Annettes Jubilee SALE 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN CANADA Friday and Saturday - - May 15 and 16 Annette has just returned From a trip south and has brought back a lot of new merchandise. This is your opportunity to buy new merchandise at ridiculously low prices. Listed below are only a few of the many bargains you will find. Come in and be convinced. Coats, Suits, Sport Suits AVholc Wheat Flour 10 s Roger's Syrup . 2'8 Pearl Barley 3 lbs. Kraft Cheese :. . i-ib. pkg.-..'.:e;t. CC. Oreen Cut Beans i per tin Dargo Pineapple-V - P tin .'.ii.'.,...': Tuna Fish tin :.f.Ul..::- ButterFirst Oracle '' 3 lbs . Butter First Grade - . H-lb. box ... EGGS--From Terrace 2 doz. ...,,..;...', shoulder Veul :')' per lb. Pot RoasU- , P lb ..J Hamburger Steak-2 lbs Pork Chops ' . lb. Lettuce--nig heads . , 2 for .Bunch Carrots ' . Per bunch -Braid's Big 4 Coffee 3 lbs. Phone 763 4-l COATS New Spring Coats, sizes from 14 to 44, in plaids, novelty tweeds and imported tweeds. Qn Qff Priced up from .- SUITS Swaggers in fishtail backs, novelty plaids, tweeds. Sizes from 14 to 44. Some two & three-piece". Ci O QCT Priced up from v SPOUT SUITS-Novelty tailored man-ish suits. Sizes 14 to 20. Q Aff Jubilee Sale Special 42c 17c 23c 30c LOCAL NEWS NOTES Government Agent Norman A. Watt left on last evening's train !for a bricl trip to Terrace. Norway's Independence Day, May 15, Moose Hall. Program 8.3C, Dance 10:30. Adm. Adults 50c. Children 15c. Refreshments. 113 The fire department had a call at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon to a grass fire at the corner of Ninth Avenue and Bacon Street. No damage was done. 12c1 I Mrs. J. T. Splckett of Juneau was Iftpa passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound 4 ftp for San Francisco and Los Angeles 'viMTu0-rn cVio uPl nav nn pvfnnrlpM QQivislt, $3.85 55 c 12J.C 12c 25c Jack Kecfe. who has been ro-ceivlns treatment at Mayo Clinic as a result of which. his health is reported to be much improved, is expected back from Rochester. Minnesota, on Saturday nlzhfs train. City Commissioner W. J. Alder was the speaker today at the reg ular wppklv luncheon of the Prince 25C Rupert Rotary Club in the Com-Imodore Cafe. President Walter M 15C I3,ackstock was in the chair. Mr. 'Alder's subject was "Prince Rupert jQ Mid Its Opportunities." $1.00 Free Delivery HOLIDAYS Fr Adults and! Children on the famous North Beach, (Iraham Is. lhlng, Bathing. Badminton. ncnics, Scenic DrivesShooting '.sson, cottages fully fur- "lshed, also Tents and Dining Sd P!aln cooking at .reasonable Tat j f f n Particulars to -RUS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massett. B,C; . I DELICIOUS. SUMMIT ICE CREAM In '.ii-Oallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY rilONC C57 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Servlc Silk crepe do chine, flat crepe and -taffetasj Regular value to $2.95. Jubilee Sale Special- $1 Prince Rupert Tennis Club Arrr-crican tournament, Sunday 1 .p.m sharp. Mrs. Charles Larkln will sall. to-night on the Prince Rupert1 for' an extended visit in Vancouver. You can't afford to miss tlir real values offered at the Going Out of Business Sale. (J rat ton's Variety Store. lis" T. A. McWaters, local manager of the W. II. Malkin Co., left on last evening's train for a trip o Vanderhoof on company business. Mid-month Specials. See our windows for special bargains. Real money-savers. Gratton's Variety Store. 115 Isaac Taylor, prominent Whitv-horsc merchant, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise ycster- day afternoon going through to Vancouver. He will spend an extended holiday in the south Rev. Adolf Doupnlk of Waterloo, Iowa, evangelist of the Penf tccostal Church, is again in the city after a brief visit at KetchU kan, Alaska, having arrived from -the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. Mrs. D. A. Murihcad. wife of Hie1 chief clerk to the superintendent of the river division of the Yukon ;and White Pass Route at' White. , horse, was a passenger aboard the , Princess Louise yesterday after-1 noon going through to Vancouver on a holiday trip. I w. L. Phelps, well known barrister of Whllehorse, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. On his return north on the next boat he will be accompanied by Mrs. Phelps, who ha.1 been In Vancouver for the nast few weeks, and son who has been attending the University of British I Columbia. .49 SKIRTS Pure wool tailored skirts in tweeds", plain and novelty plaids. Sizes 14 to 20. Jubilee Sale Special ; $1.95 NOVELTY SANDALS Just the thing you are looking for, for your red or blue dress. Sizes from 3 to 7, in red or blue only. Jubilee Sale. Special . $1.95 Stop! LookS. The Fulton Meat Market hare, extra week-end specials. Call or Phone 683. j ,Al. the meetlnsj of '.the Ladies' Music Club yesterday afternoon a vote of thanks was passed to Mrs: Ernest Anderson for her work Iri acting, as secretary of the club for a number- of years most Mrs. B. C. Andre of San Francisco, who has been visiting at Juneau,' where she formerly resided, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon returning to her home in California On her way north a few weeks ago,Mrs. Andre was the guest here of Mrs. W. L. Coates. Passing through, Prince Rupert yesterday en route to his home iri Hazelton was W, R Sargent, second .son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sargent. ,He graduated this year at the University of British .Columbia wRh the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Loriie McAllister well known Canadian customs officer at Summit near Skagway, who is ill, was a passenger aboard the ss. Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle where he "will enter hospital. He was accompan ied by Mrs. McAllister and Mrs Dahl, wife of Dr. D. Dahl, Yukon and White Pass RoUte surireon at Skagway, the latter acting as nurse. Tonight's train, due from tho East; at' 10:20, was Reported thk morning to be on time. At 6:45 P.M. presents CFPR Romance fjmelbdy" JULES LANDEi iUUtt. jffHiRUS JVOOtATED MILK Dresses! Dresses! Polka dots, travel tweeds, prints, pastel prints, all new dresses, new styles at a ridiculous low price. Sizes 14 to 44. Qt Jubilee Sale Special Street and Afternoon Dresses All wanted shades and cplors including black and white. Sizes 14 to 44.j OO d,UU AA Jubilee Sale Special Housedresses Novelty Porch Dresses, candy stripes and Roman stripes. Sizes from 14 to 44. 7tf 1 U Jubilee Sale Special ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO HMMMHIalHHIIlii - , SELVIG'S MARKET Friday and Saturday Specials Death Presumed Mrs. Myrtle Murphy of This City lias Not Seen Her Husband For Fifteen Years Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald, In Supreme Court Chambers last night, granted an order presuming the death of Roy Stewart Murphy, operator of a fruit and tobacco, store in Vancouver, who was last seen by his wife, Myrtle Gaines! Murphy of this city oh the street. In Vancouver in March 1921. In November 1920 Mrs. Murphy and her husband separated. The order presuming death was sought by T. W. Brown on behalf of Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. S. Vukovich, whbse husband I a well known resident of Prince! Rupert lor many years, passed away recently in Victoria, returned to the city frorri the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Anglican Tea. Mrs. C. II. Ormc May 14. Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose Hall. Social, Catholic Hall, Friday, May '5. Admission 25c. Presbyterian Tea, May 21. Elks' Kiddies Flag Day May 2d. Norman, Wllks ,is , coming, . June 3. P. T. A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Eastern Star- tea at Mrs. XF. W. Allen's, June 9. Prince Rupert -Tennis. Club annual tournament Saturday, Jure 13. FEDERAL BLOCK Third Avenue ijn HATS All Felt Hats to clear regardless i A A of cost .... M.UU. HWHHHBMMBmn III OVERWAITEA LTD. Specials For Friday & Saturday Only Cash or C.O.I). Phone 813 FIRST GRADE BUTTER, Ovcnvaitca Quality per lb. 27c "Nuff said" 3 lbs, 79c GRADE "A". LARGE EGGS per doz. 28c Horseshoe Sockeye Salmon, l's, per tin . Malkln's Best Sockeye . Salmon, i3's, 2 tins .... 35c 35c TUNA FISH Vi's 12c Vz's 20c Corned Beef 2 tins Wax Paper 100-foot roll for APRICOTS 2's' per tin PEARS 2's per tin 25c 25c 15c 15c Kellogg's Corn Flakes OQn 3 pkts. .t" Liquorice All Sorts- per lb Swedish Mints per lb Scotch MlnU per lb Ginger Snaps per lb Dole's Pineapple Juice-Large tins, 2 for Small tins, 3 for 19c 25c 21c 17 c 25c 25c 2 doz. 54c English Style Graham 4 fjn Wafers, per pkt ill OVERWAITEA COFFEE lb 30c, 35c, 40c "OVERWAITEA TEA per lb. 45c 50C) 55c ORANGES Large per doz. ORANGES Medium 2 doz ORANGES Small 2 doz Grapefruit Large 4 for Grapefruit Medium 0 for 39c 49c 39c 25 c 29c Lettuce, each 6c Carrots, bunch 6c Rhubarb, 6 lbs 20c Good Prunes, 2 lbs I9c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. 25c RURNS' LARD 1 lb. pkt 17c 3-lb. tin :59c 5-lb. tin f3c 10-lb. tin $1.83 Thrifty Housewives WILL shop at the "Overwaitea MAKE YOUR G ARDEN FLOURISH Sulphate of Ammonia serves a double purpose. It may be used for a summer dressing for Lawns and Gardens and It also kills weeds. Ask us for leaflet giving; full directions for application. BONE MEAL - LIME LAWN SAND - COMPLETE FERTILIZERS We Deliver THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD.