i PAQS TWO RAINliTTli MUUAY RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY ' Overshoes in Brown and Black Ladies $1.75 Misses' sizes Sl.'Go .Child's sizes . . S1.50 tGum Boots Women's . . . 82.45 Misses's S2.15 Child's S1.U5 ELGIN Where-Most People -Trade k II fAMILY SHOE. STORE LTy, PHONE 357 (Estab. 19081 THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT' - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon,. Except Sunday, by Prince) Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week lo By mail to all other countries, per year , 9.00 By mall to all parts ol British Columbia! the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . 3.00 ' ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion j. 1.40 Advertising -and Circulation Telephone 98 , News Department Telephone .. . 86 DAILY EDITION Friday, September 25, 1936 T1IFS? VIMY.PimfllMARRi- The Daily News has given a great deal of space at different times to the various accounts' of -the pilgrimage to Vimv nnfl tVlP. rpasnn t'n tVtia ran ninvVimiei loat- a ov. plained in the words of Norman Watt in addressing the "The unveiling of this memorial can hardly be regarded in the light of the mere unveiling of a war memorial a l. t- a i a i 'a i lamer jnufcui oe-inierpreieu as a gesture 01 vuai importance ami significance to the. British Empire, It was the first time in f hfhj'stnrvnf tfmrlrinfl flint ihn Kinrr Vinrl cof foot in a foreign country not as King of England but as Tl")l rr-nf rrn nflist Ttsvw, ...UI,.!, .... il. TJ..:i;U 'i'lfe ui uiic ui hjc uuimiuuiis which iiiiine up uie diilisu Empire. Indeed, the ceremony was almost as much a consecration of the bond of unity which exists between Britain and flflnndn hvn spnnrnip nrirl flictinpf onniitvios ----- arfivr JM M V Xrf V V v w till vl -laJ joined indivisibility by their devotion to one head as it lima ri i-..i I r. . 4 1. ..! ao a (.Unocal 41IUJ1 Ui-UIK War IULMI1UI 1UI. STILL WATCHINfi, ARRRTIAHT People of Canada still have their eyes on Premier Aber-hart, the man who is makingradical changes in the social setup of the province of Alberta and are wondering; what he is going to do next and how he will do it. It is easy to scoff at Aberhart. Thousands are doing it but the people of Alberta are not scoffing. The very fact that Colonel Woods, head of the Southam newspaper chain in that province, is seriously impressed is an indica tion that something. imnnrthnt. is o-nW nn thorn TVm Vnn. cj "I w v nv o w COUVer Province also sppr visions in rpcrnrfl tn tlio AUiorin movement for it, has sent a special writer to the province to tell of' what is o-oinp- nn thpro. This snmo mnn will ;ilcn probably report to the other newspapers of the chain. That means that the' Province is treating the Aberhart movement seriously, which, considering the way it treated uuuiiu( la aainy u guuu' ueai ior ine rrovmce. i i .1 . i i ye cuuuesL 10 reat ers oi :tnis naner rnnr. tnov cp-ibp their jeerincri At anv rate Aberhart. is trvino- tn fin snmo- thing, while the jeerers are sitting pat and hoping that problems will solve themselves. The Alberta movement mav nrove a ffzzle. but nenrlv rpfnrnipfa Jn nil 1! life have been jeered-at or- possibly spit upon. Aberhart maybe worth watchincr and if he is siiffpssfnl Iip will ho worth copying. If he succeeds, the jeerers will be saying tue.y aiwuys Knew mere was sometjung to the Alberta leader. This adverUsement" is not published or displayed by the Llauor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Sopwith 1 akes Up Lipton s rursuic or me. jia mug Perhaps, the misty shadow of Jovial ;Sir Thomas Lipton (top) smiled down on the little harbor of Gosport, England as, gaily b 'decked with flags and bunting and cheered 'by a large gathering!-of well-wishers, the new yacht Endeavor II slid into the waves. En ieavor Is the craft with' which-T. O. M. Sopwith, British avlat'cn tycoon, will try again to wrest the America's Cup. blue, ribbon of Atlantic yachting from Its rsstlngi place in the New York Yacht Club. Sopwith, the smiling sailor at the right, saw his first Endeavor fail, Just as a long llnecf Sir' Thomas Llpton's Shamrocks f alted, but like the famous Irish baronet Sopwith did not g ve up. Endeavor II will carry Sopwlth's new challenge for the "old mug" next year. Baseball Scores National League New York 2-0, Boston 1-4. Pittsburg 4, Chicago 0. Cincinnati 4-0, St. Louis 5-2. Philadelphia 4-2, Boston 2-4 American League Philadelphia 4, New York 3. Others rained out. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE ' W. L. New York : 91 60 St. Louis 87 64 Chicago; .r...85 67 Pittsburg " 83 68 Cincinnati ... 71 79 Boston 70 81 Brooklyn 65 87 Philadelphia 53 99 AMERICAN LEAGUE w: L. New York 100: 50 Detroit .'. 83 69, Washington ....80 70 Chicago 79 70 Cleveland 77 73 Boston .........73' 78 st. Louis .50 92 Philadelphia 52 93 Pet .603 .576 .559 .550 .473 .464 .428 .373 Pet .667 .54? .o3v .530 .513 .490 .38 .347 Abbey Goes Under Norfolk's Orders Catholic Peer Takes Over Historic Church' For Coronation-, .Purposes LONDON, Sept. 25: (CP) The Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal and Premier Duke and Earl of England, 28-year-old Roman Catholic peerj Is to have complete control of Westminster Abbev for sewn months Jn connection with the Coronation next May. He will take over control of the Church of Ens- land's Dean of Westminster. Dr Foxley Norrls. During the whole of the seven- months period the ordinary ser vices In the Abbev will be sus pended. Dally services, which by statute must be held within thn Abbey precincts, will take place in a small chapel In the south tran- Pt. . . .... ; .. RUSH Proving Haggis FOR WORLD 3 . SERIES. SPATS Ofj i oru Grandstand reserved seats i gate is expected for all time. The Giants and Yankees also i 1921 1921 ami and 1922: Buffalo Bisons . 4 - AndMilwaukee BUFFALO, Sept.- 3 to 2 on International League- four i games to two and World Series opening here tonight. TODAY'S BASEBALL National League " New York 3, Boston 2: Cincinnati 3, St Louis 1 (fifth inning). American League New York 6, Philadelphia. 5 (ten innings). St. Louis 8, Cleveland 2 (first game; second gamp unfinished). Washington 9, Boston 2. Try a Daily News classified advertisement for best results. Rex Bowling Glub Exchange Block SIxthiSt; and Third Ave: Phone 658 dure acotaJisn rush for World 'Series seats Is 1 But" Writer Willing to .Admit fler are going today at $5.50. It will f ei the first New York World j Series since 1923 and a record iiiuiis aim m. urns iaT iiaTv Adopted It' LONDON, Sept. 24: (CP) "I see i.that a Turk who visited the dis play of Scottish foodstuffs' now played in the World Series of elng glVen at B- ' House in London claimed that-the haggis came from hls; country ' says a letter to The Spectator; "All Scots will be glad to learn that so terrible a heresy has . been prompt? ly quashed." "But while haggis .13. native-to Scotland In origin and. material,. I should like to point out that dur lng my wanderings in Europe I Will Meet in Little' World SerieJ1 11 horioredVandifcuiW Classic of the Baseball Minors y from home-. Once I wa dining In a beer garden In Renu 25:-BuffaloiKh!ed' Germany wrwCtojjyaur- uiaons aeieatea uattimorc unolesi . : ' "f"!p!I "vw,,b Wednesday to win' the"earDy waa "-iiHhas) . L 1 V 1 1 I . . - .. piay-ons .. V .7. : ' t wUl now'WM ' ,the famlllar PaunQh, .stuffe.i iiicci. ivuiwuunee urewers or tne American Association In' the Little, ' wjui lis iamous mutLure -of l ei oatmeal and: spices; A group of students, on .seelnir the dish, broke Into- an ImDrom&tt! chorus of praise. Quite,. plainly: its vhtues were no novelty at Hen Lembke's schottlsche menaee.?' Was Well Knowm On Lower Skeenal Joliri Miettelnen of Port Esslngton Had Been Salmon Fishing Iff This District for Twenty Years John Mlettlnen-, 47-year old P6r Esslngton salmon fisherman, whb M.pa?ied away yesterday mornlnir ine. prince Rupert General Hos pltal after a three weeks' illness there, was well known around th lower Skeena River on which had been engaged In fishing he for twenty years. He was a natural ilzed Canadian and is survived by a wiaow wno'was In th ctv h.n he- died. Funeral (arrangements -are fin mei nandsi of lii..B, 0.: Under ilakers, the remains ihavlngjtbeen iorwaraed today to Port Esslng ton for burial. Friday, September 2V 1335 Married at St. ; Marriage Of Peter's Last Eve1 Native Couple Miss Anna Julia Bolton Becomes .Miss Ida Stewart of Port Esslng. Bride of Egbert Brown Weil ton Becomes Bride of Frank Known Kitkatia Couple "uss or Greenville j j I The rector, Rev. J. T. BIrchall,1 At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon assisted by Canoiv W, Fi Rushbiook, at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathe-officiated at 8 o'clock last evening dral, with Very Rev. James B. Gib. i before a large congregation of na- n. the.dsan, officiating, themar. I Uvea In St; Peter's Anglican Church, rge tk4p:ace of Mite Ida May Wseal Cove when Mis? Anna Julia Stewart, daughters Mr. and Mr, iBoltcn, daughter of Mi: and Mrs. frur Stewart of Port Essington, '.Frank-tBolton of Kitkatia, became Fk R"f Patrick Der. rlckof Greenvllk. the bride of Egbert Solomon Brown, The atteu. son of Jtlr. and Mrs. Solojnon J. t "7' Brown, also of Kitkatia. The bride, jLfv wSml RW-.who- wore a Prey wedding Eown. & S SL of white satin with veil and bou- presided ouet.,was attended bj r Mrs. Flora , PauijLewb thwSSSii at Jacksonmatron of honor, Henry MirchJ Following tne Brown was groomsmani-Mrs. C. J. there was, a , wedding te to Nbrrington. played the Wedding. downtown r-stuarani Mr .and Mrs March and Incidental organ music. Russ win reslde. Kltkatla. - , Following, the ceremony, there i was a wedding supper in. -a down- LIVERPOOL; Sept. 25: CP towna-esUurant M-dical evldncc for two wciren i MruandvMrs. Brown will reside charged iwth shoplifting indhated at Kitkatia. one had baen Insane some year? : while the other, a friend who uput Richard Stevens, well known. lo- to 1 take care of the first alio cal salmon fisherman, plans on lost her reason, leaving this afternoon aboard the Princess Louise for Vancouver whence he will proceed, to Mont- week for his home in Cornwall England, for an extended visit He has sold his boat. BRISBANE, Aust., Sept 25; (CP) When Neil. MsDcrmott jumped real to embark at the end of next In and brought a drowning woman to safety he rescued two. Th women's 18-month-oVd dair;hter was bound tightly inside her shawl r J.I -Til -9.1 LJ f "TKe purest form in which tobacco can & smoked.--f v n IMPORTED Old Scotch WHISKY DISTILLED, ' MATURED ANU BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND 26 oz. co nn 01DS10KH WHISKY. I ww mm T1viern,senient I? no Published or displayed by the Liquor control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. IM III I e r i HT COMPIEMEHT TO A GREAT OCCASIOL Hf U a br that hoi character. Dtllcloui and MiuUhtna it will pltat th mott laiUdleiu. Capllano Bfwlnij Co. LM. Vaneouvf, B.C Phoni OKA For Prompt . WJt r-.- n11verv This adverlisoment Is not published or displayed by the Uqur vgniroi iJoara or w thetiovemment of British Columbia.