In .-is 'Ht8! i paqb jrou TOE DAILY NEWS EaDHU MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Complete Home Furnishings Everything for the Home Phone 775 I 327 Third Ave. SUMMER PRICES FUR COATS Five dollars will hold any coat until fall. Slake money by buying now! G OLDB LOOM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM UOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waiei Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.o Box 19 Hyde Transfer Light Delivery Service PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue All youngsters love to hear Kellogg's Rice Krispies crackle in milk or cream. They love their delicious flavor too and the Mother Goose stories on the hacks of Rice Krispies packages. Buy Rice Krispies today. Sold hy grocers everywhere. Made hy Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality RICE KRISPIES 5 pi guaranteed. SO CRISP they actually crackle in milk or w cream Aircraft Service FOUR PASSENGERS WANTED for flight to Terrace or Smithers. Plane leaving tomorrow, weather permitting. PACIFIC- AIRWAYS For information enquire Union Oil Dock or Phone 32 Taxi Chas. Elliott, Pilot Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial health officer, Inspector of hospitals and travelling chest specialist, and Miss J. B. Peters R.N., clinic nurse, JONES Family PHONE 957 Shoulder of Veal per lb r Legs of Veal per lb Rump Roast of Veal I per lb. '. ... ;Veal Chops : per lb ! Stew Veal, 2 lbs. & I 1 tin of Peas i .Rump Roast of Beef, 6 lbs. j & 5 lbs. New Spuds T-Bone Roast of Beef, 4 lbs. & 5 lbs. New Spuds Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 5 lbs. New Spuds Pot Roast' of Beef per lb Corn Beef per lb I Frying Chickens- each to' Stewart and Premier. They will return here next Tuesday on the Catala from the north and during i the week, will hold a chest clinic here. Market Shoulder of Lamb per lb ' Legs of Lamb per lb Loin of Lamb per lb Lamb Chops per lb ............. PHONE 95i Saturday Specials 15c 30c 25c 25c 10c 18c 15c 20c 25c $1 SI $1 10c 5c 50c With Purchase of Meat Only Swift's Jewel Shortening "i ff p nor 1h JLtJl Burns' Bakeasy per lb ,Sunnjhrook Butter per lb. 15c 25c WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With a capacity list of passengers consisting principally of round trip tourists now that the Alaska travel season is on in full swing. C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from Van couver and sailed a couple of hours t later for Skagway and other nor- j them points whence she is sche- duled to call here next Wednesday afternoon on her return south-j bound. The vessel had 225 passen-, Jgers in all. There weie none for here. Two went norfch from this port. Halibut prices in Seattle fell back to an average of 8 Vic yesterday when five western and, three local boats disposed of catches totalling 216,000 pounds. Sales for the day were as follows: Pioneer, 40,000, were passengers abo.rd the Prince 'sebastian-Stuart, George today" going through After unloading a catch of halibut at Seattle yesterday, the well known schooner Grant was taken to a repair yard in Ballard where she will undergo an extensive over hauling. 85eC and 8c; Grant, 39,000, Whiz, 9c and 8 Vic; r I Bringing in a good-sized list of ! passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived' linjiort on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox; and Stewart whence she will return 1 here tomorrow evening south bound. Seymour, 39,000, Washington, VAz and 7Vic; Portlock, 33,000, Booth, 83,ic and 8c; Coolldge, 25,000, San Juan, 83,ic and 8c; Curlew, 15,000, New England, 8c and 7 Vic; Eastern, 17,500, San Juan, 9c and 7 Vic; Merit, 8,000, San Juan, 8c and 7 Vic. Launching of. a new 86-foot pilchard seiner to be named the Va-chon took place yesterday in Seattle for Edwards brothers, who are well known in Puget Sound halibut fishing circles. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, will be quite late in arriving tonight from the south probably close to midnight, it is expected. The vessel is making her Skeena River calls this afternoor as follows: Claxton, 1:45; Carlisle, 2:45; Haysport, 3:45; Poit t-ssingion, &:id; uassiar, 7 p.m.; Sunnyslde, 7:30 p.m.; North Paci fic, 7:45 p.m.; Inverness, 8:10, Porcher Island, 9 p.m. PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye "TILLIE THE TOILER" PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Mrs. K 2 J J I2IML1 nil the Gulta PerchaH dealer before L you buy H Shower For Miss Thelma Skinner J. E. Boddie and Miss Dorothy Rushbrook Hostesses at Delightful Affair Despite yesterday's inclement weather a pretty event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddie, Eighth Avenue East, the affair being a joint shower arranged by Mrs. Boddie and Miss Dorothy Rushbrook in honor of Miss Thelma Skinner, whose marriage to Wilfred McLean of Seal Cove is soon to be solemnized The color scheme throughout in flowers, decorations and refreshments was in pink and white and was charming in effect. The many useful and beautiful gifts were wheeled in on a tea wagon and, as the bride-elect un wrapped the presents for the in spectlon of the guests, she thanked the donors in a graceful little speech for their many kindnesses. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. George Kelsey and Mrs. Skinner Mrs. J. W. Nicholls, Mrs. George Kelsey and Mrs. McLean poured, while Miss Rita McLean, Mis, Annie Boddie and Miss Dorothv Rushbrook acted as serviteurs Little Miss May Skinner ushered! in the guests. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert H. P. Cahlll, A. h. Perry, K. Mut- ata, S. Fukahawa, T. Takerchl and A. R. Knight, Vancouver; C. J. Lee, Calgary; Hy Whlttaker, Victoria. Royal R. Hanson, city; F. C. Hamilton. Vancouver. Knox R. G. Cunningham and E. T. Taft, Prince Rupert; A V. L. Bcrt-elscn, C.N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. N. McCartney and A. Johnston, Surf Point; T. H. Scott and T. H. Walsh, Terrace; John Walker, Port Inspector and Mrs. John A iFraser will sail tomorrow evening jon the Prince George for a vacation trip to Seattle and elsewhere 'in the south. INCLINED TO BE LEFTIST, PRE Reflections TEE-Hee) r UmaI 38m (MACvfcUME GOV To Do ' HO- SS& y- y-1 SCMETHINS-TVW KUtiTACrtB ,cr HQjf .fyi IWF-Syi is too FUMNtftoft NiORos MIER rATTULLO, HOWEVER, SEES NO SHORT CUT TO PROSPERITY; GIVES ADDRESS. Continued from Pace I! being made socially and politically and. this must be recognized. The iifflculty was that financial eco- where he lived prior to coming to Prince Rupert 27 years ago. Fish Swallows Duck EDMONTON, July 10: (CP) A duck, two weeks' bid and measuring nine Inches from beak to feet was found inside an 18-inch pike when opened at the Edmonton market. The fish was caught at Burns Lake, 90 miles north of here. Each pad will kill Hie all da? and every day for three weeks. 3 pail in earh packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET at Druggitti, Grocer$, General Stores. WHY PAY MORE? TUB WILSON FLY PAD CO., Himilion, Oat. Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store In Connection MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ROMANTIC THRILLER "Robin Hood of Eldorado," Willi j Warner Baxter, Here lms Week-end I nnmv had not keDt nace with in- . uniio ort.inn romance of n - dustrial advancement. All were! nf the most stirring eras ol , capitalists to a degree and this was, Amerlca.s frontier history, the hat made for stability. There was; roarmg Caiif0mia days of '49, no country in the world in which ,.nnhin Hood of Eldorado," star- here was less excuse for unem- rJng Warner Baxter, comes to the )loyment than Canada. Tnere was screen 0( the Capitol Theatre as plenty of work to be done. In the thp fpature offering this week-end United States Roosevelt had been It dcals wjth the heartaches, the up against a diiferent proposition. romances. the joys and the sor- There the banking system was not rows 0f an absorbing charaiter- sminrt and. with banks evervwhere innin Mnrrlpta who left h!: eoine to the wall, it was necessary namo written laree in the early for the President to take vigorous history of the Golden State, and oromnt action. In Canada the Warner Baxter plays in hi 'banks were on a sound footing be- usuai dashing manner the role of ause the government of the coun- the good-bad man who rode llkt trv was behind them. an avenging ansel througn in. ..... old towns, leading a wild outlaw Hospital Extension a Qf fouf hundred men. The Mentioning local needs which rni blends romance with fierce-; I would improve the employment ness tenderness with hate. situation, Mr. Pattullo said they Were planning to place a proposal before the legislature for a grant to the Prince Rupert Hospital. This would help to provide employment. The relief system was absolutely vicious. He said he had met many young men all .of whom had stated that all they wanted Was a chance to work. True there were a few people who would like to be always on relief but only a few. He still maintained that the employment problem was still the most outstanding problem in Can ada The supporting cast inciuacs Ann T.nrinir. a newcomer, wnoi demonstrates d r a m a ti c depth: Margo, the Spanish dancing beuty. who has become a dramatic act ress: Bruce Cabot. Eric Linden nharles Trowbrldze. Harvey Ste phens and others. Spectacularly produced, the abounds with thrills and ro mance. Extend Air Lines CANBERRA, Aust., July 10: (CPt The Australian government has The Premier thanked the people before it proposals for the devel- of Prince Rupert for.their leniency opment of Australian air servic-. with him as their member. They These include the linking of Aus knew that he had so much to do it was impossible to spend much time tralia with New Zealand and the United States and the extension of with them. He also was keen to, existing air mall service visn aiewari, Alice Arm, lerrace and- Queen Charlotte Islands. He W. J. Sloan of Stewart, who ha' , i . ..i.u ki. u been on a trip to Vancouver. i "turning north aboard the Prin stamping grounds at Dawson j George today. Friday, July 10, 1936 Mrs. Jack Gurvich and son will sail tomorrow night on the Prlncs George for a trip to Vancouver TONIGHT and SATURDAY Liist Complete Show. 9:08 LOVER PATRIOT ISANIHT The World Has Never Known His Equal! WARNER BAXTER in - - 'Robin Hood Of Eldorado" Ruling an empire with a six shooter for a sceptre . and a beautiful woman sharlri his exploits! Out of true life come-, this figure of romance . . . Murrleta the Mishty the bandit who defied a na tion . . spurred on by love . . . and ventseance! And whit a giant production they've made of it Till' SUPREME OUTDOOR ROMANCE OF THK YEAR! - with - Ann LOItlNO, Hruce CAROT, And Cast of 1000's At7:42 & 9:50) ADDED MICKEY MOUSE'S POLO TEAM Fitzpatrirk Travel "HISTORIC MEXICO CITY- JACK DENNY AND HIS ORCHESTRA World News GOOD FOR ONE FULL-SIZtD PACKAGE OF BRAID'S mmmi JELLY POWDER HAND THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER KLIV fOOC IAKING COM TIA . COFftE VKK IXTIACTJ BRAIB, TOCR & COMPART lid. VAMCOUVH, t C TO m, tt t a in, GROCERS "wiih WJ.i Surf bathing at Tlell, B.C. (below). TEE-HEE. MACUWE TuST GOT TO DO OMEHING-THIS SO rUMNy TS (SETTING SEfS-IOUS I SEE t THOUGHT . tin tdlna tyndiau. Inc. V.O.U n,tu tmj EmI 2n PLAIN JANEwJIM C-K-W-X EVERY MOWING AT 3 '35 The m Dunes liSiii Spend your vacation amidst the beautiful surroundings of Tlell at "THE DUNES" (above) at reasonable cost. Write for literature & rates to- MADAM KA.JAUT Tlell, B.C. By Westover aJOVje1 V AtfA HAV4-1 rKliL