THE DAILY NEWS GRAHAM ISLAND IS RICH IN SALMON AND HALIBUT || Daily News Correspondent is Impressed With the Great Possibilities of the Fishing Industry — Fishing Grounds Are the (Special Correspondence) Masset.—-The next engaged our attention. Island of following herring, grounds At sea fishing Langara swarms gulls were the and we passed the spring salmon fishing grounds of the Masset Indians. It is nut generally known that these Indians caught over three thousand spring salmon dur- ing the spring fishing, off Langara Island, and the season only lasted for forty days. The average catch, with a ‘numbered ten for each Indian, daily; they received cents per fish, and some of them weighed over seventy pounds—one weighed nine- ‘nye ’ line and spoon, seventy Best in the World | known world. At the present time the duty on halibut, entering the United States, ascend Masset Inlet and are caught at the mouth of the streams There fine cohoe fishing, off the entrance, to the Inlet, where one ing day; boy caught twenty-eight cohoes, in five hours with a line and spoon. is in a one is one cent) per pound, which is more than the Indians receive for the fish 1 the local market. At the various small rivers along the Inlet several species of salmon have their spawnirg beds. The sockeye, cohoe, steel- head, humpback and dog salmon can make a remarkable show- | ~~ ~~ ~~ re “The News” Classified Ads. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —THRY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— el ee re ee ee ee = ———— Geo ets: | Phone 150 For Rent The Insurance People} eee. Fire | Furnished rooms with bath. Special rates by Life the week. Talbot House. 165-tf | Marine | Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred .— | Accident Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Plate Glass | Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder ——— Se prinitineni rt Today Deposit a portion of your weekly earnings you will be surprised how rapidly they cumulate. We will add to your gay cent. interest on monthly balances. time you will have saved enough to make a profit. able investment. The accounts of ladice and children receive careful and courteous atten Open an Accou and ac- ings 4 per will In a short tion, The Continental Trust Co. Second Avenue | Block; Third Ave. 178-tf For Rent—Furnished rooms. Hot and cold water with bath. Digby Rooms, 6th Ave. and Fulton Street. tf For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd‘Ave., for Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, etc. Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68. 186-tf Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY, | P.S.—H.uses and Rentals. , CO | ee | 7 For Sale ALDERMANIC AMENITIES | + Do away with this. Patronize a white sa For sale~Special for this week, bean pots 25c., laundry. White labor only at at Hart's. 226-229 The Big Furniture Store Partial List of our New Wares Ald. Clayton Twits Ald. Douglas In our Second Avenue store, which is one } ro TU, . . : | For Sale—Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house- nu ty-two pounds. : The game birds on Graham) on His Years. Douglas on | hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 carry-Reed and Rattan goods, Arm Chairs, Rockers. S In Hecate Straits, where the|Island, are limited to ducks and His Di Replies Sh 1 taken at once. Address Box 368. tf ; on Yeas ant ck ies ; - fs is Dignity, Replies MEY S| nie Bilan trigh T sitceeed: es Daveipeorts and Bed on On our shelves you \ salmon fishing is carried on, and|geese. During the month of Octo- | For gro petit thy A poker’ - , Hotel Whi aE . where we passed the herring banks,|ber, the birds return from the} Over the matter of the I. W. W. Bros., 95 Water St., Vancouver. feet FEED STORE display . ote rb sranite and Vitrified w ‘ e ‘ ° » re have every y se e st ) : the halibut grounds which are}north, and good shooting will be} protest against what they term ; MON LWE ee Cee ee ee eee UD th finest Dining 1 world famous, exist. The Indians|indulged in. The animal kingdom |‘‘chain garg’ labor on the Rec- Insurance We carry everything in the feed line, also sar. vit paie cd Soa parterns i French and Eng : . : : den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's . » » » , . ce » les ave far , capture them by hundreds, bring-|has few of the species on the|reation Park Alderman Douglas { olg Feed Store, Market Place 1 Ul them eithe oh . eae = hay “ : 2 i Zindn Sia ney ant L lan f : pres ve | descriptions. e have twenty-five styles in eapot ing them to their village _and island. A few deer were intro-|and Alderman Claytor were op | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and dust PONY EXPRESS ed Ae Bate | . é drying them for winter use. Somejduced recently. posed on Monday and exchanged | settlements, We write every known class of ; oo ‘ " ? 4 a / nsurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. i . Pots of the fish weigh two hundred} Black bear, martin and land|compliments. Alderman Douglas Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or ad Ss. ; pounds. It is no uncommon sight | otter are the only animals roaming|had siated that his working mer Wanted a pice ecw | As we buy these goods and Bar Glasses in fift : ‘ ‘ i % y ‘ NOTICE | are of getting rig ice le , aes to see an American trawler, in the|inland. The absence of wolves,| supporters were protesting against | ante are sure of getting right prices. We stock perhay ‘i : : ; ‘ . x | filename i style Glasse waters of Hecate Straits, with|panther and other wild animals| the prison labor. Alderman Clay-| ‘ ‘ CES tyles of Glass r : : : : : “c ta n the County Court of Atlin Holden at ince le ci a large nis : . snclud 2 boats out and gathering halibut|is a blessing and the cattle are not ton said: Of course I don’t}, Wanted Nursing. [Obstectrics a specialty Rupert in the Matter of the “Official Ad- We carry a large stock of Cutlery including “‘I : Residence 829 Third Ave. Phone 243 Red. 226-227 > | : : ministrator’s Act" In stone ware we have bean pots, butter croc} in large numbers. troubled. A party of surveyors|represert such a number of workirg| wantea. — Chitaiak act practi ‘clebitaks and » taal ; , oT - . . : 4 . : | om ; P, ; In th tter of the E: ite ) ”. Latkovic! ( rs - : re re ei : ; id i ie acd ek ‘ Ec and aps more than $2000 worth of portier building will be $18,000 or over.| . assessment on labor unions, he|™ind ther he has, That may be /DOMINION ARCHITECT IS OpTIIWs ne perh ps more than orth of px In every way the church will be] said, must be devised at once. |why I don’t heve to harg or io HERE ;curtains and all other curtain materials. Lt se Bi j This. t is the >. the famous Ostermoo! worthy of Prince Rupert. It is} Lecompte Davis, one of Darrow’s| the ‘il of @ political party to gei | yp, William Oli Mies. to Look ae et oe ape ¥ as ‘ wa a 143 tiomers, Dressers and all kinds of case goods | to be a good building both ex-| associates, characterized as false | elected. The public returned me | Cn ; rnally, < he : : : | for myself. Over the Digby Island Dom- LOTS FOR SALE Iron and brass beds. ternally, and ‘as regards its in-|the charge that the defence had | ; a inion Work in Progress. me SS Ow Bee eo . gd a . 2 aS etal ( i Atti “Yes, you got thirteen votes,”’| One lot, Block 22, Section 5, Seventh Framed mirrors, all sizes, in French, British terior fittings. Built towards the! offered money to any of the Siate’s cs, YOU got .uurteen votes ee venue, Price ‘ ' ’ ’ , ; | Avenue. Price $800, $400 cash. Deaths Saath) oA ara anigetilate in Bt back of the church lots, the edifices | witnesses. | said Alderman Clayton. Be dh ea ttcdce Retart today One lot, Block 5, Section 5, Fourth} . - 50 have a large stoc 4 sys Tp a . ? Sil leave snab 5 8 “T stand alone, indeperdert | yeaee crix® : ra Avenue. Price $1200. $400 cash,| plate which we frame fto order, in sizes from 36 x 45 will leave space to the front which jonpenestinastainliehtunetniniraiaiginenctighictinroly a ; 1 t | Mr. William Henderson, Dom- balance 1 and 2 years. — " ; f eS ee ciel ahead tr th may be used later for an extension NAAS RIVER IS LOW of party,” added the re ad mutable |; ion Gaacniidnk. Avchitene: fay | ome totes eee. 4g Beotion ¢) Bourth | COPIES HOUSE SUSE RAE SWE ee es anit a |Douglas in conclusion, ‘“‘and ; Avenue. Price $3600. $1500 cash, of the frontage to make a much ar 8 clusion, enc’ *|the Provincial District, arrived| balance 6 and 12 months. larger building. G. L. Proctor|Captain Babington on the Cloy- | |heve the support of the public! (4 visit of inspection to Digby ex one re ei eso bt Seventh| . : | | 7 " m4 V ric 550. 25 0 is architect. ah Could not, Reach the hose interests I am here to Islard marine station and quar- balanes $25 ‘a . month. ' on Amongst the interior fittings,| Canyon | protect.’’ (Applause from the back Rea : . 3 Two lots, Block 17, Section 7, Seve = che gs, y cs antine Hospital now in course of Avenue. Price $1200 pair. $400 cast he poe organ, one of the best| See? 1 Sey erection. Mr. Henderson went|Two lots, Block 49, Section 7, Ninth obtainable down below is notice-| This morning Captain Babington | over to the Islands by launch es ee oe pair, one-half | 6 ; j } ; ot s r ’ cash, balance 6 months. ® 2 able. Seating will be very pena peturand in the launch Cloyah False Rumor Denied ard had a look round the works ' —- edge Ave and ‘aac St. Phone fortable and heating < arrangements | from a trip to the Naas River. | A rumor which has apparently | 14. jg a guest at the G. T. P. Inn. HOUSES FOR SALE p —a are to be by the newest system of| He had hoped to make a point been widely circulated to the) poet tee eS 4 room house, Ambrose Avenue, plas ~~ las effect that F. W. Hert hi ‘on tered, best harbor view in City. Price | @emermerer mere er eer ere ere Geet tt nr en j all, known as the Srane System|higher than any yet reached by a , A : fem vane, EY GEORGE LAYS UP FIRST $1837. $500 cash, balance $30 per! } : which heats each row of seats|deep. draught launch, but owing | interest in the undertaking and | month. / ee Senn { : . | oe sstablishe -- j directly and speedily by steam.|to the low state of the water was ‘gen rio ai “ ry hed by | Information from Below Reach- | FOR RENT | Do You Want ( Why not eat lunch aa ~ssrs. Smi », alla r | me aca ae d _| myse¢ n rince as jsut} i : ' 1 Messrs. Smith & Mallet will put|unable to get even as far as the|™YS ince Rupert has jsut ed Rupert Today 15 room house, unfurnished, newly pe i 1 at the a in this plant. canyon. Captain Babington re-|COMe to My knowledge. I cannot | Pree eee Tere Y Value for { h G ill 4 . . ’ ae - |urderstan , anx one | er month, Liat Accommodation for Sunday | ports lovely weather in that dis-|“ derstand why any one should| Official sources remain reticent " oe —- if { Exc ange Tut | { school, and for young men’s and/jtrict. Sunshine, and bracing air circulate such a report as there), bout the annual withdrawal of |, LAND FOR SALE \j ? S RIGHT } y rw n’s cl i i ri: lis no foundation in it whatever. : ee 5 and 10 acres, garden trucking at our one The Price 35 cents IS RIGHT / j young women’s classes will be in|up river, and complete absence of ‘“: ; j}one of the fast G. T. P. passenger] Kitsumkalum. Price $65 per acre. |? ; Ea the basement commodious and|the flies said to revel there in the|Y undertaking parlor and equip-|toats from service for her over- oe i k ee { and the cuisine and a j on ° | ; : : ; ) acre tracts, garden truc at te Sens yell established sta modern. There will be a hall ou: He praises the land of | ent, situate in the Emad Building |}, during this fall and winter,| Kitselas. Price $50 per acre. vid d or een ! eenrse PROPS. | . 0 ‘| re /NESS ROPS. | socials, and parlors such as the| | the Naas Valley, as all do who have | . 317 Third Avenue, is strictly but information. from an author-| | —— MILNER & BOWNES cian git { fine churches i he E: fez : : first class in every respect. aes : FOR LEASR e ttt ttt t j ches in the East feature | seen it. | cs A wah jitative source down below is to}75 x 100 feet on Third Avenue, level. ~ irre sO acceptably. Altoget her the hee | come from Victoria wheré I was the effect that the ( eorge will lay Good lease. esas tan) Oost arta aa sons tas IS IS Me ; Dota ere unk meaneger for W. J. Harna: as | : : e oo Methodists are going to have a| POLICE RELEASE SUSPECT | ; : or V ; J : * re jup first, in about three weeks or LOTS IN NEW HAZELTON | or ildinge + 2E> . e ewes the west undertaking establish- 4 , ; 0 a 0 " ) ms a good building to meet the needs Vee t = ) . la month. When she returns to 2 owe. nd $10 per month buy a) es i ReeRRERERPRRYR?? brerrrr? of a growing community. (The| Alex Johnston Alias ‘Bill Whee- |"! !" thet city. 1am thoroughly | copvice the flyer will have new meeting to decide the award of Set at Liberty. Not a experienced “and m-expert In MY! oi! burners which will increase Th G h ] ] d Oil Fields Limited contracts, ete., was held in Mr.| Burglar. business which is undertaking ard | jo, speed and efficiency rests e Graham {sian l , cans: 4 ; soa Fe, embalming exclusi ard ha J miah H. K | Ltd. Manson (the Mayor's) office, not ~ i ee Clusivelys; @8¢: BAVC) and ‘also economically. aptain | ere u er, CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 the offices of Messrs. Williams &| It was decided yeaterday after-|COM® to Prince Rupert to st2y! Nicholson an d Supe ne g En-| A ‘ 74.4! tins 5 ae? ard to buil a sir ; r , Manson. The slip in last night’s|noon to release the man Alex : | al Mpa ess UPe? | cineer Brownlee have just returned | LAND “PURC HASE NOTICE We are offering for sale a very lin ‘eas ol : ant ; D my reputation ard merits | . | f stock at 25c per sha News was one of Mac's famous Johnston whom the police had } ide li ‘ : [arom the States where they have |— - — mehorat of ehaes of nee Los Se g breaks. Of course as everybody ler d i ici | eid eihs dimen rudbauevah examining the details of the Sheena Land District —Distrlet of Const Ranee 5 pee oie: Se ie of Ge js rket E : i _.. |under detention on suspicion that|\Mr, Hart nor any other “son | -: , ? ; Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Prince quickly and will soon be off the marke ‘ knows Mr. Manson, the Mayor, apne ; ij he N ; a ; ; ms . pe : }oil fuel system ard the result is] Rupert, occupation nurse, intends to apply. for : * ’ is a leading light of the Methodist |"¢ 944 been concerned in the New hes an interest in my business. loil fuel beyond doubt for the|fand: Pert oe Serre Teme 1 COMPANY + e ° bos oe . a: le in > ‘ > on, ary 4 e| E, ‘iS y | Commencing at a post planted at the North- | THE MACK REALTY & INSURA on " Church in Prince Rupert, while} Westminster bank robbery, ‘Thc L. FISHER | George, and later for the Rupert west corner 140 chalne easterly (slightly north) | ; : oar tee , : ‘ t rtheast 6 ay | . | > a at his office in Prince Rupert, B. C., for a licence yermission to pul Osition. but Magistrate Car., read accused Kingsway was lerded at Port Judge Y oung yesterday after- docket as Seaman & Cole versus | to take and use three cubic feet of water per second | seribed lands the ¥) ‘ . . e om rer . zi J from MeNeil River in Skeena District. The water desc rib re a r —— a very severe Iccture on the Simpson yesterday efterroon to be|noon dismissed the case of Seaman |Hilditch & Maynard. This was is to be taken from the stream about four miles} Commencing © ° Lond Oct. 4 N r ‘s car N 74 ’ | 9. . eats ° ° 7 bn i above the unction with the Skeena River and / north bank of th er eondon, Oct, 4.—Numerous Ca-| carelessness of his tongue which} teken,to the hospital. Whether|& Cole versus Hilditch involving |drepped after the decision given | is to be used on Lot 4406 for domestic and agti-| oy out two miles | f the adi , ar TT ; ; aay : ‘ * . 6 ‘ cultural purposes, 0 t mail nadians who are usually well in-}would lead him into mischief. | the man wes sick or had been|a sum of $82.50 contract price for}on the first one. Mr, Fred Peters, oe SAMUEL HARRISON ly a. ie it Wn i meds ame wee a a a : ‘ pe * : 2 i Sept. 9. ttle Zim-o-got-! } m formed have expressed the opinion | Johnston was round town in the| injured was not ascertained by the}work done for Mr, Hilditch in|the city solicitor, appeared for WATEL NOTICE avee 3 got-itz rivé rne! os Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper|evening. He looks as they say|leunch party bringing the item of|connection with his contract for|Mr. Hilditch, and Mr. W. E. Francis ee ny i will succee J >tré -ona as |i scotle ‘we 00 Bile on anes e T : “ 9 a ni , (FL s. { Prince Rupert, B. C., broke | thence north 40 cl more ¢ en ae mi Str ener as|in Scotland “well put on” in a|news to Prince Ruperts The}the fitting up of the “I. 2. 3."'| Williams for Messrs. Seaman & es oan Ss the fiftenth ty ot November | chains, thence sout! e east anada s representative <¢ i i » e £TeY i iS as etna es A : 1 id 3g : 19 d to ly to th ter Commissioner re line re lint Sir Charles Hibl ee Tur lee Soe eee Kingsway has the reputation of| Bottle Store. The claim was for | Cole. at his ote in Prinee Rupert, u c., for leence ) piepebaed le on é 3 aber upper — earnaiine ine a an - ‘ Bs sa es ao _— tak i t bi: t water per secon chains ? it will be remembered, refu ad ite dies’ and chi , neeng trying boat to work upon|more cash for extra work. The from the West Fork of MeNell River in Skeens | of river to post of r “2 vane ane ildren’s sweaters, /especially in the stokehold though | contract price was worth $75, and} The new G.T.P. News Stand | how cne milo from ite unetion with Newell | vaining 160 acho NN) cpoL.s0N position before Lord Strathcona|‘‘Monarch Knit.’ Big assortment|she is known to be 2 good sealas it was shown that $82.50 had|for Lowney’s delicious Choc River and is to be used on Lot 4405 for domestic WM. iy AN Putn ‘ 4 i r ae oor | ans mY Ss a *1ic1ous /NOCO- | and agricultural purposes. nore pecepted jt. gn Hand at Wallace's, 2t| boat, and is finely engined, already been paid, Judge Young' lates, fresh from the factory. tf | sept. 9 SAMUEL HARRISON | nated July 17, 192!