pnnrp Rupert ' 'jpU light nrthrly wind; b 29.84; temperature. 60; v v XXIV No. 172 r -Mi today there were 42 ' t 'hr Rom and Flower v ' h u to held Monday i: h. K'-menU for the event. F .Mrtirn competition there rt si ".'.ire entries. These Tourists Not Profitable Cost City of lttln 310,000 to En-ttrtaln Relief Camp Strikers Recently REG IN A, July 27: The recent ,fl Regina of relief camp E5: r from IlrlfUh Columbia c ' where In the west cost the c $V 000. it was difcloscd yes- Vancouver Wheal VANCOUVER, July 27: (CP-l was quoted at 82" c on the tr. hunge today. BAR SILVER TORONTO. July 27: (CP) liar 'ttr Hosed unchansed at 67c JT r'Jnc on tho Toronto and New Yk metal markets today. WHEAT JUMPS TODAY ON WINNIPEG MARKET WINNIPEG, July 27: (CP)- Ducked by unrestrained spc- ? Cu,alWc buying and more than T a million bushels overnlsht ! 'Ips to Euiope, wheat Jumped "Tee cents today and closed about two cents higher niter I Pro')t taktng. All other grain I "larkcta were also higher on ri-oris or rust damage In Unl I lt stntes and Canada. She loTOHIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Officials of the Mutual PuId and Paper Mills mmln denU who passed with honors 80 or more In Grade It: Smlthers Eva Dlmock. Sylvia Evelyn Mayer. Pilnce Rupert Qre O. Dyb- havn. Elisabeth Fnnccs Parlow. Granbv Day Beverley Dixie ' Taylor. Successful students In Grade 12. i 11 nnn.nru!iftvn1v ncfimnlnd at two Icen E. Yates. Prince Rupert cm y ' w..-w.:w.w., private study Harold E. B. Fish i who will be en- those thousand men including jcri Maxine t. Heiibroner. gaged in logging in the woods. The period of construction, largely in steel and concrete, will be about eighteen months. Logging operations will be commenced well in advance of the completion of construction. The concern controls four and a half billion feet of titled timber on the Queen Charlotte Islands and on the Skeena River. Engineers of the company arc at present here to make further investigations. There is plenty of water available at Shawat-lans Lake. Power will be taken from the Northern Li. Co. aucmented by what the company A W w may produce itself. Arrangements have already been completed for marketing the entire output of the plant by rail and watcrbornc in Eastern Canada and the interior of the United States. Announcement of these facts was authorized today by all five visiting principals of the cor-ccrn- F. L. Buckley of Vancouver; E. A. Thompson, J. L. Stewart and Geoffrey Wins-low of San Francisco, and L. A. DeGucrc of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. A luncheon was ten-dercd them this afternoon by the council of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and they will be leaving this evening on the Prince Ku-pert for Vancouver. , Queen Charlotte Centre Velma W. Fatrbalrn. . i , , oiiiiinrris 'here June Carpenter, John P. Carr, Eva Dlmock. Patrick J. Downey, i Evelyn Glraud. Sjlvla E. Mayer, Olive Stephens, John W. Watson. Senior Matriculation Prince Rupsrtr Kenwood Green (private study). Halibut Arrivals Summary American 13,000 pounds, 7c and 5.3c. Canadian 29,500 pounds, 5.6c and 5c and 6.4c and 5c. American Chelan, 13,000. Cold Storage. 7c and 5.3c. ' Canadian Atli, 14,000, Cold Storage, 5.6c and 5c. Gony, 15,500. AtUn, 6.4c and 5c. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1935 BRITAIN IN LEAD United States Challense For Davis Cup Virtually Smashed j As Result of Singles Play Today j WIMBLEDON. Ens July 27: (CP) Great Britain virtually swashed United States' challenge for the Davis Cup today when, in the first tingles, Bunny Austin defeated Wllrocr Allison in five 'sets 6-2, 2-61, 4-6,"6i37Sand' Fred Perry then cut down Budge 6-0, 6-8, 6-3, 6-4. The Americans are favored to win the doubles Monday but Perry Is a top favorite to win his 'singles match Tuesday which would mean that Britain retains the cup. of Prince Rupert Limited from Vancouver, San KS'PoKce Boat DragS 1'rancisco ana Wisconsin napias, wis., mauc lng: announcement today that it had been definitely For Indian Bodies st nttht put In the decided, following thorough investigation, to Beatrice A. Berner . Elisabeth L. .. . I ' a . . . . . ... rjmfran. Georee O. Dvbhavn. Asta li r.. . p....... (lowers ano maae , . i oen KlKorl ... nhir nu n mi at 7"": w.. uuiiu u. fcnu-iuji uivuvubu t- '! iv tiiwrawu. nu-iyia mane tuium, qj Nanaimo Brothers Who . j Prince Runcrt Cither OI1 the dry dock site or at Mary Oeary. Malcolm M. Hunt. were -Drowned I i Elaine Inglis, Lillian Jones, Gordon ; bcal C I LoVC. h. Lawson. Angus MacPhee. Eliza-j Dragglng operations were being! cd As S SOOn SOOn as as the inc ncccssuiy necessary aeians uumiia can oc wuriv- :DCUi ocui r. r. ranow. Kooen u. rarsons, 1 conllnued continued yesterday yesterdav at at Smith's smuns In in- out construction will w"' start. The cost of the J- Rc'c Tosbiyuki Sakamoto. ,et rrom tne provlicial poUce boat OUt, f "irucuo; , . Frances M. Thomson. Ruthana p M L 9 Jor toe bodles or tw0 will be some $5,000,000 and the perman- nnrman jWoodi VWta Q. m. wnthaii, EU-jNanaimo IndlanS( Wallaee and xr- plant tnt ran Peters, who wee drowned over a week ago from a Margaret Bay sea smpoth. ITALIAN MUNITIONS ! Triple Island Overcast, light FACTORY BLOWS UP; ' westerly wind; sea smooth. FIFTY ARE KILLED Lanzara Island-Overcast; mo- j .merate westerly wind; moderate VARESE, Italy. July 27: swell. , , 4 (CP) Fifty persons were re- j Terrace Clear, calm, 62 ported killed this afternoon In Anyox Clear, calm. 64,, v;; an explosion In the Blckford j Smith munitions factory. l ( Stewart Clear, calm, 61. Hazelton-tClear, calm, 55, Smlthers-Clear. calm, "warm. Burn? Lake-rDull, calm, 53. High 12:35 pjn. 17.8 ft Low 6:19 am 3.3 It 18:25 p.m. 8.4 ft PRICE: 5 CENTS PULP MILL FOR CITT Five Million Dollar Plant Giving Employment To Two Thousand Men Settled New Minister To Canada Arrives; Norman Armour In Otiaa to A-! iumt Duties llf Trade OTTAWA July Tt Norman Ar-mr.n: miniate of tbe United B'a CinaAr. arrived lre yt-vrtuy ! aaauire hit oUtet. He txrrv! :hr hope that, within a r . . f months, a trade iiTT'wn i Juuid nave be n- CONSTRUCTION TO START EITHER AT DRY DOCK OR SEAL COVE AS SOON AS PRELIMINARY DETAILS CAN BE FINALLY WORKED OUT-WILL TAKE 18 MONTHS TO BUILD. Arrangements For Marketing Entire Output Already Made SUCCEEDED IN EXAMS Third In Province ,Wa Ocean Falls Roy Local students do Well; Grade Twelvf Results i VICTORIA. July 27 (CP Arthur E. Chapman pi Vancouver led all the students of British Colnm-bla In Senior Mil.ieuUtion exa-: mVnattons, result of which were announced today., and Philip F.' I QU A II A Tt A AC A IT V DHWrP YUIII . ...... t. . Many Entries For Flower Show Interwt Shown In Horticul tural fcunt on Monday BE TAKEN FROM LOCAL COMPANY WITH POSSIBLE AUGMENTATION BY CONCERN'S OWN PRODUCTION. Upon Thousand Perish in Floods With ruin upstream inestimable, with bodies and wreckage already sweeping by on tha swollen waters of "China's twin sorrows" the Yangtze and Yellow rivers Hankow, the commercial centre of central China, one ot the world's wealthiest cities, pre- paiaUw Ihftjjrorst flood, injiistprx, S.oldiea.aadcpollesare working on the dykes, which may brrak at any moment, Inundating the city. The crest of the flood has not reached the town yet, and heavy rains Indicate a losing battfe for the toilers on the levees. Literally thousands have been killed by the raging waters. This photograph, showing a large portion of the city under water, was made in the 1932 flood. Reconstruction Party Is Flatly Opposed to Transportation Merger Announces Three-Fold Program in Effort to Unravel Problem Would Insist on Efficient Running of Two Lines and Complete Refinancing of C. N. R. TORONTO, July 27: (CP) Fearing that a railway cannery fishing beat, but so far merger would lead ultimately to transportation control wlT,HTS.l"lSi"in the hands of a few financiers" with Parliament received at district headquarters 44i u.,j Lower California pOW eness ugulllM a uaiisjiuuduuii uusi, iicauquai icx a of Hon. H. H. Stevens' Reconstruction Party last night announced a three-fold program which would seek to un- ravel the Canadlar railway prob-fc " . MavGoltAlonej1C"There U only San Diego Heads Report of Separ- ate Republic Being Established SAN DIEGO. July 27: Reports. one solution," said the statement, "and that Is to create in Canada sufficient busl-Inoss which, in Itself, creates traf- jflc in goods and passengers' Aiding this, said the statement. would be insistence upon efficient running of the two railways. were current here yesterday that j The statfment als0 urRed a a movement was cn foot for the ..y o( of ftJ setting, up of a separate republic) Canadian National in irom m n.s(. ol """"'accordance with recommendations uauiornia. ine moyemiiu tomcat . . . ... -,-.1 . u- ! as a sequel to xne csms p Vl llc towns of Tia Juanr. and Agua Ca-llentc by President Cardenas, Today's Weather Dead Tree Folntr-Cloudy. calm; barometer. 29.97; temperature. 54; a competent board of railway appraisers to be appointed and ab sorblng into the national debt of the Dominion this outstanding neDi over ana aoove a reasouauiui .nintli nf n. voIhb nf fh. MAKE ENDEAVORS TO Pannrtiati K.ntlnnnl " I ' ! . i Stock Market CHILDREN DROWNED Four Wransell Youngsters Lose Lives on Falling Out of lloat WRANGELL, July 27: CP) Three children of Paul Binkley and their cousin, Blllie Davis,- were drowned ""when tht fell out of a rowboat In the bay here Thursday. 4 TLACATE MUSSOLINI LONDON, July 27: While European statesmen were con- tlnnlnir plpvpnth hour pffnrtA Plocoe Qfvnn rr to get Premier Benito Muso- unuug llnl 0, Italy t0 accept broad economic concessions Instead Utilities. Metals and Specialties of military conquest of Ethlo- Uad In New York Trading pla, fears were entertained that II Duce would stop at NEW YORK. July 27: The Wall, nothing less than a protec- Street market closed strong yes-( t6rate which to many would terday with utilities, metals and. be "unthinkable." specialtles'in the lead. I