'or Party or Picnic! Tip Umon Soda Country Club Lime Ricky Niagara .Mailt Crawr Jttic Pioneer lyg:w Juice ,NIlUY- iu HnM 8 too CM Just Orange, bparkling Water Lime Ricky, (.ingcr Ale CANDY SPECIALS fcarpTa Tof fec- 1 Lag iry rli anilla or Chocolate Wrapped QQp ilr.ik T-'iki Ormes ltd. Jj, Pioneer Druqrjists TO fc ... M Jri-fav. Aug. 2 IX urn Limit TI F-MAV At'd. 6 . . . '.',.:iJrn 5 Years AM I Tirhr YL Yttirs Haif Fare PhMes: II k 82 nnrti Usllr frw t ajn, UU a m. Vx'.i s-3 Holiday From It noon till S p.ra. 7 P-m. tm $ p.m. $4 i ..attwa Only; N Bairaire Checked V-41-35 fADiAN National CANADIAN PACIFIC ' V'--"rr rl tw. l'oll nil war rxirt Ai EXIDE. FRIDAYS 10 P.M. Tjatsuvrr Direct 1 ' i TIARLOTTK. July Cth. 17Ui na nn. ? LoirrSE. July nth. 2h. Aug. 3rd. 1 - ALICE. July 20th and 31st. K'Uhlkan, UrancclL Juneau and SkagwajF - C HARLOTTE, July lit 12th. 22nd. f T ' JU1SE. July 8th. 19th, 28th. 1. ALICE, July 15th, 28. Aug 5th. t rmauon ana reservauoiui uu L COATCS, General Ajrnt, Prince Rupert, B.C. I N ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I Ettamsrs leave PrUice Rupert for Vancouver 1-S.S. CATit a riTiiv mircmv t PM Ar j Vancouver Thursday CAUDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIUNHHIT. r- : Vancouver Monday am. IW wm B to Port Blxapaou KnjM, Btavsrt a nuint liuym UiUJ. t nf ticrmauon regarding aU saUlngs and tickets at- UTr.MT AOfNCTt IhttS km which made Prince RapertFamoas "Rupert Brand,, SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Dafly By Canadian Fish & Coli Storage Co., Ltd. PKJNC& RUPERT. B.C. 15c SMITHERS .55 RETURN FROM P RINC E R U P B It T You can rent a car at Walker u tow u JliO a day, plus 7c a mll. F" Capital ThtatM tickets, collect our cash register receipt. Bulgers Jewellery Store. Miss Frances Moore, dMaghter of Mr Md Mn R, B. Msote. leK n las evening's train to spend a week at Terrace. Buckley Shannon, who arrived in the rHv on ThurM ntotii'a train mske their house hstu. have takw up residence in the hu of Miss a It Da vies on Sfarth uiat aersu the Bavs Creek where Uwy resided bolore leaving here souse six ynars ago Herbert Anseofh. MLL-A. tar Vkv tofta and fanner mavor of thai (a a visitor in the city on -- tn connection with hi 'hurlniat as manager of the Oow rs Wnie Co He arrhred on the Prtaoass Adelaid- last evenlns from the south and will sail tomorrow night on the Catala for Anyox and Stemfatt , 4 . . - PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SkipUOUm mod EofiMcn. Irmm a4 BrM Ctin- Bctri and Arct;ltM Wtldlns. 5frUUu oa SawaalQ nd Mlolns Machlncvy. Alt Tjpa ( Cm Easto Rfiair4 and Overhauled. Announcements Anglican Tea at Mrs. Good's, Au gust 1. Catholic Church Bazaar Octo ber 2 and 3. Baptist Baaaar. Oct 5. Canadian Legion Baaaar Oct 17 Presbyterian Basaar. Novembei Orange Ladies' baaaar Nov. 28. MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES Concerts - J&M Dances - 20.00 Public Meetings 15 00 A room suitable for smaller meetlnca is now available on the ground floor, rental rate. $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 09 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box iwo TE1 DAILY KXW1 11 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold. Bulgef. Be warm and comfortable by rid ing in 32 Taxi it costs the same. The Flower Snow biffldiog win be open to exhibitors Sunday '3 to U p-m. No entries received alter &:ZQ a jo. Monday. - H72 from Utk, sailed by the Pitaeessl OT of Hardy Bay Adelaide kit night for Vancouver. Vitas Patrtda NlchoU. dsugfcter of Col rod Mrs I W. MtehoHa, re turned on Uat oentac'i train tej iLakeise Lake where she Is spend-ilng the suaimer after baring bees I In town for a eottpie of days. ' Mn O .'M JcJintteaeanddattgfc- ,ter. Miss Edith Johnstone. whY have been visiting tor the past couple of weeks at Ketchikan, are' lane home from the north ta the Prince Oeorge Monday morning A crew of city men had to work for a few hours yesterday after-Inoon on a eleartng Wr beywsd LMcClvmont Park at the base of Mount Oldfleld whleh had got out I of control It was finally broagh in cheek without difficulty Mr and Mrs H M Wiwrtsw who returned to the dty a lew daw aw fnm Vanessww to ant J. D. Taylor, radio inspector, who has been spending a few days bete on official business, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night for the south, returning to Vancouver 11. L. Taylor, power inspector. after having spent the- past week or so here on official business. taffed by the Princess Adelaide hut night on his return to Van eouver. Brinuiiur In quits a . number of passengers who w$U traiwfei to the steamer Prince George ,tr:ts evening for the south, today's train from the east arrived oh time at 2:W p.m. HaroM Winch. C C. F. member of the legtatature for Vancouver Bast, who Is on an intensive speak-1 tng tour of tMs district leaves this evening by gasboat for Awyox. Stewart and other erjherri points after having bees h-re for couple, of days foBewing hta arrival from the interior. Mea. A. O. Rogers and dauichtets. forma and Coral, arrived In the day yesterday from Victoria and w the guests of Mrs. Rogers' Vother-tn-law and sister. Mr and Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod Mr BogWs and daughter. Coral mav rssase residence in Prince Rupert titer an absence of several years. Miss Norma Rogers will leave next work in Florida, aceempamed by her young cousin. Bobby. Laneas' tar. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert M. Fraine. Calgary: W H- Bock-neD. H. P Cahill. Frank t Buckley, S. F. Gorner and A. M. Myers, Vancouver; W. C. Stevens. Kispkjx; M. W. ifcKemle. Knmloop E. A. Thompson. Joseph L. Stewart and Geofrey Wlnstow. San Francisco; It Anscomb. Victoria: A. F. Cot-uvll, Chicago. Central Mickey Dolan. Sig Grunfer, Chris Atkinson and Tom RasL city; Mrs. N. Brew and son. Haysport; Mrs. Ruth Benson. Dodge Cove; J. Had-uwd. Oona River. Knox W. Anderson, city. Royal S. Carlson. Haysport FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAITIY Phone 657 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE BED ROOM SUITES SPECIAL S-Pieccs Suite $55.00 4- Pleces Suites $70.00 5- Picces Suites .$87.50 Also oUier suites at reasonable orices. 327 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating:, Hunting, Swimming Make arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrare, B.C. to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties .every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adutti, $3.50; each additional adult, $1.50. Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. Presentation To Chris Graham By Orange Ladies There was a special meeting of the Ladles' Orange Benevolent As sociation Thursday night as a fare-H well party for Chris Graham., an associate member f the order who Is leaving the city. The evening was spent in dancing and commun ity singing and there were songs by Mrs. J. R. Murray and Mrs. Oeddes Jr. After the serving of refreshments a presentation was made on behalf of the organization by Mrs. E. Bar ber, worthy mistrers of the order. hi which she referred to the loss they would sustain la Mr. Graham leaving the city. They were giving htm a picture of Prince Rupert so that he would be always reminded of the good friends be had left be hind. Mr. Graham remarked that he would not need a picture to remind him of the good frk-nds here. How ever, be was particularly pleased with the beautiful gift and thanked them an heartily for it. The committee it. charge of the event comprised Mesdames 8. V. lOox. J. R. Murray. J. W. Moore bouse, M. M. Lamb. R. T. Anderson. A. McDonald and E. Barber. Music for the dancing was provided by Mrs. Larsen and Mia Rosie Smith. J. Fred Ritchie B.CJLS. left on last evening's train for Tyee on the ffkeena River on professional busi ness. IWant Ads FOR SALE week to resume hospital MboraUrv,NEr TrolUne boat 27 ft. 6 in. 8 ft beam. 4 ft deep, well equipped. Easthope engine Apply "Elese." Cow Bay. (172) is AVE 75. Buy your Druggists' sundries and supplies direct from manufacturer, through our Mall-Order DepV We hate everything AH personal items are mailed postpaid by us in plain, sealed package. Send Jor Free mail-or der catalogue. N-R Mfg. Com-j pany. Dept. L-7. Box 353, Hamilton. Ont. 174 FOR RENT FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms. 835 Second Ave. W. '177 HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postman. Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Bookie. "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, WOMEN WANTED WOMEN wanted to start private Kindergarten Schools in their awn homes this coming Fall. ; f tCV AWIWU I, VIA swwvww. dian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Established 1927. PAINTERS PAINTINO sna Papertanginf Moller. Phone Red 802. LAND ACT Notice ef Intention to Apptj to Lmm U Land Recording District oJ Prtare Rupert. Rang 5. Ooaat Dlatrte aad miate about one-quarter ol a mw south of Lot 6710. Range 5. Coast DU-trict. Poroher bland. Tk notice that Clarenr TAgv Sal- .leryman. Intends to apply tor a lease of A following dencrlbed lands: r-Tv. rwrvlrs .t a nont tlantd on gmall island about three-quarters of . . . . m w.nnw ft District. Uience north-east 41.8 chains: aienee it by norm as cnum, wimc south south-west 80.5 chains; thence aouth-0t by south VIA cnains w ine point of commerveMnt, and enatainlns. S3.1 acres more or less. CLARENCK EDO Alt SALTER. Dated June 4th. 1911 There Is a Difference In MILK Prove It to yourself. Try" Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. i PAOITHRM CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH L. C. Jensen, Pastor 11 A.M, Services in the English Language 7:30 P.M, Services in the Norwegian Language WELCOME Co-operation Church Services FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH At 11 AM., First Presbyterian Church Sermon Subject: "WHAT IS ClIRISTIANy?', FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH At 7:30 PAL. in the First Baptist Church Sermon Subject: "FALSE AND TRUE FOUNDATIONS" Dr. Dafoe will preach at both services A Cordial Welcome to All BRITISH COLUMBIA THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF WESTERN CANADA has produced minerals of an aggregate value of $1,376,437,403.00. The value of mineral production for the year 1934 was $42,305,297.00; being an increase of 29.8 over the production for the year 1933. Gold production established an all-time high in , both volume and value. Following are some recent publicaUons, copies of which may be obtained upon application to the DEPARTMENT OF MINES, VICTORIAr EX!.: Annual Report of the Honourable the Minister of Mines for the calendar year 1934. Bulletin, "British Columbia the Mineral Industry." (Included in this Bulletin is a synapsis of the various Mining Laws of the Province). Non-Metallic Mineral Investigations: Barite, Asbestos, Clay. Glass-ware, Magnestte, and Hydro-Mag-nesite. Sketch map ot B.C. showing Mining Divisions Etc. SATIN-GL0 ENAMEL An all purpose enamel for Interior and exterior surfaces. It is made in rich glowing colors and drtis quickly. pts. - pis. pit! qts. 30c 55c 95c $1-75 Mail Orders Carefully Filled THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. B-H ENGLISH PAINT It pays to use good paint One gallon of Brandram Henderson's English Paint will cover approximate twice as much surface as cheap paint and will give you years more protection Oood paint cuts your paint bills in half. i Bring Your Painting: Problems to Us GORDON'S HARDWARE 1 Ph,nll McRrlde St K:"M".:.l ? " vr?Mixzx - J-n imi mwi D. ELIO Furniture Exchange GREEN 421 WE BUY EVERYTHING WE SELL EVERYTHING USED FURNITURE Beds, Dressers, Buffet. Kitchen Range, Etc. Incubators and Brooders. We buy School Books. HOLIDAYS now Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING - TENNIS FISHINO Rates $12 a week, $40 a month and up. Modern Convenienses Write or wireless tot reservations to MADAME RAJAUT If you lose anything, try a classified ad. z 3 m 2 it 9 rl m S3