PAOE TWO DAILY NKWS Tuesday, February 11, 1933 Cribbage League The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Last night's results in the PrlnPc Runert Critb:ire Ltaxtio were A.s Why Slip on Icy Streets When a Pair of New Rub- hers Arc So Easily Purchased? We have just unpacked a complete shipment of rubbers, all heels and sizes. Complete size range of Men's and Women's and Children's fiYM SHOES just arrived. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 PublUhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. pullen - - - Managlng-Edfior SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany period, paid In advance lb By mall to all parts ol British Columbia, the British Empire and ' For lesr periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all other countries, pet- year , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn. per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion - News Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION 86 93 9 00 Lit .Oi Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1036 USING NATIONAL CREDIT The suggestion by Maior Harold brown of Vancouver that Canaaa shoulu use ner national credit to retire her domestic loans has caused a good deal of discussion here and tear has been expressed mat this would mean deflation and possible disaster. When Canada takes over the Bank of Canada and the sole right to issue currency it will have in its vaults something like $175,000,000 of gold. As only 25 V of the issued currency is required in gold backing, there is still a very large margin of safety in Canadian finances. The country could issue currency for a large part of the domestic loan and still be well within the 25 mark. As the change would only mean the transfer of an interest bearing' debt to a non-interest bearing debt, it is doubtful if the currency issue would have any appreciable effect on the finances of the country except to relieve the over-burden- ed taxpayer. As bonds are issued against the resources and wealth of the country, the security would be equally good for the currency as tor the bonds. No reasonable person advocates the unrestricted use of the national credit nor would it be wise, possibly, to make large issues of currency at one time, but a reasonable use of the national credit just now would help out a difficult situation without injuring the credit of the country. That is the opinion of many people who are in a position to know what they are talking about. UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD The world is gradually getting together in spite of the various setbacks that seem to occur from time to time. The first movement toward united effort took place prior to the Russo-Japanese war when the Czar of Russia called the first conference of nations. Various conferences have taken place since that time and every year sees a greater interest taken in international affairs'. The present move of the League jof Nations to try to prevent the war in Ethiopia, feeble as it may seem, is a move in the right direction. It is educating the nations to the idea that safety lies in union. All this is gradually leading up to a time when the world will be bound by a strong tie such as a world federation of nations. In the meantime, we havp tn keep moving along lines calculated to make the peoples of the world conscious of the need of some such federation or union, this taking the place of defensive alliances. Possibly when the time for such a union arrives the world will be ready to arrange for a fiscal union. HOUSEHOLD HELPS Dusting Mops, from 75c to SUO Clothes Baskets, from , 51.25 to $2.00 Galvanized Tubs, from . 50c to $1.50 Furniture Polish, from 15C to 25c GLAS-KLEEN Ideal for Windows, Mirrors, Windshields and Tile 12-ounce bottle with sprayer 65c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. CLOTHIERS ! move up; Lambie & Stone Going Strong tn Senior Basketball Won By One I'oint Lambie St Stone again won the senior basketball game by one point from the Moose in a rough and tumble match lxst night. At times the fans thought it was rugby instead of basketball. The Clothiers are evidently out to win the second half and it looks like they won't stop at anything. Mitchell, of the Moose, was sent to the showers in the second half. Half, time score wxs 15-10 in fa vor of Lambie St Stone. The second half was Just give and take until the final whistle when the score was 30 to 29 in favor of Lambie Si Stone. Lambie Si Stone Lindsay (17), Arney, Armstrong (2), Calderonl (G), Johnson (5); total, 30. Moose Stiles (10). Mitchell (6), Wlngham (9), J. Morrison (4), R Morrison, C. Smith; total, 29. Intermediate League Canadian Legion defeated High School with a score of 27 to 23 in the Intermediate game. It seemed as though the trip to Terrace put the Students off their game. The issue was never in doubt. Half time score was 14 .to 8 in favor of the Legion. Palmer, for the Legion, netted .10 points while Davies and Campbell, for High, got nine points each. Legion Viereck (3). Palmer (10), Brown (6), Christison (4), Suehiro (1), Eby (3); total, 27. High School Davies (9). Camp bell (9), Naylor, McMeekin, Lear (5); total, 23. Ladies' League In the Ladles' League Grottettes again took Annettes Into camp with a score of 14 to 9. Half time score was 7 to 6 in favor of An-i nettes. The second half started with Annettes getting the first basket. Then Beale and Smith, for the Grottettes, got seven points between them to come out the winners. Grottettes Smith (3), Beale (6), Dickens (3), McMeekin (2), Brand, Menzies; total 14. Annettes Stone (G), Morris (3), Ratchford, Stamp-Vincent, Petti-piece; total, 9. Junior Game In the junior game Moose last by one point to the Scythians. Half time score In favor of Scythians was 8 to 2. The second half started with Lear getting six points to tie 1 the score but the Scythians soon took the lead and held it until the end. Moose Ciomp 1), Husoy (4), Lear (0). Hale (2), Blake, Schubert; total, 13. Scythians Huston (2), Roma (G), Antonelll 4), Montesano (2), Mur ray; total, 14. The league standings to date: Senior League W. L. Lambie St Stone 4 3 Moose ' 3 3 Grotto 2 3 Intermediate League Canadian Legion 4 2 Scythians 3 1 High School .1 5 Ladies' League Grottettes .....5 1 High School 2 2 Annettes 5 Junior League High School 3 1 Moose 2 2 Scythians 2 3 Boy Scouts 1 2 P Sweden and United States Hockeyists 8 0 4 8 3 2 101 4 Is Directoi PAUL KOZOOLI.V Director of the provincial government's recreational and physical education centre here which is being taxed to capacity with an enrolment higher than that of any other centre In the whole province. Today the enrolment stands at 405243 girls and ladles and 162 boys and .men. Next week, with' Benny Windle in charge, boxing classes will be instituted. Wrestling classes for men and folk dancing classes for ladles are also being started. This Saturday from 3 to 5 o'clock In the afternoon there will be "open house" for all boys and from 8 o'clock to 9:30 in the evening for men. Last night gym hockey and "good-minton" were played and proved popular. The Elks' Lodge has donated a couple of tumbling mats and a set of parallel bars for the use of the centre. THREE-WAY 2l 6 4 4 2 GARMISCH - PARTENKmCHEN.I Totals Win in Olympics K Raybone BOWLS TIE C. N. R. A, Bankers and Three Two Taxi Deadlocked For Commercial League Lead Bankers and Canadian National Recreation Association, by winning clean sweep victories over Biolo gical Station and Watts' Grocery respectively last night, moved into a tie with Three Two Taxi for lead ershtp of the Commercial Bowling League. High average scorer for the evening was Cull of the Bankers with 132. The next games In the Commercial League on Friday night will be as follows: Kalen Motors vs. Bankers; Three Two Taxi vs. Watts' Grocery. Details of scoring last night: BANKERS 1st 2nd 3rd Smith 130 123 108 Scott 82 105 94 Black 32 102 90 Allum 124 104 119 Cull 128" 157 112 Totals 54G' 591 523 BIO. STATION 1st 2nd 3rd Brocklesby 105 91 63 Carter 120 99 80 Large 78 102 116 Sutton 117 145 111 Sunderland 84 95 50 504 532 420 WATTS' CROC. 1st 2nd 3rd Arrol - 121 130 127 Haudenschlld 100 92 92 Copeland 106 123 123 Hardy 86 85 64 Watts .116 124 134 Totals 529 554 540 C. N. II. A 1st 2nd 3rd Teng 132 116 121 Rogers JL 118 118 129 . 119 127 141 .... 122 146 119 Peter3 129 98 130 ucimauy, reu. 11. tvrj owcuni S) Canadian -coached hockey team de- The league standing rto date feated Austria one to nil In the e-as fdllows: cond round of the Olympic hockey w. series today after the United States ' Three Two Taxi 5 had scored a two to nil vIctory(CNRA ..:.....5 over a strong Czecho-Slovaklan Bankers i ( 5 luad- " ! Oilers LL.4 - - I Kalen Motors ... 3 LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE , Biological Station .."....I Febuary 13 Blire Birds vs7p. R. Watts' Grocery &.....1 Orads, Brunettes vs. C. N. R. A. Butchers , ., n RACE IS TIGHTER Only Game and Half Separates Ejevaor Leaders l rom Taiienarrs Western Hockey Circuit VANCOUVER. Feb. 11: (CP) Vancouver Lions, playing on their home ice. won a close three to two victory over the league-leadlng Portland Buckaroos last night to move Into a Ue for second place In the Northwestern Hockey League' with the Seattle Sea Hawks who! lost by a similar soore to the Ed-mont in Eskimos at the Alberta I Capital, The Eskimos, as a result, are now in fourth place with the a game and a nan separates we, league leaders and the basement dwellers. The league standing to date: W. D. L. F. A. P. Portland . .12 7 9 02 47 31 Seattle 13 (Vancouver 13 ; Edmonton 12 j Calgary 12 4 12 G7 GG 30 ; 4 15 93 99 30, 5 13 78 7G 29 , : 4 13 83 85 23 Leaders in Ladies' Bowls Win Games Annettes and Doodads Victorious Last Night Over Hangers And .Maccabees Respectively Annettes and Doodads, who were leaders and runners-up respectively in the Ladies' Bowling League. again won their games last night, the former defeating Rangers 1737 to 1462 while tha. latter won over Maccabees 1430 to 1359. The Doodads, however, dropped into third place below Rangers. High Individual scorer for the evening was Leah Basso-Bert of Annettes with an average of 199. " Individual scores were as follows: Annettes Skattebol, 359; Basso-Bert, 398; Owen, 368; Johnson, 255; Stone. 357; total, 1737. Rangers Montgomery, 318; Ar-' mour, 235; Letchford, 302; Fortune, I 99; Deane, 150; Raybone, 358; total, I 14G2. j Doodads Ingram, 316; clccone, 232; Parent, 289; Gttrvich, 32G; P. Smith, 267; total, 1430. Maccabees Colussl. 237; Tur-geon, 286; Beale, 265; Pettenuzo, 258; Fritz, 313; total, 1359. The league standing: G. rti Annettes 4 3267 Rangers ...4 2788 Doodads 4 2761 Maccabees 4 2627 P. R. Grads , 2 1291 Brunettes 2 1256 Blue Birds 2 1222 C. N. R. A 2. 1117 West Bromwich Is Eliminated Monday; Av. 817 697 690 657 646 628 611 559 Bradford is Winner MANCHESTER, Feb. ll: (CP)- Bradford defeated West Bromwich Albion tow to nil Monday to clinch a place in the fifth round of the English Football Cup competition. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan Si Bud Barrl? Don't forget the number 156 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 follows: ; Elevator, 16; Oddfellows. 11. Canadian Legion, 13; Grotto; 14. j Moose, 8; C. N. R, A., 19. ... Sons of Norway, 14; Meat Packers, 13. , , "Ifte. league standing" lo date:' Legion Grotto ,Odd fellows . W. Defended His Middle ..89 82 82 SO 79 Sons of Norway 73 Meat Packers . GG C. N. R. A 05 I,, 73 80! 8;) 82! 83; 81 CD 70 Title NEWARK, N.J.. Feb, 11: (CP,),-, Eddie Rlsko of Syracuse successfully defended his middleweight dose is the league race that only ""f last. lght ,b) W.hipplng 7ny j . .t1i Fisher of Newark In ten rounds. WANTED WANTED Dependable, subscription sulesmnn, Family Herald and Weekly Star, good character essential. See Mr. Jnries, Prince Ru- ' pert Hotel.7' - (35) WORK WANTED YOUNG, Experienced bookkeeper wants work Phone areen 937. (35) FOR SALE TOBACCO Sample package 10 lbs. mild or strong leaf tobacco, with preparation to give good aroma tn tobacco free all for $1.50 or 50 lbs. $5. Agents wanted. The Capital Gasoline Light Co.. 41i Cumberland St., Ottawa. (35) 'm .1 "71 "7! M Come and See Our NEW WALLPAPERS A large shipment of the newest patterns of "Sunworthy Wallpaper" has just arrived. The prices of these popular light resisting papers are now so low that they come within the reach of every pursa. And, while It lasts, we are going to sell the balance of our last year's sto:k of wallpaper at 25"! discount! Get it now while the selection Is large. Gordon's Hardware NO HOT WATER IS NEEDED When Mixing Have beautifully-tinted walls with just one coatl Goea on easily, quickly, smoothly- no brush marks. Many shades. Beautiful color effects and stencil designs. Gypsum, Lime and Alabaslirie. Canada, imiied PARIS. ONTARIO. CANADA UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TQ VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT FROM POUT SIMPSON $32.00 835.35 RETURN. RETURN. All. Meals and Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. mA?1 iTa,cKts 1" Sale Between November 1st, 1935 and February 4Jih, 193C, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1930. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. VENTURE Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and All Information frdm Prince Rupert Agent - It. M. SMITH . Third Ave., Phone CT8 or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Venture.