hcv Pallant of the student nurs- staff of the Prince Rupert heral Hospital are sailing this nlng on the Prince Rupert for bp to. Vancouver. it NEW! Genuine LIFETIME itainless Steel Ware Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) t Thomas H. Priest sails this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. j j. n. valine aim uitugiiutr ivti.ss Mary' Helen Orme, left yesterday for a visit to Lakelse. I Mrs. W. O. Fulton and famllv left vesterdav for Lakelse Lake to (take up residence for the season 1 at their summer home. Frank Morris left on last eve nine's train for Usk to soend a few days visiting with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alger. I Mrs. John Llnnev of Terrace ar rived in the city from the interior on this morning's train and is sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. John Kemp and daughter, Janet, will leave Fort, Fraser on next Tuesday's train for Montreal where they wlU: embark, July. 31 aboard the steamer Andanla. for a visit to, Moffatt, Dumfrlesntre, Scotland. Ehe Ideal Cooking Utensil. Will not stain, chip or dent like other cooking utensils. Not affected by fruit or food acids. Saves time and labor easily cleaned. Mirror bright fln,-ish always lasts. You'll love It. Come In and Let Us Show You GORDON'S HARDWARE Mrllride Street Phone-3H Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: IT.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJtf. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. IT.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P-M. Due Vancouver, Monday fun.. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P3L calling Pt Simp son, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River, returning, luesaay, Further infnrmation reeardlng sailings and ticket from I R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Alice" July 4th. 18th, 29th. 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Louise" July. 11th, 22nd, Aug. 1st, 5.30. p.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte, July 15th, 25th, 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Louise" July 6th, 17th. 27th, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte" July 10th, 20th., 11:30 a.m. 13th, 24th. Aug. 3rd, 11:30 a.m. SS. "Princess Alice" July For information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. "Rupert Brandw SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.O. Furniture- for sale. Apply Ok B. Munro, 310. Fifth. tt J. Strachan is saillnK tonight on, the Prince Rupert foe a trip to. Vancouver. j TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famoas Shane Murray is sallinz toniaWi on the. Prince Charles for a vistb to Queen. Charlotte Island, points D. R. Willemar. who arrived eas Her In, th week, from Massett.. wlli sail tonight on, the Prince Rupert lor vancouv.ee. Miss lager Mfccvoldi and: Miss Pheme. Finley are sailing tonighft on the Prince Charles foe Shan non Bay,. Massett Inlet. Rt. Rey. a A. Rlx D. D... Bishop of Caledonia, sailed vesterdav af ternoon oa the Prince Rupert fob a trip, to Anyox on ecclesiastical duties. Mrs. E. Wilkinson of Terrace rived in the cliv from the interior. qn this, morning's, train, and. sal' this evening on the Prince Rupeit for a. trip to Vancouver. ! Mrs H Rlrnttohnl and IJlrA Charles Edwards are sailing this 'evenlne on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Sam Cecil and Kenneth Cecil. Indians, were each fined $10, with ODtlon of seven days' Imprison ment, In city police court by Mag istrate McClymont this morning, Mrs. U. O. Johnsen. and family are salllne tonleht on the Prince Charles to spend several, weeks at' '.The Punes," Hell, Queen. Charlotte Islands. Elmore Hankinson, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hankinson, sails tonleht on the Prince Charles for a visit at Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. W. H. Tobev and. son. Ned. are sailing tonlghVon the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to the. Okanakaa where they will spend a holiday. W. C. AsDinall. Chlropractoi. wishes to. remind his clientele that he is still practising in the Ex change Block. He is a mamber c-f the B. C. Chiropractor's Ass'n , also chartered member of the Manitoba Drusless Ass'n. Why not take reliable adjustments from one. who has served you for nine year Phones: Green 241 and 549. (168; I Announcements Tea and home cooking sale, aid of Boys' Band, Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Ave. E., Thursday, July 23. Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July 26. i Bazaar for Boys' Band Septem ber 19. 8. - . Catholic Bazajr, October 7 and Presbyterian Bazaar,. November Anglican Sal November 28;. CHIROPRACTIC llU nnr. nnl v. vprv, of fnnHufl In remov- 1 ing ine cause or iumoago, sciaucu, j rheumatism, nervousness, etc., but U of as equal value In many other conditions mat me uveiusc ycioun consiaera peyona me scupe m CHIROPROCTOR CONSULT It. A. TRET1IEWEY Palmer Grad., June '25. Smith Block Ke 907 Licensed by. B, C. Board DRUG SUNDRIES Permatex Superfine, triple-tested 24 $1.00; Dupree pills, rniievp nninful and delayed menstruation. $1.50 box? double strength. $2 00. For other, items send for our fre illustrated catalogue. Box 335-IV Victoria,, RC. DELICIOUS, Summit, ice, cream In -Gallon and Gallon VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 C. A. Blind of the Imperjaf Oil Co. Is sailing this-evenlng on the Prince- George for a trip. to. Van couver. Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Johns and son; David, are sailing this evening oa the Prlnc Rupert for a trip to. Vancouver, Thomas Alexander Cook, for in toxication, was fined $25, with op tion. ofi seven, day?', imprisonment, la city poHce couxi this morning. Constable- M. F. Foster R.C.M.P. salted yesterday afternoon oa the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Stewart oa official duties. R. E. Moore, local manager of P. Buxns. Co. Ltd.,, sailed yesterday afternoon oa thu Prince Rupert 'for a brief trip, to Stewart on com pany business. C; Gillespie of OceanJc came in to, town. fiom. the Skeena River on the Cajpdena last evening for a briet business visit Ma. and: Mis, J. Connell of San Francisco, who, arrived In the city IThursday. on the Prince Charles from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, sailed last night on. the Princess Adelaide: for Van couver: CHAFING To. relieve chafta apply cooling, soothing nnunuuiiuni to the Irritated ikin. James Stewart., son. of Mr; and Mrs; D. G. Stewart, is sailing, this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Holtbv ar rived in the city- yesterday morning aboard the Prince Rupert, from. Ot tawa to Day a visit with their, son and dauehter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Holtby. They are former well knowa nioneer residents of Prince Rupert and are receiving a hearty welcome back from their many friends. BishoD E. M. Bunoz returned to the city on th Princess Adelaide last evening by way of Vancouver from a trip Into the central in terior country. In the interior Bishop Bunoz met the new co adjutor bishop for this diocese, Rt. Rev. J. Coudert, who Is now on a trip into the remote Omlneca section of the diocese and is expected in Prince Rupert next month to take up his ecclesiastical headquarters here. Doll Display Very Pretty Interesting -KvVftltesterday. After- hSfeJJipoiV at Gyro Playground The doll contest staged yestcr-. day at the Acropolis. Hill. In con nection, with the Gyro, playground activities' was a very interesting event. It) was evident that great! Interest had been taken by the mothers and the. children in,. the dressing of the 75 entrants. The i Canadian. Army, nurse, in uniform land cape; the young lady golnR out to tea in a mauve silk dress with lacef coatee; the- oaoy in swaddling clothes ready for its christening; the bride, complete in. veil. and. orange blossoms,, the Scotch lassie in kilts and the demure young lady hii knitted cap and cape all were there. The merry folk of dolldom were represented ; bv the mascot of McClymont park, ,' yellpw. and black, a 'oipwn with; a black eye,, me- -uoia uusi twins and others. A buggy holding dolls ot all nations was a unique entry. Many interested mothers and friends were present. Prizes were awarded as follows by the Judges, Miss Beatrice Ber-ner and Miss Swanna Olatson: Best dressed dolls, Audrey Hun-, ter, Jean Cameron. Funniest dressed doll,, Audrey. Orlmble. 1 Prettiest dressed doll, Beth, As torla, Solyeig Mork, Most original entry, (dolls of all nations), Pat McLeod. Prizes, wew donated by. Me.Cut.cn.-eon's Drug Store, Fraser St Payne and the Peoples Store. Smithers Business Man Has Returned SMITHERS. July 18: B, J France has returned to Smlthersj to; again take over the operation of the meat market first estao- llshed. by himself and which Re sold a few months, ago, to, C. P. Bussinaer of Telkwa.. Mr. France has been prospecting and cruis ing over British columoia signt-seelne during the summer and, having, satisfied his. wander- lust. he thinks that Smithers looks as eood to him as any other place and he has come back and bought back. bis. old. business. His many friends- and patrons, are glad to see him, back and. hope that he will! prosper.. Mrs. J. R. Morin will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. CUsslfD FOR SALE FOR SALE or RENT House, Apply C. H. Orme tf. FOR- SALE 1932 Chevrolet Coach, small mileage. Phone Green 911 GENTLEMEN Personal' drug suti- drles. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered. 15 for it. (plain wrapper) Pacific Supply 751 Granville. Vancouver. ' FOR. SALE I up-to-date 9 ptece! Dining Room, Suite (table, 0 chairs,, armchair, china cabinet), I Electric Range, 1 Kodak (post-, card size), I group novels. Phone Red 392. FOR RENT MODERN Flat, apply 1203 Second Ave. or phone Black 709. after 2 p.m. (17D MALE HELP WANTED V LESSON from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs. Examiner, Clerk, Sten-oeranher. etc. Free Book'e. "How to. get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School,. Win. nipeg, PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay, We start you. The Canadian Kin dergarten Institute, Winnipeg. L.NI ACT (tf) Not ire of Intention, to apply to I.im Wail L PrinM Rnnert land Recordine Dis trict ot Range 5.. Coast, and situate l.n Hudson Bay lss miaway oriwrai on and Dundas Islands, being one-half mile south of the mow normeny oi vuc Nares Islands. Take, notice that Rohert irvme, oi Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dea.er Intends to a,ppiy lor a lease ui following descrjbed foreshore lands; Commencing at. - post piy rock one-half mile south of- the Brtwt northerly, of the Nares Islands, thence H rhnini' t.hnce SOUth 15 ChflJIU 15 chains; thence north IS thence uioiiwr eaet ' . . chain lo. point of- commencement, -ufl containing -23.5 acres, moreor mm.---. KOltKKT C.I.F.X IRVINE Dated May 20U. 1936, LAM) ACT SUm ofi InteiUlon to appplj to l,eae Uind ' in Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 5, Coast, and itu'e fronting on the north shore of the Take notice tna wiwv mi D.rf Tr,atlon Shell dealer inteivds to apply for a lease of the fol lowing degcriDoa lorewiv p. Commencing. t post plaftted on. w onn. i.t north of the north shore .v, m,t nnthrlv of the Mare nvit is chains: thence south 15 chains, inence w i thence north is cnam io iuw commencement and containing 33.S acres, more or is. linilKRT " OkBSTuT KB Dated May 20th. 1938. IN TIIK SV1MU:MK rOtllT Oi' HKITIRII IV TIIK MATTER QV TIIK. "AU.MXMS- UN T MATTKIl OK TIIK BSTATE OK JOHN JIM. Iirimjiru . . .,vnnp v,a.t. hv Onler of- UlS Fisher, local Judge ot Honouc " Judge fT? r.t nrttuh Columbia. drnd day "of Mo, 1936. I was AdmlnHtrator of the. Estate appointed lat of of oha Joy Deceased Ijttale, Prince Ruoert, B. C. who died On UN havlrm claims against the said eataie are perl verified to n on or before the arofVeTld 'UlTwrirbTm Sp tt.lS-it oTthelr-lndebted. . ..... inlTT NUHUAfl "! . Ofttolal Atlminlstr-tor. PrUlc Rupert, 8.0. -.--c:.'.,c. furday. K3WB vus rsxm July I?-!,9.38. DAILY i aomas Trotler returned to thej nn the Cardena last night m a brief business trip to thej fcena Kver. . lr ana JVU3. i. i.vajriiui aio Sing this evening on the- Prince rip! for the North Beach oil ham Island where they will Fnd a holiday. (essrs. Laval and Paul, customs Bclals from Vancouver, spent dav In town yesterday and last night on the Princess llalde for Ocean Falls. giss Sybil Halllwell and Miss LOCAL NEWS NOTES Stationery Special Highest Quality "Plain and Fancy Linen PAPETRIES Special One-Third Off Jonteel Bath Pawdex Special, 60c Duska Bath Powder Special, $1.00 Cara Nome Bath Powder Special, $1.00 OrmesLld. "ZTht Pioneer Drtu&iste rr.e KosjlU Ster Phones r 8r & 8 Open. Dally from. 8. a.m. till 10 p.m. Su.od.aj and Holidays From 14 noon till Z p.ro.. t p.m. till ft p.m. THE MINERALS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ... j British Columbia has produced minerals of an . i f inr AAA AAA ff aggregate vaiue oi iou.uuu.uu. The value of mine production in 1935 was, the value for 1934. For authoritative information regarding the mining industry of this Province,, apply to: THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES Victoria, B.C. NOTE: Following are some of the recent publications of the department: Annual Report of the Minister of Mines for the calen-dar year 1935. (There is a small charge for this publication). Bulletin: "Notes on Placer-mining in British Columbia." Bulletin: "British Columbia The Mining Industry." (This publication contains a synopsis of the various mining laws of the Province). "Elementary Geology Applied to Prospecting"' a course of lectures. BUY U S ED FURNITURE AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY We Have a Good Selection of Furniture and Different Article at Very Reasonable Prices D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phono Green 421 Third Avenue Lr.