PAQ8 TWO Y2v v 0 M Mothers ttll us tticy get tht jrttttst satisfaction in having their children's feet fitted with then ilxe-Andlng JTack.andJfill HEALTH SHOES for bovi and irk shoes. They have all uncertainty concerning the ell-Ira portent wetter 0I0XF0RDS ln Bwn and Black, also Patent Strap i , remov.d. Let show fttlng us y.Siinn; p,lrH fmm $1.65 to $3.00 Family Third Ave. ELECTION NEXT WEEK Shoe Store THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. K. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany period, paid to advance . $&.o By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the ihitish EmDlre and By mall to all other countries, pe- year Kor lessor periods, paid ln advance, per week ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn. per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation Trlepuone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation DALLY EDITION TOO MUCH SUNSHINE 0 00 1.4(1 02 25 Tuesday, June 2, 193C There is a by-election in Victoria next Monday. Three candidates are in the field, two of them the same men who ran at the general election in October. Those two are C. J. McDowell, Liberal, and Rev. King Gordon, C. C. F. The Conservative is the former Premier nf thp mon Fraser Tolmie, all evidently representative men, any of which presumably would make a good representative if he should be elected. Premier Tolmie is likely to obtain a considerable sympathetic vote from those who were sorry to see him defeated in the provincial election and who look upon the federal position as something of a pension. The Liberal will have the backing and prestige of the government Which mav nr mnv linf hp nn nilvrmrnrrn in Viofnuin AT i AUSSIES MOVE UP Succeed in Eliminating: United States in Davis Cup Play PHILADELPHIA, June 2: Jack Crawford, as anticipated, had no difficulty yesterday in defeating- Wilmer Allison of the United States, giving- Australia the victory in Davis Cup Ameil only one victory. Don Budge of United States defeated Jack Crawford of Australia 6-2, 6-3, 1-6, 2-6, 6-3 on Saturday in the second of the singles. Earlier in the day Adrian Quist of Australia had defeated Wilmer Allison. The Australians took a commanding two to one position by winning the doubles Sunday. Crawford and Quist came up from behind to win 4-6, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5, 6-4 over Budge and Gene Mako. It was a thrilling uphill battle, the Americans being within two points of victory in the tenth game of the fourth set. In the sixth game yesterday Budge of United States beat Qu?st of Australia. BASEBALL TUESDAY, JUNE 2 Canadian Legion vs. Elks FOOTBALL THURSDAY, JUNE 4 Dominion Dairy vs. Legion BASEBALL STARTED Evidently sunshine has been a bad thine- for the Prince i Diamond sport Gets under Rupert tinpi-f Hiervifr district fliia this van.- vear. Tl.o The l.onf heat has l..a been ton went in I At Ocean Falls After Delav On the mountains of the interior and the result has been thej snow meltpd fhnri flip rmnanifv nf Hi cariy the water away. Had there been, a year like this before the railway was constructed, the builders of the line would have hesitated before constructing it along a valley where the water rose sohigh and was liable to do so much damage. Happily, this condition is abnormal and is not likely to occur often. In the meantime the whole country suffers inconvenience and loss of revenue. Nearly everyone is affected more or less, the railway company more than all the rest put I Account of Rain Accidents Mar " - 7. " ' r season. Way OCEAN FALLS. June 2: Hav ing been deferred by wet weather which had caused postponement of all Ocean Falls sports activities fori a couple of weeks, the base ball season finally got under way at the paper town last Tuesday night when "ShAty" Campbell's Ocean Falls Boys won over the Jananese Tigers three to nothing. Appleby hurled for the "Boys" and Jackie Endo for the "Fleers. Prior to the official opening ot the season, the Ocean Falls. Baseball Association executive and managers met to make a shuffle of players. The long secure and highly supported Paper Makers team was entirely disbanded and a new line-up formed under the management of W. McCarrlck and bearing the name of Orphans. Sport Activity At Ocean Falli OCEAN FALLS, June 2: Casu alties in Ocean Falls sports have been a marring factor so far this mng uorao.T i win sutler rqm the split , in the ranks of thej ,n a softbaii game last wednes-U. U. r. in the last election Mr. Gordon nnlipn A9. vnfps dav t - o - vk v AJiitrkiiuvv. rw more Mr. MpDnivplI ... - v f i wuu tutLA J ka X lu V 1 tli iX OliUllL uiiiviv, r tii. handicap. j receiving a throw to third ln the . icuori, m) maKe a close put-out. Johnny Summers, crack llght- ARE WE REALLY SAD? wei8ht wrestler No. 1 pitcher for the Sawmill softballers, will .. . ,.; . .. be out for the season, having sus- a i . i ,i A journalist remarks that Canadians are naturally attained a triple fracture of the sad people who like to sit in deep dejection. Most people,ankle- look all the time as if they were attending a funeral. Their supreme happiness is to be miserable. The remark is made 8PECIAL ,l0i,rNwr; in view of the recent disnatches that tell nf thp T?,,BBinn LVENT n.M,t CANCE"'E, edict that the people of that country must dance and be I 0wlng to wet greens, the lawn happy, They dance at the movies between shows, dance ati?""gnurnient ln sldes the restaurants Everybody is dancing. It is a sacred duty th0ef TTLZ and if you live there you have to enjoy )t. You are not al- National Recreation Association lowed to be sad. (Lawn Bowling League planned for Possibly we are too gloomy here but it is doubtful if Su,lday had t0 be cancelled, now-anything can be done about 'it. Canadians would resent ZtnZ JTm iTZ having to be jolly because they were told to be. The very SonTf S oPX of idea would make them sad. ; season last night. DAILY NEWS Tuesday, jung 2 Ml 'SPORT' SOFTBALL UNDER WAY Junior Elks, Last Year's Champions, Draw Opening Blood In Close (lame with Lam tie & Stone Junior Elks, last year's chant Iplons, defeated Lamble St Stone by a score of 3 to 2 last evening In thp nnsnlnir fMtv Rnfiha'l can zone play and eliminating j League game of the season. Ideal the United States which scored i weather nrpvatlerl nnrl nil Ipnl Hrarn-v rf rtlair urnc iiiiMiorl In jSlx hits were made by the -Junior I Elks and Four. toy the Clothiers. 'Freddie, Calderone was hurler for jthe winners with Herbie Morgan .on the receiving end. Orme Stewart was losing pitcher and Art Murray, catcher. The .game, as Indicated by the score, was very close. Bill Stone was umpire. In a pre-season exhibition game Sunday night All Stars defeated Junior Elks 10 to 7. Following is the league schedule for the season. June' 1 Lambie Si Stone vs. Junior Elks. June 3 Junior Elks vs. C.NJI.A. June 8 C.NJI.A. vs. Lambie & Stone. June 10 Junior Elks vs. Lambie Si Stone. June 15 C.N.R.A. vs. Junior Elks. June 17 Lambie Si Stone vs. C NJt.A. June 22 Lambie Si stone vs. Junior Elks. June 24 Junior Elks vs. C.N.R.A. June 29 C.N.R.A. vs. Lambie Si Stone. July 6 Junior1 Elks vs. Lambie Si Stone. July 8 C.N.R.A. vs. Junior Elks. July 13 Lambie & Stone vs. C. N.R.A. Members of the Teams Players of the "'three teams foi the season are as follows: Lambie St Stone W. ,Lamble, M Montesano, A. Letourneau, J. Yae-ger, Sev. Dominato, A. Simanson, Orme Stewart,. D. O'Neill, S. Veltch, D. McDonald, M. Budlriich. Junior ElkSr-H- Morgan. H. -An- tonelll, F. Comadjna, C. Smith, E. Santerbane, D, Arney, J. Lindsay J. Campbell, J. Naylor. F.' Calder one, S. Joy. ' C.N.R.A. E. Ra'tchford, P. Mc- Intosh, Currie, Edgar, Bury. W. Stohe, K. Byman, D. Stalker, Q, Howe, B. Postuk, 8. Beynbn, TOAST OF EDMONTON EDMONTON, June 2: Noel Mc Donald has been the toast of Edmonton since she scored a last second field Eoal that gave Edmonton a. 37 to ,35 victory over Eldor- ados Saturday night and dead-tocked the three out of five series for the Underwood Trophy, emblematic of the International wo men's basketball title, at one apiece. siiir MSTH AFIICA World(me poito ! wtitw U Stii Airfe. TbU advertliMnnt It not pvtblUhod or displayed by tb liquor Control Uoard or by tbt Oovriu&MU wt Brltlib Columbia. BOWLING IS UNDER WAY City league Swings Into Action Monday Evening with IdeaJ Conditions Prevailing t The Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling' League season got under way last! evening with Ideal conditions pre-1 vailing when Dave Borland's rink defeated Jack Watson's 29 to 16 while Jack Preece's aggregation scored a 28 to 13 victory over Frank Dibb's. A match , of Jack Frew vs. D. A. MacPhee rinks and possibly othe- postponed games will be played this evening. SPORTS AT PAPERTOWN New Body Formed to Centralize Various Activities Also To Work for Athletic Hall OCEAN FALLS, June 2: At a recent meeting attended by delegates from all sports bodies of Ocean Fall's, a new Co-operative Community Centre was formeJ with the purpose of combining nd harmonizing all sports activities of the paper town and ;triving for a new gymnasium and basketball hall. Officers of the new organization are: President, Ross Davidson. Vice-President, Campbell Dun can. Treasurer, A, Borland. Secretary, Pat James. GUARANTEED Reconditioned USED CARS (JIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Only alter overhauling a good Used Car to our specifications do we offer it at a fair price under the terms of -the Ford 3-5 Plan. Then we back it squarely with 50-50 30-day Warranty and 3-Day Money-Rack Guarantee or 5-Day Free-Exchange Privilege. These guarantees save you dollars provide for your complete satisfaction. This protection is well worth your while. Choose a car from our stock of different makes arid models today. Generous allowance on your present car. Terms you'll like. S. E. PARKER LTD. Third Avenue East Ford Dealers Is Your Boy Phone 83 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE AND HOME FURNISHING CURTAIN RODS, ''Brass" Extend to four feet, each 15C KIRSCII CURTAIN RODS Extend to four feet, each . J5C Extend to seven feet, each 60c WINDOW SHADES, all sizes, each, from 85c Third Avenue Prince- Rupert Phone 775 MSehmd? Cet him a COM THINK it over. Dad! How many boys on your street are enjoying the healthful exercise and freedom that only a bicycle can give? How many of them go dashing together hither and yon and leave your boy behind? Get your boy a bicycle and get him the best a C.C.M. C.C.M. bicycles are correctly designed and carefully made down to the smallest detail. Then the completed bicycle is carefully adjusted and trued'Up to make a smooth-running true machine. The C.C.M. frames are made from strong seamless steel tubing. The wheels have strong steel rims, either enamelled or chromium-plated and rustless steel spokes. The powerful Hercules Coaster brake is free-running yet quick-acting. The tires are Dunlop "Fort" or "Imperial" tires. The saddle and handlebars are made to give a comfortable riding posture. l All of the moving parts of a C.C.M. bicycle are carefully ( adjusted and trued-up so that the bicycle may be ridden with very little effort. When you come to buy a bicycle don't let the price fool you it isn't just a price that you wish to pay but rather it is the' most value for your money that you wish to obtain. A C.C.M. is much the best bicycle value on the market. I77J C.C.M. "Cirl'i" or "Boy V H2. 75 C.C.I C.C.M. "Crescent" Men' 35.75 C.C.I CM. :.M. "Road Racer"... $38.25 "Motorbike" "Flyte"...,.si 48.50 1 .v.n. Ladies jo. 11 :.C.M. ivi. riwt C.C M "R.. c ." 10 c c n ka d im.j.ici M U C.C.M, "Standard Roadster". ... 38. 25 C.C.M. "Delivery" (less Basket) , 56.25 Time payments may be arranged for a small extra charge. Ask your dealer for catalogu. C. C. M. BICYCLES I McRAE BROS. gffi Bicycle Accessories & Parts jkjSr Dunlop Uicycle Tires Local Af-rcnts Fr GORDON'S HARDWARE C. C. M. BICYCLES