu pjn.; toaay on her return to the smelter for canning. Week-end boat aver-Ss. Cardena midnight town. :ages on the Skeera River for the Saturdayss. Prin Louise 5 p.m. Iglllnetters were 30 sockeye and 75 Ss. Prince George 6 pjn.j Suggestion that another Seattle to 100 pinks. The Naas was aver- Aug. 4, 18 ss. Pr. Robert 3 pjn.jto Prince Rupert power cruiser aging 20 sockeye and 110 pinks From Vancouver (marathon such as was held a few, Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. years ago might again be arranged The c R. C, belonging to John Mac's Everybody's Friend LISTEM "TO THIS V4H OViH CK(T, HAPPIWESS To vTtJ -THANHS A MILLION, YE AH- T " Mil ft In i-iit t. f i tin! mr W . fM ttum V I I I L Tonight & rrTTir7rLrTr7,riri Tuesday M . I J ' I ATTRACTION 1. Broadway Owed llir a Million "Times A race tracr 1 A notorious night club! A hockey team This was the strarce inheritance of "King" Bradley's Iowa da ugh tea Romance thrills as she wars for her glorious empire! with -VIKOINlt MUTE HELEN TWELVLTKEIS ItOUEKT TAYLOR At 8 13 Si 10 31' Currle St Son, was pressed into service this morning by the Armour Salvage Co. to assist In delivering a tow of 250.000 feet of togs from the Auriol camp at Denlse Arm to Big ATTR ACTION Girls! Get an earful t . . . . u..rU ana lZttA The hili.-ou .if:" ; sieged barlii : - , hed an dhu same time W!!. CAItY GltAYr FRANCES WtAKt World News Edward Everett llcrt I At 7 r it A Washer For Every Pun EASY Now makes it possible for Every Home to on aslier. Wc are now offering an EASY Washer at a spnl price ol Terms may be arranged This model will be on display in our window fori following week. Arrange for a demonstration at once 4.t iALAn AND COOKING OIL a NOW AT A NEW LOW PRICI D nuLNemJktfat MAYDNNA151J H.,.-uAW ECONOMICAL Bay box factory TT tug Pachena was .: salvage of the An - boat Addlngton in M sage. By Westoyer YOU MADE ME HAPPY, 'TDP MAC' "tDU "Eg SOME CUP ID SEEM TD eE ABLE "TO OWE'S LOVE 8-3 C QjnTQveaT) r nr; stirs s r 2 ?A I V j fmJt ... S !