vat.' vJ,x'' COATS Your choice of Dress Coats, Ulsters, Raglans, Chesterfields and Mel tons. Since you can buy one of these smart coats at exceptionally low i X. 1 price, u is certainly-sgirS worth your while to take advantage of this offer. Regular value to $17.50 SALE eQ nz PRICE .... Regular value to $19.50 SALE CM , Qff PRICE . P"tJe) Regular value to $25.00 $1695 price . Regular Value to $27.50 1995 price . Regular value to $32.50 SALE price HATS Reg. value $3.50 Q4 QC SaleSpecial 1R0N1TE PRODUCTS 22.95 IONITE PORCH PAINT, ner at $1.10 I0.VITE ENAMEL UNDERCOAT. rer at $1.10 I0.VITE QUICK DRYING ENAMEL, ner at $1.10 fONlTfi QUICK DRYING VARNISH,, per qt '$1.10 ONITE QUICK DRYING FLOOR ENAMEL, per qt .J1.10 We Deliver THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. EEXALL STORE SPECIALS AVE WITH SAFETY AT THE REX ALL STORE Hikers French Balm and Nickelled Dispenser, both for ...50c iiu JJiX lUUiCLi, UUWl 1U1 -vvw idles' Curv-rite Razor and Blade, 25c, and a tube of Lavender onaving Cream. 50c. both for 50c li5c Shari Face Powder and 25c Shari Perfume, both for 35e Handy Duster with Handle free with a. 50c tins of 4-Square Floor Wax, 25c Writing Tablet and 15c pkg. of Envelopes, both for 25c Holder for Tooth Paste and Tooth Brushes and 1 25c Tooth Brush, both for ,. 29c 50c Writing Tablet and Envelopes (portfolio) and 1 25c Mechanical Pencil, both for 50c 25JLK'en Tooth Brush and 1 35c Milk of . Magnesia Tooth powder, both for 39c rge Sponge and Chamois, both for 89c 75c Bottle of. A. S. A. Tablets and 1 50c bottle of Vapure, for 85c r- Size Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste. Rexall, for 25c ot Watpr uvwvk., Qjjctiui, eutii c Jonteel Wave Set for .' -59c 100 Bottle of Fragrant Body Rub, 16 oz., for '5c ,Sisma-Rex Powder, $1.50 size, spectator $1-00 (For relief of sour stomach, acid dyspepsia, etc.) Jeen Special. 25c size for 20c 'd ri?".63 Peppermint Patties and Betty Ann Thin Mints c.V . ',Jie covered, each In 1-lb. boxes, regular ouc eutu, Special, both for : 50c Ormes Ltd. Ptonecr Druqgists tke.Rxjtll 8tr Phones: 81 & 82 unys and'llolMays From l2 noprt tniU p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. You can rem car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. C. C. Mills returned to the city on the Catala today after making the round trip to Stewart and Art; yox on business. The delegation of the unemployed council and the C.C.F., whtah was to have made an appointment with City Commfssibner W. J. Al der to make requests In regard to administration of -relief failed to make an appearance and, up to this morning, no interview had been arranged. Announcements Presbyterian Burns Tea, Jan. 23, at home of Mrs. Macey. Anglidan Tea at Mrs. W. If. Tobey's on January 23. Junior Chamber Snowball Fr6hc, January 24. Norkap basket social, January 24. Lantern lecture on Russia by Wlllson Woodside of Toronto; Booth School, January 29, Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, Feb. 1, MOOSE HALL Tonight Jdint Meeting Moose Legion Chapter 211 Moose Legion meeting tonight, 8 o'clock. Election of officers. Ul Burns banquet, Knox Hotel, Jan uary 25. Tickets $1.00 at ormes , Drug Store or Steen's Transfer. Miss E. G. Lennox M.D. of the focal Anglican Japanese Mission, left on last evening's train for a brief visit to Port Esslngton. Al Smail, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., . left on lat AVTUnc' trrttn tut a" fvripf t.fln ti Hazelton on. company business. Special: For. the next two weeks we will tlean and press your suit or dress for 65c. Phone 8 and 118. Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. and Canadian Laundry Limited. (13) Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix D.D., Bishon of Caledonia, left on last evening'j train for a brief trip to Kitwana dn ecclesiastical duties. He is expected back tonight. .Mrs. Jack McColl arrived at Port Simpson on the Catala this morning from Alice Arm to pay a visit with her father and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George P. McColl. Peter Brown, blind Hazelton In dian, who has been at Port Simpson, arrived from that village on the Catala this morning and will proceed to Hazelton on tomorrov evening's train. The entire time of city police court was occupied last night in hearing evidence in the case of Lillian Jenkins, charged with being the keeper of a disorderly house, and the hearing will continue tc night In the absence from duty of Magistrate McClymont through illness, the case is being heard by G, It Munro and S. D. MacDonaVd, Justices of the peace. Sergeant G. ll. Greenwood is prgsecjitfng wjth Milton Gonzales acting as'.defence counsel. WW n A nn 4 mk in n . inv i (ink a w i jmm 1 ' Arg I Here is an opportunity for the men and young men of Prince Rupert to buy quality clothing at greatly reduced prices. Continuing with our policy of giving the public the benefit of our seasonal stock clearance we again offer standard quality merchandise at unheard of prices! Pure Wool Zipper Windbreakers Leather Coats Reg. $12. QQ QP Regular value $6.00. J0 Qff Sale Price tyOtOD Sale Price . . . . , t?Je7eJ Reversible Leather Coats Qfi Qff Pure Wool Button Windbreakers Reg. $9.50; Sale Price . yu,gJ Regular value $450. Qt AC "! " Sale Price tJAUtel Universal Jumbo Knit 4 Sweaters DWin:'bl"kefs-$1.95 S'.Re&$M0 $3.95 SIetvai';strSpriee95C Assorted Pattern Woollen r7lZg Dress Shirts Collar attached and Scarfs, Special detached styles. Reg. Q4 4C 5 value $2.00; Sale Price Pure Wool Combination Underwear : ; SatePrke $1.95 SPECI4L PURE WOOL WORK SOX TIES 39 c 69c Regular value 20c pair 9T Sale Price, 2 pair FYTR A f 17YTI? A f Regular value 25c pair Offp EA 1 iAII; Sale Price, 2 pair OwX, Fawn Qrey gmj White pure gnk Regular value 35c pair A.Ep Shirts Reg. value QO 41? Sale Price, 2 pair ox' $5.00; Sale Price ?0.J The above and many more specials are on sale .starting 9 a.m., Wednesday, January 15th.; ' LAMBIE & STYLE QUALITY 1 , , LOCAL NEWS NOTES For messenger. or taxi phone 65. For messenger or taxi phone 63. i SERVICE Mrs. George Casey jr arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from Anyox. J. O. Williamson returned to the city on the Cataia this morning from a brief business trip to Port Simpson. The condition of Magistrate McClymont, who has been quite ill at his home, was reported this morning, to be considerably improved. Miss Mabel Morris of Smitherj, who has been spending some time in the city, left by last evening'! train on her return to her home in the' Interior. Former Local Girl Married in South .Miss Tetra Lindland Becomes Bride Of Charles Peterson, Formerly Of Francois Lake Miss Petra Lindland, who formerly lived In Prince Rupert with her family, attending High School here and later teaching school at Port Simpson and for the past year at Remo, was married recently at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. T. Lindland, in Vancouver, to Charles Delbert Peterson, formerly of Francois Lake, Rev. W. H. Mussen officiating. Only Immediate relatives of the bride were in attendance- at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson will make their home in TRAPPERS: Have big order for all furs especially MINKS AND MARTENS Ship your goods as soon as receiv-jed we wire valuation. If price not i satisfactory goods returned at once. Express paid both ways. jNo. 1 Ranch Minks as high as $15; I Interlor$ $15; Martens, as high as j$49; Lynx, $45. , In the market for good Silver Fbxes. Make a shipment and be convinced. G OLDBLOO M is the best man The Old Reliable SUITS M I For the man who wants to look presentable at all times at a definitely moderate price we sug I i gest the following suits its; Reeular value to feT $25.00 5.00 """" . f PRICE . $16.95 K UH Regular value to $27.50 $19.95 price . Regular value to $35.00 SALE Q90 Qff PRICE . 1 MRS. EVITT PRESIDENT Named Head Of St. Andrews Woman's Auxiliary. At Meeting Yesterday The annual meeting of St. Andrew's Cathedral Woman's Auxiliary was held on Monday afternoon when very encouraging re-, ports were read from all depart ments and the following officers .elected for 1936: I President, Mrs. C. V. Evltt. Secretary, Mrs. H. S. Meadotts. Treasurer, Mrs. F. A. McCallum. For - - COAL : LUMBER i Building Supplies PAone PHILPOTT EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 Kv-fvm m:-A I ...... llt, lt,tv,, j ,,i i PULLOVER SWEATERS I In all colors and sizes. Crewe, V and Turtle Necks-Regular value to $3.50 04 ACJ Sale Price J.lJe Regular value to $5.00 Sale Price $2.95 I STONE "t8-1011 $3.45 1 1 i 1 1 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY . Phone 657 ANNOUNCING: 65 Taxi and Messenger Service Bill Stuart Phone: 65 Sfand": Sixth Street A complete Taxi and Delivery Service Day and Night Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL "osornf Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an, all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. I 11 !! 1 1 iS i vii i:3 ..U , . r M i OfTf nj Hi ml ;;:)! i !!5? :a Ml) ifl? ,tul