Lay, November 28, 1936 THE DAILY NEWS PAOK TURKS Sore Throat Pains DUE TO COLDS Eased Instantly 0 r.iBGlE thorouahly throw your hrad way back, allowing a liltl to Irickla down your throat. membrane of your throat. Pain toes almost instantly; rawness em relieved. Countless thousands now use Mi way to ease sore throat. jYour doctor, we are sure, will 1, Crmh and itir 3 "Aiplrln" tobUti In i glati of watr. 3. Repeat gargl and do not rtnu mouth, allow gargl to remain on membranei of the throot for prolonged effect. Just Gargle This Way with "ASPIRIN" Here h the most amazing way to ease the pains of rawness of sore throat resulting from a cold we know you have ever tried. Crush and ilissolve three "ASPIRIN" tablets in one- Ihml class of water. Then gar- y!e with this mixture twice, ding your head well back. This medicinal gargle will net almost like a local anes thetic on the sore, irritated approve it. And you will say it is marvelous. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Ilayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get- ASPIRIN co&lbin reeds refWing TRADE-MARK REO. We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and the oil for 5 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. , When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. Winter is again with us and as usual we arc at: your service to assist you solve vour fuel problems. We have coals for all stoves. heaters and furnaces. Phone us for prices. Winter winds aedinl drechilJivg- -And your PHILPOTT- EVITT & Go. Ltd; 651 PHONE G52 Union Steamships, Limited 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T-SS. C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TS.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJW. Due Vactouver, Monday ajn. If rnnvnln nlonw nurfhaSC tickets at Office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from v. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Acent, inira vc. Canadian Pacific To vncouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at. 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah," Nov. 3rd, 10th, Dec. 3rd, 17tlu T K''ch'kan, Wrancell, Juneau and Skacway nlh BS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 30th, Nov. 15th, 29th, Dec. I3tru WINTER EXCURSION FARES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th, 1937 Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For Information and Reservations I COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupertj U.u. LOCAL NEWS NOTES C. C. F. Bridge tonight. Try the Knox Hotel dining room. Good food and reasonable prices. Regal Shop- Wool and Fancy Work Sales. Sat. and Mon. See our window for prices. (278) Tonight's train, due from east at 10:20,. was reported morning to be on time. per lb. Pork Chops per lb. ! Sausage, 1 lb. & i lb. Liver : Bacon By piece per lb. the this Miss B. Molloy of the; Prince Rupert General Hospital undergraduate nursing staff sailed- this JONES Family Market I'HONE 957 BEEF Sirloin Tip Roasts' lbs Rump Roast of- Beef 5 , lbs T-Bone Roast 5 , lbs. ....!...: Pot Roast 'of'Beef . 6 lbs. Short Ribs 3 IbSa .tf..uaaa ! Hamburger 3 lbs. Corn Beef-j ' 5 lbs. i..., Beef Dripping 4 lbs. Prime-Rib Roll 5 lbs VEAL ' Leg of Veal per lb fj.... Fillet of Veal "; per lb - Rolled Shoulder of Veal per lb. ..... Shoulder of Veal 6 lbs LAMB Legs of Lamb per lb. Loin of Lamb per lb. PHONE 957 Saturday Specials Rolled Shoulder of Lamb per lb MUTTON. Legs of Mutton- pen lb Loin of Mutton per lb. Shoulder of Mutton per lb PORK Leg of Pork 80 c 75c 90c 50c 25c 25 c 25 c 25c 80c 15c 20c 15 c 50c 25c 25c 20c 18 c 15 c 10 c 22 c 22 c 25c 26 c Cash for old, gold. Bulger's (tt) Don't forget the meeting C. L. Iii Halli Monday, 8' p.m. (280) , Mrs: George Letta sailed this morning on the Cardena for Campbell-River. Mr. and1 Mrs., Charles Durham of Usk. sailed , this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. An excellent line of crepe and seiml-service. weight hose in smart Christmas boxes, for $1.0ft'at Fash morning on the Princess- Adelaide-! ion Footwear. Let MUSSALLEM'S Serve You tf: for Vancouver enroute to Tranfj quille Sanitarium where she will! salvation Army officers embark-take a course in tuberculosis nurs- mg nere. tomorrow' morning on the lng, later going to Vancouver Geri- Princess- Norah for Ketchikan to eral Hospital for dietetics. I attend the Alaska and Northern - - - " (British Columbia native congress :wiU be: Commissioner and Mrsv John McMillan-of Toronto; Brigadier W. J. Carruthers of Wrangell; Adjutant Eva Laycoek and Capt. E. Robertson of Prince Rupert! Adjutant Alex Parkinson of Glen Vow-ell; Mrs. (Adjutant) Halvorsen of Hazelton; Mrs. (Captain) Richard Tomlinson and Master Walter Tomlinson of Cedarvale; Mrs. (Captain) Andrew McKay of Port Simpson;. Capt. and Mrs; Mark McKay of Kltselasy and Envoy and Mrs. Henry- Prevost of Metlakatla; Service With a Smile Mussaliem'sr Confectionery and Delicatessen have what you want. Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Fresh Fruits in season, Ice Cream Dishes and Sodas. Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches served in comfortable booths. Box j Chocolates, Candies suitable for gifts. All fresh' stock at reasonable prices. COCOANUT CHEWS per Ibi , SOCIETY WHIRLS per lb SHARP'S TOFFEE- , per Ibv :. TiOVEKXMEXT I-lQl'OR (Section 27) XOTICF. OF AITMCATIOX ACT" FOR BF.ER LICENCE Notice is- hereby given that on 3rd day of December, next, the und-fclcnl. Intends to apply to the' Llqior W premises being pert of a building known afl Knox Hotel, situate on Flr Avenue Prince- Rupert, British Cc-1 umbla. upon the " lands described 84 Lots No. 13 and 14, Block 2. Section 1. Mao 923: Prince Rupert Land Reels trstlon District, in the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the bottle for coni sumption on the premises or Dated this 31st day of October, 1938. Applicant GEORGE L. RORIE Trustee of Knox Hotel Company Limited in Barutrupccy . CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev, J. Bi Gibson, Dean 29 c 27c 29 c MlUSSALLEM'S I Confectionery and1 Delicatessen iiiiiin:ivii!iaai 8 A.M., Holy Communion 11 A.M., Thanksgiving Service for the. success of.the Restoration Fund. Preacher: Rt. Rev. G A, Wells C.M.G:, MA:; B'v., Bishop of Cariboo. 12:30, Sunday. School 7:30 PM., Mission Service, Preacher: Rt. Rev. G. A. Wells The Mission will continue each' evening at 8 o'clock until Thursday next, v ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor ANNUAL MISSION FESTIVAL 11 A.M., Why Support Fbrelgn Missions? (Norse) 12:15; Sunday School ' 7:30 P.M., MisslonProgram, "Go Tell" Leader Journ Skog; others taking part; Magnhlld Storseth, Olaf Hansen. Elsie Muryold, Lillian SkogmoRaidun.Klldal, Ethel Knutson, Solvelg Mork, Clarlce Johnsen4 Ralph Selvlg, Clifford Knutsen, Thor Selvlg, .Anna Johnsen and Mlmmy Johnsen. Music by, Children's Chorus Soloists andi Mixed Quartet. The offerings taken will'go'to the cause-of foreign mlsslonr You are welcome at' every service Rev Canon W F. Rushbrook left on last evening's train for Klt-wanga' where he will conduct Anglican Church, services at the D.I ' I h- Announcements C. c; P; Bazaar, December 2. Mrs. Mandy's lecture, Presby-Jemlan Hall, December 2. United ber 3. Church Bazaar, Decern- Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Hallj December 4. Presbyterian tea, December 9. Cambrai Christmas Spree. December 11. Recreation dance, riall, December 18. Spinsters Oddfellows' i mm sui'Hemk contT of imnisii COI.l -Mill A IX I'KOIIATK. In tlic;. Maltfr or the "Administration Art" And In tie Matter of the Estate of WllUain Cordon Andrews, Dccrast-d. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that toy order of his Honor, W, E. Fisher, the 20th day of November, A. D. 1936, I was appointed Administrator cf the estate of William Gordon Andrews, deceased and all parties having claims against the ald o?tat are: hereby required to furnish .Tame, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of December AD. 1936, aadj all parties Indebted to the estate are; required to pay the amount at their. Indebtedness to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. D3ted- the 20th day of November, A. DJ 1BS6. GIVE PHOTOS This Christmas Call in the studio, we will be pleased to show you the different sizes, and styles. There Is still time to have them taken for the Old' Country mail. Benson Studio, Third Ave. Phone 42C Chiropractic Special During the month of December I will give a special course ofl ten treatments for $10 cash strictly in advance. This offer will close Friday, the fourth inst. Out-of-town patients will be accepted until Wednesday, the ninth, Inst, W. C. Aspinall Chiropractor 6 Exchange Block. Phone your appointments early to Green 241 or Green 549 Now on Display- The Largest; Assortment Of. Chmtmas ANNETTE'S Pre-Xmas Sale Don't wait for your after Christmas sale! SALE STARTS NOVEMBER 27th, . . ' ! i r- 4i DRESSES Two Fop the1 Price of Ohe Street Dresses, Afternoon Dresses, QocktaiUDresses Velvets, Satins Gallant Lady Crepes,-, some' with . metallic tops, others with silveiv lftme trimmihgsi Prices range from Buy one and. get another, free 6brF the same: price. ALL FELT H ATS Regardless off" cost; To clear at . BLACK SATIN FLATTIE SANDAE-Witli Silver trim. Regular value-$4.95. JMf K Pre-Christmas Sale Special .... , . ,. ... . . . JAPANESE HAND EMBROIDERED IfcWfONAS All colors, all sizes. Regular value:$8:95i C Q'CS Pvo.r,liv stmns S.i1q Snec .il jrww A A -- ' Cards We Have Ever Stocked NEW ASSORTMENTS NEW DESIGNS) Card's f romi2 for; 5c to 3ac each Boxed AssoriCments-.frDmoc SEALS - TAGS - RIBtfONS ENCLOSURE CARDS - WRAPPING TISSUE ! i V Come in and see our complete assortment REMEMBEIfc-V-otjngJs novon,for the Rexall Boys' and Girls Contest Gimmes Ltd tZhe' Pioneer DrUqgists Ibt KeuU nun Phones: 81 & 83 Open Dally From S turn, till 10 p.m. Sundays and'IIolldkys''Froai IS noon till 2 p.m., 1 p.m. till1 9 p.m; For, Your Mstma& Baking i , L ' We Have many useful and practical items that will make;ypup Christmas bakihfir a- pleasure1 J Cake Tins,, Mixing Bowls, Puddimr Bowls, Cookie Formers, Cookie presses, uoouie Lutters, LooKie- Tins, Icing, Sets. GORDON'S HARDWARE McBrde St: Phone 311 i 5 Only I: ? EUR I r- TRIMMED' COATS I 4& Pi r 4 Jsln Tweeds, Silver JJ rttones Etc. Regular , J: prices to $32.50.' Sizes ' m liirom 14 to 40. Pre- S ' Christmas Sale Spe- v ciai- m t $12.00' f Annette. Laik$ Wear Co. "The Store of the Better Dressed) For Less" Federal Block,, Third Avenue prince' Riipert,, B;G. fi: . w n