SatardW, September 5,ymg vrs James wmu, wiu UCvii lisiting ior -T-, ....muici, imjvea in tne cltv on Baygbter lignum AWT "" ' this mornlnz for 3 SI Adjutant Marlon- Nelll R.N., superintendent of orace Hospital tne w""" - ' " l"c aiuwia mis hy , morning from the bancouver ana wui c wm- souin to spend a holiday visiting lr in the south. !at the Salvation Armv riti FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SpB Preacher Rev. WD, Urant Jlollingworth, K.A. 11 A.M., Morning Worship , - 12:15 P.M Sunday School opens, for the fall term 7:30 PM. Evening Worship and Communion,, Soloist, Mr. N, R. Redman WELCOME TO ALL J vvv iici rr. CHURCH NOTICES 57": PAUMSJLUTHERAfrCHURGH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor Regular services of worship resunted Sunday, September 6. 11 A.M., Sermon Subject. "THE, LORD STOOD BY" 12 15, Sunday School re-opens. 12:30, Westvlew School re-opens TAO.PM Sermon. Subject, "MIND THE LIGHTI" Soloist at, evening service, Mr. J. A. Teng Yqu are .Invited to worship with us. i ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B; Gibson, Dean 11 A.M.. Morning Prayer' and Holy Communion Sermon Subject: "WHYWAS JESUS A WORKER?" 2:30 P.M.. Children's service. Preacher, Mr. C. S. Salter 7:30 P.M., Evening Prayer Sermon Subject: "WHAT HAS THE CHURCH TO SAY ON. WORK. AND UNEMPLOYMENT?" FJRSTUNITED CHURCH C. D. CLARKE, Minister Choir Leaders Onanist, J. S. Wilson, Geo. Wilson Miss S. Olafson, A.T.C.M. CHILDREN'S SERVICE 11:00 A.M., "GOD, AND THE CHILD" 7:30 P.M., "KRISTEUG KJAERLIGHET" The 11 o'clock service will mark the re-openlng of the Sunday School. We invite interested parents to attend with their children tnat ; we might' together consider the Importance-of this work. THE MINERALS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia has . nroduced minerals of an aggregate value of $1,425,000,000.00. The value of mine production in 1935 was 8,821,239,00, an increase of $6,515,942,00 over vuiue ior iy34. hr authoritative information regarding the mining industry of mis rrovince, appiy w THE) DEPARTMENT OF MINES Victoria,. B.C. KOTE: Following are some, of the. fecent publications . of the Annual Report of-the Minister of Mines for the calen-catlone)ar 1935, (There la a sma11 charBe for P Bulletin; "Notes on Placer-mining In British Columbia." ?Thu Columbia-The Mining Indtoj" Th s publication contains a synopsis of the various 0fgJI Geology Applied to, Prospectlng"-a course ... .. ., - . . - 111 r; Um&tiW& NOf E& July'' PQD Cash.or..old.gold0Bulg'. (tt, I Labor Day Dance Moose Ha".; Premier Orch. Adm. 35c. Miss Dorothy Ballinger left--on last evening's train for - a-trip to Terrace. : v Mrs. O. H. Arnold left ?on 'fart evening's train for a triD to Knockholt in the Bulkley Valley. Don't forget the bte bail Smlthers vs. Prince Rupert'start- ing at 12:30 Monday. Miss Eleanor Moxlev left- on Iat evening's train for a week-end trip to Pacific Miss Ethel Christy of the Cltv Hall staff left on last evening'! irain -ior a holiday trip, to Sml thers and Burns Lake. J. T. Harvey, local barrister, left by, airplane yesterday for Atlln on kgal business. He expects to return on the Princess Louise next Wednesday afternoon." Highland Dancing will be. one of the featured attractions at the Labor Day Sports. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod left on last evening's train for Terrace. Mrs. McLeod is going for the week-end but Mr. McLeod may remain longer in the interior. R H. Gurd, accountant of Cas- siar Cannery, which has closed for the season, was a passenger aboard the Cardena this mornin going through to Vancouver ,foi the winter. . The remains of -James Richardson, oiler aboard the steamer Prince John, who died suddenly aboard that vessel this week, will be, forwarded from here next Thursday night aboard the Prince Rupert to, Vancouver where, inter ment will be. made. Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, will leave on Mon- day evening's train for-Ottawa t attend sessions of the General Council of the United. Church .o( Canada as delegate from presbytery. He expects, to be. away three weeks or a month. C E. Avis, manager of North Pacific Cannery, and Mrs Avis 'and Hunter Donaldson, account ant at North Pacific, were passengers aboard the , Cardena this morning going through to. Van couver following the closing of the cannery for the season. Mr, and Mrs. John McLeod,! wh were married a couple o J weeks ago here, the; bride, having formerly been Miss Mary Brejnper., re turned on the Princess Adelaide last evening from a honeymoon trip to Vancouver,, Victoria and Seattle. They are taking up resi dence on Ambrose, Avenue. Announcements; Anglican tea, Mrs. BryantX Mc- Mordie Apts., September 17. Bazaar' for-Boys' Band' Septem ber 19. Orange dance, September 25. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and Canadian, Legion Bazaar, Octo? ber 15. Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 24. St. Peter's Church; Bazaar;; No?! ember 12. L. O. B. A. Bazaar,, November 1 PRINCE RUPERT, DRY DOCK AND SHIRYAR mmA AettrliMi The-, best program of field events ever., offered y-in, Princ.RperV at the. Labor Day; .Sports. Mrs. E; J. Smith left last eva-nlng, .fcnva week-end holidayxat Terrace. Miss, Majgare Kergin, . left . on last evening's' train, to spend 'the week-end at Terrace. rr .i. Miss Sophia McLaren left on, la:. evening's train,. to ;6penc the, week- end. at, her home In Terrace. Mrs. James H. Thompson, left last night on the train for .a visit f-to hex country home, at Terrace. Aa Cc Baldi, of, North, Pacific Cannery was a passenger leaving on the-Cardena this morning tor Vancouver., to spend the winter. J. S. Nelson, who has been man ager of the Hudson Bay Co. post at, Babine, has been transferred to Krtwanga in a similar capacity. ' The Junior football game will start' Monday morning at 10:30. Give the youngsters a boost! H. F, MacLeod returned to the city, on Thursday night's train from an enjoyable angling outing to Babine Lake. Miss K. Johnson of the Prince, Rupert General, Hospital staff sail-, ed on the Princess. Adelaide, last night Ior a trip to. Vancouver. Mrs. Robert Wilson sailed last night on. the, Princes! Adelaide. for, a vacation trip, to Vancouver,! ac companying her daughter,, Miss wiima Wilson. Mrs., F, R,. Wilson who has-been lsitljig.,ln the .city recently wltjv her , parents, Mr. and Mrs., H., T. Cross, returned1 lat evening to her home at Inverness. Mrs. Chajles Ruskln arrived in the city yesterday ,from Vancouver to pay a week's visit here with net brother,. Rev. W. F. Rushbrook Anm Cottage, Overlook Street. Roger Obata sailed by the Prin cess Adelaide last night to resume his studies at the University of British., Columbia in, Vancouver af ter spending the, summer vacation here with his parents, Mr,-, and Mrs. C. S. Obata. Mrs J. Simpson of, Vancouver was among round trip ; passengers going, north to Alaska aboard the steamer Princess Louise which .was lri; port yesterday, Mrs.. Simpson Is a (SlsteMn-law, of Wallace Anderson of Vancouver,, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Anderson of this city. Hbtel'Arrivals Prince, Rupert Mr. and Mrs. George P, McCpll( Port Simpson; H. Singleton, W. B. Wetmore; and Kay Winters, Vancouver; T. R. Kelly,!, Ocean, Falls; A Ferguson, Massett. . Central . - 1 - - t . . I nery;, S Markton(H,. Oollow- andi A - Tejnple, city; T Djiniop, W, Patterson, J. Qulnn, K Winn, Fred Bucjde, L. St. Pierre, G.?Gallnis, Ei C. Anclexsan.: Chris, NJeLson and, O.' C. Anstad, city: S. Bebno, city; Mj Polluk, Edmonton; G. F.' Swan-lonj and- family, Remo; Ethel Al-cocip , Vailcouver. Knox . William Murray. Wr !Wi Allen. Mrs; Dan Roche, Irs,. P; . Hansen. Pj HJjdre and E. G. Martin, city: Johnny Ryan, Metlakatla; W; Jacobs,.. Kamloops; M. Hodgson, Guelph Ont. Royal t V7 T, Chapman, Rose Lake: M. S. Buchanan and F P. Howell, Vancouver; T. Hudson, city. Wbmen!ssLfahor LeaguPartj; Successful Whist .Drive and Dance iieid Mtstbvenlng The Women's Labor . Leu pup hpirf Q Very successful- whist drive and. pwipe m uie. u.ux.u Hajl las; evening. Priae,, winners were as follow i wqierirst,. Mrs.. May,, Bond; seen ond.i Mlss June Gomei; men's flnt, Vi Lehto;. second, S, Pbke!, Music was furnished by Ray Watson's, orchestra and a very en- nmj wtw spent oy al'. BETTER CAKES The admission to the grounds on Labor. Day will be, adults 25c, children free. Col Jack Thompson of Chloaso was, among .Interesting round trip passengers aboard the. steamer Cardena which was in port thij morning. Mrs. J. Wt KUpatrlcki who. has been spending a two months vaca-, won in ang, around VaRCouver,: returned home,, from the routh. on the Princess, Adelaide, last .evening!, tss&m FOR SALE FOR SALE Brick lined Quebec neater, new last fall. Phone Red 929. tf. FOR: SALE-BrlckTlined Quebec heater. New,,last fall. Phone Red 929 (tf) FACTORY SAMPLES MUST GC? we need the space. 10-Piece Loose-Pillow-Arm Chesterfield Suites $72.50; 10-Piece Bed-Chesterfleld Suites $79.50; 3 Room. Groups, 60 high-grade pieces, sensational bareain $160. Terms if , desired. Free storage, Julius Shore Mall Order House. 1402 Beklns.Bldg. Vancouver. FORj SALE--Two. cars good clover and. timothy hay mostly clover. Also several cars good bright timothy. Price $16.00 F.O.B. Smlthers. $1.00 less for cash and $1.00 off for immediate sale. Sample on request.. Satisfactory bank refer-ences..required. Also young York shire pigs, good type, price $5.00 each F.O.B; Smlthers. $4.50.. In lots of. over. four.. Mrs. C. A.. Chapman, Smlthers; (210)! FOR RENT MODERN ;Flat, apply 1203 ,Second Ave. or phone Black 709. .after 2 P-m. (213; FOR REN" Furnished, room, clos to town, RAte reasonable Apply 411 Green. St. (212) WANTED WANTER-Fpur, million, feet cot ton wood. Top, prices. .Cash on de,-live,ry Rupert. Also four million hemlock. November rlelivprv. rrince Kupen. MALEJ HEP WANTED LESSON- from the depressloh--B a Clvy Servant Postmari, Cusjjjms , Examiner,-; CJerk,; 8ten. pgrapher, etc. Free, Booklet "How to get a Government, Job M,C.C Civil service School, Win. nipeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE- Home Kindergartens pay. Wn start you. The Canadian Kin. dergarten Institute, Winnipeg (tt) MEN-r3et vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic, Tablets, contain rawj oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One.dose.peps up.orr : gaps, glands, If not delighted',! maker refunds few, cents paid. Call or write, Ormes Limited, tf. GENTLEMEN'S. Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific JBupply, 751 .Granville, Vancouver. YOU CAN JUAKJEiMONEY Home Permanent Wav Inn an1 Pnrllno- V(afnln . COa $3.00. No electrl- fl , f) city or, experience .heed-; ed.- Will not harm the finest hair.. Curls guaranteed-to last ! seven months- All- supplies for six heads. Postage prepaid, MARVEL WAVE CO., 1183 East 4Ut Ave. Vaatftatir, B.C. ' 7 t. always dependable Go, Back to. School With! a 117 . wai ;ermans 54 I School j I Opening - I v i Prices from $2.50; Note Books Scribblers Pen ancj .Pencil Sets Students', Sundries. at Ppular Prices OrmesLld TThtt Pioneer Druggists The Kczmll Stera Phones I 81 & 82 ' 4 Open Dally From 8 a.m. til) 10 p.m. Sundays arid IToHdays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p m. til 9 pja. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers .leave Prince Rupert for , Vancouver;, ; ' T.S.S,.CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJkL Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. - -T.SS. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJH. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 PJW.-calling PtSimp son,, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $144 Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave, PhjptttiSttX rurniture D DivaneitQ in solid oak, Double Beds, Dining; Koom Suite, Beds all sizes, Atlas Couch, Odd- Chairs,-Kitchen Ranges, Washing Machine water power and hand power, Singer Sewing Machines,., Radios,, Gramaphoncs, Bucscheri Guitars, Girl's Bicyclp, Etc. School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. E L, I O FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue., i