PAGE TWO f 4EiHIBERBSRS9ERHEE9S933B5B3B999B9EflHHIII2EBBflHBflHBE9iHSEIIBB3 I - l k 1 , : -,. 1 . i . l You will need a pair of SHOES to match your new spring dress, or you men, a pair f OXFORDS, to go with the new suit. Let us help you, Our name suggests what you can get from the tiny tots to Mother and Dad. FEW MAKE BIG FUSS peciallyvwheh they want to make or The Family Shoe Store ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. rRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLOMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. POLLEN - - - Managlng-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES city delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance - $5.0t By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For leswr periods, paid In advance, per week ; it. By mall to all other countries, pe? year , 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line . . Advertising; and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone .. Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 98 86 1.10 .02 .25 Friday, April 3, 1938 DAILTNEWS Friday, A'prb 3,' W 1936 Oldsmobiles Have Many Refinements Twenty -Five ROYAL LUNCH Years Ago The best plare In., twnn at i , April 3, 1911 WHITE COOKING , .HOME.,8.AIU.Na Twenty-four beds have arrived .ijrom'' 'Birmingham, England, for ITry our BanrtwclWs '-a'Cofrpf' InstallaUon in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. - . 'hone 87. 11 tlilrd Ae. SCORES OF IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERED INTO SIXES AM) EIGHTS Oldsmobile for 19.36' retains a strong hold on style leadership with the new models just announced. Above, the eight-cylinder rumble- peat coupe, well illustrating the new I treatment. Below, the six-cylinder the aeh with trunk. Many new re-,.' front-end effect attained by .., I finements of motor, body.jnd chas-rounded radiator grille, high- sjS ,ave been built into the 1930 mounted headlamps, and louvre Oldsmobiles. CHAPTER OF Former Manager Of Shoes Requested he has been manager' for the past eleven years, to Regina as man- Tiied Save niOlley ii by floing'"!? - Gibson, llvn? York couniys feanr industrial where nn(ii jlr,vIn .remained . If or. T a yeariali.: es in 111 tne uie past inisi and uim is is'ninnMr ;ploneer( ti the hriH., bridge might ,r.rhf never rir-vrr n : ..i ,j '. rj. iiiui jiao uccn in u vcu ujitiiy nines still finite evident. Take as an examnlp the mhiim,-spr-nri-jh hnt. ..Jhwi,,, hamn w?s vice-president of Feet Will Get Rest Two Weeks In Jail A special excursion, Is to be. run next week-end by the steamer Prince George l-o Stewart, leavlns Sunday morning and returning Monday. ' ; f Indicating j V i ,1 ii c c V Rupert (jrowui, an increase in cusiuuts receipts for the Port of Prince ItuperL is 'announced; The" toUI reveimc for this March Was $5,- 844,41 as compared with $5500,52 In the same month last year. iThe i venue for this Marcli was $5-, 20.).C0, Snakes and Cats Rout Island Rats PIONEERING cal Ryal Bank, Bv Gianl Nesro crease Jzsfs of the 'X'znzsi pests. Notables Were Present When Cornerstone of Fredericlon Railway Bridge Was Laid FREDERICTON, April 3: (CP) -With the destruction of the Canadian National Railways nine-span bridge across the St. John River by ice this spring, another Moving nil - to Regina A. W. Cameron, who was man-1 agcr of the Prince Rupert branch of the Royal Bank" of Canaaa from 1918 until 1921, has been transferred from Moose Jaw, where Sydney, Australia, Rids Itself Of RodentsReptiles Also Cone SYDNEY, N.S.W April 3: CP Shipping officials, worried over til -j tTcpredalims of fats In the storchmlscs ftnd w.iatves o1! Thursday Island., near Cape York, hit on the plan of freeing dozens of domestic cats on the Island. The cats performed yeoman Service In ridding the Island of the rodents but wore not In sufficient numbers to combat natural In : and placed In the rafters of the With tore-house. The reptiles sleep by ,day and work by night. After a I week's trial the Island manager reported the rats had entirely REGINA, April 3: .CP Ao disappeared- but so liad lh Somphoan, giant negro, said in snakes. Only the cats are left Fate u,e snakcs li maU" the a police court charge or begging . . . , of conjecture, lodged against him was due to hh ilfwr Mr Cimnrnrt lnft Drimx nrrrl nf n 111 ir nf shnoc. ! 11 to ........ ............ ........... 1 1 1 1 . , ...u.iuiivi Yautuuvci ana irom jv mai. m ju n, two novs wlio aronned Dices 01 A ?W . peoph? can make a big iuss . over little d oLvL 1 tZ wJ llf-lnl . . " very ..wv.v. es-;" . there went vycut to tu Calgary uigary as as manager manager he said. "I gotta have shoes" 'afs , ! caused .fears of ptomaine poison - fho . magistrate decided Som- Ing after many residents cbm- phoan's . sore feet needed a rest, plained of stomach pains. Police tiPH lflrrTslnffnn nf fhn ncont nvmflm,nnf Yn ,n'wllh Renntnr Thnmn, Temnlo f??. A JaW 0f Tnfl5 and lC Wl SPe"d two WCCkS 111 Investigated "and jiassed in an attempt to protect people who nut their !""," th? .ftru.c,lu.r to ca" "!3 money into minin;; ventures. Pretty .soon ,yhe Some l,l!ShSS5XSS,WSS;- motei'S IOUnd it fllttlCUlt to promote mining companies ator J. B. Snowball and Alexander wnnouv coniorming to tne new regulations there was a;tJins011 were partners m tne rau- roar and a demand was made that the law should be set aside as being inimical to the best interests of the mining industry. - The mining committee went into the whole nuestion britlee, and decided that the law should remain on the statute lniJ?ernc was lald J"n(e books as a protection for innocent investors. THE ABYSSINIAN WAIl While there'seems no doubt that Italy has been crush centres of population classed as towns which are really collections of mud huts, there seems to be considerable doubt i? they will make sufficient headway before the rainy seas , sets in to enable theni to force their will On the country. Abyssinia is said to be a terrible country for white people during the rainy season, which lasts for a number of mcMhs. The country Is in the summer alive with in sects and reptiles and life there is not impossible but very difficult Camps have. to. he constructed in such a way as to provide for all the disabilities of the season. The probability is that the Ethiopians are looking forward with great hope to the time when their enemies are handicapped by the weather and will be unable to advance any farther and may even have to Mire. If the Italians can force the fighting to such a point as to compel 'the Ethiopians to surrender or to sign a treaty before the rainy season conies,. they will probably le glad to be rid of an unpleasant duty. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. , ' Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. phone 5C8 Daily News Want Ads Bring Resulh wsiy company and. while the road was under construction, Gibson entered into partnership with Senator Temple In building the j20, 1C87, in the presence of such : notables as Sir John A. Macdonald,!-Lady Macdonald, Sir Leonard S.; Tilley, then IJcutenant-govemcr I of New Brunswick, Lady Tilley. .' and others. Lady "Macdonald laid j ing her way into Abyssinia and has taken some of the!th,! rncrsV"ne In 1904 the railway from South 1 Devon to Loggieville, 124 mile.?, j became part of the Intercolonial ! ' system. The following year the bridge was turned over to the Canadian government. At the laying of the cornerstone Senator Temple was . called up"on to make the Important .speech of the occasion.. .As the story -fiDefJ tne senator," who' seemed to Def able to see plainly the human side of things, faced the huge gather-: ing for a moment, then turned to the workmen and shouted: "All right boys, let 'er plunk," and sat down. Hurd Belyea, who' is still living In Fredericton. was one of Uiej firemen on the two locomotives: and five cars of rails used as a. test train when the bridge was,' opened. r SYDNEY HARBOR THRIVES SYDNEY, N. S. W., April 3: (CPJi Sydney's .world-famous harbo berthed more; shipping last year than at any time In its history. Official figures disclose last year tonnage totalled 17,530,104, comprising 0,855 ships. The previous record of 1927 was exceeded by I more than 1,000,000 tons. The har- bor is now claimed to be the bus-; lest In .the southern hemisphere. , A, ' 1- C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 0 p'.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday andSatur- Jail. fessed. Cold! 1 K ' ' " ... !. .... ..: .. . TIP""- ' j the boys con- T CO PHONE KQ Kaien Transfer We handle the Klnest Grades of Coal and Wodd, at market pi Ices. Bone. Dry Kindling always In stack. We also operate CO Messenger Service Fresh Delicious. Collage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY I'hone (157 They Are Here At Last . , . Stainless Steel Cooking Utensils The beautiful finish endures and improves with each washing. CtJii-iH'Oflf, IIiist-prcMf NoH-absorbonl, Taintless Buy a prect'. today start a Stainless feteel. Kitchen set. See this f.lfetimr Stainless Steel Ware - at Kaien Hardware ' v with KELVINATOR Models for every budget. Make, only a small down payment. balance on comfortable, term. , Protects Food Safeguards Health SAVES MONEY Uneven temperature, with1 its resulting - ... contamination and waste, , is impossible , ; with Kelvinator. For this famous electric, refrigerator features Constant Cold of just the right refrigeration degree. Food keeps fresh in Kelvinator. There is nothing spoiled, nothing wasted. Leftovers "can be made up into the tastiest dishes, saving money. And you also get the saving that goes with QUANTITY purciiases of ' perishables at bargain prices, knowing that j . j f Kelvinator keeps tilings fresh for, long periods. ; NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED