Thursday, May 14, 1936 FOR RENT FOR RENT -4-roorn furnished flat. Monarch range. Phone 547. (tf) ! FOR SALE NEW 1936 Johnson outboard motors, Vancouver prices, W. R. Love Electric Co., agent.' ' 1 (124) i FOR SALE Piano In excellent condition. Phone Green 968. (114) WALNUT Dining room suite, library table, Wilton rug, oak dining table and chairs, electric stimulator, vacuum cleaner, lamps and oddments to clear. Phone Blue 258. (115) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Glade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. LOST LOST Bunch of keys on ring. Phone Green 603.' 114 LAND ACT Not let of Inlnitluii to apply to Imm Land 1 In Prince Iluprrt lAhd Hecordtrg, ULBinct 01 wueen un¬te wands, and Bttuate on CumAhewa Inlet fronting on unsurveyed Grown Land which la attu-td Imirad lately South of Lot 43, Quern Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison LogpliiR Company Limited, oX Vancouver. B.C. Intend to apply tor a leaxe' of the following described Foreshore Lands :- Commencing at a post planted at the 8. W Corner of Lot 45, Q. C. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 ohalnii due East thence due North to Shore- line: thence West along shoreline to, point oi commencement and containing 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, .. Pres. Alllaon Logging Co, Ltd Dated April 31. 193. . LAA'II ACT .Vol lr of Intention to apply to Leaoe Land ' In Prince Vtupert Land Reoordlng District of Rang 5 Coast, and situate od Ktien Island clooe to Oalloway Rapids Bridge. Take notk that .1. Martin Miller of Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation' Lumberman Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:. Commencing at a post planted ap-proxlmatlej 3 COO ft. north of lot 115-116, D. L. 2S1, Range fi Coast thence 680 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet east; thence 360 It, north thence following the shore line to post of commencement and containing ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Doted March 6. IRSB LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lean Land In Prince Rupert Land Reoordlng District of Range 5 Coast, and sltut mom to Oalloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. C. Take notice that I, Martin Miller o Prmce Rupert, B.C- occupation Lumberman Intend to apply for a lease of the following described Porehore lands: Commencing at a Dost blanted ao. Proximately 8.000 ft. north of Iota 115 . u. u. 351. Range o Coast District "race about 600 ft. south to opposite thenoe northerly following the Morellne to post of commencement. mm containing H4 acre, more or less MARTIN MILLER Dated March . 1838. LAND ACT Notice crt Intention to apply to Purchase Ijind to Prtnc Rupert Land Reoordlng uirtrlct of Queen Charlotte I-lands "d situate on the North shore of wanshewa Inlet immediately South of 5. Q. C. I. Take notice that the Allison Logging Jfipany Llmltod of Vancouver B. C. wtends to apply for permission to pur-cnase the foUowlng described lands:-commencing at a post planted at the nn rnr of tot 45, Q. C. I. thence w chains Eaut along South boundary ? 45; then due South to shore-iii thulc along shoreline to of commenoemont and contain? m 40 acres more or lees. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Aprtl al, 1936. WANTED camp Run Hemlock Logs. Phone Green 687 or Write Stanley Bishoprick jr. Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. SSarelii, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM UOME" Rates 11.00 o BC Roomj Hot St Cold Waoi Prince Rupert, B.C. on8ipBoxW USSIFIED , . Booth HIGH WINS iPiTTSBURG IN SOCCER King Edward High School defeated Borden Street .School by a score of four goals to nil in the Junior Football League game on Wednesday evening. The outstanding feature of the game was the play of Albert Mah, the Uorden goalkeeper, who time and again saved his goal with cleverness and skill worthy of a veteran. High School pressed and, from Holkestad's corner, Houston shot over. Mah saved from Pitch and Nelson and McLeod cleared. High again pressed and Smith scored. A nice' rim by the Borden forwards was stopped by Christian and Mah was again called upon to save a succession of shots from close in. Borden started the second half by attacking but Parsons and Bolton were safe. Holkestad centered well and Smith scored again. Cur-rie and Klhara made a nice run but were stopped by Fitch and Brown. Scherk cleared a well placed drive from Fitch but Christian again placed well and Houston almost scored. Smith missed from a fine centre of Knutson's but soon after added a third noal. Borden tried hard to reduce the lead, but Fitch and Smith rushed through making High School victorious by 4 to 0. Borden Street A. Mah; Nelson, McLeod; Bill, Scherk. Cook; Ki-hara, Pong, Currle, Schubert, Judge. High School L. Knutson; Bol ton, Parsons; Brown, Fitch', Chris-! tlan; P. Knutson. Houston, Smith, 1 Wikdal, Holkestad. ; Referee, J. Carroll; linesmen, H. Wong and K. Klllas. High School Borden 4. ' - . . y Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Pittsburg 3, Boston 4 (10 in.). Cincinnati 7, Philadelphia 9. American League Boston 3, Detroit 1. New York 4, St. Louis 1. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. St. Louis 14 8 .636 New York 13 10 .565 Pittsburg 12 10 545 Chicago 12 11 .522 Boston 11 12 .478 Cincinnati 12 14 .462 Brooklyn 10 14 .425 Philadelphia 11 16 .407 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. New York ....r....18 Boston .... .18 Clevelahd 15 Detroit 12 W. L. D. F. A. P, Chicago 10 .3 0 0 9 2 6 Washington 13 0 0 2 1 7 0 Philadelphia 8 0 0 1 1 2 0 St Louis 4 H "TILLIE THE TOILER" L. 8 9 9 12 10 14 15 21 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Urltlsh Columbia. DAILY NKWF CDADT TU AT ,-- jj Possible King's Plate starters .gTaauany Deing" eliminated Dy tne j rigors of spring training, have : turned into the. stretch leading to-Jward the Canadian turf classic. I Less than a month before the 77th running of the Plate, May 23. old- rr nii i HTT'lkT est cbnUnuousI'y"-run race on the l.N A 1 tN continent. The Winter book favor- AU Wiin A Lill llC( Q M Uendrle's Qlandford, is a doubtful starter. Although tne thre-year-old vnree-year-oin colt, con, suffering surrering from from nrfratPft " Z Rnrd.n ; "e" ,rw tv. rnur voaw n i pirates. . Lose in . Ten Innines . To shelled hoors. grew two new hoofs Braves and Slump to Third Place in Standing during the winter, stable hand are not enthusing over his chances In the Plate. They point to uncer tain underpinning and a lato BOSTON, May 14: (CP) Losing soring .that has retarded training, a ten-inning game to the Braves , - - here yesterday, PlUsburg Pirates The track At Hamilton Jockey dropped from second to third place -lub where the Hendrle stable Is In the National League standing gartered has been muddy and the below thC Idle New York Giants. -in of Eplnard-Caloosa has not In the American. League, the ceri given a test to decide defl-leadlng New York Yankees and nltely whether he will be sent second place Boston .Red Sox re- ridstward. Indications, , however, sumed their winning ways, the for- tend to show he will not be among uici uricuiiua iuwiy uruwns iu wt eigut or iu inorougDreas mat St. Louis while the latter defeated, will make the field. In event of the world cliamplon Detroit Tigers Glanford'a withdrawal turfmen at Detroit. As a result, the Tigers watch morning Vtrials for a new and Chicago White Sox are now ''-noice. Predictions are the race tied for fourth place. , will develop into', a battle between entries of Canada's leading breeders R. S, McLaughlin of Oshawa, H. C. Hatch of tToronto and E. F. Seagram of yaterloo. The IK, miles race last year was won by a maiden filly,. Seagram's Sally Fui-,ler. Hatch's Chickpen was second and Gay Sympathy, another Seagram filly. third- The historic event will be run over Woodbine Race Track, overlooking Lake Ontario in Toronto'3 t end. The race, open to On-o-foaled three-year-olds and ch have never won a race one or two coiorbearers. The quartet, being prepared at Waterloo will be shipped' shortly to Wood- rci. ut - m Mt a uuie iwr iinai tuning. Aimougaj Samoan, thre-yeartpld b'rowii gelding, pulled up lame before the 25 running of the Coronation Stakes -500 and Clarendon Plate, juvenile fea-j .500 tures, It was expected he woult' ! 481 come through the gruelling train- j .343 tng period in peak, form. The geld- j .100 jng left no doubt he could sprint.) . The unsexed son of Spey Pearl-j Samoa won twice and finished sec-1 ond race in sbf trips to the post, j Should Seagram, however, decide to replace him. he has Thornhill. ; Khaki Fuller, Judge Pool and Sha- j dow Waltz from which to pick. Thornhill has not faced the barrier and the others were not impressive during their Juvenile campaigns. , SALZBURG,: Austria, May 14 (C P) The colorful peasant dress that Salzburg, like other Austrian pro vinces, has chosen as the official garb of the district,, has been decreed proper' for school ceremonies. TITLE BOUT 'Antique Clock IS LOOMING StiU Runnin& Madison Square Garden Cupid on the He'S gOIMS TO MEET ME IM THE f "T ' v I'M ALL fJtf&X I (VOU'LL DtlSSSED KNOCK rtZ My Br'rlTJQ him DATE TO J AbdC I DEAD IrJ MEGT My L W&JSUW i THAT rwMAMTicplffla- VgTF)T. LOWERS' LAME AT THE? BUJTTIMQ HOTEL TOMORROW WIGHT ALL 1 NEUD IS A RED fc-OSE . THAT'S TO BE OUR iq-mal-He's tqvaiear. 77sil. , Match liraddock and Joe Henry Lewis Welterweight TIUe Holder , Expected to Def en.d III?-Crown Down 'Under v NEW YORK, May l4 Barney Ross is expected , to 'defend his welterweight title against Jack Carroll, the Australian champion in Sydney in December providing he wins over Tony Canzonerl in a bout planned for New York in July. May ReIna '"jeweller' lias Timepiece j Service f REGINA. May 14 (CP) A clock NEW YORK, May 14 Madison constructed in 1694, valued at sev-Square Garden , is angling for a eral thousand dollars, is the trea-heavyweistht title bout this summer sure of a Regina jeweler, between James J. Braddock, the! For almost 250 years it has been champion, and John Henry Lewis, in service, and it appears good for the world's light heavyweight'' another" 200. claims A. Wheatley. champion. The chief obstacle to the ; the owner. bout will be the New York Boxing Standing 18. inches high, In a Commission. Matchmaker James , casing of oak and: ebony, it is care-J. Johnston of Madison Square Oaf- fully decorated with Dierced brass- den, says Lewis will weigh 185 'work. The hour figures are of the pounds by September; which will. Roman numeral type, with tha put him in the heavyweight class i minute numbers to 60 on the dial. 1 A small cable on the side when Barney Ross To Fight in Sydney H v spam. tm4 pulled causes the clock to strike the hour and quarter hours. A metal band protecting trie mechanism reads "Luke Wyse. Reading." Records show the maker was a member of the London Clockmaker's Guild in-1694. DOG SHOWS INTELLIGENCE HARRIS; ,Sask.,' May 14 (CP')-Snap"-,' two-year-old Dolic'e" do owned by Hilda Thomas, can vie in intelligence witn many circus dogs. In a test here the dog made a three-foo Jump, played dead, sat up to speak arid beg, kissed a cat, and put out a fire in obedl-ance to orders. iKt fxve sod wlioleiome yttrt, lt ted hop the! tnt into the bftwln el Lucky Lti mke It Mott seurlihinj tonic and body bulltfst. It oothei iviapy nenet and tlvet itMW teianre nerr Spot . . jm iijinii iijiiMas,arfMLM-M---ia TtrustI lTHOROUGHBREdJ WFjWJKjni' & '( aMlMiiiiiiiiifl MbmBBBt :f '.wffr iiiiiiiiiiiiH 6IITTA PERCHA TIRES AGE AND PURITY GUARANTEED By SI 0.000 BONO .Same Pri COAST I Viecoit N Secret of the Roses I VJANTT TV40 OF THE BlS3EST REt tclOSES TOU'ME HERE -THEY Y E!. OKAV. I'LL (SOT (Sot i , .CT i Wtttminitct Victori REWERIES LTD. Iv'v This yMirhenl is not -published, or displayed, by the Liqrtoi ConLci Boa.l ot by th Government oi British Columbia. " - By Wstover- jc..vou Make the ) IIbot:: am gu theI' HUM. fNlENER -THOUflH-r I'B , HAVB Tb VJEAR. A R.EO ffeO&r ISO "TILLIE VIOULD KMOVM MB