SPRING TEA AND SALE, 1! r SUCCESSFUL Llknt Affair Yesterday Alter-noon by Women's Auxll ary Of rresbyterian Churcn , I. . annual spring tea and sale bvthe Women's AulUary of Ftr?t Presbyterian Church in the church Iirlors yesterday afternoon was a rZ.. ,,,-rf.ssful affair. Weather ns auspicious for the event and there wis a large patronage. The attractively decorated olace was 1lh pUSSy wiuwwa. The guests were received .by Mrs. ff, D. Grant Holllngworth and Mrs. p. McLeod. The tea room was m.i-iuuKc m Mrs Robert Cameron assisted by Mrs! H. Calderwood. Pouring were Mrs. D. 0. Stewart and Mrs. D. C. Stuart. The servltcurs were' Mrs, r, L. CoatC3, Mrs. W. M. Black-stock, Mrs Rod Morrison, Mrs.- B. Blce. Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill and Miss-Molly Owens. Mrs. James L. Lee was cashier. Ladies in charge of other depart ments were: :. , Sewing- Mrs, McRobble and'Mrs. iff, L SandLson. Home cooking Mrs. D. C, McRae and Mrs. J, Walker. Candy Mrs. J. A. Teng. White elephantMrs. William Millar and Mrs. J. O. Steen. An acceptable musical program, arranged by Mrs. E. J. Smith, Included vocal solos by Mrs, Ernest Anderson and Mrs. J. II. Carson and piano ducts by Mrs. E. J. Smith and Mrs. W. L." Stamford. VANCOUVER riONEIJt pIES VANCOUVER; April 3; (CP) RCtpt. Edwin Sayre Scoullar, lo9t mmmandlng officer of the New itmlnster Rifles, the first ln- Bfantry unit on the B, C, main- Eud, Is dead here. During celebra tion of the 1897 Jubilee, be char'..- pd a steamer at his own expense pi brought his unit to Victoria ptakc part In the festivities. SWEET PEAS Rent's Exhibition Collection li Named Kinds $1.00 or 10c Packet All Bright, Ambition. Bluebell, Chieftain, Model, Huntsman, Mrs. a, Scarlcs, Warrior. Youth, IvoTy Picture. Sunklst, Sybil Hcnshaw. Gladiola P.ulbs Named kinds 23c per dozen ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Phone 635 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 1- Zarelll. proprletoi "A HOME AWAY FROM nOMK" Rates Sl.M M W Rooms Hot & cold Wai Prince Rupert, BC Phone 281 p.o. Box iwt Hyde Transfei Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 0ffice 6ls ii- 0 Second Avenue DAILY KIWI Britain Opening New Air Stations in India 'W4 '5T': - , A view of the modern nswalr station at New Delhi, India, after it had been opened by British Viceroy, Lord Wllllngdon. It w.ll be known as Wlllingdon air station, "and is one of a chain of new airports being built lh India. V District News NEW HAZELTON Miss Fanny McLaren R.N. of ths uirslng staff of the Hazelton Hospital Is paying a visit to her home at Terrace. Work Is now on In full swing on the construction of the high level railway crossing over the Canadian National Railway track at New Hazelton. As far as temperature was concerned, the first day of April In Hazelton district was more like the first day of January. TERRACE Mrs. E. Willie has gone to Win nipeg to spend some time with friends there. Terrace .continues to, live up to its character for resourcefulness. It will be remembered that, when the bahk closed the local branch office, the postmaster Immediately expropriated the premises adjoining and thus extended the accomodation for his staff and for the public, while at the, same time adding a savings bank department. to Terrace's post office service. Now, in spite of the government'5 nrpclalmed prohibition of the roads to heavy traffic during the period of transition from winter to spring at which time the roads become soft in the strong March sunshine, the Terrace logging op- erators are circumventing that handicap to their business by the simple expedient of doing their heavy hauling by night while Jack Frost Is still supreme. Thu no harm Is done to the roads and business Is enabled to go on with out Interruption. Terrace Public School presented a very creditable performance oh Saturday last, In the Oddfellows' Hall. There was a long program of songs, recitations and dances Jul of which were very pleasing to the audience of parents and friends that fUled the hall to the door?. An entertaining little play was performed by a cast of nlns characters at the close. The Oddfellows threw their hall open to a display of amateur dramatics on Wednesday, April 1, Much credit Is due Mrs. Sundal for her successful coaching of the young people who took part, The play presented a dissatisfied, wife who determined to leave the drud gery of housekeeping and xctum to her Job as a stenographer, the hus,bard In the case calling, her bluff and trying his hand at. get ting the meals. Results may be Imagined. It all ended happily with the pair of them coming back to their proper places In the home. DOG It DAYS FOODLESS JERRAWA, S. Aust., Apr 3: (CP) After falling 50 feet down a mining shaft and lying imprisoned without food for 14 days, a sheep dog has been rescued from the shaft by Its owner, John Bush. Although bruiser from the lall and weakened by starvation it Is making rapid recovery. J STPAWBEPBIES to MCToiKMiK in another mark of Royal City quality' to know that immense fields IT of luscious f trawberries are grown exclusively for the Royal City Kitchens. It is a never ending nource of amazement to homekeepers to find Royal City Strawberry Jam, absolutely PURE- not a suggestion of artificiality nor adulteration. And in Royal City Canned Strawberries you find you can serve them as they come from the ean, or use them in your best recipes. How much better and iiuicker and cheaper it ia for you to rely on. Royal City Kitchens to do air your preparation, so that you need only delight yourself in the finishing touches to your desserts. Use Royal City Jams or Fruits for daily satisfaction. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Uiver Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10.30 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V8-30 ADDRESS ON GERMAN SITUATION GIVEN (Continued' irom Page 1) to take united action In solvijig any problems.. Communistic Ideas pervaded labor ranks arid tlw spirit of the people; became very poor. Instead of trying to help the country out of Its' difficulties, the Communists did' everything possible to prevent the carrying on of Industries and national recovery. Then came Hit ler. Herr Hitler was a soldier who fpught In the trenches, was twice wounded and once poisoned with gas which temporarily blinded him During the- period he spent In hos pitals recovering from his blind ness, he pondered over the national difficulties and after his recovery when he went back to work and found that, because he did not be long to a labor union, It was al most Impossible to get a Job, he set to work to expound his ideas on! government and commence the work of organizing a. party. So clearly did he statoihis views and so reasonable did they seem that he soon attracted a . large followin; which grew In strength. As the general condition of the country became worse as a result of Com munistic influence, so the strength of Hitler Increased until the party became so strong that its head was offered the chancellorship. Today the whole country was behind Handing Labor In dealing with the labor ques tion,, the present German government dissolved all unions and In place of Ihem appointed a commit tee of twelve men who dealt with all disputes or complaints and changed the whole, complexion of German" labor. Instead of having a number of different groups or parties working against each ether, there was a united move to im prove matters and co-operalc with Industry In bringing about a better "condition. Dr. Muller-Ciennn.' explained the position of Germany In regard to the international situation. Hitler asked the country of Europe to disarm but they refused to do so. Then he announced that, if they did not do to. he would have to enlarge his navy and he made a treaty with Great Britain which seemed satisfactory to both countries. The FranCd-Sovict pact was criticized and the speaker explained that Germany was Interested In peace and not in war. Having a leader who had been . In the trenches they . knew what war meant and were determined to keep out of It If possible. Hitler believed lh being open In lils poll-' tlcal moves and this the people: liked. They did not want war. Recent visits of British soldiers' to Germany was helping to bring about more friendly relations. Incidentally he explained that the expression "Hell Hitler" so gener- ' ;ally used and quoted was simply symbolic. UADJIIT HARVEST. SUCCESS SASKATOON, April 3: (CP) Saskatchewan's' winter rabbit harvest Is estimated by furriers here to have brought $500,000 to farmers. More than 3,000,000 animals were' reported caught. Fur is used mostly, for men's winter caps, and the meat goes. to. fox, ranches. WALLACE'S Dollar Day s Women's Broadcloth Slips Opera top, white or pink jJ QQ Built-up Shoulder Slips jJ Stamped Unbleached Aprons Nice"- $1.00 Pantie Sets White or tea rose, mo-fif trim, suede taffeta Q4 A A per set Watson Quality Silk Rayon Panties . and Bloomers QQ Ladies' House Frocks A big range, all the latest, prints, tub fast fabrics, dainty designs 00 Women's Waffle Knit Snugs and $1.00 2 suits for . . , Girls' Rayon Silk fi-f A A Bloomers, 3 for ?XUV Ladies' Suede Taffeta Waists Assorted patterns and (j J Ladies' Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose Mercury quality 7Q per pair Ladies' Pure Wool Ankle Sox Assorted styles AA 2 pairs . .; VvV Women's Cotton Hose O-j A A Sand and grey, 5 pairs Children's Cotton Rib Hose Sand fX $1.00 Ladies' Bemberg Silk Hose l7T 2 pairs PHONE!) 1 rrom tnc s llici'S nti lion: PH0E EXPO IKS ana Creek ramc fabulous new vcallli for llmse lianlv pioneers who came lo the Yukon from the p lour corners ol the world. (ActiwI photogr-iph taen on Bonanza Crcii in th: 90's) aturday Pillow Cotton Fully bleached, hard s.quality $1.00 Unbleached Muslin Heavy quality, ; $1.00 Lace Curtains Fine quality, ecru shade, 2 yds. 1 AO per pair pj.vU Unbleached Sheets Q4 ijr per pair ?M. u Pure Linen Table Cloths Fancy Sch3... 89c $1.00 Check Glass Cloths 8 for Bleached Pillow Slips 5 for Silk Lace Curtain Nets Q-J A A Ass't'd patterns, 4 yds. v UU Madras Muslin Curtain CM A A Fabric, 4 yds $A.VV New Season's Prints Tub QKp fust colors. R vfls fnr OwK Roller Stripes Turkish Towelling, 6 yds A $1.00 $1.00 Window Shades Green or 7An cream, full length, each . $1.00 Princess Pat Knitting Yarn Assor- ted colors $1.00, w " o uuiis ior Skein Knitting Yarn Assortedl plains ana marls e-i A A ' 8 skeins ?i.UU Boys' Tweed or Serge Knickers, per pair 85cl Women's Dresses Silk crepes, a lew special clearance, assorted colors and styles each OA ID THIRD & FULTON tftLTHB w',-"-ml The umi m. ?l tlnce IJJ. 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