M tit $ 4 fi' IJ fa R BTBUWTM !J1 rfBYtf? BIB BXBBtV It VI It l II ITU TltVtKl V llhrifty Buyers who i want to buy Shoes I - By Canada's Best Makers . . I Can at Hess Than Cost Price i g i I Wwyour jtlrfgmPnt if' I hose bargains are no(; worth while. Al'lhVpVifC yon caii'iisc them' for house shoes. Bargain Department Cash Only 3 The Family Shoe Store 1 Third Aveniie; LIMITED fbone 357 " f k Where Service- and Quality Kxee I ,J m b a ra t at rammwm a sra-rat-a aK-ByataKBras-B aiaf-avara THE DAILY NEWS; fRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Hupert Dally News. Limited, Tlilrd Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone fH Sem Department Telephone nr, Member' of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDI7TON Friday. January 18, 1935 SPRKCtl; FROM TIIK TIIRONIS The Spe'eih LVom the Throne as summarized in a des-! DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Fowl, perslh, Chickens; per lb. . . . Rib Koast, pep lb. . . Rump Roast; per lb. SunnybrooU Butter 2' lbs. .20c .23c .18c 18c patch published in this paper yesterday indicatedthat Pi-i re mier Bennett was planning to commence nuttinc.his ne new policy in foiirimmediately. He is startihir hut With unem ployment insurance, health insurance, old age jwnsions, Minimum wage and maximum-hours of lahor. A change in taxation is promised and measures to safeguard the consume! and primary producer. The unemployment insurance measure, is already inti-odticed into Parliament and the legislative mill seems likely to grind rapidly unless its work should Jit cut short suddenly by an appeal to the country: ' ' IiOSS BY PIRK The fire which occurred this morning on Second Avenue and Second Street will cause intense hardship to a number of people although it will riot' in anyway cripple the city and its 'activities. The losses will be of a nersorial nature and unfortunately only a few of them are covered by . Often fires in old buildings, sucli as were the most of those lost this morning, turn out to be to the trcneral ad vantage of the community although causing hardship to individuals. Underthe best of circumstances, however, fire is aiways a most unwelcome visitor and we sympathize wiui uinse-won sunered today. I 2AM-BUK H Used To-riight Will Heal Your I ICHAPPEDHANDS ; I Eggs, 3 doz 85c Pork Tenderloins, lb. 25c Spare Ribs, 2 lbs 25c Ayrshire Roll, lb. ...25c ;Pork Sausage, per lb. 15c Phone fMtone Quality Service Pioneer Butchers Est. 1910 SCORING vator LEADERS: Stiles-Lrads fioalgetters in-Senior Hoop League High scores for the season In the basketball leagues: Senior league Stiles (C. N. R. A.i 170 Johnson C. It: R. A.) 120 Ratchford Grtto 115 Mitchell Moose tin Pierce Moose 102 Morgan Grotto) "J I Gurvieh (Giotto) 7!) Naknmoto (Mtxise) T? Wingham (Moose?) 7T Scott iGrotUi) CJ Junior 1-raKiie Crornp (Scouts) 98 Dominato t Scythians i 9(1 Ulrnno High School) CO Montesano iSeythians. 52 Gillis (Scythians) 4T Intermedials lainie Armstrong ican. Ieion nr. j Nelson i Warriors) 90 f - Lindsay (High School) 851 5 J, Comadina iWarriorw 82 McFhee (Can. Lesion t 72 '! Campbell t High School) C8f Davis (High School) Gttj Morgnn (High School) 50? Ivarson (Cart. Legion) 32' Vierecfc (Warriors) 31 1 Ladies' I-easne ' Bnyd Morris (Annette's) C0' Smith (Grottcttes) 3 Ellison (HJgh School) 28 Flice- (Annette's 26 1 E. Davis, (High School) 25 Stone ( Annette's) 22 Eva Morris i Annette's) 22 Beale (Grotto) 21 Dickens (Grotto) 20 natchfoTd (Annette's) IB Take it fKOHMt- nL wtvtt? we CAucxr , AGMH VfllHOUT A jAft , U-x fix IofMPUTHM &TIIM f Weniholdfum IheHeaungCpcam. nnuiSKS colds MA&E IN CANAP . CRiBBAGE FIXTURES January 28 Grotto vs. Elevator, I.O.O.P. vs. Canadian Legion, C.N. R.A, vs. Moose, Meat Packers vs. Empress. February 4 Empress vs. Grotto, C.N.R.A. vs. Canadian Legion, Elevator vs. Moose, Meat Packers vs. i.o.o.p.; February II Grotto vs. C.N.R.A., Empress vs. Canadian Legion, Meat Packers vs. Moose, I.O.O.F. vs. Ele February 18 I.O.O.F. vs. Grotto, Elevator vs. Canadian Legion, Em press v.s Moose, C.N.K.A. vs. Meat Packers BILLIARD SCHEDULE January 22- Empress vs. Elks. January 24 Grotto vs. Legion. January 27 OroUo vs. Elks. January 31LegIon vs. Empress. February 5-- Elks vs. Legion. February 7 Empress vs. Grotto, February 12 Elks vs. Empress. February 14 Legion vs. Grotto, February 19 Elks vs. Grotto. February 21 Empress vs. Legion. February 20- Legion vs. Elks. SCHEDULE 0FWHIST January 18 Sons of Norway vs. I.O.O.F., Canadian Legion vs. Orot-to. January 25 I.O.O.F. vs. St. An drews, Canadian Legion vs.-Sons of Norway. February 1 Canadian, Legion vs. I.O.O.F., St. Andrews vs.'Grottb, II. F. Noel, well known Smithers merchant, arrived In the city from the interior on last evening's train and sailed aboard the steamer! Prince Georee for a trip to Vancoii 1 ver ? i K4ks. 105(5. j Junior Elk4 C. N. It. A. Lambie it Rtorje Senior Elks Old Empress. .J... P. Burns Ltd. ..J.. Twlrlers Moose Waterfront iwte Pioneer Laundry P. UnriM Co 90S. 0rolU) S. ingJl griK. Warriors vs. TwbaccoiUtU comlr out on the long 1033 Junior r int, futhtaii. v flomita. !eml ot M'M iltil hM ,4 4?41. 2304 .5 54C7 .3 3701 .4- 4200 .4 420 .. ,2 3040 , 2 1981 . 3 2827 Hockey Scores 942 Toronto 3. Canadiens 4. ChicatiO 5. St. Louis 1. Detroit 3. New York Americans 3. nitinci; scokks Rupert And Ruth BASKETBALL J.iimary 21 C N. It. A. vs. Monse. n.ictle-s vs. Hhth Sertool. Mltli Scliiiol vs. lTtlftii. Hhth Sehool v. Scits. This wrefcs uamc in the City i January 34- OmttA vt. C. N. R. V., Howling League at the Elks'-Home Warriors v. Hint) ScIkkiTJ Annette't alleys resulted as follows: Gnitto, 8eyUiiaiip vt. Sc&utt. Senior BIIca. 104T IteneerLaun-' School. ,,ry'956- ! January 3ft OroUo vt. Mootc. rvvtriers. iois; Waterfront lUtsf ilsf January 31 MMM vt. Q. N. It. Aj Tlie lettKite stumting h itttcls as Uctnn vs. IIIkIi 8e.)iool. 11 lull School tollows: t, . Annette's. Semite vt. Hlh G. PU Av. 'school vs. Anrirttes. Seoats vt. -.,5 , C02C 1S05 inKh School. 11SS , FVbrnary 4- C. N. It. A. v. Orolto. 115210rwtto yg Annett,a. HiaJi Sehol 1093 V!t Warriors. High School vt. Scy-1W57 Ihlans. 1050 1060 1013 fin i FXiruary 7 -Mone vs. OrnUn. (tlon vn. Wart torn, I Hah ScImioI vs. 'OroUo. Swk;U vs. fkythlana. ,A.. Lenion vt. Hih Seiiool. Hith Last night's Prince- Itttpcrt Dridice' Hrinnary 2ft- -C.N.K.A. vt. Grotto. LeBue scores were: OroUo vt. AnnetterX Illnh School Swift's 0175. Canadian National v.s. Warriors. Hlah ScImkiJ vs. Scy. Itecreation Awtoclation 5104. thians. Canadian Lecion 5353, Grotto February 28 Moos vs. OroUo. 7148. Lf-Kion vs W.tirlom. Hlxti SelMnl Musketeers 0435, Rumblcrs 5514. vs. Omllo. Scouts v.s. Heylhlans. Rabbit Gets Ready To Scamper 'Viiv.,,....;,;,s Rabbit Maranville, veteran shor top or the Hoston Ilraves and the oldest active Infieldrr in the m; jor Who suffered a broken Jee last year, ii shown here "befor e his recdvbfjr Ml UA1X.1 MSVtB Friday January 18. 10? j SPORT NEWS i ur.urm riTKHBi a? a t ra ra tmr wa n sat ri aa zm . arara rararB'sa iauarji"amrat:a;iBUi ar.a'j 3bBRBBBBBBB BBBBaBBKX9EraBBBHr iTBBBBBBBBBBb! bbbbbbbbbbbbf bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbebbbbbbbbbbbbv yjj SbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbV aBaaKBXaaBMRHBBBBBBBe 'iBBBBPR BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBfflfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr' ' ' ''BflPi JBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbrbbI Col Jftcnb rtuppert. i Junior Elks Are owner of the New York Yankee, of the major leauues. who ire Still Leading Jh Bowling League and Babe Ruth, former hor-- mri cnuaueo iii negotiations fnr HOOP GAME WASTIGHT Crotto Comrs Out on Lour ld of lUtlle Royal Ut Mht In Senior Mrtnlt- Tlie Grotto and the Moose put on a real battle in th Senior League basketball tilt last nbjht wilh the opened cautiously with no scoring; In the initial tlx minutes of play! Then Pierce started the counting by j sinking alpenalty. When the first, half ended th Moose were on the , tall end of a 17-9 score. In the second half the Moose had a five-BOtnt lead with five minutes to to. Then the Grotto turned on the heat o run out winners 30-28. Hie Canadian Leition and the) Warriors hattlferi to a 10-all score in 1 Uie first half of the Intermediate i ieuruary it- u. n. it. A. v. moom,i t"c aim men. in me se-i Annette's vs. Iliah Stliool. Hltth 'conI half; the UAttlers stepped Tight 1 O.UI t mmt. f f l U-m .. t fill t lT) ttf, lh mCAl t' tlt ' ' . I I A k. . A . ft ' Hrwiui. twiiiKf me vr couin oniy snare WlHHargt 14 OroUo va. C. N. It.iour. the final count finding the i A.. Warriors vs. HIkIi School, An-j Canadian Lejlon on the short end IncilH vs. OtirtUi, Ky4lant vifc!f an 18-l-cbre. 8r mil. i "Uft' Heale scored a basket for lbniary 1 Grotto vs. Mkv.! neriennr mstes m the first quarter Gru va. lllh8hoh Warriors vs.! the Ijadies' League while the Legion. Se.ythtetw vt. SeouU. Wi School maidens camered Frbruary 21 Moose vs. C. N. It themselvet thirteen In the four quarters to win 2 to 13. Scythians starting on thelrsecrmd half Junior League winning streak won over the Boy ScouU 18 to 8. Individual scoring: Junior League Hoy Seouta f0)Oromp (6); Drown, Llndscth. Sakamoto, Krick-son, Dybhavn. Scythians U8)-Domlnato MO). (Jillit (2), Monletano (4). Murary; Currie (2), Letmtmeau, ldfe' Icamtf ( Grottcttea (2) Smith, IWale (2), Dickens; McMeekln, Croxford, Gu lick. Ilitsh School' iUip ntvi. iti ! Hlalno (5). Turgeon, T. Davis, Mus- sanem (4), Ellison (2), Johnson, ! McLeod. Intermediate League j anauian Legion U4) Arm' 'strong (9), Chrlstlson (21. MePhecl D. Ivarson (2), U!ik. Suehlro. . Warriors (!8-Comadlna tm. , Miller, Naylor, Nelson 5). Flttfrnt-jrick U), Viereck (0), Comadlna. I Senior' League I Moose (28)Nakamoto (5). Mit-chell (2). Wingham-(0). Arney (2) Pierce U2), Vanco d). i Orotto (30)i-oilllt (5). a.irvi,.), 11). natchford (12), Murray (2) Morrison, Morgan; Senior L'eajriie W. Grotto 9 C N. n. A n- Moose q L. 0 1 1 intermediate learue High School 1 n "ajijors j Canadian Legion Z. Z o Indies' I.eairue High School j- Annette's , Orottctteii' "''""Ttr Junior Iani Scythians 2 Uoy ScouU 0 , High School ... . o j LIGHT. . SPARKLING. . MELLOW. nana ss t fifty say of AGE GUARANTEED by $10,000 Bond U.MH. U !. will lata uakii- mmrrim mtftXy t. arnJ uiall. k Mialrrl J tvrtt (ul mm mttit tmmm. Drink Lutkf 14 lf. jm Ub IIm Mil WflUt, mpplm,! n mta 4thwm imi can Imy UKK St mm UomW I mhw prlM wtnlMrf COAST BREWERIES WMJUWU i-iMrr.D Onmd by Mmmrh MM timmUm ttutrmhoUm. Tim ftdcctiifmrm at "' rf Boti.h ColnmM. SCHEDULE 0FBRIDGE January 24 "Hupert Brand' Musketeers vs Bwlffs lumbers vs, Grotto; CN.H.A, vs, Canadian Legloh.