Tuesday, June 2, 1936 you'll like the rich, full flavour of Salada Orange Pekoe Blend SALADA TEA .air SPECIALS Klenzo Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber Sponge Ball Both for 19c 25c Mi 31 Shaving Cream and 20c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Sharp's Assorted or Rum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate 50c lb. Buds Ormes Ltd. VJia Pioneer Dntqiats Iht ttxJtll Btr fhones: Ml & 82 Opm Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., J p.m. till 9 p.m. DELUXE WALL TINT The bright and cheerful colors of De Luxe Wall Tint will fill your rooms with sunshine. Easy to mix. Easy to apply. And "it costs you less. 65C 5-lb. package , . THOMPSON HARDWARE CQ. LTD. FURNITURE FOR SALE D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Two Dining Room Suites Six Extra Tables With Leaves Twelve Complete Beds of All Sizes Six Kitchen Ranges Four Folding Camp Cots RADIOS (One 6-Tuhe Kolster Battery Operated Ideal for Camp or Boat One 5-Tube Victor Battery Operated One 5-Tubc Victor Electric Set We Buy Household Furniture Etc. PHONE-GREEN 421 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. i was held b'y George Flint. A. 8. Killam, field engineer for the Premier Gold Mining Co., was a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sheen, formerly of Anyox, who have been re siding In the city for the past couple of months, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Van couver. Capt. William known trader and Strong, well transportation ROYAL CROWN SOAP 6 bars HELMET CORNED BEEF, per tin JELLY POWDERS Em press, all flavors, 6 pkgs. BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's 2 pkgs SCOTTS EGGS "A" Large, Cartoned, doz. MARMALADE Empress 2-lb. Jars, each PORK & BEANS Clark's No. 2 tins, each GRAHAM WAFERS Red Arrow, cello, pkg. WHITE CORN Royal City per tin GREE NBEANS Royal City, whole, per tin LIBBYS SAUER KRAUT No. 2 12 tin WELCH'S GRAPEJUICE pint bottle LARGE PRUNES Libby's 2-lb. pkg. PITTED DATES 2 lbs. cello 37 c 19c 12ci 15c 29c 19c 22c 10c 25c 21c 29c 26c 9c 20c PANCAKE SPECIAL 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 1 pint Puie tf"v Maple Syrup, both for 12 c 13 c 14c 29 c 2lc 21c QUAKER OATS With ,9()P Cup & Saucer, pkg. Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 Third Ave. Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SURE When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES TI.F.LL Write for literature and rates MADAME KAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands DAILY HIWI LOCAL NEWS NOTES i Last evening the Canadian La-. Ernest Lewis, for drunkenness. ;bor Defence League held a cushloa'was fined $25, with option of seven ! raffle. The winning ticket No. 27; days' imprisonment, in city police court yesterday. William Goldblooni returned the city on the Catala this morn ing After making the round trip to Stewart and Anypx.on business. Karl Thlele, well known Wran-gell cannery operator, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle on business, Mrs. Louis Schulze, wife of the well known Atlln merchant, was a passenger aboard the Princess man or the Stlkine and TaKU uxjuise yeswruajr uiurruwn b"6 River country, arrived here from I through to Vancouver. the north on the Princess Louise' yesterday afternoon, accompanied H. S. Parker of this city, caught by Mrs. Strong. Curt L. E. Rltter of Switzerland, after making the round trip to Skagway In the course of a tour of the west, disembarked here from the steamer Princess Louise THRIFT SPECIALS FOB THE WEEK NABOB COFFEE per lb PREMIUM BACON Sliced Cello wrapt, 2 lb COWAN'S COCOA 1 V2lb. tin CHATEAU CHEESE V2-lb. pkg 1-lb. pkg. .... HONEY Nalley's Clear 12-oz. Jar at Smlthers by the railway tie-up, was to leave the interior town to day by rail to return home yla Jasper Park and Vancouver, Dr. M. W. Thomas of the Columbia Medical Associa- yesterday afternoon. After having Ulon. Vancouver, was a visitor In motored north from Mexico, he i Hie city, navmg arrived irom mc left his car last week at Smlthers.; Last night, in view of the railway! (le-up, he was endeavprlng to ar range for an airplane to take him back to Smlthers. Mr. Rltter Is the son of the Swiss ambassador tc the United States at Washington D. C. south, at the end of the week. He had intended proceeding from here to Interior points but, owing o the railway tie-up, was forced to changed his plans and sailed by the Princess Louise last night on his return to Vancouver, Hotel Arrival ! Royal M. Jansfen, Atlln; P. Troy, Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Shaw and C. Glsse, city. Central W. Clapperton, A. MacDonald and Henry Wick, city; W. Schors-lever, C.N.R.; O. Hanna, Claxton; D. McCabe, Inyerpess; E. Fug!- yags, St. Petersburg, Alaska; Mrs. M. Turbltt, Vancouver. Knox C. Burton, Winnipeg; M. L. Clark, Georgetown; J. Smith, city; C. B. Elliott and William Martin.: Vancouver. Prince Rupert Capt. and Mrs. William Strong, Casslar; L. E. Rltter,. Washington D. C. Mrs. Willson Is Norman June 3. 13. Bridal Hostess Gave Shower In Honor of Miss Vina Simpson Who Married Gordon Kerr TERRACE, June 2: Mrs. Will-son was hostess recently at a delightful shower at her home in Terrace In honor of Miss Vina Simpson whose marriage to Gordon Kerr, was solemnized recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A Swain by Rev. Adam Crisp. SHIPBUILDER DIES PORT TALBOT,, Wales, June 2: (CP) F. C, Mullens, an ex-presi dent of the National Shipbuilders Federation and manager of Port Talbot dry docks, died suddenly while talking with friends at the docks: j Announcements J Saturday Night. Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret,. Wilks' piano recital, P. T. A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Win flow's. Eastern Star tea 'at Mrs. F. Allen's, June 9. Fines This Year ! Running Heavier Total so Far is $1474 in Comparison With $932 In Corresponding Period a Year Ago Police court fines in Prince Rupert so far this year are running a good deal nigner man a year ago, a total of $1474 having been collected to date as compared with $932 in the first five months cf 1935. Fines for May this year amounted to $450 compared with $115 last May. W Prince Rupert Tennis Club annual tournament Saturday, June Canadian Legion Island; June 14. Picnic, Dlgby Presbyterian Missionary Tea, 'on June 16. 17. Hill 60 tea at Mrs. Macey's June Anglican tf a. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, June 18. Elk's Kiddles Day, June 23, Par ade, Clowns, Sports' Football. Baseball, Boy's Band. .Catholic Tea', Mrs. Ward's June 25. BIG CROWD AT DANCE The largest crowd yet was In attendance Saturday night at the weekly dancing party in the Commodore Cafe. A crowd of forty- five couples enjoyed dancing from p.m. until midnight to the tune of splendid music dispensed by Charlie Balagnoand his WBBKm ii miliar mi Just at bedtime eat a bowl ful of Kellogg!s Rica Krispies. Nourishing. De licious. Easy to digest. They promote sound sleep. An ideal meal for the daytime too. So criip you can actually hear them crackle in milk or cream. At grocers everywhere in th Mother Goose story-package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality RICE KRISPIES CTMilM tM CIIIAM guaranteed. SO CRISP they actually crackle in milk or . ; cream ' '.' If you lose anything, try a classified ad. Si Life Insurance Aids Employment EVERY DOLLAR you set aside in Life Insurance performs a double duty. It protects yourself and family, and at the same time helps to create and increase employment in Canada. The savings of yourself and 3,500,000 other Canadians, totalling more than Two Billion Dollars, V'Wnfch'-y.Qur Life Insurance com-.. . pariies have invested in the Domin-- ion, have "helped and are helping to develop Canada. . . Life Insurance dollars: have built and are building city, town and farm homes. They have erected and are erecting schools and hospitals. They have developed and are developing public utilities and industrial enterprises. Governments all across Canada have called upon and are calling -Guardian upon Life Insurance funds for pub lic purposes. These funds have extended and are extending transgj: " portation facilities by road, rail arid 1 " V m water. They have built and are 'j building water, sewage and other V ki municipal undertakings. They have extended and are extending public.. utilities and public services under,: federal and provincial administrations. In thus stimulating private and pul:' lie business all across the Dominion ; , Life Insurance dollars have created' . and arc increasing work for thou- -' sands upon thousands of Canadians.- ; As Life Insurance dollars create ti, more jobs and fdl more pay envelopes, the strain upon relief funds is lessened and the country's econo- ' to mic position is improved. "tit- Life Insurance Canadian Homes 0- It