February H. -sin rlolicyht In Ton Vt Salada Orange Pekoe Blend AuADA T C an .t Tiis Drue Store Be 7our Drug Store We Can Supply Everything, the Rahy Needs nany rooii FUNNELS- Tor JiiiniB iiuiouis uwm GLASS GRADUATES For measuring milk. HOT WATER BOTTLES For stomach pains. NURSINO BOTTLES For baby's food. RUBBER NIPPLES For nursing bottles. ABSORBENT COTTON For plugging nursing bottles. BOTTLE BRUSHES For cleaning nursing bottles, GAUZE For cleaning baby's face. RUBBER SHEETING To prevent baby wetting bed. BABY TALCUM POWDERS For baby's delicate skin., BABY SOAPS-For baby's bath. SAFETY PINS For fastening baby's clothes. THERMOMETERS -For taking baby's temperature. BORIC ACID SOLUTIONS For baby's eyes. RUBBER SYRINGES For baby's ears, SPONGES For baby's bath. Our Baby Scales Arc Always at Your Service ,i i nnmrinn n i ciwnirnci HIS IS lut mill Kivua oijiv i ivii nun uuin .jo Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druggists tt.1 RCUlt BUM Phones: SI & 81 Onen Dailr From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. D. ELIO Furniture Exchange HA C I IVlii rvikc I It run or - VWOe L 1 1 1 I 1 1 I K . IVIfllirrMAnAa A U J KoOm Sin'fnc Qrnrtrlnvrl I amn5. RllffetS and Sidehnnrrle riracunri Prnffnniers. Kitchen 'wv w - - - - V4 J MT 1 J lab es anrl r.ha.rft. Cnnl Raneres m good condition at reasonable prices. Furniture Bought Outright Phone: Green 421 fiuFsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 5 A. E. Thompson, who has been In charge of the Installation of the mill on the Esperanza mine at i Alice Arm, was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon returning to Vancouver, the work having now been completed. A. L. McNaughton, engineer of the Dominion Water Branch, who has been at Port Simpson where a new water system was recently Installed, was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon returning to Vahcouver. Provincial Constable T. A. Qulg ley of Anyox arrived In the city on on the Catala today from the smel ter town and will proceed tomorrow afternoon on the Prince George to Stewart to relieve Constable L. A. N. Potterton who Is to go to Ketchikan as a witness in an Am erlcan criminal case. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, during the next ten days, will conduct a series of seven free lectures for those Inter ested In mining and geology, par ticularly of this district. There will be lectures In the city council chamber on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings of this week and on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings next week. Here's Swift and Direct Action to Relieve That Cold Modern External Treatment Helps End Colds Without Conitant "Dosing" to Upset Digestion. JUST RUB ON AT BEDTIME SI Two generations of mothers have proved Vicks VapoRub the most effective treatment for children's colds. VapoRub Is externaland safe. Its Use avoids the risks of constant internal "dosing" which so often upset digestion and appetite, thus lowering body resistance when most needed. ... Just rubbed on throat and chest at bedtime. VapoRub starts to work immediately -two-way at once: 1. By stimulation through the skin, like a poultice or plaster- 2. By inhalation of Us penetrating medicated vapors, released by body heat and breathed in direct to inflamed alrpassages. Continuing through the night, this powerful poultice-vapor action loosens phlegm - soothes irritated merAoranes eases uimcuu un-um-ing-helps break congestion. A Practical Guide for Mothers Each year, more and more families are being helped to fewer colds and thorter colds by Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds. Vicks Plan has been clinically tested by practicing physicians, and further proved in everyday home use by milliohs. Full details of the Plan In each package of Vicks VapoRub. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcye Look for the : WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round; payroll in Prince Rupert. DAILY NBW8 papa yifokta l( T- : 1 LOCAL NEWS , -I WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in th Morning Ririn' to Go The tlrer ihoald pour ot two poanda af liquid bil into your bowel daily. If thia cl U not flowinr freely, your food doesn't ditett. It jutt decay! in the bowala. Gaa bloata op your Itomarh. Yod get rohltipated. Harmful polaona co Into the budf. and you feel aour, aunk and the world I00W1 punk. A intra bowel moTemetit dwan't always ret at the rauae. You nM aorte thing- tbat work on the liver aa well. It tak Ihoaa rood, eld Carter's Little Liver Pil'a to ret tbme two pound of bile floif.r freely and mike ru feel "up and ap". Harnie and mantle, they make the bile f.ow freely. They rto the work of ralomet bat have no takrt.wl or mercury In them. Aik for Carter-1 Utile Liver Hills by Camel Stubbornly rtfuae any thing clue. Etc. Varden Concert, February 10. Yqu can rent a car at Walker's! Ladles' Orange Lodge, 'Leap Year; as low as $1.56 a day, plus 7c alDance, Feb, 28. mile. Alex Rlx left on last evening's! J. H. McGlashln sailed this after-j train for a business trfp' to the'ih-noon on the Catala for a trip to i terior. Vancouver. . ' j a meeting of salmon fishermen Ladies' Music Club Tea Musicale, j will be held In the C. C. F. Hall lin-Ved Feb. 12, 3 to 5:30. St. An-lder the auspices of the Prince Ru- drew's Cathedral, 25c. (35 J ! pert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn. Corp. A. Mason-Rooke, who has been stationed here as Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer for the Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. II. F. McLeod returned on night's train from Stnlthers past few -months, sailed this after-; w here he attended the annual noon on the Catala for Vancouver, tournament of the Stnlthers Ski having been transferred south. ; club the latter part of last week. Mrs. J. Weir, formerly of Anyox and now residing at Alice Arm, was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. Preparatory to the regular monthly general meeting of the Canadian Legion tomorrow evening, there was a meeting of the Legion executive last night. Mrs. Arthur Lee, who has been visiting at Wales Island with her Darents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steen, was a passenger aboard theCatafa this afternoon returning to Vancouver. Mrs. J. T. Kasper, aiter having spent a week In the lty visiting with relatives followlngfcji trip to Vancouver; sailed Sunday night on the Catala for her home In Stewart. Tonight's train, due. from the east at 10:20, was reported ttus mornlpg to be at least an hour and a half late. Cold weather in the Interior and on the prairies Is the cause of the .delay. George Cromp, ten-year old son of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Cromp and a pupil of Booth Memorial School, is critically ill in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where a serious operation was performed on Announcements Ladles Music Club Tea Musical February 12. United Valentine Tea, February 13. Cambral ruary 14. Valentine Dance, Feb- Valentine tea. Oddfellows' Hall February 20. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, February 21. Rons of Norwav Skucspill and dance, February 21. Catholic Social, February 24. Toe H. Bridge, February 26. "I Willi I won't I " Comedy, United Church, March 5 and 6. Anglican Pageant, March 20. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April ,2. MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATE8 Concerts .......125.00 Dances 23 00 Public Meetings 19.00 A. room suitable tor smaller meeting Is now available on the ground Hoor, rental fate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Stpward. 640 or Red 412. CHURCH IS IN SESSION Annual Presbyterian Congregational Dinner and Meeting Held Last Night With Good Attendance Progress Made Financial and Other Reports Re- ceived Last Night Officers For Ensuing Year Are -Elected With the moderator, Rev. W. D. Grant HollingwOrth, In the chair, the annual congregational dinner meeting of First Presbyterian Church was held last -night In the church hall, there being a good rally of members and adherents. Business Included the presentation of reports covering the various ac tivities and finances of the church and the election of officers. The church functioned with a full mea sure of usefulness during the past year and paid its way on current operations. The election of officers resulted as follows: Secretary, W. W. C. O'Neill. Treasurer, H. M. Foote. Trustees Mr. Justice A. M. Man-son and George R. Naden. Auditor, W. D. Vance. Board of Managers S. E. Parker W. L. Coates, W. L. Sandlson, David Taylor and James Hadden (with W. M. Blackstock, Peter Lakle, J R. Morlson, C. O. Ham, S. J. Jabour and Harry Calderwood, continuing) T. H.-Johnson, Robert Cameron, G, H. Munro and A. R, Phillips are the retiring members of the board of managers. Reports Presented Reports were presented as fol lows: Moderator Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth. Session W. W. C. O'Neill. Board of Managers C. G. Ham, secretary. Women's Auxiliary Mrs. W. L. Sandlson for Mrs. J. A. Teng, sec retary, Mrs. J. G. Steen, treasurer "Budget Committee Samuel Mas sey. Westview Sunday School Miss Sheila Stuart Women's Missionary Society- Mrs. Harry Calderwood. Sunday School Robert Cameron. Cradle Roll Mrs. Molly McLeod. Choir J. A. Teng (for Mrs. James Simpson). TUxis Boys and Trail Rangers O. Ham. Financial Statement H. M. Foote, elaborated upon by W. M. Blackstock. The evening's program Included vocal solos by Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and John E. Davey, accompanied by Mrs. E. J. Smith. Details of Reports The financial statement for the year revealed total revenue of $3,-286.25 and expenditures of $3,268.79, leaving an operating surplus of $17.46. Mr. Blackstock gave a frank ela boration on the financial statement. Disclosing that of the re venue but $1841 had come from collections, the balance having in eluded $550 from the Ladles Aid and $347 as a 'result of a special canvass, he appealed for a greater measure of congregational support In the way of regular giving. Church Progress In his report as moderator, Mr, Hollingworth stated that he was now entering upon the sixth year of ministry here. He was gratified to report that, during the past year, more men had been actively worK Ing for the church. The pastor dealt with the relation of the church to the community m tne way of social service. Interest had been taken in the needy and the congregation had been generous when appealed to. During the past month 500 articles of clothing had been given out. Mr, Hollingworth also spoke of the institution of reeular radio broadcast. The pas tot expressed appreciation for the support Of congregation organiza tlons. The session's report showed a to tal membership of 124. Two mem bers and two adherents had passed away during the year. Attendance during the year had not been en couraging. A class of prospective, members from among older Sunday School pupils was being prepared by the pastor. j Church activities of the year were reviewed In the report of the ( board of managers. The necessity 'ISITING the Rcfal City Kitchens in New Westminster, we see thouwwda nd thousands of Hoyal City soup cans which, like music, . i r miinH rtl wno niit there read V for the Royal CJty Ubcf that homekeepers in the West hre come to cmt with utrnost confidence. Hot soup means a tremendous lot to school children, worKere, office people and to mother at home during this trying midwaort weather. It is said that Royal City Vegetable Soup contains 17 vegetables m abundance. for a more effective system church giving was stressed. of During the year $801.56 was raised by the Women's Auxiliary. Average attendance at the Sun day School for the year was 1J.6 and there were seventeen teachers. Enrolment at Westview Sunday School was 33 15 boys and 18 girls. At the end or the year there were 13 on the Cradle Roll. The Mission Band had been reorganized. In connection with the report of the choir, an appeal was made frr new talent. The meeting, on motion of tys' 'M. Blackstock passed a resolution extending the privilege of votta: to adherents as well as members: Votes of thanks were tendered '.to all those who had assisted in .ny way In church work, to the 1 s fnr fViolr umrlr cranprallv nc w4' for the preparation of the dinner, to the pastor and to the auditor. Mr. Hollingworth pronounced the blessing at the opening of the meeting as well, as the benediction at the close. Mrs. C. G. Ham was convener of the dinner and ladles assisting were Mrs. W. L. Sandlson, Mrs. James L. Lee, Mrs. H. M. Foote, Mrs. James Hadden, Mrs. Harry Calderwood, Mrs. J. W. Walker, Miss Beulah McKinley, Miss Malsle Cameron, Miss Adele Mussallem and Miss Gwenheth Walker. Hotel Arrivals Royal A. Jansen and F. Miller, city. Knox J. MacLeod, Anyox; A. Johnson, Ketchikan; W. A. Hogg, Skeena City; F. MacLeod, Prince Rupert; M. L. Clark, Georgetown. Family Meat Market PHONE 957 2 lbs. Onions Prime Rib Steaks 3 lbs Slrlbin Steak per lb Pot Roast of Beef per lb.' - Lamb Stew ' . 3 lbs - Pork Hocks per lb ........ Shoulder of Lamb 4 lbs Lamb Chops . 3 lbs ..- Veal 8teak 3 lbs Shoulder of Veal per lb. m Stew Veal 3 lbs Pork Chops 2 lbs Ayrshire Bacoh per lb Fresh Eggs 3 dos PHONE 057 Meat Specials Round Steak, 2 lbs.. & 1 lb. Kidney Hamburger, 3 lbs. & FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 ROSES Order your r6se$ now spring planting. for Per dozen, $3.00 and up Qther Shrubs same price ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennie's Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates 31.00 n 50 Rooms Hot & Cola water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PH1LP0H EV1TT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 i i r : ; :? it t a i it I, I i! i..' I. . -..! r ,,.t "V r.) I III ..-rl ''I'