THE DAILY NEWS GRAHAM ISLAND TOBE Genial Climate, Level Sand Beaches, Well Stocked Rivers and Good Shooting Combined With Good Boat Service Will Make the Island Popular (Special Correspondence) Masset. Oct.—In the years to come, Masset Inlet will be a tourist resort. The beautiful stretches of beach, with the wild flowers and fruits, and the opportunities for fishing and boating, will attract visitors in large numbers. The owners of convey pas- sengers to the streams and rivers; along the banks are grassy spots for summer homes, where bathing can be indulged in. With a gun and fishing rod the sportsman will find amusement that cannot fail to give satisfaction. launches Along the east coast of the island are stretches of hard, sandy, beach, twenty miles in length, on which automobiles will be used for pleasure and speeding. With wood, water, fish and game in abundance the camping grounds cannot be excelled. Within eighty-five miles of Prince Rupert, the Queen Char- BRITAIN HAS A NEW TORPEDO It is the Most Powerful in the World and Effective at Ten Thousand Yards. Washington, Oct. 4.—The Brit- ish navy is equipped with a torpedo said to be effective at 10,000 yards or nearly three times the range of the most powerful pro- jectile now used in the United States navy, according to infor- mation brought back to Wash- ington by an American naval expert, who recently discussed de- velopments in gunnery, torpedo craft and the relative method of target practice in the British and American navies with some British naval experts. The existence of this torpedo has been kept a secret and it was by a mere ‘‘slip’’ by one of the British experts that it became known. NEW STEAMER © FOR THE C.P.R. The Princess Alice Left New- castle Last Week on Her Voyage Round Cape Horn to Vancouver. There be into commission by the Canadian Pa- will soon put cific railway in its Pacific Coast service a new steamship, the Prin- cess Alice. This latest addition to the company’s British Columbian coast service will probably be put on the Vancouver-Victoria-Seattle triangular run. The new boat, which was built by Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne, was launched May 29 and left Newcastle last Friday on its way to Vancouver around Cape Horn. The Princess Alice is practically a sister ship to the Princess Adelaide. Her engines are de- signed to maintain a speed of 18 knots an hour. In -addition to the ordinary coal bunkers the ship will carry fuel oil and the boilers will be fitted with a complete oil-burning aparatus. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER DEAD Mr. Edward Whymper, Well Known in the Rockies, Pas- sws Away in France. Chamouni, France, Oct. 4.—Mr. Edward Whymper, artist, author and traveller, isdead. Mr, Whym- per was a noted mountain climber, and was a medallist of the Royal Geographical Society. He ascend- ed Mount Pelvoux in 1861, and the Pointe des Ecrins, the highest peak in the French Alps, in 1864. He also ascended the Matterhorn, and climbed mountains and made explorations in Ecuador and in Canada, where he was one of the pioneers in making popular. the ascent of the Rockies. He was born in 1840. lotte group of islands must add to the attractiveness of the fast developing northern country. Rich in -oil, coal, timber and other natural resources, and with climate that compares favorably with that of Vancouver Island, there are reasons why the next few years should prove that there is a country, right at the very doors of the people of this country, that will be inhabited by thousands of families. a Towns and cities must spring up on the Queen Chartotte Islands, and the opportunities for invest- ment are within the r-2ch of every resident. It is an almost ‘‘lone land” today; but it is within a reasonable distance of the terminus —no further than Victoria is from Vancouver and Seattle—and, with its waterways, resources, climate, and all that goes to build up a country, far excels any of the known islands in this country. WILL MARRY THEM ALL FREE Marysville Plans a Novel Cele- bration in Honor of President Taft. Marysville, Cal., Oct. 4.—A free for all marrying festival, where licenses and clergymen will be furnished free to all applicants, as well as prizes for the oldest, the youngest, the handsomest, the tal- lest and the shortest couple to be married on that day, will be the feature of a unique celebration which Marysville is. preparing in honor of the visit of President Taft October 13, according to announcement made today by G. W. Harney, secretary of the cham- ber of commerce of Marysville. UPSET APPLE CART Much Mentioned Disaster Real- ly Happens on Centre Street Yesterday Afternoon. “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.'’ When the flat rig carrying some dozen boxes of fine eating apples to the North- ern Produce Company's store on the lane behind the Stork Block turned topsy turvy Centre street yesterday afternoon there were soon numerous small boys on the spot like flies round a honey pot. One of the cases of apples got split in several bits by the crash, and a number of fine eating apples got so chipped and bruised that they were left to the small boys as wages for the service of gathering up the good ones. (F. Carl, the manager of the Northern Produce Store, was a boy himself once, you see), A “Daily News’’ reporter whose name betrays his nationality, hannened to be passing at the time, and joined the happy throng. An apple happened his way and the verdict was ‘‘Finest flavored fruit in Rupert.”’ on At a recent meeting of the United Hebrew Trades, in Man- hattan, N. Y., it was decided to aid the tailors in the organizing campaign they are now carrying to get all the trade in the country into the union, as a pre- liminary preparation for a general strike in 1912, on Alabama, Florida, Gerogia, Ken- tucky, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Tennessee all have laws re- quiring all employers to provide seats for their female employees. In the United States the average productivity of the workingman is $2,400 a year, while in England the average productivity of the workman is only $556 a year. The average wage of school teachers in Kansas has more than doubled in the past ten years. The new G.T.P. News Stand for Lowney’s delicious Choco- lates, fresh from the factory, tf ——_—_—— —— et et et * t+: — He oe -—~ | { | me —oee LOOKIN —THEY WILL kk Pe PE ss REPAY A CAREF!)i | f “The News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertion — oe tt et Ht Ps Hk HH 9 ds BE ee Ee ee rs os os Pe ve BE) ~ —s G OVER— eee en mae } | ek Er EE me emer eS Phone 150 For Rent \ The Insurance People |/}~~~~~~~ ~~~ Fire Furnished rooms with bath. Special rates by Life the week. Talbot House. 165-tf Marine Neatly Furnished rooms, yentlemen preferred. Accident Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.~— Houses and Rentals. INVITE FINANCIERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Nice Furnished Rooms, Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. Bae: 178-tf For Rent— Furnished rooms. y with bath. Digby Rooms, 6th Ave. and Fu Street. For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd’Ave., for Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, ete. Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68. 186-tf firemen © For Sale De iis niall Hot and cold water lton tf For sale—Special for this week, bean pots 25c., at Hart's, 226-229 For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 368. tf For Sale—Irish Terrier dog pups, pedigreed, grit- | for very Many years as a great and rising city,” Mr. Cogger, ‘“‘and to anyone seeking a said ty, good companions, good color. Gener | i couve 216-5 an investment or a rew home| Bfe% 9% Water St., Vancouver. 216-22 i ” se the attractions that are to be ea, , found here offer the finest possible Insurance inducement. Real Estate Prospects “From information I received this afternoon it gives me much pleasure to know that several of the leading real estate men are going to the old country early in| the New Year with financial enter- | prises which owing to the nature| wanted. — Cleaning and pressing, alterations | and repairing for men and women. Dressmaking il OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. ht tm meres eres Wanted “eT cdl Wanted Nursing. [Obstectrics a specialty. Residence 829 Third Ave. Phone 243 Red. 226-227 me Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118. FEED STORE | We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- | den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart’s | | olg Feed Store, Market Place } PONY EXPRESS Phones 41 or 301 Prompt Delivery NOTICE In the County Court of Atlin Holden at Prince | Rupert in the Matter of the “Official Ad- ministrator’s Act’ and In the Matter of the Estate of Duran P. Latkovich d , Intestate. and conditions of the schemes ealled for and delivered. Mrs Charles Percher, P 820 & le 204 ° tf they are about to place before the | > ee ae arenes he . | Wanted 1000 men to get $40 and $50 suit: de to | their measure for $25, American style, satisfac British public will, I am sure, be tion guaranteed. Dominion Tailoring Co., Van- readily taken up. The influx|eouver. 3 days at Royal Hotel tf of British capital into Senta . . . . | is increasing day by di y, ar d this | Lost and Found will undoubtedly continue for many ; leew years to come. British Columbia | . Apply at Canadian tf ae é ‘ i | Found—Engraved cuff link offers unique attractions for the General Electric Co., MeIntyre Block. British investor in thet its manu- | FOUND~2 Small Kors. inquire st News Office, factures, mining, agriculture, and | Lost—Ladies’ watch in bracelet. turning to Nows office. tre unparalleled, and can | | fisheries < ce 1 rhere else i : b World. Prince, Ropers se LINDSAY'S CARTASE, ane cenire of so rich @. district inlar d, | STORAGE and with such wealch of fisheries | G. T. P. Transfer Agents at her door is bound to flourish. | _ Orders promptiy filled. . Prices reasonable, ate | OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68 Get Good Citizens | ‘It is important to secure the| ; right type of immigrant for a | PRINCE RUPERT CASES said Mr. Cogger. | Sen Y od Vancouver Assizes Open on 9th. any Witnesses from Ru- pert to Attend. city | such as this,”’ Wie “This is a matter which should | receive careful attention at the| hands of the city council, inasmuch as an undesirable class would not Eff d ind I