PACK TOUR MAY 28, 1935 and the five Dionne babies reach the proud age of twelve months each entitled to a single candle on her birthday cake. For six of those twelve months, the quintuplets . have been thriving en Carnation Milk .gaining famously on it right along. . "May you always enjoy content' ", went" is Carnation's birthday wish FRESH' MILK AND . CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Beautiful Waves 1 By our new and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanents. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 ill Bagshaw's TAXI Phone Fleet Cafe 849 to these fire little iihtsomc tiiers. of Us product. ' " 4 Ask your grocer fardel Improved, Carnation Milk irradiated for "Sunshine" Vitamin D. f!oittTd cost. Write for two valuable free booklets "l'OO Glorified Recipes", and ''Conterlt!ed Babies". Address Carnation Company Ltd., Abbott StreetM'ancouve'r. . Except for the fact that the fish may be" a little on the thin side, angling conditions are reported to be of the best just now at Khtada ' Lake by a party consisting of R. O. Van der Sluys, F. A. MacCallum,' E. J. Clapp, Johnny Pierce, Foster Willan, Sid Dickens and Wizner Bryant which visited there over the week-end, making the trip on Skipper Van der Sluys' Aussie, They left Saturday noon and returned Sunday night with a catch of some eight dozen or so fine fish. The trail Is In excellent condition, unusually dry and with no snow. The boat which were put on the lake a year ago are in good shape. Water In the lake is low owing to the recent dry spell. Another party including Malcolm Lamb and Pete McCormlck also visited Khtada at the end of the week, going In Friday night and coming out Sunday .morning, and had good fishing. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorship liner Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 10 o'clock last night from Ketchikan and, after discharging four car-! loads of fresh halibut and one car-load of mild cured salmon for I tratvhlfimpnt. patt. nvpr PanaHlan National Railways, sailed at 3 a.m. In continuation of her voyage to Seattle. Latest word from Ketchikan in- "TILLIE THE TOILER" THIS IS FIRST 30F3 S(JT?E,V NEED A SMAPFY fWMBEB DAKJCE mm i W RIGHT Arl All is quiet at the local elevator T 1 4 L. I ...... 1 . 1 of the British steamer Fresno City with j& full .cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. Only a small amount of wheat Is left in the house and none Is on the way. There will likely be little doing at i the elevator now for a month or so pending decision as to the future of the plant following expiry of the j Alberta Wheat Pool's lease this summer. THE DAILY NEWS UlLl III ' cffyiQ Carnation IRRAOATBO FOR SCS31UNE' VITAMIN D dicates that the recen cxperietae TIT i IrFIlTnl of the weU known 'Settle halibut W f I ! I -, boat Albatross in being laslJecttby 11 a giant 'comber whichiUmost L7flD I A T swept her cleari above decJutwa a P Jt Li A1J real narrow escape, for botfi vessel and crew., Only the fact thaer Voiicr n0bl (irf as Family Contacts crew of ten men were below decks Kidnapper in Weyerhauser saved them from being washed ' CaS overboard, it Is declared. As It was; ! extensive damage was done and it T1,u. TAC0&"' There was all the crippled vessel could do to Jimp into KHcwXfor re- "SJ ? pairs at the end of the week. ilTf L J"?7 :the case of nine-year old George Weyerhauser. kidnapped last Fri-Captain Red Pierce and his crew day noon while on his way home aboard the local hallbutter Mae from school Police authorities have West got a bad scare and a duck- been keeping in the background at ing about a week ago. They were the request of the lad's father who crossing Wright Sound light and. is making strong efforts to con-as it looked likely to be foggy, all tact the abductors and Is still hope-except the man at the helm had ful of being successful In negotla-turned in for the night to try to tions with representatives of the get some sleep. Then a sudden kidnappers looking to safe return squall struck the vessel turning of the child by Wednesday, the re-her right over and very soon the ported deadline, crew was holding on to the keel. Happily the skipper had the pre-i sence of mind to cut the dory' loose. The Mae West was righted j and arrived home about the middle I of last week, leavlngvagain for the .halibut banks on Friday. The decks were swept of gear. Fruit-a-tives Gave Veteran Quick P Met From Constipation Iwtac P. Booth. TO W? Avt Toronto, relate in b aworn sratemcnt bow Fruit-a-tives (jave fcim quick relief from conttipaiion and i heuina tiwu brought on by milita'y nervice. So that everyone can be ure ol the truth, he told his experience under oatl. before a notary Mr. Booth aaya. "I a greatl tKrthercd wiib conlt-nattcti brought on by miliury tervlce. 1 tried Fruit a-tivn and they gave ?uiclc relief and no keep me regular, also iuffered from rheumathmfi. Since I have UK-d Fruit a-tive. it doe not bother me more unlesa I tale foolish chain,! in ,t or cold eather." Copy of Mr. Coolk'i enmtte wori tuk 7Vlm? 1 "" v rfoowt. Write Kruhttlve UmhH.Ott.w,. ct4a. nun.A-nvu-ist Hd soc tvurwHtur. VE SOTTA (SET ORGANIZED -HOW MUCH AHLLYA NEED ? V MILK WORLD'S LARGEST. SELLING BRAND OF V A P'O R A T 60" M ' L K A CANADIAN PRODUCT GROTTO TAXI 456 Three Cars at your service. Bert Morgan Bud Barric PROP. COAL! COAL! Out Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkier Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We flsbiell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oa'j and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 51 Phones 551 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Trout Fishing Fine at Khtada Northland Brings Five Cars of Fish Mae West Had Close CalL Carnation Girls And Annette's In Bowl Victories Carnation Girls and Annette's 'were the winners of last nhjht's' fixtures In the Ladles' Bowling ;Lenfue. the former winning both i games to defeat Coquette by an ; aggregate score ol 1538 to 1265 I while the latter divided games with the Blue Birds but were on the long end of the 1538 to 1430 aggregate. High scorer of the evening was Margaret Johnson of Annettes with M0. DRAW GAME of soccer l i Canadian Legion and Kcjimrnt. 1 Played to Four All In Season Opener Last Night A good, stiff game of football was staged last night at Acropolis Hill grounds by Regiment and Canadian Legion In the opening fixture of the soccer season, the final score being four all. The standard ; of play, while leaving considerable to be desired, was not so bad for I the first of the year. It should not J ake the teams long to round into j better form. , i ! T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools, j left on last evening's train for a trip to Haysport andother Skeena River points on official duties. Ten Grand Today's Stocks (CMrUr 8. D. JhbUiQ do.) Vancouver Alexandria, .014 B. C. NkkeL J7. Big Missouri. .63. Uradten. 130. B. R. Con. .04. B. R. X. OoW. .10. Cariboo Quartz. 1.06. Dentonla. .43. DunwiH. J57. Georgia River. .00ft. Ooieonda, .28. v. Glacier Creek. .04; luik). Grange, .10. Mlnto, .15. Meridian .07 4. Morning Star. .00 fe. National Sliver. 14. NebJ Five. .OOW. ' I'end OreIHe, .05. Porta- Idaho, .10. Premier, 1.65. Reward, .03 (alc, Rtno. IJ. Silver Cresi. .01. Salmon OoW, .15, Taylor Brktae. .IS. Wayatde. .15. Whitewater. .07 V. United Empire. M. Toronto Central Patricia, 1JK). Ctilbougsmau. .18. Lee Gold. .06 . Granada. 23. Inter. Ntekel, MIX). Mao Ma, IM, Nofttttda. 40O. BherrlU Gordon, .73. Sfceoe. I M. . Venture. M. Teck Huthea. 4.15. Sfcdburjr Battn. 1.45. Celamarto, .10. Smelter Gold. M. Can. MakrUe, M Lttife Long Ut, 523 Astoria Kouyn, , Stadacena. 24 Mapk Leaf. .04. Pkkie Crow 2 31 McKerurte Red Lake. 1 18 Ood's Lake 140 Sturgeon River OiM. 75. Red Lake Oold Shore 33 1 mm 1 EP I TH1MV i'LC MEED AOUT ten YTttZ m2zzrnz 1 tJ Wm2L'1. I III I J I II I w w r-t 1 FlVJE - I m CHBCK toa-xa v i v i;i icim' r I v i - j-a i n i t i i i i h ii ii 1 1, i iii i A i I , i m KODAK VERI CHROME FILM TOP it our Kodik film diirner for your week-end supply of Kodik Vtrkhrome . It's the film thai make pic tureotikinjt eaijf. Gmbined with our developing and print ing trrice, it anurei you of better laiptboti thin eter. D ; i .iurri LAST SIIQwivr, BENNETT In Mktu. : k . -u r "OUTCAST LADY" Herbert MARSHALL At 7 v. i , u Au'iTh . TI1ELMA TODD PATSY KKLLY In -TIIK TIN MAN-NEWS and Ml'SICAl Sulphuric Acid Causes Painful Burns For Boj James Peasby Mr and Mr J V I enlh Avenue Ea.s turn to his studio mortal School yrsti tarry seam for m life at a result f i ,a ' dent on Victoria IX, . T at Royal Canadian .a IlMervr headquarrr . , . t line-up of the iMt . : jded of whkh T . when a bottle of u ; , I discovered. For soo'." jnrk Maw out um jflew on to his frr : sirir of live h4(t u : burns. The boy wa ( by Petty Office 'before being akrr Rupert Omrra: H Uher dresslnu Hr w turn h;. hrcs More Pleasure i c - Ifc. ' r r n r k S - Ut ft ery day is r mudrrn camera an c w r one can makn rx r, r ' 1ft Kodak do aU Uii w i v have all the fun BABY nilUWME - T thing tn a real ran.'T . n' lar vest pocket mi- f ( $15; carrying rase, v- JIITY KODAK W and as simple as a goes In the pocket I; sizes. $800 and J9 00. KODAK SIXES TIW ' camera. Extra thus tn v like a fine watch M.ik-- nlrtitt-jia nnHr all i A!' . " u with your Kodak Ready to serve you with your size of - A.-'- .1 "X rnp- i v jblt 5 pnpaJ.'. pcrlrrt ideal camera for the &m W Mrvrtallv riiX' StX-jl, .it. ?iH. ith 181 - .3000 CINE KODAKS A rKOJtaOKS- For Home Movie m.ik: g Anw can do it. , Vli n V1I1I ll-T-lti:J ; 3 Of' ulne Kodak Album W i " ! received an esperia'.lv is0,; 7w it no tl 25 it 75 $00- and up. Hrlnir vour f tin.- iv '"r Qualltv PrlnUne Pt-mu ScnrW, -By Westover GOT I MEANT TEN DOLLARS AMC THIS IS TEM THOUSAMD J WX 72 CONTINUEO