itB Prince Rupert Loses in Premier Hoop Game (, phone Kea lzai V four-;rb6m RENT- -Modern fUW bath and Monarch ranst, Clapp Block, $12.50. $15 &; $17.50. jlelgCrson Ltd. ' Ap 3) FOR SALE -r SALB-Oollchans on trollinK boat Bell- UOW isap nu, rer buckfit 25c. iD .uti rnmr RAia Ann v 111 lit News office. Phone 88. (tn - nrf nn hn nnlnwsfn firnl Semi-Diesel Engine complete with propeller and fittings. Can be Injected at Gulowscn Orel Plant. Cheap for prompt sale. Sunde & the fJial dEvers Co., Keauie, wasn. LOST WANTED T n r c .... . .. . .... (M-tf) ENTLEMEN Personal druR sundries. Highest tirade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper Pacific Supply 751 Granviil. Vancouver OST -Graduate pin of Royaj Co lumbian uospuai. unaer piease return to Dally News. Reward. (80) v i h i i F.YTirin. nn i 1 1 i.v riim ii m ir logs. For further information Inquire Qeo. W. NIckerson Co. (80) A! CTIOV. S.U.K Timber Sale XIKV.O There will be offered lor tle r .it F,rrHtr. I'riikCe unpen, is. i; jkiX menmtre, of Sprtx-e, Cedar I Hemlock on on Area situated on ttuinerly portion of Lyrll Island. te klunrla liind District. One yew will Allowed tor re TiOTltW any one unable to attend fcaher jnrtirulara may be obtained aittiox sai.i: Tlmlier Sale X18"l Thn wUl be offered lor na at Pub- ' Aur'bn, at noon on the 4th day or jn iti'tR in ih. nrriA ai .iin n Btpjpt ""jt, mnre Kitoen. me uitikt 1771 ..... n ftiui r V,nn rH cl on area-, .Utuated on Hutton Inlet. '3 rvtea Sound, Queen Cliarlotte Jat. It:id DltrtrlfL year wM be alloed tor re- "Piwklfd any one nnttble to attend nuKjon in prson may Winnie to be opomod at the hour of M end trpaled mm hid." Either partlmilars may be obtained uisin;"- FMtister. ITlnre nujiert. B.C. ...... -i iih.iii, I in, II I ! 1U ll-U f'OM'MltlA IV 1'itmtiik- -i.uirr iii inn ".inniiniMraiii'ii Art" iuiimu. ... im.i ...r ...jurr ,u lr ..iaip in liniltr t'olliuni. I)eresird. TAKE NOTtrrw Knt ni..i nu fuu'j; r-iAiier n.TTi Tne airi . rca a.ij. iujo. I vu aD- """a AomlnUtrator. of tlie Estot of ti?t A .... - ...... IT""' Miner, urcmsra ana " r" ""ng ciairrM ngaJiut the saui imw am V . , .. . . . . , -1. I1M4I . . . - 'wi aav nr Mnu inB ni en '."oiij inaebted In th rlit nr re- 1 . w IW V T.lie nm.Y,uit nf m,mp iti . tv,7r. TO " wvRh. the Itti, day of March 10SB. irF.UnifnT w ra k repv Offu-ua Administrator. ATIJN. n. o. I.ANII ACT t in apply n i,ea,e l.aml P.lirwmit nAMe.lwi ' ta -IIM JVWI UUIg flCt nt TJ n I . B w WlanVi U1IU BIlUAUr Vl ' ..." "iIMW LO &nn f frtr lAttu. rtf i.nm CnL rtW land:- t a tret nlnnted n. '. D T' r,ft- nortbrot lita llijw fjo f'u ori 25'. Range. 4 Coiijrit theneo 000 feet cu; thence 260 It. thenr fji,,ii.. .v.- i ii..- nr. . . " 'r, Miuta ft.iw rn,i iu rnmmAnMM.H. j . . , ten ilm. """iiwiiiy tum t-AiiiM&ui- more or i-m. rlH M w.. Maffh . MARTIN MILIAR 8. 1030. I-AXD ACT "t Intent Inn to- opply to reuse. . I J nil - ' nril.W .. . n.uiie4, ri - . . " . . "iranin".' "'lUTia rrirrisnoro lands: fj i y,3.'.000h!- wrth ot Lou H5- "" Uu Cooat District '""iin . """'"f luuu-wuie; vim I'A acre, more or lens ' uitH u . . MMttIN MILU5H Ulrch t, jo38i TORONTO INFINAL l.efeaied New York Americans In DfcHlliis; Game of prick. Semi-Flnals NEW YOKK, April 3: (CP) Turning on a third period drive to eotml two wials. Toronto JMapie i.eals defeated New York Amerieaiui by a score of 3 to 1 Ust night in the third and deciding; catne of the Stanley Cup. seml-Nnals. llat h team had previously won one game. The Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit lied Whiffs will meet In for the Stanley Cnn eiunir at Detroit Sunday night. It will be a three game- out of five series. Railway Girls And Bluebirds Win in Bowling In the Ladies' Bowling League last night Canadian National Recreation Association defeated Bru nettes and Bluebirds defeated Prince Rupert Grads. Individual scores: C. N. R. A. Teng, 271; Peterson, 348; Vance. 284; Munro, 252; Hor- ton. 252; total, 1407. Brunettes Berg, 207; Montcsano, 180; Garner, 198; Domlnato, 2C2; Bussey. 200; total. 1167. Bluebirds Pierce, 372; Church, 338; Boultef. 385; Webster, 89; Hartwig, 151; Kerbn, 270; total, 1C05. Prince Rupert Grads Strom-dahl, 333; Nejson, 2G2; McFadden. 241; Balllnger. 340; Low score, 202; total, 1378. High average scorer was Boulter of Bluebirds-with 192. ..Tj9 ,.LadJe,V.; BQwling League standing to date: G. Ttl. Av. Annettes 18 13968 776 Bluebirds 18 13536 752 Rangers ...18 13067 726 Doodads .18 12858 714 P. R. Grads ;............18 12668 704 Maccabees 18 11939 C63 C. N. R. A 18 10996 011 Brunettes 18 10879 004 BOYS' BOWLING LEAGUE The league standings to date: P. T'tl Av. Trojans '. 6 Tigers 12 Squirts 12 Punks ... Big Five . Bombers Cubs . ;vo1vm ....:....ii ........6 :12 12 11 4573 8971 8711 7540 3751 74S0 0744 5199 MAC WVMTS ME TO TO OUT TO r DIMMEIi- J VAiMAT if. 762 748 720 085 025 LOCALS DEFEATED BY SCORE OF 28 TO 15; STILL ON LONG END 623 562 473 Sonny Styles Did Not Play But WutiHf oh 'Line-up Ttf-night When Much .letter Showing Is Anticipated lWBaP95Sf PREMII3R (Special to Mie. !alij News) April 3: Premier won the first game of the return basketball series for the championship of Northern P-ritlsh Columbia here last night by a score of 28 to in. The team from down the coast was outplayed before an enthusiastic crowd of Premier hoop fans. Prince Ru pert did not get a single field basket in the first half of the game. Today Is the birthday of Char V nunny hiyirs oici mn piay w-k yvw sY Prince Rupert last night but wlUjKl I tft 1 lIVs u he on hand ImiiPhl ntid lils'J-VT ft JLilIVJ teammat6s becoming more accus tomed to the strange floor, it Is ex pected tne visitors will make ai much better showing. Priiifn nnnnrt rircuit. lo e .-.iv.i c t Pioneer laundry Defeated Mill. tlUJIVtll, VI V rt it lArf IU)V lUltbO I i reverse, still has a strong edge to win (he Jserics. Tire 34 K)int marpin j for Prince Rupert from the two! victories at home a fortnight agoj Pioneer Laundry defeated Five lias been now reduced to 21 which, jokers two games to one last, night barring unforeseen circumstances, I in the first of the play-offs to should be ample to sec thenvdclde the city five pin bowling through. SPORT CHAT Five years ago last night Winnipeg won the Allan Cup, emblem of Canadian amateur hockey supremacy, by defeating Hamilton Tigers 3-1. It was the second straight, Winnipeg having taken the first game of the series 2-1. This was the Winnipeg team that won the Olympic hockey championships at Lake Placid in 1932. lie Gibson, ' elefah ' "Winnipeg sport organizer, born in . Hamilton. Ont, April 3, 1881. Charlie Is credited with making the Manitoba 11V1 Vi4 t IlllVi wa. eliwtbuwu girls' softball, he has organized several teams In Winnipeg. . , Jake Gaudaur, one-time profes sional sculling- champion " of "the world, was born in Orillla, Ont., 79 years ago tomorrow. Jake star-j ted competitive rowing at 17 and1 in 1886 captured the world title.; In 1896 he won the world's double scull title, paired with C. Hos-mer. They defeated Ned Hanlan and William O'Connor. j LADIES' HOWLING April 2 Bluebirds vs. P. Gratis. Brunettes vs C.N.R.A. "TILLIE THE TOILER" tJt- t-OWi-itri AMD QUIT MOOMIhota AISOUS'O ArbooT nv;r UETTEJi F1MM Voo OOM'T VCMOW WHO i uws jrrr OH, MUMW, CAN'T SLEEP MAY TALK A MlMUTE-)J R. PLAY-OFF Five Jokers in Opening of Five Pin. Finals last Night championship. High average scorer was Max Asemlssen of the Pioneer Laundry with 230. The play-off will conclude tomorrow night, the issue to be settled on Uie basis of total points should the game count be tied. FIVE JOKERS ' 1st 2nd 2fd DingwlU 20Q .237 195 Davles 114 129 17G Barton .236 171 204 Smith .235 150 180 Andrews 176 216- 153 Total '.961 9031 908 PIONEER 1st 2nd; 3rd Houston' , .191 185 251 Arrol ..L 123 118 165 Joy M - 170 255 120 Wesfch ' 1 .190 173 153 Asemlssen 219 254 215 Total 893 254 216 Try a Daily Ke w, . classltled ad- vertlsement for best results. Rats and Beaver Wc have a big order for both and In order to induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we will wire the money Immediately; " COLD BLOOM The Old Reliable UM AUt- ZaAOX MC.J-t I look. VAJELL-rtyi VLi. Mr 9 m N CLOSER TO ! SteaMip Sailings ! TITLE BOUT Cordon Wallace Score? Cohvinein? Victory over Tough los Angeles jjegro VANCUVKR;AiEJrii nU .(CPi . Gordon Wallace, Canadian welter-wiht king, took another step towards a world's weltcrweifthr. title bout with Barney Ross last night .after winning a convincing ten round decision over Young Peter Jackson. Los Angeles negro. A right to the Jaw stunned Wallace in the second round and he dropped to his knt-e for the count of seven but from then on he easily had the best of the fight Jackson had to his credit a knock-olit : victory oyer Ceferlno Garcia who ' beat: 'Wallace twice. Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday From the East- It Must be Contagious HECE'S A SFECIAl- DELIVE.! LETTER A Letter That Cant be Beat I 3'OT THi LGTTCIi R2.0M AM ADM112S2. M Ha SKSMS HtMGtILP ptQMAUTtC teQMgp ' Jfc.T . HtS. REAL MAME? 5 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver Tuesday , 12:30 p.m. Thursday 9:30 p.m. Friday .., 9:30 p.m. April 2, 13 and 23 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday Wednesday , .. Friday . April 9, 19 and 30. Fnr Ahynx and Stewart-Sunday ; Wednesday 3 ' From Anyox and Stewart- 4 pjn. 10 a.m. 4 p.m, a.m. 7 p.m. p.m. Tuesday, w-ii:S0 a.m. Thursday w, .........'. . 8 pm . For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday -!, ....Jt pin I From Naas River and Port Simpson I Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands April 10 and 24 - ' 9 p.m. From Queen ciiartbtle Islands April 8 and 22 a.m. jForA'l&Wai:-' "! 'iT j April 9, 19 and 30 asn. I From Alaska April 2, 13 and. 23 pm. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBF.RTA COAL RULKI.EY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND CQAI. pkiNGi; iaii'KUT FEKD COMPANY PHONE? 58 and 558 For Vancouver-Tuesday balula 1:30 p.m. rnurs. ss. p. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide .10' p.m. Ss. Cardena ,10:30 p.m. April 2- -ss. Prln. .Norah 5 p.m. r tuiti TT V NEW LOW PRICE April i3-ssPrinJ Norah .5 ,m, April 23 ss. Prin. Norah 5 .m. From Vancouver i Sunday ss Ciitala 4 plm. ' Wed. ss. Prince Rupert 10 la.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 pxa. Ss. Cardena p.m. April 9- ss. Pin. Norah ... - a.m. April 19- ss. Prin, Norah a.m. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Ordinal Fur .Hal at Vendor or direct from "MU Urder IWpt. liqiwr Control Uoard, 847 Bekttjr ilmt, Vancouver, ll.C sum Hottled and nartnteed by William (irant & Son Limited, GlcnfiJdich and Iialvecie-Glenlivet DiniilWriea, Dull-town It Glasgow, Scotland. S3" 3 P BEST PROCURABLE Tills advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or the Government of lintlsb Columbia, SCOTCH WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. A DOLLAR'S WORTH Cli tail coupon inJ mail it with $1 for a iii wetli' trial itibittiptii to TUB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR PuoUthrd bj Tin Chustun Sciinci PvuHra Bocictt Eoston, Mauachuartts, U. 8. A. IB n Tou vfll and the dllr tood newt ef lh world trora 1ta tat tpeclal ntrt. u rll tprrtntnl devoted to women' end ar.Udren'1 Interesu. iporu. niuile. nniee. durito. rd!o. etc Yoo will be (lad to wek-onie Into jour home t (earleav an adrorate ot peace and prohibition. And don't mlaa Snub. Oar Dot, tn tc Sundial and the other (return. Thi CtttiiTUM ffiwn Monitor. Back Bar Station, Boston. Mass Please aend me a lx aeeka trial auhacrlptlon. I enclose one dollar tl(. (Town) a.aa.a.j.a a. a. (Name, please print) d. MAC, I'M SO "3CI2Ry, &UT VCAM.m SO VJ1T VOU 1 I .0 II I I ."ii-i ..t.. . t l . . i j-m I I ' 4 j.. (Addreu) (State) By Wstpver VJELU, THAT'S THE FltZST TIME" A LETTER. BAT ME OUT OF A 2 T DATE' 1 I i 1 ALL. I (CNCVM IS IM 1HAT I I IT1LHE. VwAV L RfcAE) Tr wv fiA j, LKTTKg. rarj..' J LGTTEiP. AMO WOVM I CAN'T "SLEgp r' ?v jT -SLCEPCVEC 'flldHOOD 1 - MfM one :,JB ; ;t . i J