Egyptian military treaty had been particularly In the Suez Canal zone would be provided for. Egypt would also be permitteed to increase her army from a strength of 12,000 to 24.000. SITUATION IS TENSE Still Looking Like Trouble In North China as Japan Continues High, Handed Activities SHANGHAI, June 2: The situation in North China continues tense The Japanese are not letting up on their military operations and are moving In more and more troops. Officially, Japan says the reason Is to save North China Irom Communism and to protect Japanese Interests. The Chines'! Nationalist government Is chafing but hesitates to resort to force. It has, however, rushed soldiers into the district north of Tientsin following the bombing of a railway bridge had actually boen bombed by Chinese. Meantime In Shanghai there arc turther violent outbreaks by Chinese students in antl-Japanesc demonstrations designed to force the hand of the government to resisting the invasion. Police and military reinforcements have been required to put down the demonstrations. The Japanese are demanding the resignation of the mayor o! Tientsin and declaration of independence of North China from the Nanking government. Life of Mayor Is Threatened Another Sensation In Connection With Activjtlcs of Black Legion At Detroit DETROIT, June 2: Another I sensation in connection with the! activities of the mysterious Black Legion developed yesterday with the announcement of Mayor Cou-ens that his life had been threatened by members of the organiza-un which has been said to in- cldc In Its enrollment two Judges a"d more than one prominent Politician. Trial of several members of the Legion, charged with the murder 01 Charles Poole, A. 'W. P. A. wor kcr( commences today. Affected Area Becomes More Extensive Twenty-Two Kispiox Houses Float Down Skeena Lower Hazelton And Kitwanga Under Water With Buildings Being Carried Away ' Assuming the aspect of a major general disaster the full extent and effect of which it is still difficult to survey, flood conditions in the central interior continue unabated today with hot weather still prevailing and the waters continuing to rise. The affected territory is becoming more widespread. In addition to the Skeena, the Bulk- 1 the end of her Journey. A negotiated. Under the terms of thc XIlA0EDY IIEKE IS rcaty a large increase in the Brl-, op tish land and sea force In Egypt, VALLEY One of the tragedies in con- nectlon with the floods up- river is occurring right here in Prince Rupert. There ar- rived over the week-end from the south a queen bee ad- dessed to Terrace. It Is still in" Us little cage at the past of- flee and, doubtless, the queen will die before she reaches Long Terms For Spokane Bandits Two Are Sent Over for TwentJ Years Each for Holding up Montgomery-Ward Store SPOKANE, June 2: Following their conviction on charges o! holding up the Montgomery-Ward store here, two bandits were sen tenced yesterday to twenty years Imprisonment each In Walla Walla Japanese said the bridge I state penitentiary. Career of Crime Has Usual Ending new ORLEANS. La.. June 2: Wilfrid Llndsley, who made hlsj escape from state prison last week after killing a prison official and his wife, took his own life Sunday rather than be recaptured. He was discovered hiding out In a wood not far from the prison and, after a gun battle with a police 'posse, used his last bullet to end his own life. Adjournment Of Congress This Month Expected WASHINGTON, D.C., June 2: Adjournment of Congress is now hoped for about June 11. Important matters remaining to be dealt with Include the two and a half billion dollar deficiency bill, providing for unemployment relief mpnsures Including emergency nnhll works, and the report of ' 'ley, Nechako and upper Fraser 4 .livers are now taking on menacing proportions. There is at least the good fortune hat, up to last night, still no ca- iualtles had been reported as a result of the record flood condi tions although there were fears .hat many people who had been irlven from their homes might ere long be suffering real hardship. It Is evident that farmers along the lower slopes of the interior ivejs have jsustalned heavy losses. Crops will be seriously affected. Up to last night the only persons known to be In any Immediate danger were railway workers at Salvus who had become marooned after the flood water had reached the top of the box car In which they were residing. Doug Frizzell left early this morning in a speedboat for uprlver to make an at tempt to rescue them. Buildings Carried Away Twenty-two houses from the na tive village of Kispiox on upper Skeena River went floating down the river past Hazelton yesterday, it was learned last evening. Some totem poles as well as livestock were also seen passing Hazelton. At Old Hazelton four houses In the lower section of the town as well as the power house were swept away yesterday. The Hazelton Hotel has been vacated and was also expected to go. Water has backed up over the Canadian National Railway track at Kltwanga and Is through the Indian village there. The railway numn house and several houses at Wilfrid Untlsley , Convict-Slajcr,,Kltwanga Indlan vinage have been Takes His Own Life Rather Than be Recaptured carried away and some of the famous totem poles there are in danger. The natives have fled from (Continued oh faee Four) PLEDGED TO DICKINSON State of Iowa has Favorite Son For Republican Nomination For President DES MOINES, Iowa, June 2:- 1 Twenty-two delegates of the state of Iowa were pledged here yester-day to support Senator L. J. Dick inson as Republican candidate foi president' 'at the forthcoming national convention In Cleveland. Sister Margaret of Toronto, Mother General of the Sisters of St. Joseph for Canada, and Sister Aug ustine, also Of Toronto, directress of schools, arrived here at the end of last week to pay a visit to St. Joseph's Convent and Annuncia tion School here. They will sail on the Townsend Plan lnvestlgalion 1 Thursday night by the Prince committee. wvwSC w mcu inum euuv... i "OTV With four actions on the civil list, County Court was in regular monthly session before Judge W. S. Fisher yesterday for setting of cases which are as follows: Northern British Columbia Power Co. vs Dunwell Mines Limited. $713, Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff, Williams, Manson, Brown' & Harvey for defendant, stands over. Charles J. Currle vs Armour Salvage Co., $308.25, E. F. Jones for plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant, stands over. Jewell Market vs Albert Bach, $197.81, Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, defendant in person, stands over. uri in . .1 YTiia Dame In Nicaragua day as revolters besieged the re Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A.M.) mm Prince Rupert Clear, light High 12:36 p.m. 17.4 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 29.94; Low :. 6:29 a.m. 4.1 ft. temperature, 58; sea smooth. 18:19 pjn. 8.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vol ' - "sy 'r, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS. FLOD SITUATION Unprecedented High Water Is Assuming Disastrous Proportion As Swollen Rivers Still Rise NEW PACT DRAWN UP Both British and Egyptian Forces Are to be Increased Under Fresh Agreement CAIRO, Egypt, June 2: It became known here last night ns Sir Miles Lamson, the British minister left by airplane for a trip to London, that a new. Anglo- MORE Flood Conditions Spreading To South of Province; C. P. R. Under Water at Revelstoke In conversation by long distance telephone last night with the Vancouver bureau of Canadian Press the Daily News was advised that the Fraser and Columbia RiVers in the southern part of the province were rising rapidly with the prospect that railway and telegraphic systems there might: soon become interrupted. At Mission the Fraser River had come up to the rails of the Canadian Pacific Railway and was rising rapidly. It was presumed that a similar condition existed on the Canadian National line in the Fraser Valley. At Revelstoke the Columbia River was over the tracks of the main line 6f the Canadian Pacific Railway with part of that southern town already under water. Nelson on the west arm of Kootenay Lake was also experiencing high water. There were heavy rains in the southern interior yesterday. There were unconfirmed reports of flood conditions on the Canadian National line between Jasper and Prince George with the North Thompson River assuming menacing proportions. , Veteran Alaska Skipper Passes Captain Anton Arnesen Dies On Board Ship Body Taken To Seward SEWARD, Alaska, June 2: Th body of Capt. Anton Arnesen, ve teran skipper of Alaska flshini and trading vessels, was brough here Saturday. He had succumbet to a heart attack aboard his boa while at sea. JUNE LIST F0RC0URT Four Civil Actions on Calendar-Regular Monthly Sitting Held Yesterday QUEEN MARY NEARLY : EQUALLED TIME OF BIG FRENCH LINER NEW YORK, June 2: (CP) Arriving at Ambrose Lightship at 4:55 yesterday morning and later moving into New York harbor to be given a tumul- tous welcome by 750,000 people lining all vantage points, the giant new Cunard- White Star Royal Mall steamer V Queen Mary had made the crossing of the Atlantic .Ocean In only forty-two minutes more than the record held by the French liner Normandle. Had the new mistress of the seas not been held up by fog and head winds during Satur- day night, It is believed she would have had no difficulty In setting a new record. Her t time from Cherbourg break- water to Ambrose Light was four days, 12 hours, 42 mln-!oeorge. the provincial police re r uies ana ner time average ior f ; port, rose another four Inches dur- the crossing was 29.133 knots. 1 Ing the nlgnti Famuies were being RICH YOUTH IS MISSING SERIOUS Conditions in Hazelton Become More Appalling; Indians Are Suffering Rendered Homeless and Some Are Feeling Shortage Of Food Large Part of Lower Town Under Feet Of Water Fraser Menaces Prince George Provincial police radio reports received at divisional headquarters here late this morning brought the latest word and more details of flood conditions in the Hazelton and Prince George districts. With the water still rising the situation around Hazelton especially is becoming more nnallintr. Not only have many people been rendered homeless with their houses in mi-' nrrous cases swept entirely away hut a food shortage for many of the unfortunates already appears 'mmlnent. A radio messaee from Sergeant! Fifteen-Year Old Son of Wealthy t r bel over tnt5 tracks at Dewey. lien x wi n r manual nitiu Drops Out of Sight Monrad Anderson vs Ernest Cav- NEW YORK, June 2: Possibility enalle, $73, Williams, Manson, of another major kidnapping case Brown & Harvey for Dlalntiff. Pat-1 Is seen following disclosure by a more & Fulton for defendant, family friend that William Web- stood over to September court. ster Thelle. flftcen-year old son of Two naturalization applications wealthy William Thelle, president were also dealt with. of the Atlantic Investment Cor- nnratlon and other lmDortant fln- lancial and business encrprlscs, hasj been missing since May 3 when he i left his home In the family car, (supposedly for boarding school iwhere, however, he failed to show up. No ransom demands have yet Disorder Follows Siege of Tresl- been made and parents hope the dent's Residence by Rebels MANAGUA, Nicaragua, June 2: A pitched battle broke out In this capital city of Nicaragua Sun boy may have got tired of school and gone In search of work. The lad is a direct descendant on his mother's side of Daniel Webster. The mother is prostrated over his disappearance. A wide sldence of President Juan Sacasa. spread search Is being instituted. its, lice, who Is standing by at Hazel-on with Constable Andrew Grant1 and emergency crew, said that ower Hazelton and Kispiox were flooded out with approximately thirty houses already washed away. A large number of Indians are homeless and without food except for such supplies as can be taken in by way of Four Mile Bridge and canoe. No loss of life has as yet been reported. There were no com municatlons today with points fur ther down the river than Hazelton which are known to be in a serioui plight. Some idea of the extent of the ,lood can be gained by those whe ?now old Hazelton by the Infor-hation that the Hazelton police office basement Is flooded and a fur-'.her rise in the level of the watej vill necessitate evacuation. The jolice office stands several feet higher than several Hazelton buildings Including the Hazelton Hotel, Sergeant's apartment house and a number of residences further along Including that of the manager of the Hudson Bay Co. It was still very warm at Hazelton today with the probability that the river would continue rising to night.. At Prince George The Fraser River at Prince moved away from their homes in the east end of Prince George by I boat. Indicating the uncertainty of train service throughout the Interior, it was learned that the west bound passenger train due there at 1:05 this morning had not ar rived up to shortly before noon on account, It was understood, of wa Emperor Haile Selassie Sails From Gibraltar OIBRALTAR, June 2: Emperor I Halle Selaslse of Ethiopia left here Sunday afternoon aboard the liner Oxford for London where he will! Colorado Dust Bowl in Flood Sperry Cllne, chief of the Smlthers I Known Dead Arkansas a detachment of the provincial po-Se"n River Overflows Its Banks Moisture Welcome SPRINGFIELD, Colo., June 2: Colorado's Dust Bowl" Is in seeth ing flood with a known death list of seven and several missing. People are fleeing to higher ground as the Arkansas River as a result of heavy rains continues1 to overflow. The high water fbl-'.ows -weeks, of droughtand,wllle" causing hardship to ome-, is-wel-comed by the farmers. Parts ofthe state of Kansas are also affected the flood. 1 Cotton Crops Needing Rain '.ong Drought Proving Ruinous Also to Southern Tobacco Fields NEW ORLEANS, June 2: Cotton planters throughout the southern states from Virginia to Alabama are praying for rain as a drought which has been prevailing since the middle of April con tinues. Unless there Is moisture oon, and meteorological authori ties offer little hope of Immediate orecipitatlon, it is feared the to bacco as well as the cotton crcp will suffer seriously. BLAMING ITALIANS Posters Contain Anethema Against Jews Four More Die In Disorders JERUSALEM. June 2: Police say they have unearthed a collection of posters in handprinted Italian declaring all Jews are "communists and enemies of Europe and Christianity." Renewed disorders have cost four lives. Three Arabs, one wo man, were killed by police at Haifa. A German Jew was slain in Jerusalem. take up with British officials the SOCKEYE FISHING TO affairs of his country following; OPEN ON JUNE 28 the Italian occupation. , Halibut Arrivals The sockeye fishing In Dls- ! trict No. 2 will commence at I 6 p.m., June 28, Instead of 8 Canadian i p.m., July 1, It Is officially an- Oslo, 12,000, 6.6c and 5.5c, Cold nounced by the Department of Storage. , Fisheries. Katen, 12,000, 6.7c and 5.5c, Atlln.