FOUR THE DAILY NEWS i The Largest Waterfront The Knox NOTICE Hotel Whiffs Is under new ownership. "Come up and sec us snm. .1 11. 1IKASELL v& . lim'.H Gift FOR BETTER CAKES HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ii Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 YES It Washes! Beatrice Dress 42nd Black Watch' Brodie , . , Brodie Hunting ! Bruce ; , -A Buchanan . -. Cameron . Campbell Dress Campbell of Loudoun Crawford Douglas Hunting Elliott Parquharson Fergusson Forbes Dress Fraser Gordon Orant Jacobite ;King Edward Leslie MacAlplne ' MacBean MacBeth MacDonald of Clanranald in Shop 0 the North 1)0 N'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlin clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed, LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 "VIYELLA" With the finest Assortment of Gifts selected from the leading markets of the world, now on on display j 1 We Cordially Invite Your Inspection Be Sure and Visit Our BASEMENT STORE HEILBRONER'S Jewelry Store Bowl always dependable Rex ing Club Exchange Block Sixth St. and Third Ave. Phone 658 Our Range of Christmas Gift Suggestions is the Best We Have S , Ever Had. Featuring: 52 AUTHENTIC SCOTCH CLAN TARTANS I TIES, SCARFS and SOX NO It Never Shrinks! MacDonnell' of Gengarry MacDuff Hunting MacFarlane MacGregor Macinnes Macintosh Maclntyre Hunting . MacKenzle Maclean of Duart MacLeod (Black & White)' MacLeod Dress MacLeod Hunting Macpherson Macpherson Dress Macpherson Hunting Macrae Dress Malcolm Menzies Hunting Munro Ancient Napier Prince of Wales ' Ross Stewart Hunting Stewart Royal Victoria A small deposit will hold any article until required We also have many other Gift Su ggestions. Watch this space! LA MB IE. & STONE i,wciscwGtfrr'?' 'Clothes of Distinction' ..y.... ..... -v sjtf j v-Vj. lt ,. t"i rr r i1. . . hm All Quiet on Waterfront Dull Season For Fishing Fleet Passenger Ships Tomorrow John Boden, arrived in port at 3:25 this morning from the south and sailed a couple of hours later on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Commissioner John McMillan, territorial commander of the Sal vation Army from Toronto, who Is a visitor in the city,, is a nephew of the late Capt. J. McLeod, veteran mariner of this coast and well known to old timers, of Prince Rupert as master of' the steamer Prin cess May on the Alaska run in the early days. Col.. J. W. Nicholls, general mana ger of the Canadian Fish & Cold, and the United States. Two Canadian Pacific Alaska flat-fishing late November sees the usual quiet season for! the Prince Rupert fishing fleet setting in. It will continue this yay until after the New Year when work of getting rrip flppf in sJiniiP fnr nnnrhpr spnsnn will fntnniPiipp in tta ; ... "" b- 1- t. .e : 1 : 1.1. . 1 inner w v. in v hw 111 Liie iiiini iiveu H;irnmirs ni rn nnsr season, it is expected there may beM " a little more renovation and im provement work, on the fleet this Winter than there has been 01 recent years. While it is still early to i predict with safety, there Is a genera confidence that the improve-, ment in the industry generally! which manifested itself in 1936 1 will continue next year. 1 Union steamer Card,ena, Capt. rTTT7TTl LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show, 9:05 CLARK GABLE - In "CAIN and MABEL" With MARION DAVIES Allen Jenkins, Roscoe Karns (At 7:36 & 9:41) News and Our Gang Comedy Coming Monday Fredric March, Warner Baxter, Lionel Barrymore, June Lang in "THE ROAD TO GLORY" iOVi:itNMi:.T I.HllOlt ACT" .S'otUr of Application for llccr l.lcrmr . . ,, , nuiitt is nereoy given ui&c on :( biorage Co., has been called on a 1 Fiit?enth day ox December next, the business trip to New York and other points in Eastern Canada iniuvrsigum mienoa to H'P'i to In Liquor Control Board for a licence In rcapoct of the premises, being part of i 1 1 1 .1 1 . . . Hctel, situate on Colllnon Avenue, New MasBCtt. B. C. Upon the lands desert WI as Lots No. 1. 2. end 3. In Block S. hnnto 'Jul U u t r, , . I Map 946; Massett Towrvilte. In the """" " yuii. uu oimuay. in 1 prince Rujert Land Rcgimatton Die- the morning the steamer Princess trlot ln tn Proy"!e or British Coium-Norah. bound from Vancouver 1J onagway on a regular voyage, Is. due. in , the afternoon the Princess Louise', :so.uthbound to Vancouver af ter a special' voyage north in-view"! or tnc tie-up of American shipping, is scheduled to call here. anaIs6?fourfff.a vine .to. .make an extra call at Bishop Bay log ging camp, C. P. R. steamer Prin cess Adelaide, Capt. Henrv Ander son, was late this week, and did not arrive until 3 o'clock this - from the south, saillne a counlp nf hours later on her return to Van couver and waypolnts. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this morning from Vancouver. He went south to give a series of lectures. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In W-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONE G57 . I www V.C IIM VWIOlUILjHVli VII wic dowri the coast ttremLseii nr eltvivhr Daitod thla 5th day of November. A.D. i936. CARL KIRjtllS Applicant. MacKENZIE'S FUKNITUltE A Real Christmas Gift Sound, refreshing sleep the year 'round. 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 Come - Bring Others - Come WHERE? St. Andrew's Cathedral WHEN? Sunday next, a.m., 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. ur Week days following, each evening at 8 o'clock WHAT FOR? ... . Mission Services AtHwioiier: lit Rev. G. A. Wells C.M.G.. M.A., D D WHY? JESUS CHRIST needs YOU for Evangelization of Canadian Life "ixrimmmmmWim - Si? ft I 1 ' Rigid as a Rock New Nationally Advertised HOURD FOLDING CARD TABLES Smart - Dependable - Superior These tables are the finest obtainable. Made of selected hardwood and specially treated wood fibre and have the new scientifically perfect brace construction which eliminates the irritating wabble and quiver found in Inferior card tables. The XL, green felt top $3 Q0 The XL, leatherette top $3,25 The Imperial, green felt or leatherette top $4.50 The New Elite, fabrikoid top $6.50 Be sure you sec these splendjd tables. Everyone who sees one wants one. Don't forget Moments of Melody- over Radio Station CFTR Saturday. 6:45 p.m.) Sp for $29.50 Coats & Suits for ecial Coat Sale at DEMERS and save! Used Goods Picture Frames, price .2,ru', "0c & 75c Wringers $1.50 & $2.00 Hand Sewing Machine $18.00 Badminton Racket, Slazengers $1-" Violet Ray $5.00 Vibrators ; Kl.m & $5.00 Radios, Battery Seta .$10.00 & $25.00 Violin, full size $12.50 Tenor Banjos ....$6.00, $18.00 Flute , $12.00 Clarinet . $15.00 The above mentioned are on display at D. ELI FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Used Goods of Any Description For Cash Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Business Hours; From 8 a.m. to S p.m. Thursday half holiday as usual. I s5 ft Ra-inh'C.l 17 T 1 r i n . "",iuiiu' ur i nmmea voats ana ouits are offered you at remarkably low prices. Look at these and be convinced. ft S33.00 Coats $25.00 S5?fi"ta $18.50 8 $21.50 Coats 816.50 8 Someone would like a Coat for a Christmas Olft, Buy it now "A