~ THE WEATHER ir hours ending 5 a.m., nty f _ TreMP RA 8 on 17.0 29.6 548 ‘ Legislative Libr é' ‘ary a E DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupcrt Optimist NEXT MAILS For souta Camosun, Sunday......... 9 a. m. FOR NORTH Princess May, Thursday, Oct. 12 ————— + tit Tx a sea erm ss ii Tae ae You. Th II, a 228 aes Prince Rupert, B.C., Fripay, Ocroger 6, 1911. PRICE Five Cents —_—— — —-- —— — WATERWORKS CONTRACTS oe ee a ee RAINBOW MADE A TRIP WILL BE LET SHORTLY | | Four Dogs, a Dozen Cats, anda Magnificent Talent Displayed|Here in Course of Fishery Pro- TO HEAD OF BUTE INLET eddy Bear by Men of the Cruiger Last | tection Business pa 5 ' s Night. a ee ee | Every fighting ship o > is : . Alderman Kerr Will Visit the tales on Sunday With) tg “ a ighting ship of the British | The Cruiser, Rainbow is. at-|2Plendid Feat of Navigation Performed by the Officers . Navy has a mascot sometimes eae ; r ‘ ) Ss a - Parties O aie Who bey to Tender on Station nore thafl ne, and the\Cenadien (s 2f Spestmmmmiroom of the Enlai. so her Sshery pteeieinan of the Cruiser—Is One of the Most Dangerous Work—Surveys to be Completed Tomorrow Navy is not behind in this respect. | PTess sien night some twenty- |bus neds At present, the Sane Sixty Mile Stretches on the Whole Coast Owir the drenched state ployment of a scaler to select{On board the Rainbow there are |five men of H. C. S. Rainbow | being out of commission now and} On her way north from Van-|this part of the coast before. City Engineer and Alder-| timber is suggested. no fewer thar four dogs, and about |held an impromptu concert which|ynder the hands of the ship|couver the Rainbow successfully|A well known citizen of Prince Hilditch, who had just ar-} In three valleys around the]* dozen cats all pets with various | was a VeUyeream SUCCESS indeed. |preakers. The William Joliffe is| made the trip right up to the head| Rupert, Mr. J. R. Beatty, who om a trip to. Wood- lake the thirty-two foot line above | 87OUPS of officers and men. But An audience of over a hundred | taking the Kestrel’s place effective-|of Bute Inlet and back, anchoring|spent some time on Bute inlet Lake, the epecial mvetitig lake level goes back half a mile the ee of the ship is undoubt-{and fifty gathered speedily, and||y, and the Rainbow patrols the|at the head of the inlet for a day|and in its neighborhood knowing W : oo i la from the present lake edge. As edly Teddy the little brown enjoyed immensely the singing and| whole coast her speed making herlor two. To these unacquainted | the dangerous nature of the waters ( councll aS ast me tla rule, however, the rise is in an|be@t. He is a most distinguished instrumental entertainment pro-|4 splendid fishery cruiser. She]with these coasts this may seem|there for al] but tiny craft greatly permit of a written report being average of seventy-five feet back. member of the ere w, a1 d can show | vided. |leaves here either Sunday of Mon-]a simple matter. As a matter|marvelled at the feat performed ied. This will probably be] There. are nine and a_ half his teeth as formidably as the| There is abundance of talent} |day morning, and while in Prince}of fact the trip represents a first] by the Canadian cruiser. for next Wednesday.’ Al-|itiches of water coming over the Rainbow herself could show hers on the Rainbow- proba bly players| Rupert is open to inspection at|rate bit of navigation, Bute Inlet| While et the head of Bute n Hilditch in a hasty resume | 8pillway at the dam. now, toa hoatile vess I. Teddy” is|of every known musical instrument} special hours. is situated about a hundred and] Inlet the officers went ashore for ‘aint schnat ett ROI Ra ic. RE tee various tricks under the|can be es there on board, and of} ed twenty miles north of Vancouver,|some hinting, esd eudaeeied: ta , ’ ] ; oy ' tuition of his friends of the crew. | good voices there are scores. |} p i joneer Cleane 2 $a ad ills Tae ; : : pleted tomorrow. It} visit the lake with parties of men ; ce. aaa eae: ne Pantoriam Songer Cleaners, Phode €100 14 ey ene. ae shootirg three fine mountain goats, hat there is a/ good|who intend putting in bids for an = | Inlet as wed be seen from charts} two of them with splendid heads. d wood than ‘waalthe station work, | Arfangements of the coast is narrow, and studded! The skins are being preserved for and the burning |are being made for launches, et« with danger Pye ts, islets, ; reefs | the officers quarters on the cruiser, ke up a good deal] City Solicitor Peters is to make and perilous tide races. It is the|and the heads are to be mounted. t big proposition. application to the Government most difficult channel between Van- Good photographs of the trophies uugh yellow cedar|authorities for the use of enough couver and Alaska. were taken by the First Lieutenant. he stave-pipe and|timber to serve all needs of the Nevertheless the Rainbow's Com a eee necessary to cut}work, Stumpage will probably mander took the big cruiser right} The Ladies’ Aid of the Prince ie thirty-two foot|be exacted on this, but permission Detailed Description of ‘ha Be oes le Armed With Guns That up to the head of Bute Inlet and|Rupert Methodist Church will Lake. The em-|will no doubt be obtained. ack Ly Chart and skilful handling,|hold their annual banquet on Can Throw a Six Inch Shell a Distance of Five Miles--- though he had never been on | Thanksgiving evening. 09 x . —— A SMOKER TONIGHT AND She Can Steam at a Speed of Over Eighteen Knots . r BIG RECEPTION TOMORROW ---Twenty-Two Canadian Boys Are on Board MADE RECORD OF SIX HITS . Learning to be Naval Seamen WITHIN FIFTY-FIVE SECONDS Prince Rupert’s Picgrdiene for the Entertainment of | 4.1... iho jo, apected “Rain-| 7A a the Mayor had] protection work to sigral a foreigr hah sak teak hs d as 1€ iON” e@ ECTS Nain- AS s00 as - svlayo et ; pro ecuon ork to signal a loreign e . Officers and Men of H.M.C.S. Rainbow—Smoker bow,” Canada’s first cruiser, and|landed the Daily News paid a | tri wler to heave to), the Rainbow Deadly Gunnery With the Rainbow’s ‘Long Tom” to be Held imthe Empress Theatre the nucleus of -a coming’ fleet; fs sit to the Ratnbow to ascerta in {he s quite a formidable fighting Made by Petty Officer Carr With a Floating Tar- Reception Committee steamed into Prince Rupert har-|when the public would be admitte d| equipme nt. She carries also four get a Mile Away—Study in Swift Destruction tatihnn 6 amb ica | SUPT. BURNS HOLIDAY bor. The Rainbow arrived at|to see her. The first lieutenant | maxim guns, and two 14 inch Before steaming for Prince Ru- | ; | about 2.30 p.m. yesterday, and|was authorised to announce that] torpedo tubes. . pag . ce Ean rheatre to be held } eee liste 2 y oar. pert, the Cruiser Rainbow was at tatintertcoh: the |Man who Erected the Electric | a1 chored opposite the Grand the ship will be open to the} Her defensive armament con- Comox, “Chass abl: alate Ratatian A fine Light Plant Returns Home| Trunk boat stage. Announcement | public of Prince Rupert from ten | sists of a two inch protected deck, rifle practice, and big gun practice THE RAINBO W ongs will be pre .| After Eleven Years. | of her coming had been flashed | a.m. today until sunset. All cit-| five inches of armor plate over the was engaged in for some weeks. teil ‘clon op }to the city by the wireless station | izens are welc« med to inspect the /engine room, four and a half inch The officers and crew have reason | List of the Men Who are Making the. cruiser. will By the Princess Royal taday|at Digby Island, and preparations | vessel, a short description of which|gun shields, and three inch armor o be proud of the Rainbow's | iteme of-musical there left the city Mr. Thomas|had been made for the Mayor tojis here given from the British | over the conning tower. ecard tof shemiiclis Ie wake opad Canada’s Navy. First Class rd turnout is ex-| Burns, be ae known. as uP Ra bear as soon. as the cruiser | Admiralty. Classification “af Naval | Bright Canadian Boys record for every rifleman and Fighting Piety from the Fin- he Bret stace of Burns, who installed the city's st anchor ic ‘essels. | oy Se ‘ 979|gunrer aboard est Navy in the World—. ' “5 soc tee ze ‘ | le ships compiement 1s f ing ) 2s Pee ee RY, fe ae " , ..\ Evelyn accompanied by Dr. Tre-|cruiser of 3,600 tons, 300 ft. long|cruits on board, live lads of from inch guns, the following nore Although now the property of 3 oO ce 1, for it is his first visit - i | ‘ , 4 . ‘thy records tno wer be > :: b 7 ight a reception and ae a hd e mayne, quarantine officer for the rE ind 43 ft. beam. Her maximum} fifteen to seventeen, who are mak- re ee being mentioned]. Canadian people, and forming an t Ssh ae , | 9 re 1 years n ; by aN : . ia ee ) » First Lieutenant: ‘ | iven in ¢ ither the Rei ahtle dh eins ah: | port, the Mayor made the trip |< lraft is 20 ft. ing splendid sailgvs. The first | 3 , SER eee ADs the nucleus of a fleet of swift and : Mall or the Kaien Club i Me B 2: eed | out to the Rainbow, and was met | The cruiser’s machinery con-|lieutenant mentioned that he P. 0. Carr, hring aX Oa sowerful vessels to protect Can- , his will be decided - re I urt use er e | by Commander Hose. The Mayor|sists of two sets of triple ex-|would welcome particularly all made alt hits in fifty-five seconds, : ae F : , The reception is| Pa ee oe ‘ te a 8 : "was on board for about an hour pansion vertical engines driving|bright Prince Rupert boys in- and C, P. O, Ferrie firing five |ada’s coast-wise wealth in fisheries, ‘9 owe mpany. Since ; Soe hi : ixty |; 7 saat : e the citizens an| a hit Ne ees ee ; " nile ave ele ltogether, and on his return to}twin propellors, and developing} terested in the vessel, and asked |TOU! ds, made five hits in Sixty/and fur sealing, not to mention ! ineeting the officers zh : 5 5 F A my e u mite rk ithe wharf informed the Daily|9,000 H.P. Her forced draught|if Prince Rupert had a Boy Scout | 5€¢0! ds. The range was fifteen immediate defence of coast cities : . farget ¢< . ees ote x u w. It will be fol- finy a Bitins Rea Fa saree News that arrangements were be-|furnaces are fed with British Col-| battalion. Boy Scouts in uniform hur dred yard ’ the bess, tne = and shipping trade in time of war, upper and dance Lithia (nek teats. : ; ling made for the reception of the}umbia coal only, from Cumber- | will be privileged visitors. by. on ane cane oer re the Rainbow was originally lent that the men of|"(,,. ashe van _leruiser in manner befitting the|land mines, her bunkers carrying] In cold cash the Rainbow rep- with the CTUASEY SURATURG AE ERGO Nr it Canada as a training ship for outs will be present | Phey have a magniScent power! ort. The plans for a reception} 550 tons, and she develops a speed|resents an outlay of a million| knots while firing was in prgoress. - ; ve : ad ; ee lthere, and they are the right I } ey i I ia Re 5:91 : Te hh A rénortl tile.” dete I aon the young Canadians anxious to Re tonight s an0 | sools to develop it. The company |had not then been considered, but|of 18 1-2 knots. jdollars there as she lies in the Ce id deca ont a tap, {learn the defence of their country ght's entertainments, | | the Mayor entertained Commander Armed with two six inch gurs|harbor. There are several other} W@tlare would have meant a tere) nc ae |will be able to supply large power vor R CE tan ms cealiee . ~ the Briteh frible punishing for the enemy, in by sea. The officers of the Rain- live gathering of] | iat catia dation’. patnas th Sonia Hose at dit ner last night and|which are thoroughly up-to-date | vessels of her class in the British pl ane a cane ye , bow are all men from the Imperial d ladies is counted f It tants fairl further details were discussed. The]in mechanism, six of the famous| Navy some of them being stationed |!act, SIX six Inch shes pumpec Navy, men who have handled the , . _ | facturers is strictly a business : : ee : | ; : Eaiha so ttle -Gf? a tneeeaakent tee? a é Rainbow a reception : ea. tet, then a ae | func tion will probably take the} 4.7’s, eight six pounders, and one/as mine-layers guarding the prin-|!"t wi vital e t on ign ve . finest fighting ships in the world Prince Rupert BLORCS: oy form of a dance three pounder (used in fishery! cipal forts of the Old Land in fifty-five seconds would have , Prt SR : idle it ‘to ad-| mers I ys aa RT on the waters of the seven seas The ¢ yy . know how to har tt ! been enough to put her out of abeppinrdeicd a nittee appointed to], sce.’ said Mr. Burns. ae . eae under the White Ensign of British ; < age, ‘“ , yUSINESS. + e enterta , . : : iralty.Verv “y will have cl hitomi Lad Next spring Mr. Burns will be | a a a a a a a a a a a a a ee a a a a a a ee ee a a a ae ee: a a ae ae Excellent records 100 numerous Admiralty.Very a ~ iss as of Alderman Clay- 3 again.| ; , ‘irs ; 2 Morris, Geor Tit back at Prince Rupert again. |x %/to mention were made by the British, N a ean _ a tris, George €, | «sp. > : ‘ ; ° : : avy *y are y “+ R. Benson, Major "oi Prince Rupert is too_ good ala #] men of the Rainbow at the ranges| PUGS? N@vy: for they are only Fred § PG hee ara place to quit,” he said when A COMPARISON OF ITALIAN AND TURKISH FORCES ™ | where they camped for some time. |!0aned to Canada for a period of ’ » Gy, awson, ° eke s¢ : . . ate # ° : ars. Kir} H. Birch my ia: ; asked if his departure was for %) The young Canadians are nothing MWS ¥¢ oF oi ae eae M , 4 Lee NIC- keeps. * 8 if not good.shote with a rifie. The names 0 t 1e officers are ; p rge Leek and J. H. | ye The following table showing the relative strength of the Italian and Turkish x Commander Walter Hose. Lieu- Mission to Victoria x forces on sea and land will be read with especial interest at the present time. %| CAPTAIN WILLIAMS DEAD | ‘ents: Aubrey E. D. Moore, , Cite Solicitor’ Peters left the | 34 The tables clearly show Italy's superior strength at sea, and Turkey's superior xx Reginald V. Holt, Richard L. 3ig Pa : a 5 F ah i 3 ha Edwards, (N) Ronald H. C. Halli- : ssage List city for Victoria this morning | x strength on land. *! Well Known Seattle Shipping fax ‘ 0 first class passengers . Titnine ‘7 s ss x * aes h by ee P ssenge ’ on the Prince Rupert. His mi ion | THE TWO NAVIES si Men are Removed by Death Eng. ‘Commander, Thomas. J. le Prince Rupert}js to prepare a bill to ratify the de > Sanit cris ‘ ag Bet, | se x Morgan, Eng. Lieutenant Roland Grand 7 runk Pa pre, BAY et a Italy Turkey | Seattle, Oct. 5.—Hiram A. Hunt, 'H. M. Bury, Staff Surgeon Thomas é Z armission to lay : } > = Pees : Important Witne ne ss oe vo " oe eran | Battleships... 12 Battleships. ...... 0s 500d 36 09. 8 3 | sixty years old, an employee of the} A. Smyth, M. B., Staff Pay master ( Viel ” : a eee ree | Crusiers : 23 Cruisers... cite, iene ee x | euditing department ef the Puget] Robert A. Jinkin, Chief Artificer by she ole south this : inb x Other fighting ships 140 Other fighting shite 14 x¢|Sound Navigation Company andj} Engineer Reginald A. Wood. Hy ee Rupert. Rupert's Own Rainbow * Personnel, 29,941 Personnel.... 30 800 x}one of the most widely known| The Rainbow's Gunners are Her- "ean n several impor- In recalling famous ‘Rainbows | y x|steamship men of Puget Sourd,|bert O. Mock, Fred W. Phillip- - the assizes at Van-| you have known whether aerial |,, THE TWO ARMIES x¢| died at his home last night from a|more, Ernest M. Jehan and Cor- Lil¢ { i , c ® - . . . . ' . , ve ? . s le 9th inst, or afloat don’t forget Bob Hanna's |» x | complication of diseases. nelius W. King. Her Carpenter is en, Digby Island Flyer, one of the Pf Italy Turkey | Captain Walter Williams, port|Joseph Poling, and Artificer En- ee the English jour-|old timer gasoline boats of Prince} x Peace strength 225,000 Peace strength 375,000 x {superintendent of the American-|gineer C. N. F. Lewis F. Jones. ng up Canada for “'Can-| Rupert. * Reserves 300,000 Reserves 350,000 %| Hawaiian Steamship Company in oT . outh this morning. * Total war strength 525,000 Total war strength.. 725,000 | Seattle ard one of the well known] Mr. T. W. W. Parker, of the \I Mr. J. Brock went to Vancouver | 3 Unorganized reserves 1,200,000 Unorganized reserves 2,000,000 x| pilots of Puget Sound, died sud- acs engineer's staff, while using { Mrs. Christie. of Four F ing with his brother who | gg x |denly at the Seattle General Hos-|a cement testing machine yesterday , of Fourth | this morning wi ) . . ee : were passengers b . en in the hospital here for |g x | pital Thursdey midnight of pneu-|had the misfortune to injure his Runs g by the}has been i I | ) & I | uth today, Avia sainelce. MOA RK ECR ERE KB | ONia, finger somewhat severaly, tt 4 al ; i tay ‘ de ‘i e* ; j ; I h 5 Sah Glee nes 2 gi. it ’ ry i “Pa 49 i f Y | ii bia ay i cde tt teat 1