Today's Weather (8 AJV1.) prince Rupert Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.06; temperature, 59; sea smooth ol. XXV, No. 177. She Summary American 77,500 pounds, 8c and to 9.1c and 6c. Canadian 32,000 pounds, 8c and 5.5c American Atlas, 32,000, 8c and 6c, Booth. Summit, 8,000, 9c and 6c, Cold . . . w Q. Bremerton, 9.000, 8.8c and 6c. Cold storage vlslor 8 000 9 Jc and 6c Rainier. 13.000. 9c and 6c. AUln Canadian capella. 17,000, 8c and 55c Royal. Clipper, 17,000, 7.6c and 5 5r Pacific. Bayview, 8,000, 8.1c and 5.5!" Cold Storage, Today's Weather Langara Island Cloudy, calm; smooth. Triple Island Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.92; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.14; sea smooth. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 56. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 53. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 56. SIXTEEN DROWNED IN LAKE MICHIGAN CHICAGO, July 29: (CP) Sixteen men were feared to have been drowned early today when the motor power ship "Material Service" capsized in rough waters of Lake Mlchi- gan four ' miles off Chicago's South Side.- Many Visitors At Local Museum Over 500 Persons Paid Admission During Month Up To Yesterday Donations Received At the beginning of this month the local museum had. only one dollar in the treasury. At the end the month when all bills ore paid, there will be a balance or the right side of about $30, mostly the proceeds of admission fees at 10c each taken from tourists The custodian reported to the board at Its meeting yesterday that 506 Dersons had paid admissions dur Ing the month amounting to $50.60. that post card saies nat brought $2.80 and that two dona tions had been received. J. w Nichols $10 and R. E. Lcgg or, surf Surf Point Point $2 $2.00. Several small, bills and the custodian's salary: PROV AL -LIBRARY Pf?fc ViCTjftllf B.C. t Civil Strife is Fierce hxii: in FLORIDA 6c IfTtnty-Mile Hurricane Sweeping In to Coast From Atlantic Ocean Last Night MIAMI, Fla., July 29: A hurri- me with gusts up to 70 miles per L. 0Ur was sweepwiK -- "-i fcntlc ocean w mc cu w,. u lorida last nigrn, wun Miami au . he Florida Keys evidently in its lath. This city was battening down i tbr the gale which was cutting a lb-mile swathe The first casualty was when a aan was electrocuted by a high tnsion wire which had been jown down. ;iLLED IN BACKFIRE sea o American Sailors Lose Lives During Battery Practice Off I San Diego. BAN DIEGO, July 29: Two sail-1 Is were killed and nine injured board U S. 8. Marblehead when gun backfired during long range re practice late yesterday at sea San Diego. The injured were tided here for hospital treatment. avid Lamson 1 Marries Aga in iftn Celebrities Attend Nuptials 01 Man Whose First Wife Was Slain HOLLYWOOD. July 29: David I imson who once was in death bw awaiting execution on wife jurder charges, was honeymoon- Is today with his second bride, juth Runkln, Hollywood magazine riter The couple were united In ample ceremony here, attended & friends, among whom were a fw screen celebrities including ette Davis. Glenda Farrell. Hugh jcrber and Humphrey Bogart. of Miopia Is Not Yet Done With Fighting i ADDIS ABABA, July 29:-Ethio- ttian volunteers are continuing Cradle guerrilla warfare against pe Italian forces of occupation. Italian guards were reported yes- frday to have repulsed an attack Between Addis Ababa and Dessye. In official communique saying that 6ne thousand Ethiopians had been filled and wounded. The natives, liported to have been led by Ab- Irra Dedjazmatch, son of Ras Cassa, military leader during the talo-Ethlopian war. unsuccess fully attempted to cut the Addis ibaba-Dessye motor highway. lew Battleship Construction To Start Next Year LONDON, July 29: (CP) Sir Samuel Hoare, First Lord of the Admiralty, announced today ln tire ilouse of Commons that keels of pew British battleships will be Jald gown in January 1937. BIRTH NQTICE At Prince Rupert General Hos ptal July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair (nee Netta Clark), of in - lerness Cannery,, B.C., a daughter. Halibut Arrivals were passed for payment. ROME. July 29: The commer- j stoop-shouldered officer declared. The custodian reported receipt clai confCrence between Italy and! With the rebel forces firmly en-of exhibits as follows: ! sanctions nations during the recent 'trenched a long and bitter war ap- Pictures of London" Bridge andjpf African camoaien appears to i pears to be ln prospect. steamer Beaver loaned ay aPl- t n Watson: Example of basket weaving by Hesquiat maians loaned by Mrs. R. O. Emmerson, Dlgby; sample of Naas River Darn weaving (bottle) hair seal skin. and three skeleton snens oi uiu-tons, loaned by N. L. Jones; ex ample of Swedlsn inausvnai a.u rfnt.Prt bv D. Ello. Present at the meeting were Dr. Neal Carter, acting president, City Commissioner W. J. Aiuer. . . Parlow, acting secretary, ana ni F. Pullen. ON AND ON LONDON, July-29: (CP) - An auction sale which began 50 years for another 40 had ago and may go another session here when more of .,. Knnv collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillips, who died In 1872, were sold. sold. As As the roe couccwuu --" w " another batch catalogued led and Is dealt wiw. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, Visitor Here FRANK ANDERS Frank C. Anders, director of Home Oil Distributors Ltd. In charge of advertising and publicity who Is making an extensive Inspection tour of the company distributing centres in British Columbia, arrived In the city this morning from Vancouver. Mr. Anders is well known to British Columbians through the Home Gas Hour of Music each Sunday evening and the Home Gas Optimists shows. His' present tour, which is scheduled to take him to Prince Rupert, Hazel ton, Smithers, Burns Lake, Vahderhbof, Prince George and Quesnel, will also provide the means of ascertaining the present business conditions in B. C, which appear to be decidedly on the upturn. Mr. Anders was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today at which Dr. R. G. Large, the president, was In the chair. TOURIST BUSINESS Will be Worth About $17,000,000 To B. C. This Year VICTORIA, July 29: (CP) Tourist business will be worth about )17,000.000 to British Columbia this year, according to an estimate of j ions remain in the district. He re-jrovinclal authorities. quested that an American warship Rome Conference Is Breaking Down ,ta, SanctionIst Nations AP - ',.... - . , Tprm F"-"' " be on the verge of collapse. The ne gotlations deadlocked. British delegates were leaving here last night, ALDERSHOT, Eng., July 29: (CP) Risking his life to prevent 'a heavy shutter from toppling onto a crowd from a grandstand roof, William Hastie was told "that type nf rtopri In n war tt'Ollld have won the V.C." He received a cheque ;f or his bravery. BIG DEMONSTRATION IN pknnryi.vavia senate t HARRISBURG, Pa July 29: In a wild demonstration that Included hurling pieces of wood from the galleries; two thousand unemployed men and women for two hours blocked adjournment of the A l i j. oiave oenaie wway. 4 t LONG WAR IN SIGHT! Conflicting Reports Indicate Incon- I w i-1 ! elusive nnuiu. oi rigiiiing In Spain Rebel Planes Down Evacuation of 'Americans And Others From Madrid Expected Tomorrow MADRID, July 29,; The Spanish civil war continued! yesterday with conflicting reports, last night indicating lnconcluslVe results. The government reported that two rebel seaplanes which had Deen oommng Malaga naa treen brought down, thl reverse being a serious blow to General Franco. Fascist leader, whose forces there-, ibouts were said to be In Light :aptured. , General Molo was reported to be rushing new forces to San Sebas- tian, which has been the centre of . jloody warfare foh days, in the . hope of recapturing insurrection- si prisoners wno naa Decn laicen . jj the loyalist forces. The siege of Madrid, it was lndl- lated last night, would be lifted uu6 cijuugu liiuiauaj- iaj nit of 160 American and other for- ;ign refugees being removed safely to the Mediterranean coast by spe- ,u irain ior jwcuw, ac Jnited States cruiser Qulncy will. it is expected, take them aboard. The warships Arkansas and Wyo- ning also are standing by to as- iist. If necessary, in the evacuation. several thousand troops and People's Front Militia were repor- ted barricaded in Estepona Tues- day after falling back ln orderly fashion under a screen of fire. Estepona Is forty miles from the mportant town of Malaga. Fears For Americans ( Aboard the' U. S. S. Oklahoma, i great fears are felt for the safety of twenty Americans who fled the Vigo district with the approach of sanguinary fighting and attempted to make their way southward across the Portugese border. W. W. Cor f coran, United States consul at Vigo so radioed the Oklahoma today. Corcoran added that about forty Americans, Cubans and Panaman- stand by, ready to take them off. Dictatorship Planned BURGOS, Spain, July 29: Spanish rebel leaders contemplate a strong military dictatorship, General Emllio Mola, north-em com- jmander - wf i create a huge army equivalent to I any in Europe." the tall, slightly GRANTING OF LEAVE TO APPEAL Privy Council Agrees to Receive Dominion Reference on Ben nett Legislation LONDON, July 29: (CP)-The Judicial committee of the Privy 1 Council today granted a petition or 'the Canadian government for leave , to appeal to that body concerning the validity of several acts dealing ,wun iaoor ana employment pass?a by the Bennett government. ! Ontario and British Columbia Joined In the petitioning for leave tn anneal. J. W. deB. Farrls K.C. of . r , Vancouver representing A- the: latter province. ; ' JULY 29, 1936 But Empire Defence nv .i.ti.v hrvch Br1sxoL Eng, July 2?: (CP lahley M Bruce, Australian Hl6h..Commlssloner. In a speech ay, urged that the Britsh u,,tinW inrrit the defence" of . . ; ' . . . : ' . ." . 1 '" APFEAL ALLOWED IN- .'... noNEER GOLD CASE - ;mNDON TUiy 29: (CP)V appeal oI Vernon ubyd 4., against A. E. Bull and oiners t . , nnM,,mn u-ith ihe forma- Uon of a Mw company to re- ;place the, 0id pioneer Gold Mlnps . Ltd .was an0wecl- todays by tne judlclai committee pf the prlvy CouncU. The tied- slon permit the case to start ; alj oyer m the BritUh Cbium ! bla courte ln tne uquidator name 4 I , V ELECTION ISCL0SE Liberals Lead in Manitoba Will Be Very Narorw if They Have Any at All 'WINNIPEG, July 29: Results of Manitoba's election on Monday today stood as follows: Elected Liberal Progressives, 18; Conservatives, 10; Social Credit, 4; Independent, 1; C. C;. F 1; Communist, 1. Leading Liberal Progressives, 5; opposition groups, 13. HEAT IS RELIEVED Widespread Showers in Midwest Big Relief Program Planned CHICAGO. July 29: Scattered showers brought widespread relief to the heat-harrassed midwest today. Rain, too light to break the crop-killing drought ln most areas but substantial In others, ieu in parts of the lower Missouri, Middle Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, Colo-" rado, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Western South Dakota. Big Relief Program -WASHINGTON, July 29: Works Progress Administration and the Resettlement Administration today prepared for an estimated fifty million dollars emergency expenditure for drought relief , in the northwestern dry bowl the ; Da-kotas, Montana and Wyoming. The expenditures will be about equally divided. It was estimated, between Jobs for farmers who have lost their crops and source of Income ,and - resettlement grants r. . . to farmers . for sustenance of their families ; and . loans for feed for tne livestock Tomorrow's Tides High .11:15 ajn. 15.6 Low Indecisive TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. John ton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .35. Big Missouri, .60. Bralprne, 7.65. B R. Cons., .05 y2. B, R. X., .13. Cariboo Quartz, 1.75. Dentonla, .17 Vi. Dunwell, .03 Y2. Golconda, .11. Minto, .51. Meridian, .07. Morning Star, .02. National Silver. .02V'2. Noble. Five. .02 y2. Pend Oreille, 1.00, Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 2.70. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.25. Relief Arlington, .30. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, .10. Pioneer Gold, 8.25. A. P. Consolidated, .14. Calmont, Xl, Industrials Brazilian, 12. O. P. R... 13. Ford "A", 19,4. Imperial Oil, 21. Loblaw, 21. Power Corp'n., 13 V2. Consolidated Smelters, 57. Beattie Beattie, 1.48. Central Patricia, 4.65. Chibougamau, 1.80. . , -; Gods Lake, 1.18.: Int. Nickel. 5100. Lee Gold, .05 V4. -.'Llttl-Loff-Lac. 65. . McKenzie Red Lake, 2.02. Perron. 1.31. Pickle Crow, 7.60. Red Lake Golyd Shore. 2.03. San Antonio, 2 32. Sherritt Gordon, 1.65. Siscoe, 4.20. Smelters Gold, .07. Sturgeon River, .45. Ventures, 2.30. MiCleod Cockshutt, 4.45. Hardrock, 3.29. Oklend, .42. Mosher, .69. Bousquet, .14. Bidgood Klrkland, 1.70. Gllbec, .06. Jowsey, .16. Lake Rose, 57. Madsen Red Lake, .63. May Spiers, .50. Sullivan, .185. Stadacona, .58. Greene Stabelle, .64. McWatters, 1.43. Central Manitoba, .49. Gunnar Gold, 1.05. Bobjo, .24. New York Am. Smelt,, 878. Anaconda, 39. Auburn, 34. Beth. Steel, 5754. Chrysler, 122 4. Pupont, 167V4. Oen Elec, 44'b. Gen. Motors, 71. Gt. Northern, 41. Int. Harv 853,4. Int. Nickel, 51 . Int. T. and T., 13?i. Kennecott, 44 Vs Nat. Biscuit, 26y8. N. Y. Cent., 41 . North Am., 35. Penn- RR., 37. Public Service, 47. Radio. 12 Vs. Republic Steel, 21. Sears Roebuck, 83V2- Standard Brands, 15. SUn. Oil Cal., 39. Un. Pac, 137. Unit Gas, 17. U. S. Steel, 67 Vi. Warner Pictures, 11. West. Elec., 140V4. NATIONAL DEBT LEGACY HUDDERSFIELD, Eng., July 29: i (CP) Albert Henry Wilson whose estate was $195,000, has left the re- sldue of his property for reductidn of the national debt. He was an iron and steel manufacturer. ft. 22:46 p.m. 18.7 ft. .. 4:55 a.m. 6.0 ft. 16:35 p.m. 10.0 ft. TRICE: 5 CENT3 HER DEATH WASHAPPY Ail. That Calgary Woman Wanted Was to See Her Husband's Grave in France LONDON, July 29: (CP) Mrs. lioslna Kemp of Calgary, member of !the Vlniy Pilgrimage,' who died yesterday aboard the liner An-tonia between Le Havre and South ampton, had been taken 111 with heart disease at Arras Saturday. Mrs. Kemp had said during the voyage from Canada that her last wish was to see her husband's grave and that, after that, she would die happy. Her wish was fulfilled. FIRES IN MONTANA Three Men Burned to Death In Blazing Forests 'HAVRE, Mont., July 29: One thousand men were thrown yesterday Into the twenty-five mile long battle line against a roaring, forest fire which burned three men to death and left other victims in a critical condition. Stock Market Holds Strength Profit-Taking Attack Successfully Battled Yesterday ( NEW YORK, July 29; Under the leadership of specialties, the stock market battled a profit taking attack yesterday with some success. Selective buying was In evidence throughout The list gen erally was backward until support arrived in the final hour. At that, a number of Issues failed to come back to any great extent and .the close was irregular. Transfers were 1,903,470 shares. The industrial average at closing was u .10; rails, up 17; utilities, off .v0 and bonds, up .09. Gene Mako, Star Tennis Player, Is Out of Contest SEABRIGHT, NJ., July 29: Oene Mako. Davis Cup player from Los Angeles, was eliminated yesterday ln a first round match of the Seabright Invitation tennis tournament by Welsh Baltimore, 7-5, 3-6, 6-4. Alice Marble of San Francisco led the way into the third round of the women's section, gaining a decisive victory over Dorothy Sutton Bundy of Santa Monica, 7-5, 6-2. Wage Dispute Being Watched Situation on Pacific Coast Engages Attention of Authorities SAN FRANCISCO, July 29: With Jurisdictional disputes agitating the ranks of the unionized labors on this coast and other maritime unions preparing to vote on the question of further wage negotiations with employers, the labor situation Is being closely watched by Federal Labor Department officials today. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. (CP; Bar silver waj unchanged at 44c per ounce on the New York metal market today. ' , ..-.t t .