PAOE TWC WBXJMBI.EJ HI S3 3 MB J DTK! Kl II El B.l El El EIltBI B.'i Bi Wi BSTBS5B n 2 Coafifaee the one DAILY EDITION thing yon without can't do You eaat have conffrlenre In shoes which are poor fitting and uncomfortable "HARTT"SHOES and forget all loot troubles. We specialize in taking every effort to fit each pair perfectly as they should be fitted and enabling our customers to overcome the dread of sore feet. The Family Shoe Store jj Erais-msm-H-ra THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BlUTlStl COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PUI.I.EN - - - Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $3.0 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .1. By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid m advance, per year . sjm. By mall to all other countries, per year jXO Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone ... 36 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday, Juty 27, 135 ANOTHER RECONSTRUCTION Hon. H. H. Stevens is askine for the sunnort of the people on a so-called reconstruction program. Not to be outdone by his arch-enemy, Premier Bennett i going to pnng aoout actual reconstruction before the election. He is about to reconstruct his cabinet Such reconstruction is made necessary by the large number of p;aps caused by retiring members. After the reconstruction of the Conservative cabinet it should be almost new so many have been the defections of late. Possibly the new line-up will inspire greater confi dence in the people than did the old one. At any rate it ' , . .Ml ! 1 1 i it t t m win De oeuer tnan tne proposed reconstruction out! it of the former minister of trade and commerce. DANGEROUS HEIGHT Having extreme wealth is dangerous to the recipients of the wealth. A person with a salary of $25,000 is likely to go places and do things that would never be even dreamt of by the ordinary person. A person with that salary is bound to increase his living expenses until his tastes become such that a reduction of salary later is a , hardship. The moral of all this is that the man with the salary of a couple of thousand dollars a year is the happy maiL, if he can keep it up. Or possibly the happiest is the thousand a year man. We have met men who are on relief who seemed to be much happier than people with considerable wealth. Possibly it is the contented mind that is the seat of real happiness. J THE ABYSSINIAN FLURRY j The world was gradually getting itself worked up over' the Abyssinian question until it reached a point where; Premier Mussolini has thought it wise to withdraw his1 "nothing but war" stand. There is really nothing to fight about except that Italy is anxious for expansion and if' that begins, conflict is bound to follow among the nations.; The only thing is it seems hardly fair to prevent Italy! from wiping out an inferior people when Japan was al-1 lowed full, sway in Manchuria. If the present dispute is submitted to arbitration it will be a great victory for the new peace movement , It seems only a few years ago that Britain was about to engage in a similar expedition in Venezuela. The United States, as the protector of all nations in this hemisphere issued an ultimatum through President Cleveland that so far Britain could go and no farther. There must be no conquest or annexation of Venezuela. War was in the air. , The United States was aflame with the spirit of conflict, ; but Britain withdrew and all was peace in a few minutes, i So it seems likely there will be peace in Africa. i MOTORED LONDON TO CAPE CAPE TOWN, July 27: CP Exactly four months after leaving London a woman motorist. Miss Phil Paddon, arrived here having motored down the length of Africa and covering about 12,000 miles. HOW ABOUT A YOUNG LION JOHANNESBURG, July 27: (CP) A feature of a sale of wild animals here was the disposal of a nine-months old lion cub for $25 to a woman who wanted a new "pet." IN LEAD Titer Now in Cndwented Suprv ma j ef Amerieai Lea rue Over New York Yankees NEW YORK. July 27: (CP) Detroit Tigers, by scoring aw easy victory over the Indians at Cleve land yesterday, Uk undisputed lead of the American League over the New York YanV.ees who lost to the Washington Senators at Yankee Stadium by an equally decisive score. The margin of the Tigers Is one and a half games. Yesterday's Big League scores: American Lea sue Detroit 8, Cleveland 2. Washlneton 9. New York 3. National League Cincinnati 1, Chicago 5. Baseball Standings American League Detroit -.-55 iNew York ....,51 Chicago 46 Cleveland 44 Boston -.45 Philadelphia 21 Washington . .37 St. Louis 28 National League L. 35 34 36 41 43 45 52 57 Pet. .611 .600 .561 318 .511 .451 .416 .329 w. L. Pet New York 57 30 .655 Chicago 57 35 .620 St. Louis .54 34 .613 Pittsburg 50 41 .549 Cincinnati 40 50 .444 Brooklyn 39 49 .432 Philadelphia 36 51 .414 Boston 23 66 558 Be wise. Read ihe want ads. Don't "Chisel" Yourself Don't "chisel" yourjalf, when for so little you can Set the best You have always enjoyed Ogdcn's and rrow that times are better, you set back to Ogden's and pleasure. And don't forget to roll it with the best papers "Chantecler"or"Vogu it A t SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE CUT Your Plpt Know Otfcrii Cxi Phy TTTE DAILY NEWS Saturday. July 27. iWS SPORT I DETROIT Vancouver Men Rowing Victors Meaty Butler Whw Singles Title And With Johnny Wrklnum. The Deatlrs PORT DALraoCSIE. Ont. July 27: CP Montr ButJer of Van couver today won the junior 140- pound junior slnglis at the Royal Canadian Henley and. with Johnny Dickinson of Vancouver, won the double sculls, la the same class. BASEBALL FRIDAY. JULY 26 All Star Practise FOOTBALL MONDAY. JULY Regiment vs. Can. Lejlon SPORT CHAT Lucky to retain his mask the Masked Marvel" was police es corted recently at Durban, South Africa, from the nat through an incensed crowd ufter he had mule-kicked" his opponent un conscious and obtained the equalizing fall. Arriving home with the Scottish Football Association team that toured Canada and the United States. R. Donnelly. Partick Thistle centre halfback, wrs sold to Man Chester City, English League first division club. At a meeting of the Bengal Gymkhana In Calcutta recently S. Roy. representing the City AthleUc, offered to send the most promising young. Bengali cricket batsman in Calcutta to England for three months, at his own expense. Initials of Sussex cricketers with the same surnames has long troubled followers of the summer pastime. The county team has W. and J. Cornford, James and John Langrldge and J: and H. Parks on the roster new. And Jesse Lang-ridge, a Sussex man has a chance to Join the team tec. J. Raynes is the new midget car racing champion of England hav lng defeated Victor Glllow, the former holder, in two straight races and a scratch race. Returning to Kokrtad, South Af rica, after 27 years in Pretoria, J. M. Connor re-won the tennis singles championship cup he cap tured In the same spot when sta tioned as a young trooper. At the- annu.l meeting of the English Rugby Union recently It was announced net profits, of last season were $82,273 a record. The match against Wales netted $75, 000 while the game with, Ireland drew $71,765. The sailing section of the Royal Connaught Boat Club at Poona, India, had Its best river sailing season It has ever experienced this year. For nearly three months races were held daJly except Sun days. A caddie well known around London- holds his- county cham pionship for ballroom dancing, which is unusual in a saddle, and he is. "camera-shy because as he says, he cannot hnve his dancing partners- recognize him carrying golf clubs, Writing to the papers about the South African cricketers In Enr- i land a Cape Towner suggests, more in sorrow than anger, that the South Africans are Inclined to ."slacken" when their opponents are "apparently at their mercy. i Lord Roseberyv described in Lon don, papers- as the "most energetic an untiring of race-goers," at Woodland And MacPhee Rinks Win in Bowling! Regular Lea cue Fixtures Watson Woodland . MacPhee ... mn Preece Borland .... Macdonakl Frew UtUe Prlday Etening W. Played I Last night fixture la the City Lawn Bowling League- resulted as follows: O. A. Woodland rink. 21: Oeorgr HU, IS. D. A. MrePhee, 23; Jack Preeee. The standing of rinks To date is as Mlows: Tinker Arroll u s 5 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 Fourth Cricket Test Match On England Scores 357 Runs Again! south Airica in riay ai Manchester MANCHESTER, Eng.. July 27: (CP) England scored 357 runs In the fourth test cricket match against South. Africa today. R. W V. Robins scored 108. South Africa scored three runs without the loss of a wicket as darkness fell. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Following Is the second half schedule: July 29-C N. R A vs. Grotto. July 31 Junior Elks vi C N. R GROTTO TAXI 456 You only live once. Why not ride In 'Me best? Three Cars at ikw rvtc. Bert Morgan Bud Birrie FOWLING SCHEDULE July 2-No. 1 vs. No. 5, No. 4 vs. No. 6. July 3t No. 2 vs. No. 10. No. 3 vs. No. S. Aug. 2 No. 7 vs. No. 11. No. 4 is. No. 9. Aug. 5 No. 6 vs. No. 11. No. 5 vs. No. W. Aug. 7 No. 1 vs. No. 8. No 3 vs, No. 9, Aug. 9 No. 5 vs. No, 11. No. 1 vs. No. 7. Aug. 12 lk. 8 vs. No. 10 Prrsonne of Rinks Trie personne r of rinks la as f ot ows, last named In each ease be ng skip: No hF. Vlckers, J. n. McLeoa V R, Nichols, D, Borland. Nd 2 A. J. Webber. R. E. James P. La Me, J. 3. Little. No. 3 R. O amnion. A. T. Parkin 7f. H. Tobey, 0. WoodEoncL No, 4 J. S. Irvine. S.D. Macdon ald', W. II. Wilson-Murray, L. No. 5 7. A. MacCullum. T. Mc-Meeirtn, H. W. Birch, J. Watson. No-. P. A!- Rogers, E. Dlekman F. S, Walton, J. Frew. No. T V. Crerar. W. Coatci, it Vf. Wlnslow, D. MacPhee. No. a H. T: Cross, W. Millar. F Olbt, p. Tinker. No. 9 W. D. Vance, Steve King R. E. Benson, J. Preeee. . No. 10 J. M. Campbell, T. Mc-Clymont, J. 'W. MeAtiley. A. McDonald. No. 11 'A. O, Aves, B. Painter, J. Boycf, a. lint NEW JOB FOR WIVES PADDtNQTON, July 27: (CP) Watching speedometers while their tended tl Sandawa. Park meeting i husbands are driving is a new Job recently and saw his erratic five year old Tartan win the Arthur (Loralne handicap. for wires since Introduction of the new epepd limit In England. Coroner Inglfby Oddle has suggested. ifijij finfliliili-i i K L HIU -a rail rm- 1 BSH II alEa! i The Letter Box furnishes us with, a siraiulartjr 11-lumlnatlnir tnattnt fnto ttw working of the mind of the Tvrf protective party on matters relating to external trade and also furnishes us 1th a timely Illustration of what Mr. Beraetta policy of blasting a trait for Canadian pro ducts on the market of the world" means In actual ptarltce. Mr. Brown. In h's interview, re gards and apparently welcomes the situation which har artoeai out .of the imposition ot the "antl -damping" and "exchange eonipeafcnr duties on Japanese Imports a an opportunity for a tariff war be tween Canada and Japan, lie ts of the opinion that a tariff war with Japan resulting in her losing a $7,000,000 market In Canada would compensate us for losing the sale of $14,000,000 wartn of exports of lumber, loss. pulp. etc. to Japan. He says: "If there ' to be an economic scrap, let It be carried oat to its fuueat extent." Mr. Brown cannot be aware of the faat that, while we sold $lG.0COjOOa worth of our products to Japan last year. British Columbia ooiy aotd $7,000,- I ill If SBJIIIH a 111 hi cUUXLUt Tlft'i wfcrtlUt fat wfehly It Uaadtd horn ttoaf td Scottith nut. 16 on. 16 en. 40 on. 1 1 15 THC MITISH COL0KBU DISTIUUT CO. LTD. This advertisement : not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Colombia. fact that, it the surtax of M not taken off within a very u: penod, every town In British C lufiibta will feel Uu elf ecu vt .? -lott of that market and It wUl a SC1T.RTAX AMI FtrMLt tTIO.N fnae the effect of preventing ' ; ! establishment of aay new entc Editor. Dally Newt: prtee such aa plp and pape? mills. An interview pdbltahed In the um wih ilr Uro.,.n ,rJ Province of Saturday. J . with Mr nmrit is th thev have r.j F C. Brown. preatOnt of the Ca- ttm conception of trade They re nadlan Manufacturers' Aaseetafton. mittx it Ui the llaht of a natloni lUc war and not in 1U true ugh aa a mutually advantageous Inter change of eommoirUes between dlfereat nations and countries. The idea that In injuring a good rus tower, one 1 Injuring themselves doea not seem to occur to the" though it U a mistake that .. btiatnraa man in everyday life - care to avoid. The sooner Mr li-nett realtses this and re . - j Anti-Dumping and Bxch : . . .: pesuaUon Duties, Impo: V4ty for the bHteflt of eaavrtn trAcu-faeturera, ihe bUer It be t t Mm and for the country l ..J realise by this time that ti nation by the impoattion or t .--J of 33 1-3 on Japanese J is no eure for the viU of u? tuatlon which has ariser. r u no restart our lost markrt I u a very fortunate dxeuiruUt.oe -the elections 1U probably be ; within at least two mon ..i u 1 the new guvernment of Mr Mar kenaie King will make shor u ;:k of the Bennett-Canadian M.xuf-turera' Asaociation tariff and . people ot Canada will be a.jcwrJ to do business with foreign r 000 worth to Eastern Canad and i tries on a rational basis. he also may not be aware of the! e. F JONES Prince Rupert Horticultural Society Second Annual Rose & Flower Show MONDAY, JULY 23 In Store Formerly Occupied by Munro firo. 1st 2nd 1. Best Rose, named, 1st, Silver plated rm bowl .. 2.00 2. Three Pink Rosea, any variety $2.00 $1.00 3. Three Red Rosea, any variety - $2.00 $1 00 4. Three Yellow Rosea, any variety . ... SiM $100 5. Three White Rose, any variety ......J. $loo $1.00 6. Three Rosea, any color, any variety $2 DO $1.00 7. (Open to members only) Beet display ot six Rosea; 1st. Home Gardening silver Medal; 2nd, llome Oardenlng Bronze Medat, 3rd, cash - $2.00 8. Best Vase or Bowl of Cut Flowers, suitable for table centre . , ...$2i)0 $1.00 9. Best display ot 12 Pan&les, any arrangement $2,00 $1-00 10. Best Pot Plant, flowering, any variety $2X)o $100 11. Best Pot Plant Foliage $2JW $1.00 12. Best display of three Peonies, any variety $2.00 $1 00 13. Display of one variety of Flowers different from those specified - $2.00 $1.00 14. Best six Climbing Roses $2io $1.00 15. Best Spray ot Rambler Rosea $200 $1.00 Iff. Best Corsage Bouquet . $2.00 $1-00 IT. Best general display of flowers, arranged for effect $3.00 $3.00 The Judges may at their discretion make new classes or award speelai prizes for exhibits not already provided for In the, schedule Entry forms may be secured from Rose, Cowan St Lntta" No fee for entering exhibits. GARDEN COMPETITION Judging in this competition will take place during week of August 1Z Entries should be made with F. Dibb; secretary. Clate 1 For Gardens ever 25 foot frontage: 1, Society's Rose IleuL 2. Ilome Oardenlnc Silver Medal, 3i Society's Special $0. Class 2 For Gardens 25 foot or less: 1. Rose Bowl presented by I)r, and Mrs. Mandy. 2. llome Gardening Bronze Medal. 3. Society's Hprclal $2.00,