paqe rorx GOING ON A PICNIC ? Don't Forget We Make Sandwiches to Your Order For Picnics and AND Timely Recipes new gooseberry Jam has become known. There is a restful tartness WATERFRONT WHIFFS American Halibut Fleet Representatives to Confer On Marketing Logging at Shawatlans Salvaging Logs Representatives of the Seattle and Alaska halibut Canadian 'Industry- It is possible May we remind you. of our full line 'that the proposed conferences in of fresh fruits, cakes, cookies, bread, candies and chocolates. We have the very best ice cream in bulk or by the brick, and what is more refreshing than an' Ice cold soft drink at 5c per bottle? prop in After Your Outing or Show. We Aim to Flease. MUSSALLEM'S DELICATESSEN & Confectionery Where Dollars Have More Cent? P. O. Box 575 Phone It Prince Rupert may pave the way to a similarly constituted codification of the American fleet. The big fish packer Zip of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Limited was akaw lull 41b aW r of the week was 7.9c and' 5.5c re celved by the Teddy J. and Jane, to. this jam and its color suggests I ll m pcunc aQd U1C w ui, u ",iow and whlch the & mien i rfispnPrrv lam .win lin-' doubtedly be popular as a break fact ewAflt onH 4t t a rpf rch!ntr plorer received for 28,000 pounds. Dr' L' W" Kcr&n last evening rhna vlth hlM,it at tea time or K.,fft aboard his power cruiser Aledor The recipe given" here has been r, , a,:gUng aunt,to .carefully tested and makes perfect Ukel,?e W$ VccomPanIed lam of the sami. ri!lrat. shadP nfiu 4U u "V Munro, the ripe gooseberry. Cooseberrv Jam Four cups 2 lbs.) crushed fruit, Vz cup water, 1V2 cups 3',4 lbs. I sugar, cup bottled fruit pectin. To prepare fruit, crush thoroughly or grind about two pounds fully ripe fruit; measure into large kettle; add one-half cup water; stir until mixture bolls. Simmer, .covered 15 minutes. Add sugar, mix well, and bring 'to a full rolling boll over hottest fire. Stir con-jstanUy before and while boiling. "Boil hard ' "one" minute. Remove from fire and stir in pectin. Skim, pour quickly. Paraffin at once. Makes about 11 six-ounce jars. Rent your looms uy putting ar d. in this paper. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving and Robert Manscn. They expect to return home on Monday. Improving Fishermen's Floats Word has been received in the city of the appropriation of funds for the carrying out of dredging work and breakwater construction in improvement of 'he local fishermen's floats just sast of the dry dock. The projected work, mention of which has already been made on several occasions in these columns, Is expected to get under way shortly. ? was disposed of to the McAfee and Sunbury box factory at Georgetown. Now there 1 about 150,000 feet out which, when more has Skipper. Jack ODonnell of Seat-1 been added, will be sent to the "TILLIE THE TOILER" VaJHV, fcOUAlb, I'D TUST LOvt TO SEE THZ DAILT NTWS Saturdiy f , I ! being a contract tc dltter halt a HI 111 ton teei there by September 1. Fourteen men are employed in the Shawatlans Lake operation under the personal direction of Reg Oreen. Hemlock and spruce timber is being taken out. The Armour Salnge Co. has now picked up a considerable quantity 'of some three million feet of logs which were strewn around Hecate fleets are expected to confer in Prince Rupert .early in siraiu some weeks ago when two jusi rnone jb or n hu in tnw The American fleets to be much favor Of on Third Avenue. Our Delicatessen are reported m of company's teg J. R. former- is serviced Students. Attmict tltV tVifi "nnrlinM ltnllil mnwl'nf linn titi stm TVttrl vnftn duttnAjl t n a T I tthe whole Question of control measures such as are now MarKan Lawtmg co.'s camp on the nnnnnA tUr tnA Pno.llo Ko Quwn Charlotte Islands for the Clll cau at ai the me Store siore Wfc -". FC1U uwuci ",c "" .- va"al""" .......... mainland mainland hrnk hrnki. by Domestic Science cummg unucx wine micu tun oit- . . . jy pnnee Aibert. One of the raits regulation as is now, being applied the Coiumbia River sail-driven was of cedar and the other of with constituted authority to the ; flKhln- boat -Huckleberrv Finn." soruee. The nlvaieri Umber is b- which has been undergoing reno- ing delivered to the Blllmor saw-vation here for the past two weeks, mill at Porpoise Harbor, expects to get away to Alaska by i the end of this week. RenovaUoni The Pacific Salvage Co.'s power of the "Huckleberry Finn" was tug Salvage Princes, formerly sta- .'comnleted vesterdav when the Uoned here, is now at Port Albernl thC.vcc trait rpflnatAd from tho an thp Wmt rVvut nf Vinmiinr Ward Ways. Mr. ODonnell is ac- Island engaged in log towing. in Prince Rupert from the North COmpanled by his wife and lsiana ironing nesday of this Sam Capt. Frank Tyler, one time skipper grounds on Wed-1 ciemens," tneir sprtnger spaniel, ot the Salvage Princess, is now in wek with 80,000 The "Huckleberry Finn" replaces command, of the ompanys boat pounds of springs and cohoes, one of the largest single loads of troll-caught salmon to be landed in a long time by an Individual boat at Prince Rupert. Th load was dls-J posed of to the Canadian Fish it 'Cold Storage Co. at 8c for first , class springs and 6c for cohoes and ! small springs. ' Halibut landings at the port of I Prince Rupert for he 1935 season up to and Including yesterday totalled 6259,650 pounds of which ; 2,899,150 pounds was from Cana dtan boats and 3,360,000 pounds from American. Landings for the (week ending yesterday amounted to 344300 pounds including 184.000 pounds from Canadian and. 160,500 GOOSEBERRY CHARM PUndS, f,0m eric, eSffk "Prices for Canadian fish during The poor old gooseberry hasfthe ueek ranged frQm a w Qf started to come, uuo us own on,.-, . . fruit' shelves. The cupboard days.500 to 5c straight received wnen aumpimgs. Mr c ,;by tne Annabel ror 2,ooo pounds, chief oiltlets are over since, the VnP AmeHr tuu the gasboat "Pa.-nassus," with Helac II6ut of Vancouver. which Mr. 0Donneil started out! -" from Seattle but which came to, Purchases Summer Cottage grief in an explosion at Alert Bay Capt Paul Armour has purchased on the way up the coast. the summer cottage pf A. T. Parkin The Armour Salvage Co.'s der- at the Salt Lake. It has been re-rick scow, which sank recently at shingled end two porches added. Zayas Island as salvage work from Mrs. Armour and daughter, June, the wrecked American freighter will be moving in next week for Denall was being completed, was the season, on the pontoons at the local dry; - dock the latter part of this week for repairs. Work on the scow is being continued. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Ernest Geergeson. arrived in port at 4:45 this morning from the j south and sailed an hour or so Clipper on Pontoons later on her return to Vancouver The halibut boat Clipper II, and waypoints. The vessel had Capt All Jacobser. was on the completed her cells at Skeena pontoons at the dry dock during River cannery points last evening the week for cleanlr g and painting, before comrig In here. Skipper Hubert Ward and J. 0. t Williamson are expected back in ! Skipper M. M. Stephens had his port about next Monday after a 10-1 power cruber Vera S. Frye out on day trip to Griffin Pass near Mil- the cradle at the Prince Rupert bank Sound aboard Mr. Ward's Rowing & Yacht dub the latter power boat Bonanza. Mr. Ward has; part of this week far painting and Deen paying a visn u a mining hull repairs. property wnich he owns there. "C. P. R. steamei1 Princess Ade- The power vessel Ketones, be longing to the Nanalmo biological laide. Capt. Anderson, arrived in .station and orjerated from Mr-din port at 6:30 last night from the , ton Bay in Massett Inlet in connec-wuth and sailed at 10 p.m. on herluon with salmon propogation work, return to Vancouver and way-1 has been in nort durinir th wm1t points. The Armour Salvage Co.'s power having a new stern put in at the dry dock. David Crocker, engineer from McClinton Bay, has been, here tug Pachena was on the Ward i with the vessel. Finishing touches Ways Thursday afternoon for exa-.are now being put on the Job and minatlon of her stem. She had the vessel will be returnlnc to the developed a thump which was .Islands in a few deys speedily rectified alter she had been taken out of the water. The Pair of Jacks, Relief, Sea Maid, Oslo and Nornen were local Paul Armour and Reg Green, halibut boats leaving today for logging for the pasf. few months at the fishing grounds. The Melville Shawatlans Lake, have now fallen Domino II, North Forland. Cape about a million feet of timber, half Race and P. Doreen will leave to- a-million feet of which has been imorrow. taken out. Recently 270.000 feet Returning south ifter a regular voyage to Alaska with a larRe group of round trip tourists on board. C. P. R. samer Princess is tie. with his traveling bookstore, j Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls, there due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from Skagway and other Alaska points and wtl Isail at 5:30 pm. for Vancouver. Salmon Fishing An average of about forty fish per boat Is reported for the Skeena River gillnet salmon fishing during the past two or three day, this being an improvement over the first of the week. Naas River boats are averaging about twenty-five fish. A good run continues at Rivers Inlet where the average it about 100 fish per boat No date has yet been , set for the closing of fishing with sockeye nets. It is a little early yet 1 for seine fish to make an Paying its first visit to this port, the Boeing flying boat f the Pioneer Airways of Ocean Falls, in charge of Pilot W L. MeCiuskey. veteran northern commercial flier, arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning from Oca Fails with party of passengers headed by Bert Phillip. The ahip hat been operating for the past few month in commercial air seivfee along the coast, its baae having been moved J recently from Ocean Fafti to Powell River. Royalty Weary But Satisfied Swedish Houe Itfrrs For Sum mer With Chrers of People Kinging True STOCKHOLM. July 27: CP- One of the hard-working royal families in the worH has retreated to summer pauvcer, wearied by a strenuous season of featlvtties and ceremonies, but no! without a cer tain amount of mectal satisfaction For members of the Swedish royal house, from top to bottom, have had convindnc proof that Socialist Sweden has no apparent deaire as yet to do awa with Kings and Queen. At the wedding of Princess In- grid and Crown Prince Frederik the largest street crowds ever to assemble in Stockholm roared their approval of a royal family. Husky Socialist workmen stood on stepladders. climbed trees and struggled for a chance to look at royalty. alonR with ded-ln-the-wool Royalists. Sweden, with a so cialist ticket in one hand, used the other to wave a handkerchief at a Princess who married a Prince. W. H. Manuel. O.N.R. travelling auditor, will sal: on the Catala' tomorrow night for a brief trip to j Anyox on official harness HSHAP OVVDER IW .W "ASM (ASM CANMOI KSJUOS, A Date of Greater Importance . ('M SOfcl Picnic Party At Salt Lake For Gyro Official In connection with the visit to the city of A. H Williams of Cat gary. International vice-president of the Oyro Club, a picnic outln? was enjoyed last evening at the Salt Lake where, after a swim, the members of the service club and their wives wvre entertained at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills. About twenty In all were in attendance, transportation being provided hi the boaU of Dr. R. O. Large and C. E Starr. Today Mr. Williams had luncheon with the executive of the local club and this aftersoon will leave by the Princess Charlotte on his return south. Dance Last Night In Moose Hall Is Enjoyable Affair An Ultimatum I'M TIRED OP g&&sr " niA i & W I'VE KIAMED "WE wRA WW ftI"EtW tAY-AMD its J X; f mm Ki l? oroua ' It MM I Mill . MM . I V I t W1 ym 1 MV-m av- 1 -wtsMT . X 1 I . " m rvwi m, iiinj n ' u I JUL, m , ,iA "HAT DHPEMDS Or4 YOU- ONB OP "THESH PAP BBS S A MARD.IASB LlCEMScr -"THE OTVtete s a courrr summons take rOuia CHOICE" About 200 person' were in atten dance at an enJoy-.le dance held last night in the Moose Hall Da nr. was in progrerr from 10 pjn tup Tn" i nr, riitui - Willi D 1 1 TV 'At 8 18 On .- "JOLLY LITTLI' IJ VtS until 2 am Muiu wu Balagno's Orrhestr. B. wa master of cer. t, Ratchford preidv! Everybody read. '.! fheres a reaon it r-TTa.i i -i : i -J n n LAST SIIOWlNf 8 Gene Stratton Porti "LADDIE" With John IteaL filorl r,!an At 7 11 it PLUS ZANE GREY'S "WEST OF C.CJ. BICYCLES The well known trade mark of the Canada ( voir' Motor lo. is a guarantee oi satialaction and ' a There is a C. C. AI. model bicycle made pp:ciall:. f your own particular requirement. C. C. M. Bicycles $32.00 lo. 1100 Dunlop Tires t .qJ Dunlop Tubes ... HOc IMcycIc Iamps to S7J)0 Horns $1.25 Tire Itcpair Outfits 25c Call and Fee the various model bicycle. A.k f 1 r Y'' catalog showing models and price, with ( t M Guarantee arid special features, ; Haiy terms may be arranged on all tt.tlM By Westover fTiTvs 'GOTl X-1 v., . Js ' -- so -this is' CX .1 ft m fs6r mm