PAQB FOUB NEW 1936 Tennis Rackets Just In Stock See the World's Fastest and Finest Rackets UENTLEYS and SPALDINGS Come in now and pick your's out Prices From $2.50 to $23.00 Kaien Hardware RACKETS REPAIRED Manure For Sale $1.50 a Big Load Phone Red 608 Dominion Dairy TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST i PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE. B.C. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue 1 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. John Mulr, arrived In port at 7 o'clock last evening from the south and, after discharging fifty tons of freight here, sailed at 10 p.m. for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she is scheduled to return here tomorrow morning and sail south at 1:30 p.m. Almost a day behind schedule, Union steamer Cardena, Capt. J. E. Boden, having been delayed by heavy freights to discharge at cannery points along the coast, ar rived In port at 8 o'clock Saturday evening from the south and sailed a couple of hours later on her re turn to Vancouver and waypolnts. George E. Windsor, manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s can-ncy at Wales Island, and other members of the cannery staff and ....... n , t. 1 f 1 ClcW wtiu tiuuaiu me: octuiiit tala last evening going north from Vancouver to the cannery for the summtr. Mrs. Windsor accompanied her husband and others In the party were H. R. Watson, account ant, ana e. u. jean, loreman. Herbert A. Hughes Is acting a? ipurser aboard the steamer Cataln ion us present voyage norm, relieving the regular purser, A. W.' Roblmon for one week. Mr. Hughes Mil shortly be going out on his: own regular ship, the Venture, ! which is to be commissioned next jweek for the summer on the ser-; I vice nut of Vancouver as far north tt- as Rivers Inlet. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug A 1 ii In Pi nl Tim. nraan rntll.nnfl to port early this morning after naving towed tne union un uo.s fuel supply barge to North Island where It will be stationed for the Edwards, returned on Saturday af- l load of lumber to the J. R. Morgan Logging Co.'s camp at Sedgewlck Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands. 6 per tin UY HERE ANK THE ALANCE Look For Economy Specials AYLMER PEACHES 2,2's Q1 AYLMER SOUP Vegetable Qn per tin u QUAKER TOMATOES 95p Choice, 212's, 2 tins HEALTH BRAN Melo- 1 7p grain, large pkg XII TINEALO MIRACLE CLEANER For Windows, Silverware, Woodwork, all finished OUU CAp surfaces. Try a tin DRIED APPLES Bulman's, 2 lbs PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 for CARBOLATED HEALTH SOAP, 3 for PLUM JAM Pure 4-lb. tin 35c 14c 14c 39c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars llave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 For the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday .. 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 pjr Thursday 930 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. April 2, 13 and 23 p.m. From Vancouver , Sunday 4 p.m Wednesday : . "TILLIE THE TOILER" i :..LLO. BUBBLES. RUSH t?iGVU ovER RCMAMTlC ROMEO AT TVMO RM.OM . TUB DOT l DID My Best, but GUESS t MISSED THe TVMO MlUUTES' HAST TVjQ DAILT NIWH Monday, April 27, ig3$ Tis LeapiYear, So Jane Subs For Dan Cupid Jane Withers, charming child star of the screen, substitutes for Dan Cupid to portray the Leap Year sentiment. She is seen in "Paddy O'Day" at the Capitol Theatie here at the first of this week. Mail Schedule I INTERESTING IMPRESSIONS OF sure Prince Rupert was in Alaska LIFE IN SOUTH COMPARED WITH NORTH II. C. (Continued from Pace 1 at Victoria and1 Vancouver and thence home. People Optimistic One of the Impressions of Dr Mandv was that Americans trener- result of the enormous expenditures which had been made. He pointed out, however, that most of these expenditures were on Dro- 10 a.m 'ductlve schemes and probably the Friday ,. 4 p.m. I fears were groundless. Everywhere April. 9, 19 and 30 '. a.m.!pe0pie were travelling Hotels were For Anyox and Stewart 'booked up and people were un- Sunday 7 p.m doubtedly spending. In Vancou Wednesday 3 p.m. yer and Victoria 'the hotels were From Anyox and Stewart annual, iuu ui gueaua. odmuiiiiai Tuesday 11:30 a.m looKca ior a bumper year and Bri- Thursday .... ...8 p.m.isn Columbia should share in the For Naas River and Port Simpson tourist travel. Sunday 7 p.rc "While I was iaway," declared From Naas River and Port Simpson Dr. Mandy, "I saw two of the Tuesday 11:30 a.m. wonders of the world. One of For Queen Charlotte Islands .these was the Grand Canyon and Anrll m onH 01 O n m thp nt.hpr was AIttIpp Kpmnln Mnc. " " ' .--...ww l - took advantage of the opportunity and were duly Impressed. In the States the visitors found the most profound Ignorance prevailing in regard to Prince Rupert and British Columbia. Most people seemed to think everything to the north was Alaska ,and they were My VJATQA oAYS fVJE AFTET2, BOT . v "THE ROSES I 1 I l A v . fc t IT a t . i . j i . i waich says VME.V-V-. - C3UE5S YtJt2 TAT2DV ROHiVlTid One party said, "Prince Rupert, oh yes, that Is where It rains all all the time, isn't It?" Evidently that was the only thing they had heard about the city. The movement to erect totem poles and es- tabllsh parks and' gardens in Prince Rupert and a museum. ally were iptlmistlc but their opin-r04uld tend, to eliminate this by the!PuttlnS a more important Idea In Ion was tempered with fear of From Queen Charlotte Islands Pherson." A visit was paid to An- Iq K I April 8 and 22 a.m. ! gelus Temple on Palm Sunday. Five See these Wonderful Novelties MARIGOLDS Dixie Sunshine, Dwarf Mexican Orange, Tall Double Royal Scott, Yellow Supreme (sweet scented), All Double African Lemon, All Double African Orange. NEW NASTURTIUMS Golden Globe, Scarlet Gleam, Orange Gleam, Golden Gleam and Golden Hybrids. ARTHUR Second Ave. BAYNE Phone 635 thousand people were present, a good many, like themselves, "first nighters." The service was most spectacular and at the close the "first nighters" were Invited to meet Mrs. MacPhcrson in her palatial home adjoining the temple. l ine visitors irom Prince uuDerl its place. The new totems would be a tremendous attraction and the new park seemed to be an Ideal setting for. them. Everybody reads the Dally News There's reason. "Build B.C. Payrolls" Its iHome PS JvAPORATfn The special virtue In Pacific Milk due to Its place of origin. British Columbia gives better milk. No water, no climate finer. British Columbia is our home. And the milk comes from pedigree herds. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE When Two Wrong Make a Right TWO GOOD PICTURES "Paddy O'Day," With Jane Withers, and "Charlie Chan's Secret" At Capitol A joyfully tuneful comedy "Paddy O'Day," featuring little Jane With ers, and another baffling murder mystery, "Charlie Chan's Secret," with Warner Oland heading the cast, are offered on a double bill program being offered on the screen of the Capitol theatre here at the first of this week. "Paddy O'Day" follows the fasci nating, adventure? of a, motherless little girl from Erin In the strange city of New York. On the way across the ocean, she captivates the hearts of passengers aboard the ship There is a pretty romance which ends in a surprise climax. Feature songs Include "Keep Thai Twinkle In Your Eye. ' "I Like a Balallake" and "Which is Which?" Weaving his web in a house ol death, Warner Oland in "Charlc Chan's Secret," solves a gripping ' San Francisco murder mystery. There is plenty of suspense with thrills and surprises in an action-packed story. A capable supporting cast includes Rosina' Lawrence Charles Quiglcy, Henrietta Cros-man and Herbert Mundln. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catiila 1:30 pin Thurs. ss, P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide 10 p in. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. April 2 ss. Prln. Norah . .5 p.m. April 13 ss. Prin. Norah 5 p.m. April 23 ss. Prln. Norah .5 p.m. From .Vancouver , Sunday ss. Cata!a 4 p.m i Wed. ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. April '9 ss. Pin. Norah a.m. April 19 ss. Prln. Norah a.m, i L -1 : 1 lJ bTTTl TONIGHT and TUESDAY Last Complete Show at 8:21 IS HE DOOMED TO DIE I &Jey to Inn dread myjfery locked in his heart? ! 1CH x; !W A. -ft if ft I A 11 n 1 ULANU r ROSINA LAWRENCE CHARLES OUIGLEV HENRIETTA CROSMAN EDWARD TREVOR ASIRID A LLWY N HERBERT M U N DIN (At 7:13 $: 0 53) ' PLUS - - JAN 12 WITHERS She's as Irish as a Shamrock and 'tis a lucky day for you In "PaMy O'Day" (At 6 24 Once Orlyi WORLD NEWS At 7:00 St 0 40 April 30 ss. Prln. Norah TENNIS NEWS! New 1!KJ6 Slazcn-ger and Wright and Ditson Tennis Raqucts have arrived. Choose (he one that suits you while stock is complete., "SURPRISE" $2.50 "SCHOLAR" $3.50 "PARK" $5.00 "PALL MALL" $5.50 "ECLIPSE" $7.50 "GOLDEN ARROW" $8.50 "VARSITY" $11.50 "QUEENS" $22.00 Slazenger 1936 Tennis Ball, the new super -quality, each HEBE'S I f, P I SEE. OUR BATCHES MUST I a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.ra. Wed. ss. Prince Rupert .4 p.ra. 50c EXTRA-While they last! 1935 British "Club" Tennis Balls 81 ftO G balls in a box .-.... eMaAsMd By W?.stovei