PAGE TwOj MENU for "BIG VALUE" t See Our New--Line.r of Dress Shoes $'00 O and , O All these shoes are real values and built to wear. A good' selection of lasts to choose from See these it will pay you! The Family Shoe Store ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. rRLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. Pi PULLEN Managtag-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance'-. By maU to all parts ol British Columbia., the BrlUsb Empire and For lessor periods, paid In advance, per week ADVERTISING RATES Transleni display advertising, per incu, per uisertion . Classified-advertising,1 per' word, per Insertion Local-readers,, per insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department' Telephone- , Mi Member ol Audit Burean. or Circulations DAILY EDITION $5. 1.10 .02 35 Wednesday, March 18, 1938 SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM During the last provincial election an article in this paper suggested that there was a similarity between com munism and socialism and that, as:the Co-operative Com monwealth Federation was a socialist organization one of its objectives was the dictatorship of the proletariat. This caused a stir in the C. C. F. camp, and we were roundly. V,..,l i j. i. i ctuuAeu a& a capitalistic urgan trying oy (levious anci unfair means to defeat the candidate-of the Commonwealth party in this constituency. To justify ourselves" we now point to the position of the Winches in the Legislature. They evidently disagree with their leader in his rather modest and reasonable view that' the socialistic change could be brought about by constitutional means and side with the Communists in the view that what is necessary is a socialist dictatorship which could be brought about only by force or in other words by revolution. We believe that most of those who voted for the G. C. F. candidate in this district did'not understand the situation. They were willin .gto take the Commonwealth Federation program at its face value and did not realize that they un p i i 'ii tt' wnc tut; pawns oi a socialist cpmmutee m Vancouver. Northern people will study with great interest the nosi tion of the Winches in the Legislature where thev have been among the leaders of the C. C. Fr party. If, as is in- f J rr r I rtl Mist., niwv . . i 1 i . 11 (.uikilcu, nicy iiitr iuuiiuuiiiKts aim lavor me revolutionary .movement, those who have in the past sympathized with and possibly favdred the G. G. F. movement will have to -decide whether they are prepared to follow the Winch or the Gonnell faction of the party. TT FIN EST CIGARETTE PAPERS IN THE FINEST BOOK AUTOMATIC BLACK COVER Orlil. ol iM. Popw wtiMiti4. BLUE COVER "EGYPT1EN" Rolli a cigartt lik a Ready Mad. 46 Uhion: Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1 :30 PJU. Due Vancouver,. Thursday; p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY 10:30 P.M.- Due Varijouver, Monday a.m. Weeklycsalllngs to Port' Simpson; Stewart, Anyox and Naas River: Sunday, .8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Trlnce Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 868 FOR Railway Company. Supplyinr WlioM Diyision Willi Young Plants Grown in Prince Rupert GARDEN IMPROVEMENTS Changes Made in Railway (iardenaJ Which Should (Jive-Excellent Results This Year Prince Rupert Ls- once more- becoming a centre for distribution to the whole railway division- extending., from Prince Rupert to Red Pass Junction; In this case-it. is-the distribution of flower seedlings. The young plant are being, raised ' in the railway company's in Prince Rupert and, after they are projrly hardened oft, are distributed to the various .station agents along the line who send In their requisitions. The move? was initiated last year by Superintendent W. IL Tobey for the purpose of trying to get' better results from the money expended and has proven an unqualified success. Formerly seeds were distributed but, owing to conditions in the different districts, the results did not Justify the expenditure. Under the new plan the- Interior gardeners are assured a supply of good strong plants all ready to grow and flower within a few weeks. Last year the local greenhouse was enlarged in order to allowfor the extension of the work. Andy Ronald was put In .charge with Jack Frew supervising. Between six and seven thousand young plants were forwarded to the various cen tres along the line and so gratify ing were- the results that It Is expected to send at least ten thousand this year, possibly more. Agents are encouraged to experiment with flowers most likely to suit their particular districts and to compete with each other for the best gardens. In addition to the flowers sent out of town, a large number are required for the local gardens on the slope of Totem Hill Park. The results obtained there are well known. but this year a new perennial bi)d has. been laid out In the newer section adjoining the greenhouses outside the fence, facing the Prince' Rupert Hotel. This will take a large number of plants and should prove to be a very-great ad dition to the floral beauties of the place Another great improvement this year is the rockery close to the hew pond In the old hotel site. Tills rockery is already planted to saxifrages, sedums and other rock plants' and more are to follow in the .spring. This should be a picturesque addition to the gardens. The section of the hill back of the railway offices has been cleared of brush and a new path built which will make that part of the garden Just as interesting as the rest1. This practically completes, the laying out of the gardens on the h'iU facing the water. The recent Improvements and those contemplated for Immediate carrying out will make, a splendid I park attraction for visitors and. along with the proposed city totem park and the city.hall gardens, will be something for tourists, to inspect and an effort of which the city and railway may well be proud. . It Is understood that water lilies, are to be planted In the pond which will be an added attraction, Local Regiment To Be Inspected Major E. M. MacBrayne Mi (1. Of Victoria. Arrives in City. Today Here to conduct the annual Inspection tonight of First North B. c Regiment,- 102nd. Battalion (C.E.F.) on behalf! of the-General Officer Commanding, Military Dis trict No. 11, Major. E. M; Mac Brayne M.C. of Victoria, arrived In the city, on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south and will return to Victoria on the same steamer tomorrow night Major MacBrayne Is an officer of Princess Patricias Light Infantry. BOWLING POSTPONED , ; .Games scheduled -for Friday. eve- : nlns In the. City Five. Pin Bowling league have been postponed to .Sunday afternoon. LADIES BOWLING March 19 P II. nmrts iin linn iJAdi," awgef s vs. Brunettes. DAILY NEWS vWedncgday, March 18, MarooiM- Defeated- Toronto MapU Leaf by.Score of Two to- Qnf Last Night TORONTO. 'March 13: (OP) ' Montreal ' Maroons consolidated their hold-on first place In the international section of the National Hockey League last night by scor ing- a? two-, to one- victory over' the Toronto Maple-Leafs here. The New? York Rangers defeated Chicago Black Hawks 4 to Z In New York and; the Boston Bruins blank-, ed tire Montreal Canadlens one-to nil at-BAskxi. - Tlu. league, standings- to -data: NATIONAL LEAGUE American Section. . WI D. L. F. A. P. Detroit 22 10 16 111 98 54 Chicago "... ....21 8' 17 89 84 51 Boston 22 5 19 98 76 49 Rangers 18 12 17 85 92 48 International Section Montreal 21 10 16 111 105 52 Toronto 22 5 i9 120 103 40 Americans 15 7 23' 102 110 37 Canadlens 11 11 25 81 109 33 Cellar Dweller? Beat Leaders In Bowling League The Elks emerged from the- eel lar of the Terr Pin. Bowling League last night by defeating the league-leading Grottoiby a score of two to one. High average scorer for the evening was", 'Stan . Mbrln of the Gotto . with.) 181'. The second fixture scheduled for jast night was postponed. " " ; GROTTO . . 1st 2Hd 3rd Coverdale 151 136 138 Ellwyn 149 175 1G4 Donald 129; 137 148 Gurvlch- ..-...!..,....165 132' 120 Morln :...148 189 206 Handicap t-.i.....,.. 13 13 13 i - '4 T f r. , Totals .755 782. ELKS 1st: 2nd Andrews- .157- 159 Johnson ;i41 Joy . ?4a.-j Scott : Arney . ....L...... Handicap ?.v Grotto .169' .isr 131 37 137 115 . 145. 171 37 Taxi 456 7&7 3rd 134 136 167 167 164 37 Totals- ...i. : 786 764 1 805 League', Standing ! . - n. . ' i . . . W- l. Grotto .' .'. 22 11 Rose, Cowan StLatta.. 19 il PowerrCorporatldn. 17 13 Knox-Hotel 16 14 Canadian Legion i.f. 14 19 Moose'-, 13 17 Elks. : d.......n 22 Atlin Fisheries , 10 17 Rbosevelfe Have An Anniversary -WASHINGTON D. C. March 18: President and; Mrs: Franklin D Roosevelt yesterday, celebrated the thirty-first anniversary of their marriage-. Mrs. Roosevelt was given In marriage by. her uncle, the former- President' Theodore Roosevelt and her bridesmaid was Alice Roosevelt Longworlh. - 3 OAltS AT YQUR SERVICE f. Proprietors:. Bert Morgan St Bod' Barrir Don't forget the number 156 GOAL TO . PLEASE - EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA' COAL BULKLEY VALLEY. COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 WINNERS IN BADMINTON Fmtlitr Games Prayed Last' Night In Cily Tournament The' following were the resulli! la. .last night's games of the. city badminton tournament: Miss Qi Palmer and E. Rivets beat Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Over end 155, 8-15; 15-13. r: Franks and Gibson 15-6 11-15, 15-81 ' Mrs; Qreeor and R. Franks btat Mrs;'Olbson and J. Qlbsonf 1511 ; 15-11 Tonight's flame!) The draw fo tonight's games la as follows: 7:30 D. Patmore vs. G. Palmer. 7:30-E; Rivett- v.i B; Berrterr ,iray vs R. Franks and j; Glbsonr. 8.:00-nMr. and Mrsi O. Yoump-v. Ri Franks beat J. Gibson 15-8;. uejong ano-pariiter. 15.9: 8:30V-Mlss M. McKay vs.- Miss 0 Young and Wilding beat R. E. Davish Summers and D. Blake 15-0, 18 16. j 8:30 Miss Thompson vs. Miss V. D; Patmore and J. Cross beat Cross. Mrs. Gregor and O. Munro 18-14, 9:00 Young and Wilding vs. P. 15-10; DeJong and partner. J Murray and D. Blake beat 9:00- D, Blake; Vs. B. Bacon. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the-Liquor Control Board or by the' Government of British Columbia CH ARTS For Fishermen Itritisli Admiralty Latest Charts Corrected to January 1936 Chart 1927 Cape Caution to Port Simpson Chart 1933 Cape Caution to Caamano Soundt. Chart 1923 Caamanp Sound to Port Slmpsorr.. Chart 1737 Eddy Pass to Portland Inlet 1 $1.80 ..$i.8d $1-80 $2.40. Chart 2430 Banks Island to. Cape Omaney $1.80' Chart 2431 Port Simpson to Cross Sound c........,.r...... $2.40' Chart 2453 Browning, Entrance- to Prince Rupert $2i40 Chart 3751 Parry Pass to Port Louis ..'........T:f..... $3.00? Chart 3754 Dixon Entrance . $10t Chart 1917 Vancouver Island --m,tomm ..,:$1'J, Also Charts on larger scale covering waters from Vancouver to: Kodlak at standard prices U.S. Department of Commerce & Hydrographlc' Charts, each $1.00! Canadian Government Bltie Prints and Charts of Local Waters B.C. Coast Pilot, Trawlers' and Fisherman's Guide Tait's Seamanship Brown's Rules of the Road carried in stock Dividers Parallel. Rules,. Course-Finders, Barometers Tide Tables Free Ivory and Green Ehamelware' Satisfies a demand for serviceable ware and at the same- time emphasizes color in the kitchen. Trimmed with black or red It Is very attractive. Wc Deliver THOMPSON HARDWARE GO: LTD'. TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED' BLACK COB Prepared' Daily, By, Canadian Fish S Cold Storage Co., Ltd: PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Irain- Service connecting-at f Jasper with1 ,"TKe 'Continental' ForrpR'AIRII? POINTS and 4 EASTERN CANADA Trains- leave Prince Uunfrt Mnn. Wed,, FrL C: 00 j pan. For Fares, Keservatlons-CITY TICKET Ol TICK .VW 3rd Ave, l"riiu e, Uupf rtr B.$ jl SPECIAL 1 i Chevrolet MASTERSEDAN with Tnmk Complete .1.16 Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors ' Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. ThoneS! Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look-for the white; LABEL with' the. GOLD SEAL Pack'dd'by. the only Salmon . Ganning. Company, with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. FRKSIL MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 GO IMIONE fi" ; Kaien, Transfer ' We handle the Finest dradet of Coal and Wood, ai b prices. Bone. Dry Kindling always in stock, Wf alo operate 60 Messenger Service KOUt" ' NEW ! HOTEL Ji Zarellti Proprietor -A HOMET AWAY FK0M UOIHE-J SO Room Hot & Cold Wa Prince Rupert, D-C. Phnn. 2i P.O. DOJ