PAQE.TWQ. .... Capt and Mrs. Mark G. McKay .Thursday night's train.' They will, and daughter. Dorothy, of Kltselas proceed Sunday morning aboard- arrived from the interior on lumDia anuuasK.a native cungress "The pureit form in which tobtcco can be.moktdj0 Popular Desig F See Window For Styles Where Most People Trade ns on: New Low Heel Lasts; "He who buys the best will.not live to regret his purchase." An old' Chinese proverb yet still 'true. WALKING SHOES Of the best makes and in the newest patterns andklesigns Buy the best-at popular prices. MM SHOE STORE 11 PHONE 357 (Estate 1908) ft THIRD AVENUE New Winter Excursion Fares on sale NOW 6, You can travel, to Eastern Canada (including; Winnipeg), the Eastern i andMidwest States at fares.compar-ahle vith those in effect during the Bummer, tourist season. Tickets on sale- until. .Mays 14, good returning within six months of purchase. Use, these low fares for your trip Abroad Agent BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS AT Dry Goods. & Novelty Shop Children's Coats; andf Dresses Hose, Gloyes, Scarves Novelty EyeningrBagft Novelty Jewellery , PJcki out) your;. Christmas- Gifts, and. wa- will, lay thenit aside for ;you. ifiue Pin Bowling are visitors in the-clty for the-Sal- the- Princess Norah to Ketchikan fol-vatiqn indjVjdua gres,, were as Army proceelings, having to attend the Northern British Cor hw. , , ,t. ht- JOKERS Roaf- .. Bulger Dlbb. :. Stone. 1st 2nd Dingwell 77 Davies 152 Stiles 175 Mcintosh . ..150 Comadina ;....281 Handicap :. 23 ..i:..v.421 . -..:....178v :::.J..i66. ....;....:....171 , Borland 179. (Handicap ...109 FOR, SALE 149 m: 178 205 185 23 ! Totals 901 971 I PIONEER LDY. 1st, 2nd? Wesch 169 173 DeJong 214, 174 Klnslor lGh. 265 Joy,, .... 205- 197 Asemissen 191 155 Handicap .. 74, 74 152 171 188. 119 215 109 FOR. SALE $250 takes 10 Frisco Standard gas engine. "Lion"."" "Fishermen's" Floats. 3rd 217 178 170 170 159 23 9fi0 3rd 142 203 163 154 185 162 165 251 211 109 Total 924 954 1122 William B. Kerr and Jacob Lund 1 iof Wistaria, who have been here' with .shipments of. stock for the lo- cal abatoir, left by last evening's train on their return to the interior. Mr. Kerr brought in his own stock, while, Mr. Lunde was here in company with a carload for W. J. Davies of this city from his ranch at Nadina River. h,p. Boat (2791 FOR SALE General Electric" Hand Cleaner, almost new, $15. Phone Blue 272. tf. A CHRISTMAS, Present that will please, a Bunsen Oil Burner,! Phone Black 461 or Green 106. I , (tf) FOR, SALE Electric Panatrope gramophone. Complete with records. First class order. Phone 32 Taxi. (283) LAST, FEW DAYB Furniture Fac tory; Samples, must be cleared at sensational bargain prices. 10-piece Chesterfield groups $62.-50; 3rpjece Langham Chesterfield $84.50; lb-piece Bedroom Suite, high-grade Eastern hardwood construction, Burl fronts $115.50; Genuine Walnut cedar chests.. .$14.50. Order today. Take jj advantage of this splendid opportunity, to 6a ve. Julius Shore Mail. Order. House, 801 Beklns Building, Vancouver. FORRENT V KaNT Four-room modern flats. Pantry, bath, Monarch l!? range and wato. $12.50 to $17.50.' Helgerson Ltd. (tf) f LOST LOST Grey and black Waterman's pencil. Reward at News office. (tf) MALE nELP WANTED h LESSON f rom thft depression ue a Civil Servant Postman, uusioms Examiner, Clerk, Sten ograpner, etc. Free Book'e. "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win nipeg; PERSONAL PRIVATE .Home, Kindergartens pay. WB start ypu. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, on: GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest, grade 15 for $li Pacific Supply, 751, Granville Vancouver. MEN Get, vigor at, once, New 0- uex Tonic, Tablets, contain, raw, oyster lnvlgoratora and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write; Ormes. Limited, tf THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, November 23, US Bridge League Bridge League, scores last night were as follows: Sons of Norway 3. Musketeers C. Ramblers 7, Grotto 2. Prince Rupert Dairy 4, Canadian Legion 5. Brackman-Ker 4,.C. N. It; A. 5. HOVEL ARRIVALS Koyal V Deegan, Butedale, liin?e Rupert II. F. Glassey, Atlin; II. P. Ca-hlll. Vancouver. Central W. Lcask, cliy; Miss Kay city. EDITORIAL Salvation Army Tho visit of the-Commissioner of. the Salvation Anny 74, draws attention to the splendid work, that orgaiiizatj'oii is doinir- throughout the world. Wherever- there is need fpr Tptaii.. .10144103341P.45. service, there the Salvation Army may be found. empress 1st 2nd 3rd jn' prjnco Rupert the Army has for many vears been Gunderson 226 186 292 . , , . ,'i m1 1 11 xve; ii nosa'ZU : 265 175 212 well 'represented. There have bceiv excellent officers m the shrubwir :ZZZAii 179 210 past and the present adjutant is making a name for her- cai'd,eroril 186' 224 201 self ihconnection witli the work she is doing, even.though eIfiy ' 172 165 219 sne is doing it quietly and unohtrusively. It gives us great Han?licap ZJI JI Jjuleasure to. testify to the. fine work, being done in Prince ' Totals . ...io83 1014 1199 : Rupert by this organization. GYRO 1st 2nd 3rd 221 311 Mr POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs,. Washbasin, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. LOOK FOR THIS SHIELD, This symbol of quality is. affixed, to every product of the B. C. Distillery Cb;, Ltd. ... a guarantee and a safeguard . .. . assuring: you. of the uniformity that, haj, marked these liquors, for thirty-two years. . SlfaCE 190,4 The, BRITISH COLUMBIA, DISTILLERY-COMPANY' LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK, AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders aod IwgltM Hrctrlt and AvctyletM Weill lugi SperljlIUt uu. SawtuIU and Mining Maehlnnry. AD Typa. U. Caa. tuiuea. Repaired and Overhauled. This advertisement is not published; or displayed, by. the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern ment.of; British, Columbia! A FINE SELECTION OF ROBES Striped, Plaid and Solid Color Flannels, Brocaded and, Fanev. Sill Beacon Cloths $4.00 t0 $14.59 Boys" Beacon Cloth Robes, $2:50' and: $3.00? A small deposit will reserve any garment until required' Home of FashionrGraft! Clothes Bryant Company Limited "25 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE" ' A FURS TRAPPERS and DEALEpc Port ESsington, Port ai,-. U!s Northern. Coast mi,,v . ' i00 d once foe immediate ; we aic prepared t.n "'ty. mm Very top market nrV:1'1 'he Marten- rjnd WeaVk yout other furs at full J? Our world-wide ccroStVw able us to pay v.. -.u. Yifn" prices for all youv rul:' fth UJ cH hmnn- 'mill' - i A Irk -..-...v.,w nui tunvmcc vou rin u . ncw a sciuare dem ' TRAPPERS' 01 no deal' Fl RS f .Tn Bayers. Exporters and Ilaw F,,,' ' Marketing Agent, PRINCE. GEORoSac FOIt FRESH III Phones Red 608 Produced, from our own caws Cally Ypu. can whip our rrcam but you. can't beat our mu. Dominion Dairy COAL TO PLEA8E EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed EUSONV AIJJtUTA COAL IIULKI.MV VAm:Y COAL VytNCOUVLK ISLAM) COAL PRINCE RUPEUT FEED COMPANY I'UO.NK: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy . Ill, Sockeye fin m a n k a. m nfat PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Patked by the only Salmon CannlngXompany with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert uixn ACT , iNotkf of litltlm o Apply to " lind i In. tht. P;lnc. Rupert Lnr.d VtcaiM O'MHU-Qt Rango , Coart l ; DWHl and situate n.proxlm.tiy nun " )a Southerly direction along e illne of Prtnoefia noyal h :.: -4 f r n Pfrn Point, said Red Fcr;i P -WW approxtouuly four miles la ti WesinF direction froon Barnard Cove Take Notice that li !SfB,llw k .k..- v . . . . Mr na I7i irwrr iii: nc L : t&-W.J&g Picw. tnSnd- ta apply r EDINBORO FLEECE TOPCOATS By Fashion-Craft You'll like 'em because they can "take it." They will take the hardest knocks that Old Man Winter can give, and still look spic and' span. Luxurious C6mfortable Durable Right in every particular! See them here tomorrow! $32.00 See Our Great LINE OF FASHION-CRAFT SUITS $22.00; $2500, $29.50 If plan'' i least ol at W iiW fk. .hnro.l '1 In Smiddl o: a bay boliiK ;.., !",:in one mile South of Rd lem i" thenc, three chain Nortt-E .-t. ff fifteen chain Eat the. w '-v South, thence fifteen '''3 J"5 thenre; Northerly to the tic P"j at lw. water, thener f '''nij-1jM watrt- to a point opptslW ' ' ana conwming uve :m f)OBt HANS HANSEN Dated J3th day of Ot ber WB One of Our Year-End Specials All Enamel RANGE Complete With i Ain nil. Mnrner Ins1 ! $99,50 ! AmliYpur Old Hae TKHMS Kaien Hardware PHONK-3 J