paok rovn DAILY Wi " " DEMERS Arc Showing- a Beautiful Selection of Spring Coats, Suits and Hats Come in and look them over. Windsor Lawn Writing Paper 80 Sheets and 50 Envelopes Special Value 0 c Frank Medico Filter Cooled Pipes Malic from finest briar root $1 English Make Pure Bristle Dental Plate Brushes 50c OrmesLld. - i . ZTJia Pioneer Dnifpists The Kcxall BUM Phones: ill & tV Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamaBBmmmmammtmmmmmammm SATIN-GLO WEEK The Manufacturers' Annual Sale of Satin-Glo Products Is. on this week. You can cut the cost of spring decorating by purchasing NOW! You Save $1.00 on J gals., 50c on qts., 25c on pts. We supply the necessary coupons free ONLY ONE MORE DAY OF SALE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. There is a Reason Why Our Coal Business Has Grown In Spite of Keen Competition We sell the best coal in - We deliver promptly. fyec&n prove Je We have courteous driv- is wortfy k 7t ii you are not already a u customer of ours phone for a trial or- - . , I I! I, Ml Ml er of our ennh ' , :;; 'muim kijhkktu PHILP0TT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. J LOCAL NEWS NOTES Oood values In children's sweaters at the Dollar Store, t: Miss EVeiy'n Meuse salted 'Fait night on; the Prince-'Rupert .I?r Vancouver. G, V. ' Laidler sailed V the Prince Rupert last night after spending a few days here on V7. h. Malkln Co. Ltd. business. MtS COUGH DR0p Medicated with ingredients of Vicks VapoRub A. Donald of Terrace arrived In the city from the Interior on last-night's train and sailed aboard the steamer Prince Rupert "lor Van couver. Glen EHwyn, teller in the lotial branch of the Canadian feank "of Commerce, sailed last night on the Prince- Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. , Miss D. Nelson, who teaches ' school at Hazelton, arrived lit the city on last night's train from the Interior and sailed aboard the where she will spend the Easter season. She will return to Hazel-ton by way of Jasper ark. B. E. Morgan, manager of trie Billmor Spruce Mills Ltd. sawmill at Porpoise Harbor, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a brief business trip to Vancouver. The shingle mill at Billmor, Mr. Morgan states. Is op erating steadily arid It Is expected to re-open the sawmill later In the season. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Baptist sale, April 8., Orange Ladles' Spring Sale, Odd fellows' Hall, April 9. Lutheran Easter Sale April 9 Church, April 10. Queen Mary Daffodil Dance, Eas ter Monday. Easter Novelty Dance, Moose Hall, April 13. Hospital Charity Ball, April 15, Moose Hall. Premier Orchestra. St. Andrew's Cathedral Easter sale. April 16. j Dancing display, Oddfellows' Hall, April 17. Free public mass display of phy sical education program,. Satur day, April 18. Exhibition Building. Cambral Chapter "Leap Year Dance" April 24 v k,. A' United Spring Sale, April 30. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, May 1. St. Peter's Spring Sale,, May 7. Elks' Kiddles Flag Day May 25. 1 SPECIAL Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Pat Phlilipson jr. sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for ' Vancouver. - A R ParW rdistrlct forestEft, sailed last night on the Prihw Rupert for a trip to Ocean falls !on olficial dnties. T. A. M. Haney, Canadian cus-itoini flicer at Dawson, was a'pas-jsenger abdard the Princess Norah ; yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. N. H." Fotherby of Telkwa arrived In the city from the interior on last 'night's train and sailed aboard the steamer Prince Rup ert for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Anne McLeod ol the Post Office staff Is reported to be making splendid progress in the Prince Rupert General Hospital followinK an operation' which was performed on Wednesday. Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspect tor, after a week's visit to the city on official . duties, sailed by the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon returning to Vancouver. The case .of William Stevens, native youth, who Is charged with breaking and entering at Kin-collth, is coming up before Judgp W. E. Fisher in County Court this afternoon. Sigmund EInstoss, after a brief visit to Ketchikan in connection with the marketing of salmon, wax a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound for Seattle enroute to New York. Norman L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, returned to the city on the Princess Norah yes- iterday afternoon from a brief trip to Ketchikan bn official business Russell Logan, who has been visiting his brother, Wm. Logan i of this city. Is leaving tonight on the Princess Adelaide enroute to his home in Ontario. He is con nected , with the Royal Bank of uanada. Permission has now been gran ted by the department to the loca radio station to broadcast messages In case of emergency to out- lirfnr - -V I v- r Iv. it. J I .1 .4 I l "Rich Young Ruler," Baptist havp nn Mmmnt,M.. I - - O VVUUUUWtVMU'iil services. Mr. and Mj-s. A, J. Nordall and small son of Fairbanks were pas sengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. Mr. Nordali Is an official of an airways company at Fairbanks. Comet Butter 3 lbs". Pot Koast per lb Oven Hoast per lb. ...... 85c Prime Rib -t Oa TiPr Ih lOt Brisket 3 lbs. Pork Rones 3 lbs. Veal Shoulder 4 lbs Veal Stew 3 lbs Lamb Stew per lb. ... 1 a. 12c 15c 25c 25c 50c 25c 10c Bacon Diamond )Qg "A" per lb. Pprk Butts per lb. . Butt Chops 2 lbs. - t 22c 25c Breakfast Sausage, 2 lbs. Ayrshire Bacon 2C lb. per r - ,,ti V. ' v. tor' drunkenness, Roger Powtlr; r ii. . rinxi .v with oution of seven days imprisonment. Milton Ooniales atted as counsel TT6r Powell. ft v.. Lpec. superintendent of the Surt Point mine, returned to Por- ther Island yesterday afternoon after spenaing a aay. or 5,111, iuwn oh business. Sniro GUrvlch arrived In the city on the Princess Koran yesterday afternoon from Alllh, where, he has entered the employ , x)f the Colpe Mining Co., and will be re turning horth shortly. Miss Mary Cauthorne, who Is en gaged In nursing at Hoonah, Al aska, Was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle en route to her home In Virginia fan a vacation trip. Grass fires required the attend tion of the fire department at 4:80 yesterday afternoon and again at 10:45 tills morning. One was at Hays Cove circle near . Booth Memorial School arid. the othe: at the corner of Sixth Avenue ahd Fulton Street. Hotel Arrivals 0 Savoy F. T. Patterson, Surf Point; Mrs. John Milton sr. and Mrs. John Milton Jr., Kaien. H. J. Smith, city. Royal M. Lindstad, clty; Ted Rey nolds, Juneau; C. Reld, city; B. Johnson, Victoria. Prince Rupert D. Miles, Duncan; J. G. Watts and Stan Waring, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sinclair, Inverness; A. Berner, Telkwa. MANY JEWISH FARMERS REGINA, April 3: (CP)-Jewlsh colonization report reveals 19 percent bf the Jewish population of Saskachewan are farmers living In settlements dating back to the Northwest Territories. The report indicates there are 762 Jewish farmers In Canada, with a total farm population of 2,400. rj CM Nm' VM Mitk Ml ttH CRESS CORN & , BUNION SALVES Tnrv Mr m- Mart M 'm4 ftM it Service is something more than selling right and delivering promptly. It is the satisfaction we enjoy in giving something that cannot be bought sinetriiy. .Call in, phone or mail your order. We guarantee satisfaction. KINO OSCAR SARDINES 3 tins roAst KitrrroN Globe per tin OLIVE 'OIL Tiger 33c 16c $2.15 AYLKtER SOUP Vegetable 6 tins HANSLtCK Hand Cleaner, pet tin TOMATOES-Llbby'S 2W. 4 tins BONELESS CODFI5H-2-lb box 45c 25c 47c 49c FRESil FRUITS & VKOETABLES AT LOW PRICES MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" r. O. Bot 675 Phone 18 Good jobs from t r Hi IV IV t J The Right Food for Active Appetites Kellogg's PEP Bran Flake:? have the rich flavor of toasted wheat. Packed with nourishment for healthy, busy people. Oven-crisp and delicious with milk or cream. Always ready to eat. Good any time. Every bowlful of these better bran flakes has an extra amount of bran. Mildly laxative. Help keep bodies regular and healthy. PEP digests easily. Releases energy quickly. Enjoy PEP Bran Flakes often. Breakfast. Lunch. Supper. Or as a snack after school and at bedtime. Sold by all grocers. Always fresh in the heat-sealed inner WAXTITE bag exclusive with Kellogg of London, Ontario. Kdl! PEP BRAN FLAKES SPRING SALE SALE ENDS TOMORROW (SATURDAY) Beds Cable Spring, Cotton Felt Mattress C01 All sizes; Sale price . . .VAwi JFIodf Covering Congoleitm Gold Seal size 6x9, 71x9, 9x9, 0x10, 9x12 Sale Prica $1.75, 55.75, $7.25, $8.25, $9.25 Linoleum, size 6x9, 9x9, 9x10 Sale Price $5.75, $8.50, $10.00 Bath Mats Cork size 20x36; Sale Price, each Jaspe size 18x36; Sale Price, each ,dC Axminster Mats Size 15x27; Sale Price, each Size 27x54; Sale Price, each 90 "P" Special Axminster size 27x48; Sale Price $2.5" Baby Carriages, Folding Carriers, Etc. on Sale D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE PltONE: GREEN 121 If you lose anything, try a classified ao