LONDON, March 14: (CP) France tonight announced' its willingness t,o consider an alternate plan whereby Germany might retain her troops in the Rhineland. This break in the. critical European situation came after the council of the League of Nations, in session today, had made a friendly gesture to Germany. The council asked that Rcichsluehrer Adolf littler?" lend a representative to London to talk with league representatives tho tad decided that Germany' tad tloliited her treaty obliga te. Si.) a French spokesman: "We io want to stick blindly to our fc& upon evacuation of the Wl" 'in1 it u-A pan oif tnmpfhlnc beta Kitzegucla School Teacher is Buried Funtral or Late Reginald II. Good-ridft Took Place on Tuesday With Kites or United Church Ths luneral of the late Reginald H. Goodrldgcv teacher of the Into school at Kltzegucla vlllacf ca . Skeena River a short dis tant wesi of Hazelton. took place t Hazelton on Tuesday of tM wek with United Church rites. Mr Ooodridge had been In 11 Heal a for some time and, be coming worse, he and his son, David Reginald Ooodridge. agtd . s:t out last Saturday from Kit Kgucla for Hazelton by motor On the way they came to a snow Ped, which the car could no. Pass. They got out but the excr t un war, apparently, too muca for Mr Goodrldee who expired An inquest established that deaUi as due to an overstrain of the ceart iulher League Farce Enjoyed "Vimmic Yohnson's Yob" Drew Big Crowd to Oddfellows' Hall Last Night Thrc was a full house at the uuiianscn ana I'eie it tS Edwln Lllldseth presided IS TAKING OVER BANK Resolution at Ottawa Makes pearance to Implement Election Wedge Ai.HKHTA'S BUSINESS Ap- OTTAWA, March 11: (CD A resolution to enable the government to take over control of the Bank of Canada appeared on today's order paper of the House of Common. It is sponsored by Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of finance, and Is designed to Implement a pre-election pledge. The resolution indicates that control will be obtained by increasing capital stock rather than by buying shares already in the hands of private investors. CODE IS ANNOUNCED i Davie Main Of Porcher Island Dies on Friday Gay. 1144 Hays cove Avenue, while attending Seal Cove Schocl During the week when the lad's illness became serious, the parents nnrl a smaller son, Donald, wc.-j summoned to the city. The boy; wn a neohcw of Mr. and Mrs. "Qaiellow.N Hall lnt ninht. fnr t hfi ' ...i Cnnnvslrfp ...e.. ... Aiex wain ""j Prestation, by the Luther League a arrangements are in the th. i aul's Luthan Church of J h d of thc BC. Undertakers son ""t farce ''Yimmle Yohn- ;and lnlcrment will take place to Int n. Jhe plot was an amUS" morrow afternoon. we and was verv rannhlv nre- jntftl by a cast which consisted of Joran RVn ... .....i l . wbi lUl&CIUCVUUS Kiicuen CW, Ingvor Wick, an Irish farm Aslaug Skalland, as a spoiled JJJ selfish foster-daughter; Her-t Larson, a stern father; Doris wn, an Invalid mother; Ray wum, as Ylmmic," the raw hired DvhS frm Mlnesota; Andrew, Smith Vn' as a dectlvc; Tommy 'iln. a trearhp dauSljJln8cn' an unscUish fostcr" fisting back-stage were Christ EDMONTON. March 14: (CP) Albcrias bcui:iu Surprise Witness For Prosecution SAN JOSE, Cal.. March 14: Thc prosecution Is said to have n "surprise witness" for rebuttal in ,the fourth trial of David A. Lam-json, former Stanford University : pxpciillvp. wlin l. eharBed with the ter code to fix both maximum ;murder of his wife. 4. onrt minimum prices and bind- , . ing all classes of retail trade jn the province was jeivaoiu j. ..wnrriov hv Hon. E. C. Man ning, minister 01 vruuu uuu dustry. The code will take ef- feet automatically on April 1 t n a 1 unci ai x 1 u iiv-t , The funeral of thc late David , Main , will take place tomorrow ! (Sunday) at 2:30 p.m. from the Chapel of the B.C. Undertakers. ; . " LIBRARY VICTORIA, B Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Overcast, light She mm High 5:05 ajn. 18.2 ft. northwest wind; barometer, 29.30; 18:44 p.m. 14,5 ft. temperature, 38; sea smooth. Low t ...12:11 p.m. 7.1 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITI&l COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV No. 63. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS RfiMJiV IS CONSOUDA TING DEFENCES FRANCE MODERATING ITS ATTITUDE NOW fir Thomas imkip is Paris May Not Insist On German Evacuation Oi Rhineland Country League of Nations Council Extends Olive Branch To Hitler and Asks Him to Send Representative To London Meeting to Talk Treaty Obligations Advance Guard Leaves For Mount Everest Attempt The advance guard of a new expedition "the fifth o unconqured .lount Evere has left London enroute to Tibet to prepare for the conque ji tht Vohu s tallest untam The members of the party were photographed depa ting from the Waterloo station. T y are left to righty Dr and Mrs. Noel Humphreys. Hugh Rittledge. leader of the expeditipn, and J M. D. Gavin of jhe Royal Engineers. REPRIEVE UNLIKELY Little Possibility of Ilauptmaun Escaping Chair This Time Governor's Deadline Expires TRENTON, New Jersey, March 14:Wlth the deadline, by which time it was generally regarder he would have granted a further stay If it was intention to do s' at all, having expired, Governo Harold Hoffman has announce that there will be no further re Drleves as far as he is concerner i for 'Bruno Richard Hauptmann Iwho Is under sentence to be el-.ectrocuted the week of March 30 for the kidnap murder four years !ago of baby Charles .Augustus David Main, seven year old son Lindbergh jr. Of course, shoulu of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Main of there be some Important new dev Porcher Island cannery, passed elopments and there appears at away late yesterday afternoon In this time to be no partlcula' the Prince Rupert General Hospl- reason to expect any. this might be tal after an illness oi aooui a cnangea. week which started with a knee Dr, J. F. (Jafsle) Condon, pnn-lnfcction. Born In Vancouver, clpal witness against Hauptmann David came north with his parenn Is due back next Tuesday from nl about a year ago and had been extended vacation trip to Panama residine with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lloyd Fisher, chief counsel for Hauptmann, has been pressing lor Condon's indictment on perjury charges but Hoffman is known tu be reluctant to have Condon in dicted, CHECKED GOOD SfART BY COLD ! FOR MUSEUM Flood Conditions in Eastern Canada Somewhat Relieved At Least 13 Lives Lost TORONTO, March 14: (CD-Lower temperatures today aided in keeping in check flood waters that had been causing land and snow slides, taking a heavy toll of lives and property damage in Eastern Canada during the past twenty-four hours. Eleven lives were lost in angr waters that tore through little wooden homes in a district fifty miles northeast of Quebec City. One life was lost in Ontario and one in Nova Scotia. Damage in the famous Annapolis fruit growing valley of Nova Scrtia is estimated at $500,000. Ontario reported widespread damage with $100,000 at Belleville, the most seriously hit spot. ONTARIO DEFICIT Expected However, To Be Turned To Surplus Next Year Relief Costs To Be Away Down ONTARIA, March 14: (CPl In the budget presented to the Or tarlo Legislature, Premier Mitchell Heoburn announces a deficit lor 000,000 but next year it is estim atcd they will be but $4,600,000. STORY HOUR DISCONTINUED Due to the prevalence of an epl- Ceventecn New Members Joined Voluntarily Since Opening Of Campaign on Thursday Since the ppenlng of the campaign on Thursday seventeen new nembers have sent In their applications along with the dollar mem- rshlp fee. So far none have made larger donations which the worthl ess of the cause might suggest. The committee in charge of the campaign feels sure the response to the appeal will be much larger hen they realize what it means to '-he city to have a real museum such as that planned. There Is Its alue to the people of the city and as an attraction to tourists and travellers. i The Junior Chamber of Com-I nerce asks that contributions be sent in so that the members may not have to undertake the disagreeable task of personal can vassing. The young men are keen on putting this over and they are asking the help of every citizen. Implement Price Boost is Being Investigated OTTAWA, March 14: CP TI12 rini nf dtnrm nnn k,,. . agricultural committee of the 1 . wig iiowai jcai ui iii.uuu,wv. uuu- o-- In I nmenn I rial ' getting, however, for a $500,000! House of Commons will investigate 111 JLjaillOUIl 1 11U1, . ,.. , an Inrrpnsn In thp nnre nf affrieul. auipiua iicaii jcai. niiiei tusLb iui the present year have been $20 tural implement prices which has 1 been announced. Pending the in-'; vestlgation it has been suggested i thai the Increase should not be tput into effect. The regular monthly meeting of Chosen by Baldwin To Direct Arms Expansion Attorney General Takes Special New Cabinet Post Will Be Duty to Harmonize Activities of Navy, Army and Air Force I LONDON, March 14: (CP) Sir Thomas Inskip, Attorney General, has been chosen by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin for the ministerial post created to supervise the tremendous expansion of defence forces of the United Kingdom. It will be Sir Thomas' duty to bring into harmony activities of the navy, army and air force. McAVOY BEATEN Britisher Decisioned by Arizona Negro But Tut Up Game Fight u NEW YORK, March 14: (CP) John Henry Lewis, Arizona negro, successfully defended his world's heavyweight championship title at Madison Square Garden last I night by decisively outpointing 1 Jack McEvoy, the British in fifteen rounds, i Lewis' heavier weight told on McEvoy and, starling about midway through the engagement, the TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D JobnstoD Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .30. Big Missouri, .64. Bralorne, 6.75. B. R. Con., .042. B. R. X, .122.. Dentonlo, .19. Dunwell, .034. Golconda, .18. Minto, .38. Morning Star. 02. National Silver, .03. Noble Five, .04Vi. Premier, 2.25. Reno, 1.10. Relief Arlington, .37. Salmon Oold, 09 Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .18 V2. Toronto Bidgood Klrkland, .79. Beattle, 1.45. Central Pat., 2.80. Chlbougamau, .43. Gods Lake, 1.12. Granada, .1912. Inter'l Nickel. 48.25. Lake Maron, 05. Little Long Laq, 6.70. Macassa, 3.89. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.36. Naranda, 47.50. Perron, 1.28. Red Lake Gold Shore, San Antonio, 2.90. Slco. 3.02, Smelters Gold, .06. Stadacona, .30. Sturgeon River, .38. Sudbury Basin, 4 10. Teck Hughes, 4.55. Ventures, 2.09. Sherritt" Gordon, 1.13. 93. Owing to small attendance on dtmlc of colds In the city, the the board of directors of the Prince account of the boat owners and Children's Story Hour has been dls- Rupert General Hospital was held fishermen being otherwise engaged continued for the remainder of the last night in the hospital. Those, in connection with the last minute season. uresent were: W. M. Brown, chair- rush nrlor to the ODenlnc of the man; S. D. Macdonald, F. S. Wal-Reason, the meeting at which Dr.! Vancouver Wheat ton, Q. V. Wilkinson. G. P. Tinker, Robert H. Bedford of the Prince and Dr. J. H. Carson, directors; H. Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta-1 VANCOUVER, March 14: (CP) W. Birch, managing director, and Hon was to have discussed matters' i SETTLEMENT I SEEMS NEAR Strike of Building Service Workers In New York is Expected To End Soon J the building service workers strike I here which has tied up Janitorial land elevator services In many of Ithe city's most Important bulldi lng widespread Inconveneence and lccmsWerabfcrdslr1piTlie'' ohe-stumbling -Tblock riow appears to -' be that of reinstatement. Britisher began to tire visibly. ?:'?J$? .'Stocks Continue ed admiration. NEW YORK, March 14:- setUement appears imminent In Their Reaction European Situation is Still Upsetting New York Trading With Downward Trend NEW YORK, March 14: Stocks continued to react to the Euro pean situation on the New Yors Exchange Thursday. Closing averages were: Industrials, 153.13, off 3.12; rails, 47.06, off 1.76; utilities. 31.41, off 90, and bonds, 102.15, off 21. Ellsworth Due At Honolulu Monday W.ife of Famous Explorer Will .Be Reunited to Him Next Week HONOLULU. March 14: Lin- icojn Ellsworth, famous American Herbert Hollick-Kenyon, British Columbia aviator, had been recently missing for several weeks In Antarctica and almost given up for lost, Is due to arrive here nex Monday aboard the liner Mariposa. His wife is here to meet him. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Cloudy, light westerly wind; barometer, 29.38; temperature, 30; light swell. Triple Island Overcast, fresh north northwesterly wind; barometer, 29.38; westerly ' swell, sea choppy. Langara Island Part cloudy, moderate northwest wind; moderate swell. Terrace Rain to snow, calm, 34. Anyox Clear, calm, 32. Stewart Clear, calm, 30.. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 30.' Smlthers Snowing, calm, cool. Burns Lak Snowing, calm, 20. POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL, March 14:,' (CD- Wheat was quoted at 83?oc on the Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady su- of preservation of fish was aban-'Tho British pound sterling f wan Vancouver Exchange today, perlntendent. doned last night'. 'X quoted at $4.97 Vi here yesterday.