Cohi6 in and Inspect Our Stock of Easter Novelties 1 V v UJ sm Now on Display Frlce From 5c to $1.25 YcJ i.rc not required to buy now. We will hold any art'Je till Easter. Don't Im dlftnppointal, ORDER NOW1 The values this year are bigpr and better than ever, the prices lower. Ormes Lid. Z7t Pioneer Drufigiats rht lUsall SUn fboHt It n Open Dally Prom Itn, till It p.m. Sunday and Holidays From ti noon till 2 p.m, 7 p nt. till 9 p.m. file J lo'l Willi if miuuc i i line jiusci 1 1 uniuuo "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish k Cold Storage Co., Ltd, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Our co a 1 '15 deJivemcn. fAeminute- vr Mil win if! APID-FIRE DELIVERIES COAL! We have thn bcxt In Prince nmyrt IU a dirty business but we treat you white. LUMBER & SHINGLES Why not do that repair Job now. so that you can paint in the summer. Phone us for price. We will surprise you. liriLDIXG SUPPLIES Bi. v cement and Tile We have what you want at the rlpht price Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phones 651-652 A Final Slap ! AT THE DEPRESSION The Daily News is making a special Goodbye1 Offer To "Old Man Depression' h giving subscribers who renew this month a special bargain of ljMonths For the Price ot One Year Out or Town, 15 Months For $3.00 In Prince Rupert, 15 Months For $5.00 Hit-cki or money orders should be mulled on or before March 31. HMtrr rnd It today while you think of it. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. same offer applies to new subscribers starting now or to old subscribers wlshlnir to pay any distance ahead, I" 23. LOCAL NEWS NOTES city on the Printers Norah this aN ternoon from a brief trip to Ju neau on official duties. 0. A. Yardley, Inspector of customs. Victoria, arrived in the City on th Catala last evening from the south, being here on official duties Hp will return south on the Catala tomorrow afternoon. Corp. J F. McNaught, provincial police Victoria, arrived in the dty on the Catala last evenng from the ! south Corp. McNaught, who is jwith the mechanic! department of I the police, is here on official du jtlev j Nolan McPherson. consulting en- ;girrcr. will arrive In the dty on the Prince Rupset Wednesday (morning from Vancouver and will I give an Illustrated address that day before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon on "The Preservation of Timber." A. L. Wright of Vancouver, Bri tish Coumbia manager of the Sun Life Assurance Co.. will arrive in the city on the Prince Rupert on Wednesday morning from the south for a brief business visit here and will sail the next evening by the same steamer on his return south. iiBiifiiiaiiiiiisTJaiJ Youns: Liberal RALLY Metropole Hall Wednesday, March 27, 8 p.m. iiriiiiiiiniitii'itiiKvi Announcements Presbyterian" Church Choir Con i rrt. April 5. Anglican Spring Pale. April 25. Cambral Tillle's Treat, May 3. Bt. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Catholic spring sale. May 16. Moose Hall 1 I Boys Band Parents' Association ridge, whist and dance, Eaglet tail, March 23. Daffodil Tea, United Churcn March 27. Children's dancing display, Oddfellows' Hall, March 29. salvation Army Sale of Work. Home Cooking, April 3. Chloe," United Church, April 11 and 12. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Daffodil fiance Easter Monday. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 17 United Church Easter Sale April Tuesday Women of Moose meet at 8 d'riock. Wednesday Moose Lodge meets at 8 o'clock. All members and guests Invited at 9 o'clock for social. Friday Moose Dance. Every-bodjv welcome. THE DAILY NEWS Be warm and cwnfortabl by rld You can rent a car at Walker ing In 32 Taxi it Costa the tame. ,tul low u $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a E. O. Am, deputy ptotlnelal & Your chance to save some money. semjt, sailed test evening on thf Gordon's Hardware" 2 for 1 Paint s. Ostala for a trio to Anro on Sale. One week only-. 70 official duties. , , . j John Hovlanfl, well known Stew- Jaek Nelson sailed last night (tt I art mining man, was a. passenger the Catala for Premier where h1 aboard the Catala last evening re-will Join the staff ot the Premier 1 turning north after having spent Gold Mining Co.' general store, .the winter in Seattle. Annual tournament of thePrine?1 After having been laid up for a Btipert Badminton Association few days at his home with an at-commenees April 1. "A" and "B"laCk of Influenza, Inspector J. A. sections to br; run separately. All j Fraser, protinclal police, has been entries to be in hands ot secretart 1 able to return to his office, by March 30. Hj . I John McMillan, customs officer north after a holiday trip to Van couver. W. M. Archibald, mine manager! for the Consolidated Mining It Smelting Co.. and M. M. O'Brien,; chief field engineer for we company, were passengers aboard, the Catala last evening going north from Vancouver to Stewart to pay a visit of Inspection to the Blc Missouri mine. Mr. Archibald was accompanied by his wife. WINTER'S . OVER A STUFFY HEAD robs you of sleep spoils your day. To clear your head quickly, use the convenient TOMATOES Nabob, Ko. 2 tins. 2 for QUAKER CORN White No. 2 tall tins, 2 for ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS Choice. No. 2 tins, per tin PALMOLIVE SOAP-3 bars QUALITY SPECIALS ; For Tuesday & Wednesday ORANGE MARMALADE 40 Empress, 4-lb. tins, each otir)t?rrrr WHPAT ir nkt lie I GRAHAM WAFERS Red IQp Arrow, 1-lb. cello .a. 1 FRY'S HOT CHOCOLATE tnn it. ri A rA 1U Jfc A V A111K Oi OUK.I1 uumcu, t-,i. Silver Wedding Is Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Monro Ifohortd Ily Friends With Surprise Parly Saturday Night Forty well-wlshlne friends des cended upon the home Of Mr. and ;Mrs. Oeorge H. Munro, Fifth Ave nue East, Saturday night in a surprise party visit in observance of their stiver wedding anniversary. The evening Was enjoyably spent in bridge playing and, during the serving of a delicious supper at midnight, the presentation Was made to Mr. and Mrs. Munro of a beautiful waffle iron. The present tion was made on behalf of the guests assembled by T. It. Johnson who voiced suitable sentiments. Mr. and Mrs. Munro, to hom the party Norman L. Freeman, local repre at Stewart, and Mrs. McMillan and was a complete surprise. respndl. senUUve of the International Pish- j thlldren were pa.en!r aboard There were eight tables of card pries Commission, rttumed to the the Catala last ertning returning and the prize-winners were: ladles' 25c 25c 22c first, Mrs. William Millar; consola tion, Mrs. Max Heilbroner; men's 1 first, W. D. Vance; -ctisolation, Max Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Meare and Heilbroner. lamlly were passengers aboard the Those present wefe. besides Mr. Catala last evening going through and Mrs. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. for a visit at Port Simpson. Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. William Mll- Moore Is the daughter of Capt. and ter, Dr..and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. Ser- Mrs. 4. U. waison. oonnt and Mm ft U flretrlwrw! jMr. and Mrs. S. It. Leslie. Mr. and T. N. LePage, manager of the Mfs Artnur rjrooksbanlt, Mr. and northern division of the Home OU1Mr, j j utile, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Distributors Ltd.. returned to thejVance Mr and Mrs c H nklnSi city on the Catala last evening 1Mr and Mrg 0amud M Mf from a ten -day trip to Vancouver. and Mrs s a parker Mr and Mri Mrs. and son are remain-, LePage Alex McRae Mr Md Mr& w E ing in Vancouver for a Drakl. Mr. and Mts. 6. C. lliomsort. to visit with relatives. longer jMr and Mis M M ste heMi Mr and Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. Mr. and Robert Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Steen and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibb. ltc ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR- Canada's Best, per 49-lb. sk. $1.70 EMPRESS JELLY POWDERS, 4 pkgs. PURE MAPLE SYRUP nlnt bottle SCOTT'S EGGS Grade" 'A ' Larce. tier doi. t. HKINZ CREAMER SOUPS 4 (0 All Varieties, per 10-oz. tin ner 16-02. tin 19c 21C 24c 15c APRtCOTS-Royal City 4 Qp Ko. 2 tins, each vv MaMWelL HOUSE f)n COFFEE, per lb, SALAD DRESSING - 90 p Nalley's, 12-oa. Jar, each -, h'CEDAn OIL ner 12-oz. bot. 3Gc Malt vinegar impress OOp 26-oz. bottles, each ut California Bplhach. per lb. 11c Calif dhlU Grapefruit OP Nice sire, 5 for "rr Hothouse Rhubarb, 1 lbs. 15c New Bunch Carrots. 2 bch. 15c Largest Jiiicy Lemons, per doz 22c Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 50 "THE BEST FOR LESS" Hotel Arrivals Royal II. Jacobsen, Butedale. Prince Rupert T. G. Garrett. George Kerr. A. C Knight and W. C. Stevens, Vancouver: Mrs. Hlppesley, TerracSt ,G. A. Yardley and J. McNaught, Vic toria. C NrR. Trains For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pjn. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and S;Uuf days , 10:15 p.m. A Daily News Want-Ad. will get what you want. STOPPED-UP .NOSTRILS dactoceUa. Use Mentholaium to help Open the nostrils and permit freer breathing CLEARANCE SPECIALS Mixed Nuts, per lb. 15c Heinz Mix. Pickles, per lar 25c Heinz Malt Vinegar, bot. 15c Sheriff's Jelly, per jar 20c Mint, Red Currant, Crabapple 1 bot. Olives, reg. $1.00 1 bot. Brahston Pickles reg. 25c 1 Helni Spaghetti, reg. 20c The three for Sl.OO MUNRO BROS. Third Avenue FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN HAIRY Phone 657 Classified Ads. WANTED OARDENINO or Phone Red 113. other odd Jobs. 70 MALE HELP WANTED DISTRICT dealers wanted for Evar-Ready Oil Barriers; Latest p8ot light burner. Apply W. E. Tap-ley. 2138 Central Ave., Victoria, B.C. 72 FOR RENT 4 -ROOMED furnished apartment Phone 132. 70 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1416 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf PERSONAL MEN! Buy your Sanitary Supplies direct and save 75. Standard Lilies. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 211 Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C." Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm. 26. Anyox Clear, calm. 25. 8tewart Part cloudy, calm. 22. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, frosty Burns Lake Bright, calm. zero. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Chesterfield $70.50 and Chair . . 1 Chesterfield $Aft-00 only JL TERMS D. Third Ave. iXtOaCufl FURNITURE DEALER FOUND FOUND Pair lined leather gloves. Daily News. vj PAINTERS PAINTING ina Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. MISCELLANEOUS M J UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR u: S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of con drtlon. Up to $1.00 each paid for 05. Llneoln Head cents. Up to $150X0 each paid for Canadian ' coins. We Buy Stamp Collections! Medals, Books, Paper Currency, etc. send 25c. Coln for large Illustrated price list and Instructions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE, SAR-NTA, ONT. OOVEriNMfcNT LKtrOR ACT" 1 NAlW-e nf Apirib-mlon fr nrrr Llrene. NOTICE It bffttor elfen that on the tf Tith (Uj of April, next, tfce undf- lned mtm&i to fcppij xo u uquor Oontrta BtmtA tot tfceece la rrapc of tha nnBtcm, being pan of in handing SnonrA w Querna Hotel, dtuate ? M;n street. luwu. o.u. upon t:v land MseribM aa Lot No. 5. In Block No. 14. Uap 940. Uassett Town- ne. f the Vnmtt Rupert Land Re?l- ration Oltrlst In the Pnrnnce of Brt-?)h CohnaMa. for be aJe of beer toy the Rita or the bottle for consumption n '.tit prtmlaea or etaewhere. . ; bATEO tWa lt Hay of March. AD, I93. OARL KIRMIS. Applicant He: UM ItrfllHTKY ACT - NOTICE :' OrtlfleaU of Title No. B858-L cot-erlna- the Westerly 81xtT (60) acrea. 4 more or ftsa. of Lot 43. Oroup One. Caaatar District. In the Proline of Brttlah OoHunbU. aa rr pUn. pondered orane. attache to deed de-posKad No 985S-I. WHKRBAS aaUafaetor; proof of loa A the atwre Certificate of Title. Issued in the name of Eroole Constantino baa been filed In this office, notfee Is hereby Xl-.en that I ahaU. at the expiration of lone month from the date of the first IpubUratkm hereof. Issue a Prorlslonal ICertUKate U TWe to .lleu ot the aaid lost Certificate, unless In the mean- Mnae valid objection is .made. to me m, DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert B.C.. this 25th day of February. 1935 A THOMPSON, rvnxitv ResrlJtrar of Tltlea; LIO Exchanging and Auctioneer SPRING IS HERE House cleaning time once more! You may have something you would like to exchange. Call us up We do the rest. Phonp Green 421 Corner Third AVe & FltSt St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamts leave prliice Rupert for Vancouver- ? T.S.S. CATALA EVEP.V TI ESOAY. 1:30 P.M. ;. Arriving Vancouter Thursday H4' T.SS. CARl)ENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. AUc AM. Aayox. 8lwart and Naa. WtUl aalllnga to Port SlmpaOu. 1 Rlvir polnta. lar Wince Rupert Sunday. 8 pjn Further lnformaUon regarding aU sailings and tlckeU atr- PRINCE Kl'PERT AGK.NCV: Thlri! Aunnt. none 00 HAVE ONE ON US! j 2 Cans For Every One You Buy, J From March 25th to 30th I Here is a real opportunity to SAVE on your interior Spring , redecorating costs. With every can of EASYCOAT WALL FINISH MIRACLE VARNISH MIRACLE ENAMEL of charge, an additional can you buy. we will give you tree of the same size. There is only a limited supply, so act now! GORDON'S HARDWARE M.nrl.le Sirt rhoneJIl aanMtaianiaiaaannianuaaRanun IITWiMHaa Because It doesn't pay to -advertise poor product!, s It docs pay to buy those advertised.