fAGl TOVM DAILY KHW8 8 1 J I 4th I 10 V-70-31 Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, end Mirrors. Cannot scrattiL Return Limit 21 Day from Date of Sale NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19G PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye mm PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Coal All Kinds Of Dry Firewood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue RETURN FAKE FROM jjg PRINCE, RUPERT TO Coach tTourl.l (Standard Krimontoii $19.15 $28.75 Calgary L.' 23.03 31.60 Rcpina.. 28.03 33.10 42.10 Saskatoon 24.80 31.00 37.20 Winnipeg.. 29.50 36.90 41.25 Port Arthur 38.00 47.50 57.00 IChmmI in tourUt aleepera on payment of regular berth rate. (Good In atandard sleeper on payment of regular berth rate. Children S years and under 12, half fare CORRESPONDINGLY 1!0T FAKES TO OTHER SNAPpoWi(er CLEANS AND POLISHES POINTS NOT SHOWN ABOVE Slopoters allowed at Jasper in both directions. full particulars from your Canadian National ticket agent. NativeCouple Married Here Miss Jessie Woods of Gitlakdamiks Becomes Bride of William Nelson of Terrace The marriage took place on ; Tuesday afternoon of this week at 1 4 o'clock in the Parsonage of First i United Church, Rev. C. D. Clarke officiating, of Miss Jessie Woods, Woods of Gitlakdamiks, Naas River, to William Nelson, son of Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Nelson of Terrace; At tendants of the couple were Cuth- Oscar Fulton sailed by the Prln cess Adelaide last night to resume his studies at the University of British Columbia. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 l per lb T-Bone Roast 6 lbs Specials Pot Roast Beef 8 lbs Sirloin Steak 3 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs. Rump Roast of Beef per lb Prime Rib Rolled per lb Corn Beef PHONE 957 50c 50c 40c 15c 18c 5c $1.00 BULKLEY VALLEY BABY BEEF Rump Roast per lb Roast Off Round per lb Shoulder Roast 4 lbs Boned & Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, per lb Shoulders of Lamb Not boned, per lb Loin of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Veal per lb 15c 18c 50c 20c 15c 25c 10c Waterfront Whiffs ilalf of District Salmon Canneries Now Closed Revival of Halibut Landings Noted Here During Past Week Trolling Falls Off years is rapidly fading canneries' still open are Namu, Klemtu,, Butedale, Claxton, Carlisle, Inverness, Wales Island, Old Massett, New Massett,. Shannon Bay and Lagoon Bay. Seining for pink salmon In Massett Inlet was closed last evening. The run there has been disap pointing but the escapement of fish to the spawning grounds is reported satisfactory. Heavy westerly winds during the height of the seining season made fishing difficult and may have been held partly responsible for the light fishing. Chum salmon are still available for Queen Charlotte Island canneries desiring to put them up. The week ending yesterday was marked by a revival of halibut landings particularly American, at the port of Prince Rupert, a total of 411,400 pounds being landed of which 377,800 pounds was from American vessels and but 33,600 pounds from Canadian. High price daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James of the week for American fish was 11.9c and 7.5c paid the Majestic. Zaiembo and Thelma II for catches of 20,000, 10,500 and 13,000 pound's '.respectively and the low 8.3c and bert Morven and Mrs. Hannah 1 7c received by the Addington for Woods, both of Gitlakdamiks. The! 24,000 pounds. For Canadian fish occasion was suitably celebrated and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have left for Terrace where they will reside. the high price of the week was 10.1c and 6.5c received by the Marg- allce for 7,100 pounds and the low 7.4c and 6c which the Nornen was paid for 5,000 pounds. For the sea son up to yesterday the grand to tal of landings ' was 8,656,600 pounds as compared with 8,818,850 pounds lata corresponding date last year, the Canadian total for this season to date being 4.690,100 pounds as against 4,278,550 pounds a year ago while the American total was 3, 966,500 pounds in comparison with last year's 4,540,300 pounds. The run. of coho salmon on the various trolling grounds contiguous to Prince Rupert is now definitely, falling off after one of the best seasons In years as far as quantity of fish and consistency of run has been concerned, However, the fishermen are still remaining on the Job with few if any boats coming in and the packers continu ing at work. Loaded Much Salmon Having been' delayed loading heavy offerings of canned. salmon at various cannery points along the coast, Union steamer Cardcna, Capt. John Boden, arrived In port at 8:3Q this morning from the south and sailed at 10:30 a.m. on her return to Vancouver and way-points. The vessel had a total ot "TIME THE TOILER" uvwusj i - VIM' s CSOOFy.TlL.llE TIL APY-Jk Tll.UE-l "SEE VOUR. FACE EVC-piy PLACE . v ' CANTOR IN I'll, truim Int. WlU liflo Memd . It Half of the twenty-two salmon canneries which in Prince Runert fisheries district during the 1936 season are now closed down or are closing. The remainder are keeping open to pack cohoes and c,hums and it is expected some of these will soon close down. One of the most successful seasons the salmon industryh"as"had inmany out. The HIS LATEST "Strike Me Pink," Starring; Saucer- Eyed Comedian, Coming; At First of Week An outstanding musical comedy hit, "Strike-ile pink," Eddie parv-tor's sixth annual, screen production, comes to .the screen of the Capitol Theatrfc here as the Labor Day first of the week featurepr,e.-sentation. Magnificently mounted, he fast moving fun festival, pre roller coaster chase which brings a funny and thrilling climax. The picture contains some popu-1 lar song hits, eye-Illllng costumes, and spectacular' dance ensembles.' The supporting 'cast Includes Slly. Ellers, Ethel Merman, Parkyakar-ku, Greek dialectician of radio fame, and William Frawley. 12,900 cases, of salmon on-board. There were fifteen round tripper on board. A small portion of the B. A; can- ' hery wharf at Port Esslngtoh caved In yesterday and a small amount of canned salmon dropped Into the mud below; It being low tide It was recovered without difficulty. The damage to the wharf was not very extensive. 1 With fine weather In prospect, quite a number of anglers are expected to ylsit Khtada Lake thU week-end. At least two parties are going in by gasboat while Pilot Charlie Elliott may be back from Stewart to take a party in aboard his Junkers .seaplane. . I Try a Dally News classified advertisement for best results. LAMB WEEK Will be observed in British Columbia September 12th to 19th inclusive Housewives are asked to co-operate with Producers and the Trade in developing this important branch of the livestock industry. BRITISH COLUMBIA LAMB Comes direct from the. pastures and Is of the highest quality. Eat More Lamb GARDENI T. dens cultlvitated and neat while they are Improving but one is apt to lose Interest when trje wlnd3 and rains damage the plants. jwhat we are going to do for next fall. One suggetslon I have to make Is that we all plant mpre perennial phlox for August and September blooming. I have noth ing dui punt dui some oi my neighbors have several colors ana It ils- a simple matter to acquire plants of at least a dozen shades. These would prove a, great acquisition during" the early fall. Chysanthemums should be kept ents the saucer-eyed comedian' in fcarefully tied up until you are i funny role as the alternately ready to lift them and give them mouselike and a'ggreslve Eddie the shelter of the porch. The late Pink, graduate of a correspondence varieties may not bloom unless school course in personality devel- given shelter. I have had one opment. plant making a good showing for Eddie tries to do a favor for his; the past month but a number of pal and suddenly finds himself thfcm. are not yet showing signs of managing an amusement park bloom, when ordering new plant- which is menaced by a gang of, ialways stipulate that they must ruthless slot machine racketeers, be early flowering varieties. Inspired by a newspaper picture, i, Eddie worships a glamorous night This Is the season to place orders iuD singer, lie learns, nowevqr,- ror spring duios. me sooner iney that she Is the. wife of one of the are planted the better as ther gangsters and has been using his should make root before the cole affections to get the crooked slot (Weather, comes. A half hundrec' -nachlnes installed; Eddie secures duids pianiea now mean a lot or evidence to put the gang on 'the enjoyment in the spring. spot but becomes Involved in a wild Dahlias and sweet peas have No Imagining This Face I OUSHTiv cSr A RAOrUTl OR "SOMETrtlM' VJITM SH OOTEf-. J SHOCK'S, 'M BE 3MMIM' TOTHlMVf; TETJE AIMT MO MORS ANIMAUS been making a good showing this also seem to year. Many people have fine glads but mlne.are late. On the whole it has been an excellent season for almost every thing. ThPV sav that if you cast your bread upon the waters it will re turn to vou buttered on botn sio.es. The recent rains have taken I found that true this year. On imo nf t.hP mlor from the local the dav of the flower show I met gardens but it has prolonged the. a visitor from the Okanagan who blooming season. Many places showed considerable interest in Wlnnlnor in sthnvn slpns nf tho ovhlhltjs I Look him OUt tO nttv fc.vBo -v" - o - i.v drvlnir out. The difficulty now is! see a few of the gardens in Wer.t to cut away broken or useless view and when he had looked portions of plants, to pull the 'them over he thanked me for my I u-wHe. tJint. "spptii to be erowlns ! rnnrtpsv and suggested that he: faster than ever and thus prevent j would like to return it by sending .that appearance of neglect which i me a few rock plants. A week is apt to Increase as the fall ad-! later I was rather surprised to re vances. It is easy to keep the gar- 'celve through the mail a parcel of rock plants, over twenty m number, and mostly of the kinds I needed to round out my collection. I planted them that evening and all are doing well. In the fall "this Is a good time to consider I they will go into their proper places In the rockery, enabling me to revise the whole layout. My final word to local gardeners. IS UU puwi now wuuu vu uuvaiu oc useless and also to secure new perrenials and bulbs at once Leave the purchase of biennial such as canterbury bells or wal' flowers until spring to avoid winter losses. Roses should also be purchased In the spring and not the fall H. F. P. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement! In the Dally News. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Din ner Set and Rogers Silverware.! Pirirr qotta FIWO A liABQIT Ofc '50METHIM', NN'T NO USE Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE! SPECIAL Only $64.50 For the balance of this week only Magic Washer Made by the Easy Washing Machine Co. Finlsned Inside and out with porcelain enamel. Totally enclosed mechanism. Trouble free motor. Lovell wringer with safety release. Quiet operation. Guaranteed superior to some gyrator washers offered at double the price. We solicit the opportunity to prove our statements. Phone 6 for demonstration. 1 ill tTUMPIN' JUPITER ! 1 A DtWC Batutday, September 5 Last Times Tonight Ginger Rogers Fred Astairt In "Follow the Fleet" (At 7:21 & 9:32) BEGINNING MONDAY Holiday Matinee Monday, 2:30 Holiday Matinee Prices; Children jjc Students 20c Adults 40c Note: In future the eve. ning admission price will prevail at all holiday matinees (Saturday Matinee prices remain as usual The Comedy Sensation of the Season! SAMUEL OOLDWYN prtitnff wild ETHEL-MERMAN SALLY EILERS v t A UK YAK A K U S fj and tha OOIOIOUi - . mi : UNITED A I T I STS (At 7:34 & 9:48) ADDED Sportlight "SPOUTING NET WORK" Colored Cartoon "MUSICAL MEMOKIES" WOULD NEWS DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CKEAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE and Home Furnishings Furnishings for all your home Coverings for all your floors We invite you to call In and look around 327 Third Ave; Phone 7 By Wfstover r