NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareUl, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FItO.M HOME. - - Rates 11.00 o SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 180 coner. The County Court case of Charles J. Currle vs Armour Sal vage Co., in which the claim of the plaintiff is for $308,25, has been adjourned from today until next month's court. E. F. Jones is counsel for the plaintiff and W. O, Fulton for the defendant, For supplying liquor to Indians, John A. French was fined $100, with option of two months' lm prisonment, in city police court this morning. A case' against Henry Collison, Indian, of having liquor in his possession, was fu ther adjourned. For driving an automobile while Intoxicated, J. Clausen was given ten days' lm prisonment. .Ingvaid Christopher son was fined $25,- with option of five days imprisonment, for drun kenness. For assaulting the city foreman, Alfred 0 tills was fined $5. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Traversy, who have been on a trip to Seattle. were passengers aboard the CataU last evening returning to Stewart. Miss Muriel Woodward, after a three months' visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vlckers. sailed the latter part of last week on her return to her home at White Rock. Jack Cade, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cade, returned home on tho Catala last evenlna from his studies at the University of British Columbia to spend the summer vacation here. Dominion Constable R. Howe, who Is to relieve as Indian Agent at Massett following the transfer of Indian Agent James Glllet to Bella Coola. arrived In the cltv on the Catala last evening from Kamloops and will be taken on Thursday aboard the Indian Department cruiser Naskeena to the Islands to assume his duties there. Miss Hilda Wilson-Murray R. N., who has been relieving on the nursing staff of the Hazelton General Hospital, returned to the city from the interior on Saturday night's train. With Mrs. G, P. Tinker and Mrs. Lawrence Lambly, she will be leaving on Friday of this week for a trip to the Old Country. I NOMINATION MEETING OF CANADIAN CLUB The Women's Canadian Club held a nomination meeting Saturday In the city council chamber .in preparation for the annual gen- (eral meeting to be held next week Mrs. F. M. Crosby, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Cat ala last evening. THRIFT SPECIALS BLUE RIBBON TEA per lb. JELLY POWDERS Em press, 3 pkgs. BAKING POWDER-Nabob Attn 19 yv ncr tin . .. w.., JJ.l VIII RICE Best Jap 3 lbs SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg. 3 bars ARGOOD AMMONIA Double Strength, per bot, 45c 13c 17c 10c RULKLEY VALLEY EGGS Grade "A" Medium, per doz. 22c 3 doz. 61c Keep your money in the north by buying northern interior products. The. quality is. guaranteed. PURE LARD Swift's 2 lbs LIMA BEANS Nabob No. 2 tins, per tin WHITE CORN Royal City OQn 9 fl,,. wv wttiO NABOB COFFEE per lb Nabob chicken O 7.n7 tin SWIFT'S SAUSAGE 1-lb. tin SUPER SUDS per pkg, CARBOLIC SOAP 33c 14c 37c 26c FIRST GRADE BUTTER A Northern B. C. Product per lb .29c; 3 lbs 85c 10c 14c 15c BATHROOM TISSUE 1 On 4 rolls XUK WHEATLETS 3V2-lb. sack 20c KING OSCAR SARDINES A 0 per tin FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Outdoor Rhuharbi per lb .5c Grapes, Australian, per lb 20c Julcj Oranges, med., per doz. 23c Grapefruit, Seedless,, 3 for 11c Fresh Asparagus, per lb 10c Bunph Carrots, per bunch 6c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179" Third Ave. The Saturday night dancing party was resumed in the Commodore Cafe Saturday night with a good attendance of forty couples. all having a very Jolly time from 9 p.m. until midnight dancing to the strains of music by Charlie Balag- no's Orchestra. Walter Smith was a genial master of ceremonies and kept -things moving merrily. Jack Hansen, superintendent of the T. A. Kelley Logging Co.'s camp at Atll Inlet, arrived In the city on the Catala last evening and proceeded immediately to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the company's service boat Nora Jane, which was here to meet him. Mr. Hansen brought a party of loggers north with him. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy. Phone Black 594. (99) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. SALESMEN WANTED AT ONCE! Two men (21-35) of neat appearance and fair educa-, tlon accustomed to meeting public and willing to work 8 hours a : ' day. Average weekly earnings to start $20.00; steady employment with all-Canadian organization and opportunity for advancement. Local territory will be allotted; men with cars preferred. Apply giving past experience to 9806 - 106th St., Edmonton, Alta.j (99) ! MALE & FEMALE HELP 275 CLERKS Wanted at Ottawa by Dominion Government for 1936 Prairie Census. 6 to 18 months employment at $75 per month; with possibility of permanent po-1 sltlon In the Civil Service. Ap-j polntment by written examina-j tlon to be held across Canada. Men and women between 18 and 35 (Ex-Service men no age limit) with three years high school may! obtain full information and ad-1 vice free from the M. C. C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg or Toronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest in Canada. (if) I,.M ACT I Not lor f Intention to apply to Pur chase uina In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on .the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet immediately South of Lot 45, Q. C. I. I Take notice ithat ithe Allison Logging Company Limited ol Vancouver. B. C ' intends to apply for pennlsslon 'to ptw-i chase the following described Uads I uammencing at a post ipianted ait tne S. W. corner of Lot 46. Q. C. I, thence. 60 chains East along. South boundary! of Lot 4S; thence due South to shore-', line; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and contain j. lng 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, j Pres. Allison Logging Co., Ltd., Dated April 31, 1938. L.M ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Mnd In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on un surveyed CJrown Land winch, is altu-j ated Immediately South of Lot 45,1 Queen Charlotte Islands District. I Take notice that the Allison Loeguis Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.I Intends to apply for a lase of the following described Foreshore Lands:- commencing at a post planted at the S. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C, I. thence 20 chains due South: thence 60 ohalm due East thence due North to Shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing SO acres, more or less. AMBROSE r. ALU SON. Pres. Allison Logging Co., Ltd. Dated AprU 31, 1036. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leant Land In Prince Rupert Land. Record lng District of Range 5 Coast, and situate op Kalen Island close to Galloway Rapids Bridge. Take notice that I. Martin Miller of Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation Lumberman intends to apply for a lease of tht following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ap-proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lots 115-118, D. L. 351, Range 8 Coast thence 660 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660- feet east; thence 360 ft. north,, thence following the shore line to post of commencement and containing ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 8, 1936. YOUR OLD FRIEND BACK AGAIN Harmony Rose Glycerin Soap Glorious for the bath. Satisfying for everyday use. 15c cake; 2 cakes 25c TRY THIS NEW RELIEF Puretest A.S.A. Cough Drops Uetter than a gargle for simple throat irritations, dryness, tickling. 10c pkg. Ormes Ltd. Vhft Pioneer Driuipists Vht RexaU Stow Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES Hydrated Lime, Complete Fertilizers, Bone Meal Rubber Garden Hose, cut to any length 50-foot lengths complete with couplings, $1.50 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAR DEN A FRIDAY, 10:30 PJI. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. . , ( Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naa River, ' Sunday, 8 p.m. v Further Information .regarding, sailings and .tickets from R. M'. SMITH! Prince' Rupert Agents Third' Ai' Phone 568 MacKENZIE FURNITURE PHONE 775 Chesterfield Suites 5 Suites Chesterfield, Tapestry and Mohair, latest patterns, reliable construction. Qfi Oft Terms arranged. From vwOiv" There is a Reason Why Our Coal Business Has Grown In Spite of Keen Competition We sell the best coal in CJA7''S!ma . VV: ssdtSsfvna- l(Si we deliver promptly. "We cm prove Win l.n.,n J ' . if I irciuivctuui ieoua unv- tzs wortn ii you are not already a customer of ours nhone for a or , - r y . der nf nnr rnnl CiftlliliiillllllllluiiJiliMiillllii: w PH1LP0TT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 I 1' Monday, April 27, 1936 DAILY NHWi PAGE THRErl MINUTES or HOURS?, f The breakfast your family likes Lest is the easiest to serve J KtU Iogg' Corn Flakes crisp and wholesome are fully cooked and toasted. Ready to eat in an instant. Save hours of toil with this tempting, economical energy food. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Nothing takes tht place of CORN FLAKES Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone '657 Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and In order to Induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we will wire the money Immediately. GOLDBLOOM The Old Kellable LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. E. Walker, manager of Ar-randale cannery, sailed by the Catla last evening on his return to .the Naas River after a visit of a few days In town on business. RnlltlnO Vllldnnoa j..u . ... . . uoin..3j was ueaii wim' at a meeting, of the Sons of Nor-! wuy jjoaee Saturrinv nlohf J '0 ... VJMil- nar Selvlg, the president, Was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. Lieutenant Commnnrifr v n Gow R. C. N. arrived In th on the Catala last evening from Esquimau, being here on business in connection with the local' Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Re serve. Miss Nnnrv Pnllnnt nf tW. ... I J , u wic JIUIE.- lng staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital has returned to the city from her home at Sklde-gate where she was called on ac' count of the recent death of hop young brother, Bryan Pallant. Selkirk Falconer was a Dessen- ger aboard the Catala - last eve ning going north from Vancouver, where he has been studvim at the University of British Col umbia, to spend the summer vac ation at Alice Arm . with his Dar- ents, Mrs. and Mrs. T. Wi Fal Bs jStBSsUKK- U, but lltrwa noway to keep M vuttrm frab-ttMlay paaleurU HQpjSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVFv m tton prwtwta lha purity of your wMjJzKKKm!& m mMk and vacuum-parking pra K-.VaHHaBBaP 1 'm flHir f your a TheFsh which made Prince Rapert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. i wucii lancets lor me year win De .elected. The nomination list is be- t L.IJ ... .jiiB new open unui ine annual uii-ciiug. jvu&s Ionian iiauiwen, me president, was In the chair and j there were fifteen members In at tendance. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays e pjn From the East 1. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays . 10:20 p.m Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore. Cabaret. Rebekah Bridge, dance, April 29. United Spring Sale, April 30. "Johnny Grows Up," Anglican Church, April 30, May 1. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, May Canadian Legion Spring Saie, May 13. Anglican Tea'. Mrs. C. H. Ormc. May .14. Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose Hall. Elks' Kiddles Flag Day May 25. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to l I .and In Print Rupert Land Recording Dls. trlct or Range 5 Const, and situate close to oalloway Rapids linage, near Prince Rutxrt. B. C. Take notice that I. Martin Miller o' Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Lumber man intends to apply lor a lease 01 mr following described Foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 3.000 ft. north of Lota 115-11B, D. L. 2S1, Rane' 6 Coast District thence about 500 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly following tn shoreline to post of commencement, and containing HA acres, more or leas 'MARTIN MILLER Dated Maroh 0. 1838 IN THE KITKF.MF. COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PRORATE In the Matter of the "Admliilntrntlon Art" And In tht Matter of the Estate of Oeorse A. C'nlburn, Ilet-eaNed.. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher doW tbe 34th day of March AD. 1938. I woe appointed Administrator of the Estate ni Oeorge A. Colburn late of Atlln. British Columbia, Miner, Deceased and all parties having clalmi against, the said Estate are hereby required to furnish some properly verified to me on or bi fore the 4th day of May 1939 and (11 persons Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated the 34th day of March 1038. HERBERT F. OLA88EY, Official Administrator, ATXJN, S. O. Novel Feature Of Towel Shower For Miss Gath Irvine Another delightful pre-nuptlal affair In honor of Miss Cathie Ir vine, whose marriage to Tommy Fraser takes place next week, was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hayward, Third ,A venue, Saturday night, in the form of a towel shower. The novel and original feature of the evening was the presentation to ihe bride-elect of a miniature Daily News office fa shioned of cardboard and embodying all the exterior features of the building. With the chimney as a handle, the roof lifted off to disclose beautiful towel gifts of the young ladies assembled. The early part of the evening was given over to whist playing, the prize-winners being Mrs. Wil liam Rogers, first, and Miss Lillian Lowe, second. The tea table was tastefully decorated in yellow and green, daf-fodlls and narcissi being used. The young ladies present, In addition to the hostess and guest of honor, were Miss Lillian Lowe, Miss Ella Steen, Miss Ruby Krlkev-sky, Miss Eleanor Tite, Miss Dorothy aPtmore, Mrs. William Rogers and Mrs. William Brooksbank. Hotel Arrivals Savoy F. T. Patterson, Surf Point. Royal W. Bertelsen, M. Johnston and F. Wezek, C.N.R.; J. McDonald. Sunnyside; J. McDonald, Martin Olsen and A. Swanson, city; C. Haugland. Terrace; G. M. Stelnock. Edmonton; H. G. Varney, Prince Rupert Martin Miller, Blllmor: A. C. Knight and James Adam, Vancouver; W. Lalng, Victoria; F. R. Gow, Esquimau; J. F. Ellis Jr. and A. E. Lawson, Sunnyside cannery; Robert Howe, Kamloops. Dancing Party Well Attended Forty .Couples Present at Happy Gathering in Commodore Saturday Night