o —_—— sivrerd .1tER on hours ending 5 a.m., i of M BAR IN, RAIN wax, TEM 29.548 1.98 NEXT MAILS FoR SOUTH Prince Rupert...... Friday, a.m. FOR NORTH Princess Royal.. Thursday, p.m. LY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rupert, B.C., THURSDAY, . RAINBOW ARRIVES PRICE F'IvE CENTS 2 PRINCE RUPERT OCTOBER 5, 1911. (DMIRAL FARAVELI TELLS OF BOMBARDING TRIPOLI Will Continue the Bombardment Until the Turkish Batteries Are! All Silenced---Report That Italians Have Also Started to Bombard Prevassa---King of Italy Issues Request That as Little Blood be Spilt as Possible | ss Despatch) that war must be confined | ‘TWIN CITIES | powe rs e } Ades rhe story of the|to Priploi. Tripoli by the} A Humane War AMALGAMATE. | has been officially| King Victor today issued an | iral Faravelli has | order to all generals and admirals | ficial report to|in the army and navy, to shed as|Edmonton and Strathcona De-| which he states |little blood as possible. This is] cide to Join Forces—Will Re-| Iment of the | taker indication that the tain Name of Edmonton. the Tripoli fort- | Italian Gevernment believes t three o'clock | peaceful settlement is in sight Special to the Daily News) nd continued Edmontor Alta., Oct. 5.—By| The batteries re SIR WILFRID'S JOKE big majorities the ratepayers of ian fire but Edmonton and Strat 1 have Government Has Fixed Thanks-| both decided in favor of amalga ivi matior Will Destroy Forts giving Day for October 30th oh The name of the new city will ent 1 to be Ottawa Oct ‘ Sr Wilfrid be Edmonton, and the final ste] Gl tee Hee Laurier told roup of press cor-|'" @™ Igemation will pe brought ies has beet alin Adige White’ natalie the ibout by an act of the legislature ‘ : a pul u SUT SESEN Uns : if ; ° : aker during government h d decided Oo fx ae me COMUNE seaRon. in No- re he ci Tl k . ; vember The combine d populz * jad oben ee ore sac o> Me ada d Pe ill } 35,000, as Ed irom office The dete chosen is re ee Se OVEE ats in ee | 5 i “eae 4 ; been. destroyed Monday, October 30. The Pre-|'O" population is now placed at : | miler aaid jokingly, that the govern: about 30,000, while Strathcona has lment still had somethiny to. be| between five-and-six thousand Attack on Prevassa thankful for, the Liberals being | " | | TY pasemads conpee | | BASEBALL SCORES Ln nce WEDNESDAY'S GAMES Northwestern League “INVITE FINANCIERS HERE See cas. Q) REALIZE CITY'S CHANCES” Oaklend 3, San Feerciseo2, (Leading English Journalist After Six Months Tour of the Domin- on. ion for ‘Canada-Illustrated’’ Declares Prince Rupert One of American League the Most Promising Cities he has Ever Seen---Gives Useful Suggestions Detroit , 6; Cleveland 0. 8. Washington 4, Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 6, 2; Chicago 1, 1. : ‘this is unfor- Mr. Cog- tour of “Health Excellent” “The health corditiors of the city according to the Medical Health Officer were rever better, and the absence of illness or any serious cases of infectious disease speaks eloquently as to the suit- ability of Prince Rupert for a great and prosperous city.” | ‘It would be in the interests}said Mr. Cogger, }of Prince Rupert if a well thought |tunately not the case.” jout scheme on ‘An exheustive for inviting financial men of good|the principal centres of the Dom- standing to visit the city from the jinion, and has six This is a plan which | months in Canada serdirg special carried National League Chicago 9, St. Boston 7, 7; New York 2, Louis 1. Philadelphia 3, 1. Brooklyn 0. were set in motion|ger is already been old country. ENGINEER APPOINTED jis being out scucessfully |articles regularly back to the Lon- in other places, and it should|don offices of his paper. Sir John Wolfe Barry will Help ; oo | Supervise Second Narrows prove particularly valuable id Struck by Progress Prince Rupert.” | . i ei Prat i ga ; ; It was unfortunate that Mr. Bridge. Mr. J. R. Cogget, travelling| Um tour round the ‘city this}. haart . a eS : ei a ae I y susie’ tbe “sok Cogger’s visit here came just at ; editor of ‘‘Canada-Illustrated"” the | MOT™Ps Wie: Senany YS Oe close “Gh the lone cient Canadian Press Despatcl Isigns of rapid _progre made jn} ime close of the long beautitu hiot TT > Tmo . sya | > 4 ) ‘ rog ss ade 7 # i Vancouver, Oct. 5.—Sir Jc ee high cl. magazine which lay uildiiewes, strebbe, ete. 40 Be p |Summer just ended, but Mr. Cog- : its out enti ) marmihe a } Durie ys, streets, etc., to be seen : z Wolfe Barry, thecelebrated Eng! itself out entirely to describe and l< n eveby hand: Tae stupention |ger constrasted the rainfall figures i ely 1 Mf + > one ) ery end, e stuperdous| ‘ aid engineer, has been selected by io help develop the Dominion, ex- bla ing orietitiors seatkied. on h here with those of other cities . i »¢ < as g yperanors carrie y 4 4 directors of the Burrard Bridge pressed the idea at the end of a le gt df tke cladinire sukee ne favorably indeed. Drawing an \ | special interview granted the Daily | ° he midst of the city are really he naraltel between Fits aoe and Tunnel Company to act as} / . ., | the parallel between Prince Rupert I Nica Ixoh cialis jworderful eviderce that the cit- consulting engineer for the secord | * . ae ar cea 1 and other great ports of the : 7 Fi I jizens ere determined to make the td ae + howe ale rrows B . ti : vorld, he pointed out how very Narrows Bridge. inances Important site of Prince Rupert as fire as ei € ) : 0 a —~ Shes : : : avoreble were corditiors or Arriving by the Prince Rupert |that of any city in the world. er : f a ae \ s ; BSED 5 TRS Si » greatest cities suc GOVT. ARCHITECT yesterday foreroon Mr. Cogger “Whilst ir Nove. Scotia I visited in me, OF SNe eee eee as Moscow, St. Petersburg, and which has during j* sad | began straight yay to investigate |Sidrey, C. B., ADMIRES CITY a e : i rt tars investigate | sidney 1 Amsterdam as compared with those conditior Rupert | the | f Pri R ‘ede “eb beginning with the City Hal!. He|from an fishing village pCR SNCS RDC ae. cet nets built on marsh than. eny |was particularly interested in the|into a first class commercial city, : muskeg we krow are now amongst and | but conditions there are not nearly : the wealthiest and most pros- Prince past ten years progr 5 obscure | After Visit of inspection to worse Digby Island Quarantine Sta~ fy ancial standing of the city tch from Milan |thankful that any of them were Brotherhood Banquet | tion Which is Very Satis=-|j,.de close Anquiry of the City |as advantageous as you heve here. juadron of the | left Don't forget the big event at the factory Mr. W. Henderson (jerk on the subject, while await- |The natural surrourdings of Prince eon in the world. begun the bom- Brotherhood Banquet next Tues- Looks Over City Buildings. ing the Mayor. Realising the}Rupert are in mu judgment ab- | Rupert's Rise Certain sa shortly after] The G. T. P. S.S. Prince Albert|day evening, October 10, 8 p.m..,| ; magoritude of the undertakings{solutely unrivalled anywhere in “Unquestionably Prince Rupert is regarded as|went south today for generallin McIntyre Hall. Tickets $2.00 In the afternoon yesterday Mr.|in hand ard ahead of the city he|the world, ard the scenic at- will loom very large indeed upon onfirmed it|freight. She towed the North;may be had Reilly’s Bakery, | William Henderson, the Domir 10M | was glad to find Prince Rupert’s}tractiors seen for the club house | the ent Cees horizon disregarded | Bend with her to bring her back|corner Fulton and Third avenue. |GOvernment architect from Vic-| financial standing so sound. “In | overlooking the harbor form a| ‘as Aad nd the other! with a full cargo of coal All young men welcome. toria, paid visit to the Digby many other cities I have eee panorama. f° (Continued on page .) Island Quarantine Hospital, now aes ca ie edt es H.M.C.S. RAINBOW PAYS A Tailor Frome Out [Henderson was well eased with nee RUPERT’ S “FIRST TRAIN” ‘ . ~ . Mr Hidijin, tl . tailor } s sold fis ahivnrines of tie ads He ae Messrs. Seaman ard C VISIT TO PRINCE RUPERT |avense sod is ecting ove Ledies'|CommPstied by. Mewes, PAu ies te a evucis elt ropeweedl GOES ROUND THE WORLD avenue and is selling out Ladies’| 1300, and A. McKinnon, the|impression that their suit reported | Suits, Skirts and Rainceats, Gents éontractors. and pi: oA Auatt Bloo in yesterday's News wi s for money Her Crew Sent a Wireless Message in Advance Want-|!@ncy Vests, Overcoats and Rein-) + 6 Marine Station, though not |due on their contract. The claim Interesting Pisstaetanlh: Aetenied: by Daily News Man ing to Know the Latest Election and War News ROATe Ladies’ Suitings and ur “Jin any official capacity. Mr. Hen-| Ws for extri work done outside Reappears Now in Canada, Illustrated— Will Get a Warm Welcome ee spay ad . ‘ c MY ” - ye ae ee eres ce Has Had World-Wide Publication ) e1O an ~ P ‘- ¥ : . : $i . Rainbow has arrived| The Rainbow's inquiry was “the ber Ist. Open 1 to 5 p.m. Help ees Sea. wi a aoe ou Silk and chiffon blouses with all in the issue of ‘Canada Il-| ticket has been seized upon by f Prince Rupert | first intimation that the cruiser wanted sew on buttons and its progress He went over the|the latest ‘‘touches’ in all sizes lustrated’’ for September 1911, | editors of newspapers and mag- ing down to the|was on her way to Prince Rupert. | finish Raincoats o7 hence ante ei) ning and had and in many shades at Wallace’s 2t|there are reproduced pictures of |! azines as particularly interesting. She will get a warm welcome from look at some. of the buildit gs it — the first railway ticket issued | ticket is a a ioe the Rainbow will|the citizens who lave long wished PULP AND PAPER course of erection, ard some of W. T. WHITE TO for an east bourd train frome) gurchased i the into touch with|to see Canada’s famous cruiser the principal public buildings which Prince Rupert, and pictures of| ne ener their first re- TO ENTER FREE he foe dnt os, sirens fine con- ENTER CABINE the train starting from the wharf | twenty — a. . vessel got into| This afternoon the C. P. R.S.S sidering the extreme youth of ene depot. The illustrations are given | jw minutes alter he Ohh. vith the wireless] Princess Royal will arrive from | Until August 1912 New Bruns-| Prince Rupert as a city. He is Slated to Become Next | under the head of Railway Notes | The fact that the idea of having his morning was|the south with pessengers, freight wick Paper Will Enjoy Reci- Minister of Finance—Ap-|fo; the month, and the progress | it photographed by Mr. Davidson, elections and of and mail. The Royal proceeds procity With the United St. Andrew's Society pointment Would be a Good of the G. T. P. is described. lof the Peerless Studio, originated lnorth to Skagway and may catch States. | A regular meeting of the St. One. | Pictures of Prince, Rupert's first | with Mr: Fred James then of the News prepared ; lthe last boat into Dawson for the | Andrew's Society will be held in ; G. iF train east, over the first Daily News staff who gave the of the world’s | season. (Special to the Daily News) | Carpenters’ Hall tomorrow (Fri- Canadian I rons Despatch) : hundred miles of completed track} pictures ol the first train their wireless doctaa| Washington, Oct. 5.—Practically day) night at 8 o'clock. All| Ottawa, ve 9. . Wilfrid | from Rupert have now been re-|start on their round the world Straits to satisfv| The G. T. P. S.S. Henriette left | all the wood pulp and print paper |™* mbers and Scotsmer desirous | Laurier will lay we. ang produced over almost the whole | tour through the press, shows the news of the Can- lfor the Naes to ship a cargo of | produced in New Brunswick until of becoming members are requested Government on Thursday qn the | civilised world. In ONeED _case | value to a city of live newspaper- food : |Aucust 1, 1912, wiil enter the| to be in attendance. arrival of Earl Grey from Montreal. | the picture of the first railway | mer. i” mon toda) re ; |Mr. Borden will be summoned to} SS United States free of duty. This : : - - made possible by a_ revised | GET ON THE LIST | form # ras on Friday, TA T0 HOLD BIG REFERENDUM trulir g made today by Acting W t I, White, of ( Toronto one of | PITTSBURG GROCERS S RT | a retary of Treasury Curtis under |Electors Entitled to Vote in the eighteen Liberals from Toror to | font operative clause of the | Municipal Campaign Must | who split the party on reciprocity, TO FIGHT THE SUGAR TRUST TO DECIDE CHURCH UNION The toms al reciprocity agreement. | eral of the Brunswick surveyor gen cus- | New advised Presbyterian Church in Canada Will Take a Vote of Every Presbyterian i in the Dominion Regard- ing Union with Methodists and the treasury department that the | new law of that province restricting | toni the exportation of wood pulp Congregationists | of : rn ’ jand print paper did not apply to] A 5.—Bellots are|the members and sixty thousand |lands operated under licenses is- | epared for securing | red ballots to adherents. sued or renewed prior to October } ol the Pre sbyterians | 1, on which date the act becomes | ; rding church union| The Ladies’ Aid of the Prince | effective. The lands are used} Methodist and Con-|Rupert Methodist Chur h will)/under long term leases governed | irches, Every Pres-|hold their annual banquet on|by yearly licenses, and August 1} mily in’ Canada wall Thanksgiving evening o9lis the date for renewing these | Ixteen-page pamph- | llicenses, ( onsequently until that} listory of the union} During the last yeat the Boot|)time there will be no American | land Shoe Workers’ International | jimport tax on pulp wood o1 print | nd blue ballots will] Union has paid in sick, disability, | paper originating, from these lands at or elders, three hun- lend death benefits a tota! of} "thousand white ballots to | $89,297.23. | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4 of passengers in the general exodus| mittee of the whole tonight to go) | nobody but the sugar trust. ‘be expected to pass south. interview with Mr. It is stated he is| They Will Educate the People as to Who Benefits by Fi inance por ene: | the Tariff on Foodstuffs—Will Try to abinet | Arouse Whole Country had a | Borden em toda Record Names. | f , ume lslated for te The will not be announced before Mon- Whether you recorded your n year or not, it new names of the as an elector last is necessary this year to make | ? . 1 . 2 a ‘ y t y ‘ z a a lapplication again either at the jday. (Special to the Daily News) less. Urge your congressman to i ena hie | tic » . 5 . nian "