Monday. May 1930 ,.n,. L W Genuine Bran Flakes to nourish active bodies Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes are the favorite of energetic people. They taste good the fine, full flavor of toasted wheat. The nourishment and food for busy muscles. The protein. The vitamin B. Plus enough extra bran mildly laxative. PEP Bran Flakes'are truly better bran flakes. Better for flavor. For crispness. For nourishment and gentle laxative effect. Insist on PEP Bran Flakes. Sold by all grocers. Always oven-fresh and ready to eat with milk or cream. Extra delicious with sliced fruit or honey added. Enjoy these better bran flakes often. Breakfast. Lunch. Supper. Wonderful for a between-meal or bedtime snack. Popular with the whole family. Made by Kellogg .in London, Ontario. KdSvypS PEP Bran Flakes CLEAN UP! rlA Ur! PAINT UP! BEAUTIFY! EMPLOY SOME IDLE NEIGHBOR CITIZEN If you need a Painter, Carpenter, Gardener, .or possibly a man or woman for an odd job, PHONE 1.38 When a willing .worker will be sent Employment Service of Canada TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you lose any thins, try a classified ad. Julius Welle And Miss Lambert Are Married Saturday The marriage took place quietly at 7:45 Saturday evening at the residence of Rev. L. C. Jensen, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of Miss Yvonne Lambert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lambert, and Julius Welle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Welle. Witnesses of the ceremony were Charles Lambert and Earl Brochu. Mr. and Mrs. Welle will reside in the city. The groom Is a well known musician and the bride is member of the staff of the Commodore Cafe. They will have the congratulations and best wishes of many friends. "lluild B.C. Payrolls" More Body, More Cream Hi ( jr i I tVAPORTf "Throughout my years of housekeeping I have tried several kinds of canned milk. By these trials I found that Pacific Is richer and has extra body and cream content that makes richer cakes. nuddlnES. Dies and Ice cream." Mrs. G, M. B., Trail B.C., taken from a letter recent ly received. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE .60 PHONE GO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate .60 Messenger Service .DAILT.MlWr paoe thrjm LOCAL NEWS NOTES T. W. Hall, ilnspectpr ,of school, returned to the city on the Car-dcna Saturday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. J. 'p. .Johns sailed last night pn the ,Catala for Stewart on business. He will return to the city on the Prince Rupert Thursday Pat Campbell,, customs officer at Silver .Heights near Stewart, passed, through the city last week en-route ,to Edmonton .where he will spend a month's vacation. Arthur Cade, arrived In .the jClty on the Catala .last evening from his studies In Vancouver to spend the summer vacation here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. .P. Cade. The Northern -Coffee Shop opens Monday, May .4, In .the pld Palm Cafe under Norwegian management. (105) T. W. Hall, Inspector of Schools, will be the speaker on Wednesday of this .week at .the regular luncheon of .the .Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx, Bishop oi Caledonia, returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a ten day trip to Vancouver on ecclesiastical business. J. E. Moody of Port Simpson.1 who has been on a trip to Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning north. William Joy, who was called Mrs. A. L. Stewart and daugh- home last week to attend the ter arrived at Butedale from Van- funeral of his father. ' the late jcouver on the Catala yesterday to John Joy sr., will sail Thursday I join Mr. Stewart who is man-1 night by the Prince Rupert on .hh ager of the1 Canadian Fishing Co.'s return to Los Angeles. . cannery at Butedale. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Dawson and who have been on a visit to Van- little daughter, Pat, are sailing this couver and Victoria, returned to afternoon on the Princess Norah the city from the south on the for Vancouver enroute to Pentlc- Catala last evening, ton to which city Mr. Dawson has I been transferred in the service j Thomas Wallace, manager of the of the Bank of Montreal. . jSkeena River district for the B. C. .Packers, .and Mrs. Wallace ar- Mr. and Mrs. Dan McPherson , rived In the city on the Catala came north on the Cardena Sat-; last evening .from Vancouver, be urday from Vancouver to Hump- ing on their way to Sunnyside back Bay,- Porcher island, where where they will take up residence Mr. McPherson will be In charge! for the summer, of the cannery plant- which is to be operated as a camp this season. The local radio station Is off the air for a few days for th making of alterations. The studio Is being moved from its present location while the control room Is being taken to the new building of the Superior Radio Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, sails this after noon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver to attend the spring meeting of the sub-executive on the Pacific Coast of the Biological Board of Canada. John Dybhavn leaves on the Catala tomorrow to attend the same meeting. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Catholic Ladies' Aid tea at Mrs. McCaffery's, May 7. Canadian May 13. Legion Spring Saie Anglican Tea; Mrs. May 14. C. H: Ormc Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose Hall. Elks' Kiddies Flag Day May .25. THRIFT Money Savers FOR THE WEEK QUAKER OATS With Cup and Saucer, pkg. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs 3-lb. glass jar COFFEE Blue Ribbon per lb CHATEAU CHEESE 1 lb - CREAMETTES ( Quick Macaroni), 2 pkgs ROYAL CITY PEAS Sieve 5, 2 tins TOMATOES Royal City No. 22 tins, 2 for 25c 25c (With Free Shopping Bag) TEA Thrift Blend AQf UCl 1U . COFFEE Malkln's Best $1.17 36c 15c 29c 15c 25c BAKING -DAY SPECIALS 25c Australian Raisins, cello, 2 lbs. 23c Magic Baking Powder, 12 oz 23c 2V'2 lbs -65c Desslcated Cocoanut, lb 11c Crisco, 1-lb. tin 23c Bulklev Valley Eggs, per doz 23c Fairyllght Cake. Flour, pkg 24c CUBE PINEAPPLE Large flat tins, each BARTLETT PEARS Royal City, No. 2 tins, each RED ARROW SODAS per pkg COWAN'S COCOA 1-lb. tin OL D ENGLISH WAX Paste or Liquid, 1-lb. tin PARAGON TISSUE 3 rolls SUNLIGHT SOAP per ctn LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 cakes 10c 18c 18c 23c 58c 20c 18c 15c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 Third Ave Missionary Tea Held Saturday Affair Held Saturday by Presbyterian Youns Women's Auxiliary Under the auspices of the Voung Women's Missionary Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church, .a very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held air Saturday .at the Manse, 237 Fourth Avenue .East. The many guests were .received by the hostess, Mrs. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, and Miss .Beulah Mc-Kinley, president ot the auxiliary. Little Miss Dorothy Kergln opened! the door. The .rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion with daffodils and stocks. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. J. R. Morison, Mrs. P. C. .Mc-Rae and Mrs. J. W. McKlnley, ;Ser- viteurs were Miss Helen .Walker, Miss Ruthanna Wood, Miss Elsie Finlay, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Wal ker. Miss Sheila Stuart and .Miss Pheme Finlay were ,In charge of the home cooking .and Mrs. C. 0.; Ham acted as cashier. During the afternoon there was an acceptable musical program which included .violin solos by Miss Phylls Hamblin, accompanied by Miss Eileen Hamblin; .vocal solos by Mrs. William .Millar, accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Cullln; ..vocal duets by Mrs. J. H. Carson and Mrs. William Cruickshank, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Gilker. B. E. Bailey of 'the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fish eries Experimental Station re turned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. CIASSIHEO FOR SALE DINING Room Green 800. suite, bed. Phone UOfi) UP To May 8 $150 takes-hull Ethel lying at new floats. (105) FOR SALE Upright piano. Apply Box 9, .Dally News. (110) FOR SALE New 5-roomed house. Modern, cheap for cash. A. H. McPherson. , (106) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered 15 forl. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. FOR SALE 20 acres land, 5-room house, barn, cellar, running water, 50 fruit trees. Also 17 acre?, 2-room house, barn, chicken houses, partly cleared. Apply Chas. Kofoed, Terrace, B.p (108) LAN I) ACT Not kp of Intention to npply to Pur rhase Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District ot Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on .the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet immediately South of Lot 45, Q. C. I. Take notice (that the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B. C, intends to apply lor permission to purchase the following described lands:- 1 Commencing at a post .planted at tne 8. W. corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 60 chains East along South boundary of Lot 45; thence due South to short- line: thence west along shoreline to point of cammencement and contain. tag 40 aores more or less. AMBROSE P, ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Dated April 31, 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to I.eae 1-nnd In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on unsurveyed , Crown Land which Is situ ated immed lately sown ot im 10, Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice Xtm the Allison Logging Company Limited of, Vancouver, B.C. intends to apply lor a tease or tne 101-lowlng described Foreshore Lands:- Commencing at a post pianvea at tne 8. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 ohslni due East thence due North to shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 30 acres, more or less. , amhkosi; r. Aumsun, Pres. Allison Logging , Co., Ltd.' Dated .April 31, 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording DUu trlct of Range 5 Coast, and situate close to Oalloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. O. Take notice that I, Martin Miller o' Prince Rupert, BC occupation Lumber-man Intends to apply for a lease of' the following described Foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 3,000 ft, north ot Lots 115- 116, D. L. 351, Range 5 Coast .District thence about 600 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly following th shoreline to post of commencement, and containing IVa. acres, more or lest MARTIN MILLER Dated Much 6, 1910. It's Your Job as Well as Mine ! CLEANUP! 4 csiiLixi E;iilijiaiiia:!i;tii!!:iiiaiBBi;!iiiU!a Beautify Our City PLANT UP! FIX UP. PAINT UP! Do Your Part! Join the Crusade! Boost Your Community! Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce Moth Proof Garment Bags Protect your wraps, suits, blankets, robes from moths, dust and soot. Air-tight, prevents wrinkling, dust-proof. Prices 15c, 20c, 40c, 50c, 75c Blanket and Fur Bags 75c Elkay's Moth Fume Crystals Kills clothes moths and worms (larvae) 1-lb. tins, 50c Lymocide Moth Destroyer i-lb. tins, 25c Four-Square Furniture Polish Cleans and polishes fine furniture, .radios, pianos. An excellent polish for automobiles. Regular 50c Special, 42c Ormes Ltd. 3?? Pioneer Druqcists The Kexall .BUr Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till, 2 p.m., I p.m. till 9 p.m. Used Furniture , Singer Drop-head Sewing Machine- $22 50 Hand Power Washing Machine (jjg QQ Water Power Washing Machine Cg QQ RSIIII'1 38.00 Beds In all sizes, complete $10 00 Dropside Couch, ;, $7 00 !?.E.!3:.'.'.'.r.'.'.'.'.-53.sD Steel Crib Complete 4,00 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges Q-i ff A A up from VitMHI Battery Radio Kolster, 6 tubes, good for boats, with battery complete $22 50 Portable Gramaphone CM O AA with 30 Records PJ.AVV FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD D. ELIO PHONE GREEN 421 FURNITURE EXCHANGE 1 c. a V' Vf -3m IT m