Tdday's Weather prince Rupert Clear, light northeast wind; b3otcr, 29.90; temperature, 23; fo - 7" Vol XXV, NO. 35. Appeal of George Brothers Held Up VICTORIA, Feb. 11: (CP) The appeal of the George brothers of Canford hear Merrltt from death sentences following conviction for the slaying of Dominion Constable F H, Olsbourne near Merrltt two years ago was traversed to April on the plea of Stuart Henderson, counsel for the Indians, that he wished a full Appeal Court panel. China Clipper Is Scheduled to Hop To Honolulu Today ALAMEDA, Feb. 11: The Pan American Airways flying boat China Clipper, delayed since early December, will take off today on a trans-Pacific air mall carrying flight to Manila If weather permits. The giant machine, already held up for over a month on account of un favorable weather, was to have left jcsicrday for Honolulu but departure was postponed on account of reports of a violent storm over the Pacific Ocean. NEW RECORD IS SET FOR CAPETOWN 1101' CAPETOWN, Feb. 11: (CP) Tommy Rose, British filer, landed his mnnnnlnne here. setting a .new record for a flight from England hi three days, seventeen hours, thirty- Georgia River,' .01 'i. Golconda, .19. Indian, .02. Mtnto, .08. Meridian, .11. Morning Star, .02 2. National Silver,-. 028. Noble Five. .04. Pend Oreille, 1.05. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier. 1.88. Reeves McDonald, ".09. Reward, .02. Reno, 1.08, Silver Crest. .00 Salmon Gold, .09 . Taylor Bridge, .0G2. Wayside, .15,2. Whitewater, .04 Vi. United Empire, .02. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.09. Chlbougamau, .462. Lee Gold, .042. Granada, ,222. Inter Nickel. 49.15. Macassa, 4.20. Noranda. 47.15. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.07. SIsco, 3.19. Ventures, 2.02v Lake Maron, .08 V. Tcck Hughes, 5.05. Sudbury Basin, 4.10. Smelter Gold, .05. Canada Malartlc, 1.26. Little Long Lac, 7.00. Stadacona, .32i2. Pickle Crow, 4.70. McKcnzlc Red Lake, 1.52 God's Lake, 1.28. Sturgeon River, .57. Red Lake Gold Shore, San Antonio, 3.22. Perron, 1.55. Bcattle Gold, 1.03. She MOSCOW, Feb. 11: (CP) A Soviet dispatch from Urga, Mongolia, today charged that Japanese Manchuo- ,80; Juror 111 So Lamson Trial Is Adjourned RAN JOSE, Cal.. Feb. 11: With one of the Jurors ordered to hU eight minutes. He clipped more ' bed owing to an attack of inHu- than thlrlrpn the fourth trial of David A. t'mc set bv Amv Mniiim in Lamson. former Stanford Unlver 1932, Agitv executive on a charge of mur- !dcrlng his wife two years ago, was 'H 4 H t t M M recessed yesterday. the captain was no where to b 1 United States Army Transport Republic is both Mystery And Death Ship after Pacific Voyage SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11: Her commander missing and carrying the remains of the famous leper priest, Father Damien. the United States Army transport Republic was both a mystery and a death Mongolian border for "new and more serious nrovoca-ldav rom Honolulu. tions." Six truckloads of soldiers are said to have pene-' Acrdln,g lh" "lcerfs cf , . 'f the ship, Capt. McLellan, veteran i i i i hi r i i i a trated miles into driven back Mon- six Mongolia, being by or the army transport service with golian troop fire. No casualties were mentioned. The Pre- which he had been identified for mier of Mongolia, Gudun, said that he expected Soviet assistance in case of aggression. i TOM KEID AND OLOF HANSON SPONSORS OF SESSION'S FIRST BILL OTTAWA, Fob. 11: Tom Rrld "New Westminster) and Olof Hanson iSkcena) got the first bill of the present Parlla- mcnt past Its first reading yes-j today "An Act to Amend" the" Railway Act," the bill deals with the equalization of freight rates in British Co- lumbla, TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourte-sy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18i2. Bralornc, 6.70. B. R. Con .03. B. It. X., .10. Cariboo Quartz, 1.25. Dcntonla, 3. -DunwjlUv03aMwi! thirty five years, came to th- bridge of the Republic at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, clad in pala-mas and bathrobe to check the position of the vessel as she ap proached the coast. At 7 am., when she was to pick up the pilot, found although his uniform ard all his effects were In his room. A thorough search of the ship failed to reveal any trace The sea wa Robert Gordon was an interest LlBHn ubhaby i i VICTORIA, B.C. Tomorrow's Tides Ing speaker before a well attended low Two Missionaries in Ethiopia Are Ordered Released After Rein? HeldFor Refusing to ' ; Leave i ADDIS ABABA, Feb. 11: (CP) Two missionaries, Rev. John Trewin of Tpronto and Rev. Harold Street of Illinois, have been under arrest in Southwestern Gamo Province for the past few luiart troops Were being Concentrated along the OUter .ship when she arrived here yester- days for refusal to leave the w ar danger zone, Mrs. Street and four children are under guard. Street is shackled with a small dog chain but Trewin is unfettered. They have been ordered released by Crown Prince Asfa Wosan. Cold Weather meeting of British-Israelites at the , Toe H Rooms last evening, taking 11 . A as his subject the Sure Word ofilYiOOney Appeal Prophecy" from the Seventh Chap- T 1 1 A tcr of Ezeklel and that passage of lClaVed Again Zacharlah dealing with "The Day JO of the Lord," the first glimmering) Indications of which are taking j place today In Africa. Many years ago, Lord Kitchener, then doing survey work In and around Jerusalem, made a careful examination of the geology of the Mount of Olives and surrounding district and, from the formation, he published the conclusion that there was every geological Indication that a major cast and west spilt would eventually occur in that area. This would create a huge new Mediterranean Sea with the Per slan Gulf and that the "sure word of prophecy," Instead of being impossible of completion, Is actually set out and prepared by God in an ticipation of that day which Is so rapidly approaching. In the general . discussion that followed time went nil too quickly, other Interesting facts being brought out with much more, to be said. The chair was taken by President P. II. Llnzey. VANCOUVER, Feb. 11; (CP) Wheat was quoted at Blgc on the ! Vancouver exchange today. Illness of District Attorney Holds Up Habeas Corpus Hearing SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11: On account of the illness of the de- puty district attorney who Is said! to have new evident;? linking' Thomas Mooney and Warren K. 1 Billings with the 1916 Indepcnd-mce Day bombings, the habeas corpus proceedings of Mooney by which he seeks to have upset hls sentence of life Imprisonment were further postponed yesterday. The ally for many weeks now. CASE PROCEEDING NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1936 JAPANESE ARE NOWI MENACING CAREER IS VERSATILE Former Vice-President, Dorn On Indian Reserve, Was Jockey, Hack Driver and Lawyer Burial at Topeka Being Laid at Rest in Kansas Not Far From Birthplace TOPEKA, Kansas, Feb. 11: AP) The funeral of the late Charles Curtis, former vice-president of the United States, took place here today within a few miles of his birthplace. Mr. Curtis succumbed suddenly to a heart attack In Washington on Saturday. A romantic and versatile career marked the life of Charles Curtis. From thc Indian reservation he went to become a jockey on the western race tracks, worked as a hack driver, embarked on his life T- - A 1 profession of law, was a crusader Blood of a Chief ; Born January 25, 1860, at North (Continued on Paze Foun PASSING OF CHURCHMAN river bed which would connect the !hearlng nas been on spasmodic. , Father Camille Lcfcbre, In North Hno La bored Many Years west, Dies In Montreal MONTREAL. Feb. 11: (CP)- High Mon costs in constituencies. He accused the government of portraying Canada as a nation of repu-diators over the oil sanctions proposal at Geneva and of giving moral support to Italy. He said that of parliamentary regulations. With: the trade agreement with Japan his background and a score of years would create a "very sorry day for of service and his thorough f ami-' Canada" and would bring disaster liarity with the rules, he stood out as an able presiding officer. Almost at the outset of his In cumbency as vice-president he gained nationwide notice when he protested to the state department against the place accorded his sister and official hostess, Mrs. Edward E. Oann, at official social functions behind the members of 'he diplomatic corps. Secretary of Itate Stlmson was called upon ti revise the ruling of his predecessor, Frank B. Kellogg, who had assigned Mrs. Gann. Secretary Stlmson asked the diplomats to extend the cour- to Canada within two years. TWEEDSMUIR . IS COMING Governor General of Canada And His Lady to Visit Pacific Coast in August muir plan to visit Vancouver the latter part of August, it was tesy of precedence to her and they , Earned here today. Lord Twecds-agreed. The vice-president's sister : muir has consented to open the then took rank second only to that , Canadian Pacific Exhibition at of Mrs. Hoover, the president's wife. Vancouver on August 26. Details Wayward Boys Believed to Have : Been Responsible for Incident j At East End Last Night During last night the store ot -Rev. e. cavenalle at Seal Cove wrts Thc case of Joe Brown, charged Camille Lefebre, bursar 01 Norm- broken Into, entry having been with assaulting John Ersklne oc- west Territories missions since I8U7 made by breaking a rear window. 3:56. am. 20.0 ft. 16:11 p.m. 17.6 ft. 'v Low ...10:20 am. 6.4 ft. 22:20 p.m. 6.6 ft. fRICE: 5 CENTS MONGOLIA Troops by Truckload BENNETT ATTACKS UNITED STATES PACT Cross Border But Are Said to be Driven Out Moscow Hears That Soviet May be Called Upon For Assistance in Case of Aggression "New and More Serious Provocations" Alleged CAPTAIN MISSING CLERICS ARRESTED Former Premier Thinks Canada is Given Worst Ot Bargain With U.S. Is Decidedly Against Interests of This Country, Opposition Leader Declares Premier King Rises to Defence OTTAWA, Feb. 11: (CP) Opposition to the Canadian-American trade treaty was voiced in the House of Commons last night by Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, Leader of the Opposition, who said that Canada had given too much for the concessions won from the United States. "This bargain is against my country," he said. "It is against Canada. It is against its 'development,1 1 "." 1 1 1 Its future and against everything ' which we have tolled and sacrificed . .o create." Under no circumstances DEATHS, INJURIES AND would his government nave ap- DESTRUCTION AS FIERCE oroved the treaty In its present GALE SWEEPS ENGLAND 'orm, Mr. Bennett said. Premier W. L. Mackenzie King LONDON, Feb. 11: At least " .gaiuai vice as tuunty jjiuactuv-1 loiiowea ana accu&eu ivn. uciiuctb seven were reported dead ana ing attorney, and then was elected of throwing difficulties in the path no less than twentv-flve In- calm and he could not have beer Wind Swings From East to North to the House of Representatives and of the treaty by holding back, the jured as a result of one ot the swept overboard. . And All District Points Report . later to the United States Senate, election and the dissolution of Par- fiercest gales In years which A formal investigation was com j Falling Temperatures I Immediately upon his elevation llament In face of the United States 5wept Southern England last menced. today by an -Army-board '.- , -t Ito the vice-presidency..;., bt, served., presidential elections. He said that.nightJuluiy. .-vessebv-wcre- In of Inquiry. After the brief spell of milder notice that he would not pursue if the moment had not been seized, distress as the wind attained Capt. McLellan has a wife ana 'weather which, at least, disposed the course of ms predecessor, there would have been no treaty at a velocity of up to 100 miles son here, the latter being a law or some or tne snow wnicn rell last cnanes a. Dawes, in nis enorts to. an. per hour in some sections. student at a local university. week. Prince Rupert and district revise the rules of the Senate 'per- Highlights of Mr. Bennett's Father Damien. who had labored I appears today to be in for another mlttlng unlimited debate. He threw speech Included advocacy of com-t for many years among the lepers, .cold snap. ..Wind was swinging ( down the gauntlet to his predeces- pulsory voting and limiting of elec- had died In 1899 after contract 1 this morning from east to north Ing the disease himself. His re-land lower temperatures are re mains had been recently exhumed j ported from all parts of the dls-and are to be taken on to Belgium trict. for burial. He has been mentioned District weather readings for the as a candidate for sainthood. OPENING OF SEAS i' Natural Waterway Between Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Predicted ;day are as follows: Triple Island Part cloudy, stron northerly wind; barometer, 29.85; sea' moderately rough. Langara Island Part cloudy, fresh northeast wind, cold, sea choppy. Terrace Clear, northeast wind, 8. Anyox Clear, north wind, 11. Stewart Clear, calm, 3. Hazelton-Cloudy, east wind, 2. Smlthers Clear, calm, colder. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 25 be- sor In his speech of inauguration, declaring "The Senate la the, master of Its own rules." However, as vice-president, Mr. Curtis ruled the Senate with a firm hand and brooked no overstepping NORTHWEST STILL COLD Little Relief Yet Columbia River Frozen From Shore to Shore Near Mouth Food and Fuel Shortage PORTLAND, Feb. 11: For the first time since last week the official thermometer here ascended to above freezing point yesterday-but the cold wave does not yet appear to be over In the northwest. The Columbia River is frozen from bank to bank at Vancouver. creating a barrier for all shipping. OTTAWA. Feb. 11: (CP) Gov- I Transportation Is generally dl ernor General and Lady Tweeds- Pted and all trains are running of the itinerary of Their Excellencies on the western tour have not yet been announced. Seal Cove Store ; Is Broken Into late, some as far as twenty-four hours behind schedule. Further east the extremely col:l weather with snow conditions ar creating a serious difficulty hi connection with the distribution of- fuel and food and In many locals Itles serious shortages are develop ing. A heavy toll of death as a result of the unseasonably cold spell is reported from various parts of tho west. After having been in. port since yesterday unloading general cargo, the freighter Salvor, Capt. Albert Georgeson, moved out to the Skecna River today and will be here again, southbound. caslonlng actual bodily harm, is and for nearly fifty years in the Three dollars in silver and copper OLOF HANSON IS ' proceeding In County Court today . mission fields of the Mackenzie and was taken from the till as well is' n. C. LIBERAL WHIP before Judge W. E. Fisher. When 'Yukon River districts, died here three hundred cigarettes and a -J- court adjourned for luncheon there last night at the age of 77. large meat knife. The police were, OTTAWA, Feb. 11: The Brl- were three more prosecution wlt-i Father Lefebre belonged to the Investigating this morning In tho tlsh Columbia government ncsscs still to be heard. Ersklne was , Oblate Order of which Cardinal belief that It was the work of members held a caucus yes- one of the witnesses this morning.' Vllleneuve Is the most eminent . wayward boys. He charges that Brown attacked member. He built the first Roman him with a pipe while he (Ersklne) was riding hi his car. L. W. Patmore Is prosecuting and Milton Gonzales Is defending. Catholic school In the Yukon at Dawson 35 years ago. Burial will take place here to- was unchanged at 4434C per ounce morrow. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Feb. 11: Bar silver whip ion the local metal market today. . tcrday morning and elected Olof Hanson, member for Skeena, as British Columbia