March 14, "36 tirday- DAILY NZWB . attfir snendinz a fweek5lnthecity.Uedby:thQ iwe nfcrht on her re- L to Masse" ih ::;r-:iSiiPilMte!wi f .1.. mmm ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before You Gjve Your Child bn Unknown Remedy to Take i very day, unthinkinely, mnlliors . instead of their doctors on ,cfdici for tlieir children. If they knew what Hie scientists Bn', lliey would nnvr tiikc this lissre. Doctors Say rillLLIPS' J or Your Child nVn !i enme-. in Itic frcmicnllv-uspd Remember (Ms And Alwaus Say 17' .:. f" Wiien lou Iwii. ur deserves it for your own fieure If rjs;l, we Uial you t't H lien- lit Phillips' Myk ol Magnesia. Alo in Tablet Form i v U d M a Tab- -i 'II lrm lr ':lt- IIILLIPS W1 Union Steamships, Salin-Glo Finish J distinctive finish ail. furniture, Wodwork, etc. LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! You can rent a car at Walker's las low;as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. M. L. Green, who has been In the city for the past week or so buying scrapi salledby ' the Princess Louise last night;, on his return to Victoria. i" Indian Agent W. E. Colllson and ; Dominion Constable A. 'j. Wakln-son left on last evening's train for , a trip to -Terrace- oh official business, they will 'be 'back 'tonight.' I J. Southey, who has been re lieving as C. N. R. Commissary , agent hero during :the absence o! William Bell, left by last evening's ( train on his return to Winnipeg. .Miss .Lillian Halllwell .of TAfl in m fnt9 n T J L . i . ;days In the Prince Rupert, General .Hospital suffering, with a severe Trevor Johnston, who has been on a trip to Esquimalt to' take a ill uf magne-sKi, uociors, lor over - course jn military training, return rears, have said "PHILLIPS' ed to the eitv from th smith t,h m I. r.. i i - t., v. v. .. mi . . .. .. IIIK'Jl .iaK ;u nit miic n-uicuy Prlnppss afternoon. Adelaide BRUSHES on yesterday At the regular meeting yesterday of the Dramatic Club of the local 'high school the Importance of ad-J vertlslng the three forthcoming plays was streesed by Roth Go:-. don, sponsor of the club. JeaA Cameron was chosen to take charge of advertising. Following i the business meeting - rehearsals of scenes scenes from irom "Shivering "snivenng anocK Shock" if .oi Ma ( Cj 1ayneStCL. and "The Mouse - Trap" took, HD IN CANADA piace. SHAVING BRUSHES A large assortment to sel ect from; good quality, excellent value. wwv,, txivw andup NAIL SCRUBS AND HAND BRUSHES Mostly Kent's, made in England. I'1 10c $1.50 Handy Whisks 25c 30c 35c Clothes Brushes 50c 10 $1.25 Bath Brushes 1,25 Razor Strops 50 c t0 $3.50 OrmesLtd. V i - ZtfiA Pioneer Drtu&iscs The Kial Btan Phones: 81 & 82 Onen llallv From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till p.m J p.m. till 9 p.m. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TlS S- CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. ue Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TS S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 T.M. Due Varouver, Monday a.m. WeeWy sailings to Port Simpson,, Stewart, Anyox anfLNaasHlver, Sunday. 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings anfi tickets frpm JSMITII, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. rhohe BC8 SATIN-GLO Satin-Glo Varnish The best all purpose varnish for interior and exterior uses. SatinrC'lp . Enpmcl in rich glowing colors of extreme durability. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Cash for pld gold. Bulger's (tf)' Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be thirty minutes late. R. G. Cunningham returned to Port Esslngton on the Cardena yesterday afternoon after haying spent the most of the winter visiting in California and Nevada. Constable R. J. Goodey R. C. M. P. arrived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and proceeded by train to Hazelton where he will be stationed. The Fishing Vessel Owners' Asso elation announced today that the price of casoline at Ketchikan was the 8V2 cents for a wine gallon and the r.r , 1 t ffmc" ' I price for an imperial gallon at School has been .spending a few! wine gallon Is about four-fifths of an imperial gallon. T"l 11. . ti i rieaamg gumy u a cnarge u: trading lurs without a licence Joseph McKay. Indian, was finet! $25. with option of ten days' Im prisonment, by Magistrate W. D Vance In city police "urt this morning. A 'similar charge against Louis Amadlo was dismissed. Better Attendance At Philharmonic's Repeated Concert Despite unfavorable weather con ditlons, there was a somewhat larger attendance Thursday night at First Presbyterian Church Jor the second presentation of tbei Prince .Rupert Philharmonic Soc iety's splendid variety vocal and instrumental program. The affair went off even more smoothly than on the previous evening and man complimentary comments were heard as to the excellence of the entertainment Following the pro gram refreshments were served In the church social parlors to those who had taken part. ,P0I(I.AR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 14: (CP) The Canadian dollar was quoted at a discount of l-32c on the local foreign exchange market Announcements St. Patrick's Day celebration, Catholic Hall, March 17. Eastern Star dance, March 20. Basketball Championship series March 20, 21. United Church Tea, Oddfellows (Hall, .March 26. Boys' Band Bridge and Whist, Hall, March 26. Anglican Pageant, March 27. Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert, March 27. Presbyterian .Easter Sale, April 7. Baptist sale, April 8. Orange Ladies' Spring Sale, Odd- fellows-Hall, April 9. "Rich Young Church, April .10. Ruler," Baptist Queen Mary Daffodil Dance, Eas ter Monday. St. Andrew's jCathedral Easter sale, April 16. ' Catholic Spring Sale. April 23. Cambral Chapter Dance" April 24. "Leap Year St. Peter's Spring Sale, .May 7. jVIOQSE HALL TQNIGTIT Junior Mopse Lodge will meet at S p.m. FURNISH Complete for Skidegate and City, the work needed. Try a , Dally News classified ad. .ri' $165 THE LIVING RQOI 9 .Pieces Here is an ensemble planned 'for your comfort. The Chesterfield suite would alone be a bargain at the total price! 3 .Piece Tapestry Cbesterf ield Suite, llridge .Lamp and Shade. Table Lamp and Shade. Walnut .End Table. Walnut Coffee Table or .Chesterfield Table (Your Choice). l O. BOX .985, Q. C. ISLANDS 'OPENS MAIL A large party of young people called recently at the home of Charlie Miller, popular Queen Charlotte City barber, to help him pelebrate his birthday. Charlie is one of the best known old timers of the north, having lived, among other places, at Prince Rupert, South Fort George, Smlthers, An- yox and Bulkley Bay during the boom days before coming to Queen Charlotte City. A. L. Mallory, provincial road superintendent, motored down from Port Clements a few days ago for, a brief visit to, Queer! Charlotte, on official business. Alfred Cook, provincial road foreman, has a small crew of men Notice of Intention to apply to I.ea.r La nil In Prince Rupert tand Recording Dis trlct of Ranee 5 Const, and situate on Kaien Inland close a Galloway Rapids Brldee. Take notice mat i, Marun Miner oi Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Lumber man Intend to apply lor a lease oi wic following described lands. Commeniclnig at a post planted ap-proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north' of lots 115- 116. D. Ii. ial, itange a uoast meiicn 660 feet west: theiKe 760 ft. south thence 660 feet east; thence 260 v.. north thence following the shore lino to post oi commencement and contain Ini ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6. 1936. n$MAP j u r t a r i n t POWDER CLEANS m4 KHf$Hn WNOO'K.-MrttOB, tAM CANNOt SPECIALS Mi ;Lady 'Beauty ;Sh(jp .Offers .Beautiful .Permanent ' Vave ;We are noted for our lovely curls (Free Facial with Rose larle ' ' B'. C. PRODUCTS Phone C55 The many friends Julius .Shore has made in Prince .Rupert and thronehout Northern British Co has left the Dominion Furniture Co and is now starting up In business for himself. His new business will give a com plete mall order service. .Besides handling complete lines of furniture he will now sell household an s ell . household and personal necessities. "I left my for- Cm m e r position," Julius .Shore CFPR of Prince Rupert is much "us easy 10 .. Duy oy man aim ; .u in appreciated by residents of the one saves o mucui Queen Charlotte Islands, the re-1 -r cejitlon ordinarily being splendid, j """"""" Pussy willows and snowdrops are out In bloom all over the Queen Charlotte Islands and all signs point to an early spring. KSU ACT Notice of Intention to npp'.v to l.rnse In Prince Rupert Land Recording cf Ranee ' 5 Coast, and sltu'ate close to Galloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. C. Take notice that I, Martin Miller o' Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Lumber man Intends to apply for a lease of tV following described Foreshore lands :-- Commencing at a tbst planted ap proximately 3.000 ft. north of Lots 115-116, D. L. 251. Range 5 Coast District thence about 500 ft. south to opposite YOUR HOME 3 Rooms -57-Pieces TJI BERRQOIVI 10 Pieces' This lovely suite, In a rich walnut finish, embodies all the features of high priced furniture. Full-size, fled. Chiffonier. Hollywood Vanity. .Upholstered JJench. .Coil or Cable Spring:. Good .Felt lattreSs. 2 Feather Pillotfs. Reversible Mat! .Comforter. THE JJREAKFAST RQOI ? . Ijeces Complete in every detail. Drop-leaf tabie and 4 Wjndsor chairs finished in any colors you wish. A 32-piece English China Dinner Set, in an Open Stock pattern and a lovely new pattern Uordered 6 x.9'.Congoleum Rug. Limited NumberOnly-Act Quickly-eg.yJue;278 An outfit planned for you by experts with many years' experience in interior decorating-. ;Teps to suit you . . $5 or $10,Cash JULIUS SHORE Mail Order House VANCOUVER, B.C. ihore thence northerly following the shoreline to post of commencement; and containing H,i acres, more or less. jMARTIN .MILLER Dated March 6, 1936, IX THE SITKKMK TOl'ltT OF I5HITISII, ' ' ( OUMIllA 1 IX il'KOIlATE In the Matter ot the "Administration Art" And In the Matter of the KMate of M. ijifiUfUe Beets. Iierrused. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judae W. E. Fisher the 3Ut Mar nf Pehruaxv. A.D. 1936. I Was hp- pointed Aaminisi.raor oi wrc t-siie M. Laiayewe ;Beeis late oi """i - Cftliimhla. decea,ed. and an parlies havlne claims against the said .Estate are hereby required to furnish sami i-mnerl verified to me on or Deior the 15th day of April, AJ3. 1936 and all persons Indebted to the Estate are reoulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness no me lorwiwiui. HERBERT F. OLABSEY OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, ix tiik srntK ATLIN, B. C Tinted the 6th dav of March. 1936. 1681, km k roniT oF.nnmsii 1 ' ' COI.l Mill A IX 1'ltOHATK lii the Matter of the wfdm!nllratlcn( Und In the Matter of the Estate of Marram Mailnlnsli. Ileceiksea. take toOTICE that by order of Hi! llnntMir Jud W. E. Fisher the 25th ri rrf twruarv A.D. 1938 I was p pointed Administrator of the Estate .of Margaret Macintosh late of AtlUi, Brn tWi Columbia, Deceased, and an parwei haying claim aglnat the said 'Estate are beroby' required to Xurrtteh ;samo properly verified to me. on. or beftlre the 5th day of April A, D. ,1936 nfl ill, peroons tndebted to the ,Etate are re quired to pay the amount qf their debtedness to me 'forthwith. HERBERT .F. .QLABSEY OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR ATLIN, B. Dated the 26th day oi February 1938. OUr. 26) ill Bfifiirirll order house ii asairicu EORjRENT lumbia will be glad to hear that he 'PR ,RENT Jve-room furnished house, Eighth Ave. East. Call .741 after 4 o'clock. (63) FOR RENT Modern four-room flats, bath and Monarch range, Clapp ,Block, $12.50, $15 & $17.50. Heigerson Ltd. iAp 3) F.OR SALE FOR SALE Gas Boat, cheap GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun tor ii ash. Newly rebuilt. Length, 40 ft. Beam, 10 ft. Horsepower, 16 Imperial. Apply W. Singer, Massett, " B.C. f66i at work repairing the road between j said Mr. Shore, "feeling thaV hun- .FOR SALE 80 hp. Gulowsen Orel: Queen Charlotte dreds of British coiumDia people being very much 'need a wider service than I wasj able to offer. That is why I am! combining all mail order services. ) The weekly religious broadcast: "I will give the same Interior de-j on Sunday afternoons by Rev. w.icoraung ana seiecung services a i D. Grant .Hollingworth over station (did in the past. - pemi-Diesel Jiigine complete with i propeller and fittings. Can be in-! spected at .Gulowsen .Grel Plant, j Cheap ,for prompt sale. Sunde &) d'Evers Co, Seattle, Wash. (M-tf ) f dries. Highest Grade Latest Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper1), pacific Supply 751 Granville. Vapcpuver. .WANTED WANTEDExport quality hemlock' logs. For further information inquire Geo. W. Nickerson Co. (80) AGENTS -WANTED , LESSON from the depression pe a Civil Servant Postmah, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Sten- iokraplier, etc. Free .Bookie, '.'How to get a Government Job. M.C.C. Civil Service' School, WltiJi' nlpeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. yve. staryou. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) T.OVF.IIXMEXT l.llil'OR ACT" (SertlonUI) Notice of Application for a lleer I.lcente NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 25th day of March next the under e limed intends to apply to the Liquor Control ,Board for a licence in respeci of premises being part of a bulldlne known as the Spruce Creek Hotel, situ ated in the Atlln Mining District In the Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as the "Sally Mine Claim," situated on Spruce Creek, In the said District, for the sale of beer by the gldfls or by the bottle for con-sumption on the premises or elsewhere. (Dated this 2h day of February, A.D. 1936. ,MILT O, CASWELL, Applicant TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 4p,O0O JiKltATS 6,0Otf;EAVEK ,Wanejl once fcW, Immediate '"' cVelivery HIQHEST PRICES .PAID Also all your ohr FURS at full market value. ,Shlp at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE. B.C. PRINCE RUPERT DRY bock AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and Engine Iroa mni Br am fj.tlnj. Oeetrie nd Acetylene Welding'. peiclilUti en Sawmill fend Mining Machinery. AD Tjptm mt Gaa Engine Repaired and OTerhauled. Beaver Pelts -UP 20 I have large orders for Beaver Skins at highest prices. Also I am buying Rats or any other furs. Ship them in and cash will come back on next mail. G OiL.DBL.OOM The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 1 1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waler Prince Rupert, J3.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage PHONE 580 .Office 315 Second Avenue