PAGE 0S PfxS'gjffiJ We are now showing a larger sel- jUjjkfj OWjHl ectlon than ever before of i the llfl popular "SUNWORTHY" Wall- nW ShjpD'lijjB papers. The patterns are newer ifflj J and smarter; and the prices are s If 11 Gordon's Hardware McRride : Street Street Phone 311 I Remember Your Friends and Relations This Easter . . . EASTER CARDS f An excellent and beautiful range, to suit your need ''' Easter Postals, 2 for 5c i Cards and Cut-Outs oc and 10c ; . ' Folder Type Cards, 10c up .Cards For Relations 20c to 40c See. our. splendid assortment and choose your re- quirements while stock is complete. .s--... - : Also Easter Novelties Chicks, Ducks, Baskets, Rabbits, Etc. ; Easter Serviettes and Decorations New Telescope Now Predicted VICTORIA, B.C.. April 3: (CD- Telescopes of the future will be very different from those now In use, Ronald Hopkins, local astron-; cmer, told members of the Victoria branch of the Royal Astronomical Society in an address here. i He predicted magnifying would be accomplished by means of cl-j ectrlc tubes working on sensitized metals. Ponderous, big-lense contrivances will be discarded. j Research on the new-type Is al- ready under way at Camden, N.J.I The speaker showed slides illus-j tratlng the principle underlying, the electric tubes. An experiment-j al telescope produced with the tubes is a small instrument compared to present telescopes, he said, but can magnify light 1,500,-000 tlmtfs. Still greater magnification is possible. The limit of present telescopes using costly mirrors and mountings has been reached in the 200-inch instrument now being installed at Mount Wilson. Further advances will be through the new principle. Describing some of the new In struments developed he said one macmnc was so sensitive it couiu register the heat of one candle placed a mile distant. Wider Use Urged For Silver Coin U.C. Chamber of JMirics to En-courage Circulation of Silver Dollars VANCOUVER, April 3: (C) A campaign to promote circulation of new Canadian silver dollars among banks and business firms has been started by the British Columbia Chamber of Mines. Officials say wider circulation the silver "cartwheels" wir roost production of British Ccl-tmbla mines. 'The money is handy and sanl-ary and would be popular ii icoplc Rot In the habtl of using it," F. E. Woo-Jslde, manager o. he chamber said. Bank' superintendents and large 'lrms are being asked to encour-ige circulation of the new money, rhe chamber suggests in making thange for $5 and $10 bills at east two silver dollars be handed out. DAILY NEWS LondonVGas Attack Alarm Tire air raid precautions department of the British home office Is carrying out tests at Hendon police station, of local alarm signals to be given should gas ever be used during an air raid on London. Several devices were tested, and this picture shows one of the officials wearing a respirator, with one of the alarms attached to his bicycle. rOISON BARRED FOR TRAPPERS j MOTOR REVENUE HEAVY REGINA, April 3: (CP)--Under eglslation introduced in the Sas katchewan legislature trappers found guilty, of using poison bail or narcotics will be disqualified rom obtaining licenses. Sponsors of the new, legislation claimed poisonca animals escape before dying and '.are eaten by other nnlmals, whoare in turn poisoned. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. April 3: (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 44c per ounce on the local metal market today. REGINA, April 3: (CP) Revenue of $1,900,000 reached th Saskatchewan government In motor licenses and gasoline taxt: during the fiscal year 1925-20 official figures reveal. Of this am- oimt, $1,128,010 was voted for Department of Highways expcndl-jtures, $580,910 going to the pro jvincial treasury. POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL, April 3: (CP) The British pound sterling closed at $4.97V2 on the local exchange market yesterday. WABASSO PRINTS 25. Patterns, all 36 ins. wide, fast colors. ew seasons prints. u1 iwt Dollar Day, 5 yds. for vlvU WABASSOPIQOE plain and printed Wabasso Pique, fast colors. Q-i AA Dollar Day, 3 yds. for V-lvU WABASSO PILLOW CASES Full size Pillow Cases, plain hem, good heavy quality. P AA Dollar Day, 4 pillow cases v Ladies and Children's Hosiery .. Ladies' Full Fashioned Silk Hose Orient quality, semi-service weight, in all the new spring shades. Every pair guaranteed rlnglcss and p'uie thread silk. Reg. $1.00 quality. 75o Dollar Day, pair DL CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS In wool mlxtuiB. Sizes 6 to 82, assorted colors. Made . ; with the new lastex cuff. o-i An . Dollar Day, 5 pair for OJLUU ' . ' Children's Ankle Socks and Half Socks Pure Wool English cashmere, plain and colored cuffs, ' Sizes 5 to 8'2. , -Plain cuff style, 4 pair for jjj qq . Colored cuff style, 3 pair for jj qq PURE WOni. 1U.A1MKF.TS , n . : 1 ' v uii,,i,uiu iPUre WOOiarev B ankpts sItp fi1vn tnc mm r mm $,.25' palf oVily. Reir. 6.95. Dollar Dav. nr. PART WOOL BLANKETS White, with colored borders, assorted shades, beautl- .ruuy sou and warm. Size 68x86 ins. l4 aj- Dollar Day, each blanket DOILILAYIR DAY SATURDAY FRASER and PAYNES SATURDAY CLOSING 8 P.M. The biggest variety of Dollar Day Merchandise we have ever shown before. Sec our windows Friday displaying various other items that will interest you. Drapery and Curtain Fabrics SHADOW CLOTHS 52-Inch Heavy Fadeless Shadow Cloth for porticrs, drapes and upholstering. Assorted pat- (P-fl An terns. Reg. $1.50 yd. Dollar Day, yd. tJ-i.JU SHADOW CLOTHS 13-Inch English Shadow Cloth, assorted P A A patterns, fast colors. Dollar Day, 2 yds. SHADOW CLOTHS 36 Inches Wide Shadow Cloth, 3 desigas only, excellent cloth for loose covers, drapes, etc. flj-fl A A Dollar Day. 3 yds. j)XUU SILK CURTAIN NETS 10 Pieces All Silk Curtain Nets, all new designs. Reg. price 9c and 79c yd. jfl nn Dollar Day only. 3 yds. for 36 INCH NOTTINGHAM NETS New patterns, good quality net In cream shade, assorted designs'. rtf aa Dollar Day, 4 yds, for ?1UU " MONKS CLOTH "Natural Monks Cloth, 52 Ins. wldo, one fljfl AA piece only. Dollar Day, yd iJ)"" FLANNELETTE SHEETS Full size, plain white, English flette sheets fl ft A Dollar Day, each tJJ.UU 3? : SAMPLE SWEATERS Ladles' and Children's Pullover Sweaters. All pure wool, assorted Q- nn styles, all sizes; Dollar Day ?XUU TOWELS Large size, white and colored Towels. 50 dozen run of the mill, all perfect goods. On sale Dollar Day in 2 groups. Colored & plain, 4 towels for j qq Colored & plain, 3 towels for $100 Face Cloths, 6 for 25c Ladie's Underwear and Lingerie LADIES' SNUGS Snug Panties and Vests, all sizes in flesh color, part wool and silk mixture QQn Dollar Day, garment OuG LADIES' BLOOMERS and PANTIES Laco trimmed in one of the latest fabrics, crepe rayon in flesh shade. Panties, Bloomers and Briefs QQn Dollar Day. garment 0JC LADIES' TAFFETA PRINCESS SLIPS Bias cut lace trimmed Taffeta Slips In B1 ftft white and nurose. Dollar Day, each t?XUU Satin Stripe Panties and Bloomers Beautiful garments in satin stripe rayon, French lace trimmed In white and nurose, May Belle C ft ft quality. Dollar Day. 2 pair for J)UU Children's Silk Bloomers and Panties May Belle quality in white and flesh Bloomers and Panties, sizes 6 to 14. QQn Dollar Day, pair OtC MEN'S SAMPLE SHIRTS Men's Dress Shirts Collar attached. Sizes 14V2 to 17. All new season's prints. Reg. price CJI ftn $1.95 each. Dollar Day, each tj J..UU WEEK-END PROGRAM Another Double Bill Which Should Be of Interest at Capitol Theatre Another double bill which should prove of general interest to local movie-goers is being presented on the screen of the Capitol Theatre this week-end. One of the pictures is a hard riding, fast shooting, ten derly romantic, tensely dramatic and uproariously funny western "Call of the Prairie." co-featurlntr William Boyd and Jimmy Ellison. The other Is a fast moving comedy romance "It's In the Air," with Jack Benny and Una Merkel In the leading roles. Based on the book, "Honalone Cassidy's Protege," the new west ern action drama of "Call of the Prairie" is an unusual storv of n man's efforts to prove his innocence 'against untold odds, apparently forsaken by his friends, virtually an outcast. "It's in the Air" concerns the adventures of Benny, a "chiseler," and his assistant, Ted Healy. who are fugitives from the law because they failed to make Income tax returns. Nat Pendleton is the "O Man" who Is close on their heels. An exciting balloon ascent provides plenty of thrills and action. There Is a pleasant romantic WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Three vessels disposed of halibut catches totalling 58,000 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows: Radio. 39,000 pounds, 7'4c and 6'ic; Argo, 15,000, 8c and 7c (2000 pounds of cod at 4c); Fairway, 4,000, 7ic and 7c 14,000 pounds of cod, 4c). The Argo and Fairway weie the first of the second division of the Seattle .leet to return with catches. The Radio was one or the last of the irst division to return. Capt. Ed. Lawlcr, owner and skipper of the American halibut wat Anna J., which was rammed ind sunk near Seymour Narrows ast fall by the steamer Prince rtupert, has now taken command of the Oceanic. There Is no more fresh herring bait available at Ketchikan, ac cording to radio advices heard last night. Halibut boats leaving for the ;anks today are as follows: Ed-vard Llpsett, Gibson, Tugwell, anny F., Mae West and Melville, fostcrday the Ingrid H.. A. K.. Jlippcr II, Bayvicw and D. S. T.' cit. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, hlch wai in port yesterday after-10011 southbound from Skagway to ancouver, had a total of thirty-Ix passengers on board Including ten who disembarked at this port. Three sailed from here for the outh on the Norah. C P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Qray, returning to service after having been of! the run for three weeks for annual overhaul, is due In port al 1:15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Former Anyox Woman Granted Partial Custody VANCOUVER, April 3: (CP)-Mrs. Josephine Berto Philip, formerly of Anyox and now teaching school at Vlnsulla, has been awarded week-end custody of her seven-year old son who was abducted by his father, William Pearson Philip. Videttc minor. while living with his mother in Vancouver and since has made hia home with his parental grand parents at Kamloops. The child, the grandmother tcstlfio.1, wa.j terrified of his mother. tW boy told the Judge, Mr. Justice Flshe.-. that he did not trust his mother i and that he was never punished ly nis father or grandparents. I Many a mother hurts her boy and is justmed In doing so, the prt-! siding" Judge remarked. j Sis TONIGHT ar.d sat. niiim juinifi run Hinton Coal IMione 51 CENTRAL HOTEL MATINEE SATUIU)ay; HELLO. FOLKS, ITs JACK BENNY AGAIN; It's his funniest . that Isn't all- he pictur hl ,"but fc Merkel and thoS tiS.Uto JACK BENNY Radio's Favorite llumth - in - It's in the Air balloon flight to make a 0 tune-and then h- has to i up and make gocm -the skv' the limit lor fun' u - vlth UNA MEKKtL Ted Healy Nat Pendleton (At 7:16 & 9:55) PLUS WILLIAM (Hop-A-Lon? Cassidy) BOYD tn "Call of the Prairie" with MURIEL EVAN'S 'At 8:36 Onc-J Only WOULD NEWS EVENTS Last complete r.:?ty ;hw836 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Window Shades gOc iii-n, eacn Curtain Rods, extend J5c to 4 feet, eacn Rubber Door 75c b $1 Mats Rubber Stair Treads Jgc 7x18, each Thonc 775 Third An TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKKATS nnn III' ll'CI! Wanted at uiu-c for immediate delivery j-itT-mm nnmcG PAID Also all your other FURS a full market value Ship " once and convince yourselves. .1. CLONIC - I'vnfirtPf lliivrr ni:u I'RiNcn ;i:oi:iK.Ji Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcye Look tor the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Compa with an' all round payroll in Vta Rupert. tew