PAOE TWO DAILY NEWS Monday, May 4, Never Get The Blues Here's One Time , ,? When You Should ' ..., i . v BLUE SHOES are the vogue and they match almost ;any costume you may have. Pumps in suede and kid, sandals, ties and straps are among the selection. P.riced from $4.45 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVERTISING KAitS Transient display advertising, perinea, per insertion , Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . - Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone ... DAILY EDITION CANADA'S HUMORIST Phone 357 ' Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince .Rupen Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. pullen Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany period, paid In advance $5.u. By mall to all parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week 98 88 .It 1.4U .,02 Monday, May 4, 1936 Stephen Leacock, who is severing his connection with JvlcuiJJ University, where for many years he has been a member of the professorial staff, is usually looked upon as Canada's greatest humorist. He was retired against his will because he had reached the age of .65 and .at that age most people are supposed to Jose their .virility and be ready to take things easy until they pass away at three score years and ten. Since it was decided that he must retire he has been writing humorous articles in regard to his dismissal, his latest being ,an answer to England to which country he had been invited. The curious thing about Leacock is that he was born in England, where the people are popularly supposed to have no sense of humor. He says that when he left Hampshire at the age of six he spoke English but ;he does it no moreand does.not try to. do it. He talks Canadian, which is quite a different language. He says that when a Canadian means four he says four and not "faw." Also Canadians in conversation talk quite freely about .money whereas to an Englishman, money talk is taboo. He .says: "Then, there's the question of manners. There it would be pretty hard for me or for any of my friends here to "get by." You see, we are not' just quite what you call gentlemen. Not quite. In the dark and if we don't talk. you could hardly tell us. But when we begin to feel easy and at home the thing comes put. I don't just know what it consists of: I think we are a little too unrestrained." Only an Englishman would dare to write about the English the way Leacock does. He exercises the English- man o jjuvhcc ui xuiuuitiig uuuul everyming cngiisn and the best of it is he gets paid for doing it. Also he does it in such a way that Englishmen enjoy reading it more than anyone else. That shows they have at least a little sense of humor. The Annual Self-Denial Effort May 1st to May 18th The 1930 Campaign has been ilaunched. Within the next two weeks Salvationists vof the local Corps wll lcanvass the city. The Salvation Army has been able to maintain the standard .and extent of our service because of extra help given by friends who realize our present difficulties and because of the personal sacrifice of officers ;and workers. WHEN CALLED UP.ON PLEASE GIVE LIBERALLY TO THE SERVICE THAT SUCCEEDS 'SPORT TITLE HAS GONE EAST Windsor Fords Defeat Victoria Dominoes Three .Games to Nil In Hoop Finals WINDSOR, Ont., May 4: (CP) Windsor Fords won the senior .men's Canadian .basket hall championship and the right to represent Canada at .the Olympic Games in Germany this year with a 4G to 23 victory over the Victoria Dominoes, last year's champions, on Saturday night. The Windsor Fords won in three straigiit games, having taken the first 47 to 36 and the second 33 to 32. Railwaymen Beat Kaien Motors In Bowling Fixture Canadian National Recreation Association defeated Kaien Motors two games to .one in the Commercial Bowling League Saturday night, the fixture having been postponed from Friday night. High average scorer was Percy Mcintosh of the Canadian National Recrea tion Association with 155. Details of scoring: KAIEN MOTORS 1st 2nd Bell .132 121 Montesano 120 Smith 125 J. Jack 132 Veitch !l49 Handicap , 03 c N. R. A. 132 420 108 121 63 Totals , .721 665 1st 2nd Rogers 115 113. Mcintosh -.j .134 173 Teng 132 133 Morrison 104 145 Davies 103 91 Handicap 40 40 3rd 101 130 137 106 121 63 658 3rd 144 158 148 101 121 .40 Totals 628 ,695 712 The League Standing The league standing .to ,date: W. Bankers ,n Three Two Taxi 10 Biological Station .10 Watts' Grocery 8 Oilers .. o Rupert Butchers 6 C. N. R. A. 7 Kaien Motors G Tennis Season Formally Open American Tournament Yesterday At Prince Rupert .Courts In Good Shape The playing season on the courts of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club at Acropolis Hill started formally yesterday .with the playing pf .an. American .tournament which was interrupted oy ram when it was about three-quarters completed. Twenty couples .took part. Two weeks hence another American tournament will be held. Those visiting the courts yesterday found everything .In good , order following the winter. The club house has been thoroughly renovated and the courts repaired and painted, HAMILTON ATHLETE DIES HAMILTON, May 4: William H. Charles, for many years prominent In .athletic and sporting .circles of this city, died at the end of the week. Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mrs. Iverson and Norman, Oona River; R, Reid, C.N.R.; Mrs. Nelson Brew, Haysport; Mrs. Monica Taylor, city. .Royal F. Wezek and M. Johnston, C. N, R.; Henry Smith, Stewart; M. S. Buchanan, Prince George; L. K Joe, Terrace; A. Stenlund, city. Prince Rupert Miss D. Plte and Mrs. J. A. Brown and daughter, Port Essington; M. 8. Pyke, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wal lace, Vancouver; Angus Currle, Claxton; A. E. Lawson, Sunnyslde; H. J, Wells, Vancouver. CARDINALS TAP LEAD New York Giants Tumble From .First Place in National League American Hace Close ST. LOUIS, May 4: (CP) As a result of week-end play, New York Giants were displaced from the leadership of the National League by the St. Louis .Cardinals. The Cardinals followed up a shut-out victory over the Brooklyn Dodgers on Saturday with a 6 to 2 win over the Boston Braves In a series op-pner here yesterday. The .Giants lost .to the Cubs at Chicago Saturday but won over the Reds at Cincinnati yesterday. The Pittsburg Pirates won over the Boston Braves Saturday and won a .close victory over Brooklyn Dodgers yesterday to move into fourth place, the Cincinnati Reds, as a result of losing two week-end starts, dropping from the first division into sixth place below the Phillies who won terday from Chicago Cubs. The Braves are now In seventh place while the Brooklyn Dodgers remain In the cellar. Week-end play saw a tightening up of the American League standing. The Boston Red Sox continue In the leadership, having last to the Cleveland Indians on Saturday while they blanked the Detroit Tiger? yesterday. The New Yotk Yankees, losing to the .Chicago White Sox Saturday but winning from the lowly St. Louis Browns yesterday, retain second place. The Cleveland Indians, following up the victory :over the Red Sox on Satur day with a shut-out victory over the Washington Senators yester day, advanced from fifth to third place ahead of the Detroit Tigers, who won from the Philadelphia Athletics in a close game Saturday and were blanked by the Red Sox yesterday, and the Washington Senators, whose victory over the St. Louis Browns Saturday ,was .offset by their .defeat at the hands of Cleveland yesterday. Chicago White Sox, winning over the New York Yankees Saturday and over the Philadelphia Athletics yesterday, went into sixth place ahead of the Philadelphia Athletics who lost both week-end starts to Detroit On Saturday and to Chicago yesterday. The long-suffering St. Louis Browns are more solidly than ?ver ensconsed In the basement. Week-end Major League scores were as follows: 'SATUKDAY National League New York .4, Chicago 5. .Brooklyn ,0, St. Louis 4. Boston 1, Pittsburg 6. Philadelphia 4, Cincinnati -3. American League Chlcngo 0, New York 4. St. Louis 4, Washington 9. .Detroit 8, Philadelphia 7. Clewland" 7, .Bostpri ;3. SUNDAY American League St. Louis 5, New York 14. .Chicago 8, Philadelphia 4. Detroit 0, Boston 6. Cleveland 3, Washington 0. National League Boston 2, St. Louis 6. .New York 7, Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 5, Pittsburg 0. Philadelphia 8. Chicago 5. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE ,W. L. St. Louis 9 5 New York 9 o Chicago o 7 Pittsburg 8 7 Philadelphia 9 10 Cincinnati 8 9 Boston o 9 Brooklyn 6 11 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Boston .13 6 New York :2 o Cleveland :io 7 Detroit 9 7 Washington n 9 Chicago 0 9 Philadelphia o 11 St. Louis 3 15 Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League San Diego 0, Portland 1. Oakland 4, Los Angeles 2, Pet, .036 .600 .563 .533 .474 .471 .400 .353 .670 .607 .588 .563 .550 .400 .353 .107 HIGH WINS IN SOCCER Good .Brand of .Football tln .Openci Of Spring Season The Junior .Football .Association opened the spring schedule on Saturday when King Edward High School won from Borden Street School by three goals to one. Tim' game was well .contested all through and the standard of Rlay,' particularly in vlew ,of the .fact that it was the opening game, wai of a high standard, High had the advantage In finishing attacks more strongly. After Miss S A. Mills principal of .Borden Street School, had Kicked off In the opening cere mony, a spell of mid-field play followed. High worked down the field and Wikdal hit .the cross bar with a fine shot. Scherk and Judge sent Currle away but his parting shot was wide. Smith then broke through to score for High Mah made a fine stop from Fitch'i wen-iaKen iree kick. High was pressing now and Holkestad's corner kick was put through by Smith but, as he handled the ball the goal was properly disallowed, Mah kept a fine goal for Borden and Nelson and McLeod were sound. Houston scored aftei Saturday from Cincinnati and yes-'.Smith's shot rebounded from the bar. Bolton was lucky to stop Currle and then Judge shot past Holkestad added a third. L. Knut son was lucky to clear after dropping Judge's centre. Borden defended well In the sec ind half, McLeod. Scherk. Cook and Nelson all doing well. Mah did wonders in goal. Parsons .gave away a corner in trying to head ichubert's long drive away and, mm Judge's well taken corner Schubert scored. .P. Knutson and Smith went close .but failed to score. Smith hit the upright and Holkestad shot over from close .in. Borden attacked strongly at thn finish but no goals were added. Teams: Borden Mnh- Nplenn MT J Wong, Scherk, .Cook; Schubert Klharl. S. Currle, Postulo. Judce. iHigh School L. Knutson; .Bolton, Parsons; .Christian, Fitch, Brown; P. Knutson, Houston. Smith. Wikdal, HolKestad. Referee George Dawes. Linesman J. Ritchie and F. Ilodgkinson. O'MAIIONEY WINS CHICAGO, May 4: Dan O'Ma- honey defeated Gus Sonnenberg In a heavyweight wrestling match here Friday night. O'Mahonev olnncd Sonnenberg in thirty-nine minutes and the latter was unable to continue. WANTED Camp Run Hemlock Logs. Phone Green .687 or Write Stanley Bishoprick jr. .Prince .Rupert Fresh Delicious Cottage .Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone ,657 Rats and Beayer We have a .big order for both and In order to induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we .will wire the money immediately. GOLD BLOOM The Old Reliable MRS. HALLWAY announces the reopening the of Modern Beauty . Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located, at 210 4th. 8t. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a special for one week of a free electric manl-cure with every shampoo and fjngerwave or marcel. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SBBlSMB!jBBBBHMBBMBBMBBBBBBHHJSHj Clean Up! Plant Up! Fix Up! Paint Up! Beautify CLEAN-UP WEEK SPECIALS House Broom Qp & Whisk, both oye 15c " 2 cans Chan Wax Vs Lawn Fence 59c Wood Leg Garbage Can for outside CO OQ use Floor Mop and Qf Bottle Oil, both u71' Vigoro Plant Food, 10 lbs. . Garden Lime 50-lb. sack . Cotton Gloves pair , Garden Rake 14 tooth ... D-Handle Spade Grass Rake for . , 50c 75c 15c 49c 95c 19c Sorry no delivery at this price Seeds Roofing DURABLE - WATERPROOF " Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate. of Ammonia, .Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers &Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Oold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead; Zinc, Cadmium. Blsmutn GARDEN SUPPLIES Bone Meal Lawn Sand C. I. L. Fertilizers Hoes Rakes Spades Poultry Fencing Lawn Hose THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. (Clean up and paint up this week and next) I Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CJIRPENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJH. Due Vancouver, Monday ,a.m, tti Weekly saillngs'to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naa m ' , Sunday,, 8 p.m. , Further information regarding sailings and t,ckets,frn e 568 R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Apent, Third Ave. 1 "