paoi roua f HAND-CUTTING AND TAILORING TO YOUR PERSONAL MEASURE by union craftsmen, assures you that your requirements in style and fit are observed by Tip Top Tailors. . . . UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF HUNDREDS OF NEW BRITISH WOOLENS . . . London and New York style trends . . . Val-Glo, the rayon body and sleeve lining . . . and one standard price, make your new suit or topcoat by Tip Top the greatest clothing bargain in the land. P. Cravetto TIP TOP TAILORS Fourth Street. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD vSEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Phone Blue 418 LIMITED Brush fires continue to demand the attention of the fire department. At 11:15 Saturday morning there was one at Sixth Avenue and I Tatlow Street near the residence' of James, Hampton, at 1 o'clock! ECONOMY SPECIALS SHAMROCK LARD 3-lb. tin HEINZ KETCHUP large bottle HERRING In Tomato Sause, Gold Seal, per tin MONOGRAM MOLASSES 22-oz. tin PINE TAR SOAP each MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leuf I .and Jo Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 6 Coast, and situate op Kalcn Island close to Galloway Rapid TTJ-M TAILORED TO Y'O U R PERSONAL MEASURE . We Serve , CHICKEN DINNERS on Sunday at the little place called the U & 1 CAFE Formerly Solem's Cafe MANY AT FUNERAL yesterday afternoon near the resl-:John Joy Laid at Kest Yestcr dence of George Dawes on Fourth: dav Foi,nttinir Uri, At. " " " J A A n . r- i , avvmuc riiist aim at o;io yesu-Tuay afternoon at the home of A. G. Rlx, tended Funeral i Atlln Ayenue, Westview. 1 ' There was a large attendance i - , Including numerous friends frori pioneer days, at the funeral yes- lterday afternoon of the late John ' Tfllf cr n VtlrrVllir fopnnnfnrl r-fic- jdent of twenty-eight years' stand ing In Prince Rupert. The funeral service took place at 3:30 In the cnapei of the B. c. Undertakers with Very Rev. James B. Gibson dean of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, officiating. W. Vaughan Da vies presided at the organ and 5tlC hymns were "Lead, Kindly Light" ' and "Abide With Me." 21C Following the service, there wa3 ; a long procession to Falrvlew Cem-IQn etery where interment was made. i Pallbearers were William Stuart IOC ExAld- scar Larsen, W. H. (Goodsell, George Lambert, Rlch-ffp,ard Bury and Fred Scadden. . . ""l There were many beautiful flor- CALAY BEAUTY SOAP flQp'al tributes, those sending flowers I lUk - ..y t P. & G. SOAP 4 for 19c SUPER SUDS per pkg. 10c Sold with a guarantee Try a package D, B. CLEANING PASTE per tin 21c Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots, Celery, Ca"bbage, Cukes, Sweet Spuds. Spanish Onions. Lemons. itc 4tuu ruiiuiy, Mr. ana Mrs. Wm. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Goodsell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thaln. The City of Prince Rupert, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gustafson, Prince Rupert Pioneer's Association, A. L Phillips, Rupert Bakery, Capt. and Mrs Reg Green and family, Sun- trise Grocery, M. Durant, R. G. T. I Rose, Myrtle and Florence, Mr. j and Mrs. A. E. Blackhall and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Len Brewerton, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kelsey, City Fire Department, William Schriaberg, Pioneer Laundry, W. E. Bailey, Jack Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Lundqulst and family, Fred Scad den, Joe Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Wermig, Mr. and Mrs. R. A Apples, Pears. Cranes at Rednrf.,1 !McLeod and Chrissle, Mr. and Mrs priccs iu jonnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morln, Miss B. Hatt, Mrs. Sam Hougan and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dye, Cousin Alf Batch elor, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson (9th West), Mr. and Mrs. J. Judge. Lois and Roy; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scherk, Ruth and Vernon; Jack Cobb, Chow Lam, Mrs. M. Zelisko and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Wm, Thaln, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stuart Jr Winnie, Betty and Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wlllan, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scherk and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steen and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. DeJong, Mr and Mrs. William Field (Vancou- Take nottc that i. Martin Miiur niiver)- Rosaline, Mavies and Billy. Prince Rupert, no, occupation Lumbrr-.Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and family. following dmu-rlhrvt lin4- lvlr- ana Mrs, Commencing at a pout planted aD-lnd Mrs. proximatley 3 000 ft. north of lots 115 lie, O. U 291. Ranee S Count thni 660 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet eaM; thence 260 ft north thence following the shore Hrw to post of commencement and containing ten acrea, more or less. ' MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6, 1033. G. Kincald. W, Nlckerson The case of Henry Collison, Klt-katla Indian, charged with liquor in his possession, has been further adjourned in city police court. ' DAILY NVWI Mnaay, May 4, 133J WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront New Power Cruiser is usiior 10 Port Cannerymen Arriving Naskeena to Naas Hlver. The new power cruiser "Mar shall-Well." belonging to Marshall-Wells Ltd. of Vancouver, is an Interesting visitor in port, having on board Bill Wetmore, well known representative of the company, who is accompanied by Fred Wpxtpll Alert r.iv sawmill man, for the past several years identified with Inverness cannery as skipper of the cannery's boats, is again on the Skeena River for the season, having come north on the Cardena at the week-end after spending the winter In Victoria. C. Gillespie, formerly manager of the Oceanic cannery, came north from Vancouver on the Cardena this trip to again be stationed at Oceanic this season in charge of the plant which is to be operated as a fishing camp by the Canadian Fishing Co. W. G. Mit chell also came north from Vancouver to Oceanic on the. Cardena. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. W. Q. Palmer, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver on her final voyage of the season on the Alaska route, is due in port at 3:30 this afternoon from the north and will sail at 5 p.m. in continuation of her voyage. i The Ketchikan motor vessels New Zora, BeloltV Venus and Elsl-nore were all In' port this morning, each bringing a 'carload of fresh halibut or salmon for trans-shipment east over Canadian National Railways. Having on board Indian Agent W. E. Collison pfj.this city; Dr. A. L. McQuarrle, medical officer of the department from New West-! minster; Capt. Gerald Barry of Vancouver, Inspector of Indian schools, and Rev. F. E. Anfleld, principal of the Alert Bay Indian industrial school, the Indian Department cruiser Naskeena, in charge of Dominion Constable A. J. Watktnson, left yesterday morn ing for a week's trip to Naas River points. Mr. Barry and Mr. Anfleld arrived here Saturday morning aboard the Bella Coola agency's boat Charles Todd. Cup and Saucer Shower is Held Miss Dot Patmore Hostess Saturday Night in Honor of Miss Cathie Irvine Miss Dorothy Patmore was hostess Saturday night at a. delightful cup and saucer shower In honor of Miss Cathie Irvine whose marriage to Tommy Fraser takes place this week. There were about twenty young ladles present and the evening was happily spent In playing of games, the prize winners being' Mrs. Sid Elklns and Miss Evelyn Dalby. The feature of the proceedings was the presentation to the bride-elect of a huge cup and saucer decorated in pink and white which was found to contain many dainty cups and saucers. Delicious refreshments were served. Those present, besides the hostess and guest of honor, were Miss Ruby Krlkevsky, Miss Phyllis Harvey, Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Miss Swanna Olafson, Miss Lillian Lowe, Miss Ella Steen, Miss Wilma Wilson, Mrs. Sid Elklns, Miss Malsle Macdonald, Miss Muriel Vance, Mrs. Charles Hayward, Miss Joyce Edgcumbe, Miss Lucille Brooks-bank, Miss Evelyn Dalby, Miss Muriel Morris, Miss Helen McLeod, Miss Lois McRae, Mrs. William I Rogers, Mrs. J. A. Barry, Mrs. Otto Young, Mrs. L. W.. Patmore and, Mrs. J. S. Irvine. STUDENT RECITAL Special Program of Ladies' Music Club Saturday The annual students' day of the Ladies' Music Club was held Saturday afternoon in the Japanese Mission Hall. The president, Mrs. R. E. Moore, was in the chair and there was a splendid attendance of members and parents. The program was one of exceptional merit, reflecting great credit on both teachers and students. Those tak- The vessel arrived last Friday night Ing part were pupils of Charles P. and will be leaving tomorrow on Balagno, Miss M. A. way, miss hpr rPti.m smith she is tied ud at ' Swanna Olafson, Sisters of St. excellently appointed and equip ped, is sixty feet long and has an eighty horsepower Atlas-Imperial full diesel engine. Norman Brodhurst, pioneer gas boat operator of Prince Rupert and Dorothy McLeod. (Chamlnade), Itu Kanaya. Piano duet, "Power and Glory" (John Philip Sousa), Helen Ormls-I ston and Pater Brass. J Piano solo, "Dance of the Hours" (Ponchinelllh Hazel Hill. Violin solo, "Light Cavalry" (Gertrude Lind), Elmore Hankin- son. Piano solo, "Sonata in E Major" (Mozart), Edith Smith. Piano solo, "Valse Op. 10, No, 2" (Rachmaninoff), Frances Moore. Piano solo, "Sonata In Op. 9" (Greig), Mrs. H. O. Johnsen. Piano solo,- "Jardln sous la Plul" (Dc Bussey), Ruth Nelson. "God Save the King." Capt. L. Sheppard of the fisheries patrol service returned to the city on, the Catala last evening from a trip to Vancouver. 127-3 BM Long Bobbin This 3 drawer vibrating shuttle Singer at a special low price. Finished in brown mission oak. Full set of attachments. Guaranteed Singer service through Shops and local Representatives. ARLISS AS Piano solo, "Song of the Rose,", hobo life HOBO HERE Popular English Actor lias New Kind of Role "Boulder Dam" Is Thrilling The suave, debonair George Ar-llss appears as a ragged hobo of the open road in the comedy drama "Mister Hobo" which is being shown on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. The picture is said to testlfiy amply to Arliss' versatility. The setting is in France and the story portrays a genial tramp who is genuinely in love with his proiession. He and his pals go the Union Oil Co. dock where she Joseph, Miss Margaret Mcanery,tnrougnout the length ana breadth is attracting considerable atten- Mrs. a. a. rueioacK, mn. . tion, It being her first visit to this Smith and Miss neuic Lawrence, port. The "Marshall-Well," attrac- At the conclusion of the program tive in exterior appearance and i tea was served. Tne program was, as ionows: "O Canada." Piano solo, "A Little of the country to wind up, through a comedy of errors and coincidences as proprietors of a grcal Parisian bank. However, the lure of the road still beckons and eventually, the two old felows give Regret," up luxury, forfeit social and fin anclal position and return to the Evelvn Bussey. The other end of the double bill Piano duet, "The Message of the program is "Boulder Dam," a dra Violet" (Mathilda Bilbro), Char lotte and Harriette Phllllpson. Violin solo, "Arie Varle" (Dan-cla), Jack Eastwood, Piano solo, "Evening Chimes" (A. F. Margaln), Hazel Mastin. Piano solo. "Valsettc in A Flat Major, Op. 140 (Franz Klrchner),i ' tn o nf It r 1 1 1 1 n rr o nHnn Viat-aIa n vtrt glamorous romance. The picture Is based on the story of the building of this great engineering project and the lives of the dare devil workmen who blasted their way through solid rock and scaled the walls, hundreds of feet abov Charlotte Balagno. inc nve aeain iacinB inem al Piano solo. "Valse Brilllante'' t every turn- The drama is en11110'1 (Moskowskl), Lois Judge. I with song numbers The cast In I -i i n.ii.i. Piano solo. "Valse nanrire" ciuues rauriiM Ellis. Ross Alex- r I 1 . m.ii . ,uiiuer ana uyie xaiuoi. IN AWFUL PAIN! Headaches, Backaches, Abdominal Paint ... FRUIT-A-TIVES helped make disappear in very short timet Mrs. E. Dadson, London, says,- "I had a bad case of biliousness, which caused severe abdominal pains. I also had constant headaches and backaches. 1 became so ill I had to co to a hospital. Nothing helped until 1 started l'ruit-a-tivcs. In a very short time my troubles disappeared and now I have no more headaches or backaches." Thousands have been helped by Fruit-a-tives just as Mrs. Dadson was.' Fruit-a-tives, renowned doctor's discovery, contain extracts of fruits and herbs. They not only cleanse but possess tonic effects that help give new energy. SINGER $55.25 Cash Delivered Slightly More on Small Monthly Payments of Only $3.00 Save Time! Save - - - Money! Liberal allowance for your old machine eMtctfMm.Jjd MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775 Chesterfield Suites 5 Suites Chesterfield, Tapestry and Mohair, latest patterns, reliable construction. CGC AA Terms arranged. From Pt0UU ! I I TONIGHT and TUESDAY Last Complete Show at 8:36 Here's a New Arliss For You! GEORGE ARLISS A Completely New Personality As. a Lovable Vagabond in "MISTER HOBO" fAt7:16& 10:02) PLUS - RURSTING WITH EXCITEMENT! The story of a boy who was trailed by the law . . . then hailed as a hero . . . wi,fn love of a girl made him play with death and dynamite on the dizzy heights of "Boulder Dam" - With - Ross Alexander Patricia Ellis (At 8:36 Once Onlyt WOULD NEWS (At 7:00 & 9 46 See these Wonderful Novelties MAKICOLDS Dixie Sunshine, Dwarf Mexican Orange, Tall Double Royal Scott. Yellow Supreme swert scented i. All Double African Lemon. All Double African Orange NEW NASTURTIUMS Golden Globe. Scarlet Gleam. Orange Gleam. Oolden Gleam and Golden Hybrids. ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Thone 63S HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the Famous North Beach, (i rah am Is. Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in Saason. Cottages fully furnished, also Tents and Dining Room. Good plain cooking at reasonable rates. Apply for full particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sanjan River, Near Massett, B.C. DELICIOUS BUTTERMILK 12c per quart Dominion Dairy Phone Red 008 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareill, Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FK HOME" Rates 11.00 up ftO Rooms Hot A Co" WW Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. "2